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Posts posted by TallskiWallski83

  1. I think it benefits the Bills at this point to table negotiations with Gilmore to the offseason. The guy wants to be paid top dollar, let him go out there and play his ass off for us and prove to the league he is worth it. We still have the franchise tag we can fall back on if he turns in a defensive MVP type season, so we still will have plenty of leverage.

    The Bills need to be smart with their $. Tyrod is going to hit a lot of his incentives and Sammy Watkins is going to command one of the richest WR contracts in NFL history soon. We are going to be losing talented players one way or another so perhaps a position like CB is one we can afford to let walk because we have talent in the pipeline.

    I do know this: Rex's defense relies on great CB play, so we better be sure Darby ready to be a true #1 before we let GIlmore go.

  2. Quick summary of the first episode: Goff is a moron, Fisher is a mediocre coach and a strict !@#$, the Rams will finish 7-9, 8-8, or 9-7 this year and Fisher will be fired.

    Idk how a guy can be so medicore for so long and still be so highly regarded around the league.

  3. Maybe I have ridden Tannehill too hard, but I don't doubt his arm strength. It just seems like Philbin (and now Gase) seem determined to keep at the dink and dunk.


    Now, that can work. Brady can do it. Chip Kelly rode that for two years using Foles when they had DJax or Maclin. But Miami hasn't added any receivers or TE's. Maybe Wallace was overpaid but they sure missed him.


    They added Foster, who has been seriously banged up, and Tunsil is currently buried in the depth chart at guard. Other than that, I don't see any difference in personel for the 26th ranked offense last year.


    Maybe Gase is a genius, but if they do exactly what they did last year scheme wise, I am completely fine with that right now.

    I'm not someone who thinks the dolphins are good. But you need to watch davonte parkers highlight tape on YouTube. He was their first rounder last year and dudes a beast. He's gonna make plays this year

  4. Idk if it's ever been confirmed but Edelman likely had a jones fracture last year and had screws put in. I believe he even needed a second surgery in May. This Sounds like one of the screws may have come loose, again, and he's suffered a setback. May need additional surgery which will require another 8 weeks or so to heal. Same injury that Dez Bryant had issues with last year

  5. So you made that diagnosis based on what you've read? Although much maligned of late I'm guessing the Bills medical staff have actually examined Seymour.

    I hope this kid makes it.


    So you made that diagnosis based on what you've read? Although much maligned of late I'm guessing the Bills medical staff have actually examined Seymour.

    I hope this kid makes it.

    Im not making a diagnosis, I'm taking a guess based on limited information provided by the article. The quote in particular:


    That qualifies as moderate visual impairment. Even worse the vision in his right eye was poorer than the vision in his left eye. The optometrist told Seymour that with impaired vision of differing degrees in both eyes that his depth perception would be severely off.
    Why he was more comfortable playing left cornerback where he would track passes over his left shoulder with his less impaired left eye, than at right cornerback where his right eye was completely unreliable. Why he couldn’t find the ball in the lights during night games.


    If you have a significant difference in prescription between your two eyes as a child, the brain may pick one eye over the other to develop its connections with. This may result in a loss of visual acuity in the weaker eye that can become permanent if not treated properly while you are a child. I.E. No matter what Seymour does to corrrect his vision now, his right eye probably is not capable of 20/20 like his left is, and thus he may still suffer from poor tracking and depth perception to an extent that remains to be seen.



    Source: I'm an eye doctor in real life


  6. Im willing to bet his vision issues go deeper than not just having 20/20 vision. The part of the article talks about how he had trouble tracking the ball over one shoulder more than the other, this suggests to me that one of his eyes isnt fully correctable and suffers from amblyopia or "lazy eye"

    Im sure he has reduced depth perception. Hopefully the jump up to having his vision corrected as best as it can be will help him overcome his previous struggles.

  7. Throw in a pretty desperate contract to Percy Harvin last season and you get a clear picture of what's going on with this organization. They've been trying to get a viable deep threat opposite Watkins. Rewatch the KC game to see what it could mean to his success. His first half was unreal. Just incredible. But he got shut out in the second half. The difference was coverage. The safety was consistiently late to help in the first half. Sammy's speed was a big part of why. Taylor also put the ball in good spots for him on many of the throws. But the typical coverage in the second half was the CB playing press and the safety over the top of Sammy. Safety help was right there. Defenses can't be allowed to do that to him. A deep threat is desperately needed across from him.


    I get what the Bills did in the offseason. They kept Glenn, Incognito and Gilmore. That's reasonable and it's what I wanted. They had a choice in the draft - 1) go all out to fix the offense, 2) go all out to fix the defense or 3) split the help. They chose #2. I'd have chosen #1, but their choice is one I understand - especially with the defensive line depth in this draft. My main reason for wanting to go offense is that I want to know what I have in Taylor this season. I didn't want to risk him failing because of his supporting cast.


    This is a run oriented team on offense. A first round rookie WR would be at best your WR2 and youre looking at maybe 60-70 targets and 40-50 catches over the season. Just not enough impact to justify offense over defense in the draft.


    Now you can argue that a half year of Lawson is going to have even less impact that a WR would and I tend to agree.

  8. Everything in cyclical. Teams are loading up on smaller quicker defenders to match with spread passing offenses. Teams that play a smash mouth rushing offense can exploit this weakness.


    The problem with run based teams is they have enormous variance in production from year to year. Also, it is harder for a run oriented team to come back from a deficit than a pass oriented team.

  9. Im not sure how many of you guys know of this excellent site, so I thought I would share. The site is run by a Bills/Sabres fan and he breaks down tons of All-22 footage, including many of the draft prospects for 2016. The analysis is very in depth and he breaks down why or why not each player would be a good candidate for the Bills to draft.

    Do yourself a favor and check it out. His stuff is seriously impressive.

    Home Page: http://www.cover1.net/
    Draft Page: http://www.cover1.net/category/nfl-draft-2016-prospects/

  10. Rex earlier in the day: I don't want to publicize where I stand in politics






    This guy just keeps putting his own foot in his mouth, over and over and over and over again. Then he goes and applauds Trump because hes not afraid to speak his mind.






    Jesus christ. Rant over. Thanks for reading.

  11. Look, we have a perfectly fine stadium. I agree, one day, it will probably make sense for Buffalo to build a stadium downtown. But it will make sense for BUFFALO, not the goddamn NFL. I am so sick of these mind numbingly rich bastards holding cities hostage for huge sums of tax payer dollars to finance their pet projects. Make no mistake, these owners are the same guys who allowed Stan Kroenke to screw over this city of St. Louis and their loyal fans and move a team to L.A. We were supposed to be the Rams the last damn 20 years, I think us Bills fans have a good understanding of what the NFL really stands for.

    How much money does the NFL need to make before its enough? Its a joke to hear about INCOME INEQUALITY among the 32 NFL teams, its like a minature model of ACTUAL AMERICA "mmmm ahhh yes we have 5 teams that are worth several billion dollars but unfortunately our bottom teams are only worth almost a billion dollars....we need the fans to pony up for our giants stadiums so we can charge them thousands of dollars for PSL's and box seats, $15 beers and $300 jerseys, and if you cant afford it, well...you gotta get directv or youre not allowed to watch it."

    get the ***** out of here. This leagues greed will be its ultimate demise. They are alienating the average fan.

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