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Everything posted by DaBills51

  1. He was hurt behind the line of scrimmage by a late push. Could have happened to even a Kyle Orton like QB, but great point. 👍
  2. I agree. And the blatant trying to make up for the mistakes makes it even worse. Just because they blew the call with this whistle doesn't give them leeway to BS a call to make up for it. Gene's crew should be suspended.
  3. Love that Tirico just said what a screwed up night for officiating. This is why all those preface posts about officiating came up....because officiating is a mess right now in the NFL and it's ruining the game.
  4. And the refs killed about 30 seconds of clock total on that last drive.
  5. If Watkins wasn't touched how is that not out of bounds?
  6. Taylor needs to try at least one. If he doesn't there's no defense for that.
  7. You can tell by the way Taylor threw that he can't throw.
  8. I agree. Less than 1:39 with no timeouts you can't call in the plays. That's on the coaches. They need to give Taylor some control.
  9. It's been an issue all year and the nfl has said its been on the Bills and I believe it. Someone is incompetent and needs to be canned.
  10. No reason to not put someone else back there. Just bull headed.
  11. Hopefully the Pats play man and keep 2 or 3 deep to give Taykor some easy 10+ yard chunks on the ground. Best chance to get into position for a chance at the end zone.
  12. Would like to see Tyrod warming up. You'd think the coaches would want to see him throw.
  13. Why do we still have a safety deep? Are you kidding me.
  14. One timeout left down two scores and they let the play clock go to sub 5 seconds on every play that drive. That's happened multiple times this year too.
  15. Not snapping the ball until less than 5 seconds every time is a joke.
  16. Bills lose time and field position. No reason to not go for it at the 50.
  17. I dont care how well the defense has played. You're down by two scores against a HOF QB...you have to go for it there.
  18. Everyone has seen it all night. He can not be back there. Ridiculous.
  19. Taylor was throwing to Clay who should have sat in the soft spot of the zone.
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