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Posts posted by TallskiWallski83

  1. Everyone is going bonkers over last night's game and I don't understand it. Yes, big plays and scoring are exciting but it waters down the product. How am I supposed to get excited over a 60 yard bomb when it seems to happen every drive? What makes football exciting to me is the build up to a big play, a back and forth chess match between offense and defense. Where each yard on offense is earned, not given. Where big time players rise up to the occasion and make a spectacular play to win their team the game. Last night's game was just a back and forth scorefest that ended with a anticlimactic ending. Defense means nothing and everyone scores at will, the team that loses is the team that gets the ball last without enough time on the clock. It's just a random way to end a game and I don't understand why people enjoy it. Im 31 years old and I sound like a grandpa here, but this new age football just doesn't do it for me. 

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  2. Evan Silva is off his rocker. I used to think he was an informed football mind, but started to question him after listening to him on fantasy football podcasts. The guy went on a 15 minute rant last year about how the Cleveland browns franchise was ahead of the rest of the league with analytics and everyone conspired against them because the NFL is the "good ole boys" club and they don't want analytics to break their scouting model. He then raved about Cleveland's draft class from the previous two years and the browns went then went 0-16 on the season 


    Give it a listen at the 51 minute mark



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  3. I am still not convinced any of our offensive coordinators have tapped into tyrod Taylor's full potential as a QB. I'm not talking about him making throws over the middle. I'm talking about a complete system that focuses on his speed, athleticism as a runner and his deep ball accuracy. I think a coach who could maximize his potential, paired with a defense much like what Jax has, has the potential to win a Superbowl 

  4. The refs incorrectly spotted Lewis short, that was very clear. What is mind boggling is how they can determine from the replay he got the INCHES required for a first down. We all saw the camera angle, it was incredibly close, but I have no idea how you can say with 100% certainty he got the line to gain. At the very least they should have re-spotted the ball and measured with the chains...why didn't that happen?

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  5. Id like to add:

    - Moving the kickoff 5 yards forward has resulted in hardly any kickoff returns . People complain that now we don't see  any kick return touchdowns but the bigger problem is starting field position. It used to be that a team with great special teams or a great kick returner  would consistently gain better field position to start your drives. Why does this matter? A team with a below average QB is way less likely to score a touchdown on drives that require more first downs. Long scoring drives require consistent yardage gains and execution and a team with a poor QB  play relies more heavily on good starting field position to score touchdowns.  Teams like the Chiefs with Dante Hall and the Bears with Devin Hester used to thrive on field position and it led to successful drives for their below average QBS. 


    The game has three phases: Offense, Defense, Special Teams.  Removing kickoffs reduced the role of special teams in the outcomes of games and tilted it more in favor of offense.

    It sucks they got rid of kickoff returns. They are one of the most exciting plays in football and now they are shell of what they used to be.

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  6. No. He started Peterman because it was the right decision at the time. I'm as big of a Tyrod fan as anyone and even I agreed someone else had to start after watching the saints game atrocity. I dont think anyone could have foreseen how much the decision would blow up though, it was a complete and utter disaster in every possible way. The game got out of hand and it snowballed from their.  Nate Peterman hit rock bottom on his first start and thus can only have better days ahead of him...I'm curious to see if McDermott doubles down on his bet because its the only way he can redeem all of this.

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  7. I think for the long term benefit of the franchise you have to bring Tyrod back. $16 million isnt outrageous for a starting QB and he would be the perfect bridge QB to whomever they draft. Tyrod plays smart, doesnt turn the ball over, is a consumate professional and his teammates love him. Not to mention HE IS WINNING GAMES. Why would u get rid of that?

  8. That was a great player making a great play. Even when those plays happen against your team, its hard to be mad because it is pure football at its finest. White was right there with him and he forced a technically difficult catch..... Evans just barely scraped down his foot to get two in there. I dont think theres anything else White could've done, other than make the game winning play minutes later. To me, that was more impressive than the catch.

  9. Theyre not trading tyrod. You cant say youre trying to win this season and then turn around and trade your respected veteran QB with 2 years starting experience and go into the season with only a rookie and TJ Yates.

    The tipped pass INT was excusable, the 2nd INT boldin slipped running his route and wasnt where he was supposed to be. It did look like Tyrod threw the ball a bit off, but boldin should have been at least in position to contest or knock down the pass.

  10. chris hogan caught downfield passes. people are overreacting when we do still have guys that can get downfield and catch some balls.

    Ironically enough Chris Hogans combine measurables surpass Sammys in many categories as well.


    What makes sammy watkins and elite WR is his ability to contourt his body effortlessly while running in full speed and catch the ball. He also is a refined route runner who can cut on a dime and accelerate upfield.

  11. Tyrod Taylor:

    "Being in this league seven years, every day that you step into a building, it could be your last day," Taylor said. "Things happen around the league. Like I said, just surprised but I wish Sammy [Watkins] the best. I haven’t had the chance to talk to him. I will call him tonight. It’s been a fast day but I’m definitely surprised.

    "I have faith in our management and I have faith in Coach McDermott that they made a decision based on the betterment of this team. Like I said, definitely just surprised that everything happened. It just happened so fast. He was with a guy yesterday, seeing him this morning and then everything is sprung on you. Like I said, it’s the nature of this business and you’ve got to continue moving forward. Our focus as a team is still the same thing – to go out and win games. We have to continue to keep focusing on that each day."

    Kyle Williams:

    "I’ve been around long enough to know that the only constant thing is change," Williams said. "Nothing totally shocks me anymore, but I was a little bit surprised this morning.

    "I was actually just talking to somebody about it. You could view it one way from my perspective, if we got a pick this year, two two years from now for both picks. We’re actually getting guys that are coming back to play those positions so I don’t scout and evaluate guys, so we’re actually getting people back and some picks. I know more than anything that my attitude and my leadership and the way that I work cant change because of it changes, guys change and above all that, I trust Sean [McDermott]. I’m going to do what I’ve always done and I’m going to go out there and get ready to win."

    Zay Jones:


    "I don’t think anyone can place some of the things that Sammy has done for me, just being a rookie," Jones said. "You know, my first year, like I said, he was one of the first guys that I met and he was there for me, really helped me through that process. Sad to see him leave, but got to look forward. We have a great team, still some solid vets on here. They’re going to help and lead the way, so its going to a good time."

    "I feel I was brought here for a reason, that’s to help this football team. So whatever my job is, that’s I’m going to do it to the best of my ability. Outside people may see it as that, but its just going out and doing my job each and everyday."


    Anquan Boldin:

    "For me, I would have loved to have played alongside Sammy, but that wasn't the reason I signed here," Boldin said. "The reason I signed here is the guys who are still here. I believe in coach Sean and what he's doing and the direction that this organization is headed in. Even if Sammy hadn't been here when I came on my visit, I still would have signed."

    Eric Wood:

    "When you see a guy of that caliber get traded, it kind of makes you think about your job security," Wood said. "Especially younger guys that are new to this business. But that's reality. There's a lot of turnover in this business. They're making decision that they think are best for this team. I'm not in charge. I stay in my lane."


    "In the extreme short-term it was sad," Wood said. "You say good bye to a buddy in Sammy and Darby. That's sad, but it's your job to play football and be the best player you can be and help this team win. We went out and had an awesome practice and I don't think anyone was dragging around out there."

    LeSean McCoy:
    "I texted him, I’m going to talk to him. Sammy’s one of those guys where he’s been like a superstar his whole life and he hasn’t had a real older mentor that has done more than him that can really give him advice. It’s one thing to take advice from an older guy that he’s probably better than or have done more than, with a guy that can really talk about success on the field and off the field and listen to him, and that’s something that we’ve been developing over the short period of time here. He looked good. He looked mentally ready and physically healthy, but I’m sure he’s hurt. I’ve been there and you kind of get traded. It’s a business. It’s a business and he has to understand that. But I can understand that type of way he feels, being traded for a guy that he’s probably better than. I understand him. But, he’ll be alright. It’s a business. He’ll go over and have a pretty good year and then in a year or two, you won’t even talk about it. That’s how it works."




    After such a big move by the team its amazing to hear these types of responses from the players. These sound like men who have totally bought into McDermott and a team first mentality. I cant help but get patriots vibes after reading these. These are the same things patriots players said when Chandler Jones and Logan Mankins were traded. In a way this trade on the surface has appeared to actually improved the resolve and bond amongst the men in the locker room towards having a successful season. They sound like guys who are on a mission.

    Or maybe im just a homer.


  12. seems like nobody is answering the question of the thread


    will the bills be able to resign these guys? matthews especially. if youre going to give up on what still could be a top elite wr like sammy you better at least retain the above average starter you traded to replace him. same logic with gaines if hes any good

    Thats where the major risk is in this trade, Id be much happier with the trade if both of these guys has 2-3 years left on their deals. Right now both of these guys could have amazing years and decide to walk in free agency, and then Sammy and Darby could also play amazing and resign with their new teams, and we look like huge huge fools.


    Again, this was an extremely risky trade. It had the potential to upset the fan base and locker room. Both players acquired can walk in 1 year, the only safety net is a 2nd and 3rd. Is that appropriate value for the worst case scenario?

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