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Posts posted by TallskiWallski83


    You do know that the bills are a the number one rushing team because of tyrod as well right? He gets yards himself. He opens holes for shady because defences respect him. The bills play calls are heavy run because that is their strength. They are not a passing team. Part of the reason is because Tyrod is not a great passer. And part is because their offensive game plan. But you can't discount Tyrod when the bills get a lot of rushing yards, because a lot of the time that is him, or the defence to respect him as a runner which opens up holes


    I agree sir. Glad I got someone on the same page as me

    And in defense of Tyrod, he is done what is asked of him by the coaches. We do not know what a heavy passing attack looks like with Tyrod or how good he would be in one because it hasnt been attempted yet. Yes, we run the ball effectively but we also have a gamebreaker WR who we have not been able to tap into yet. I believe Lynn would be able to work on this in the offseason (assuming he ultimately becomes HC). Games like today and vs Seattle show what he could be capable of if he develops more consistency.

  2. Almost 600 yards of offence and the bills still lost.. I for one have had disagreements with a few posters here about what's more of a problem, the offence or defence. This game should clearly show that the defence/coaching are the main problems on this team.


    I am not saying that Tyrod is the franchise guy that is going to lead the bills to the promise land. But he is easily good enough to get into the playoffs if you have the support around him. Alex smith gets 10-11 wins every year, and I am not sold at all that he is better than Tyrod. He has better coaching and a 10 times better defence.


    A lot of people want Tyrod gone next year and think we will be better without him. I could not disagree more with that, as this defence and coaching staff is an absolute joke. Like I said, he is no means a great QB and I do think we should draft a QB next year, but he is not the reason why the bills are 7 and 8 as there are much bigger problems on this team. Pick up his option next year, fire that clown as a head coach, fix the defence and you probably have a playoff team.


    In saying this, Merry chirstmas everyone and hope everybody enjoys the holidays



    I couldnt agree more with what you have said. This^^^^^^^^^ is what Im praying Pegula is thinking.I would also like to add that I am starting to feel similar about Anthony Lynn, and that for continuity sake promote him to HC. He took over this offense two weeks into the season and saved our season. He has produced great gameplans and the players love and respect him. He seems to be the disciplined leader this team so desperately craves. Just imagine what he could do with a full offseason of work. I think hes going to be a hot candidate for other teams to poach. Pegula should fire Rex monday and name Lynn the interim coach, then work immediately on signing him to a long term deal.



  3. So it's his first game back. He hasn't been able to run in over 8 weeks and his conditioning was poor. It was reported before the game he would be on a snap count. Lynn targeted him to jumpstart our crappy offense, he caught a huge bomb, drew a critical pass interference penalty and was a critical factor in us winning the game. Also, he did not suffer any setbacks and should be all systems go for the most important game of the season.



    And you're unhappy with 3 catches for 80?!!!!



    It could not have gone any better my friend

  4. Its frustrating watching our defense for sure. We do not generate a lot of pressure with just a 4 man rush, Jerry Hughes seems to have dissapeared after such a hot start. I think you can break it down like this:

    1. We are extremely talent deficient at safety without A Williams
    2. We were thin at LB before the season began, then we lost Ragland. We have been depending on two unheralded free agent signings in Lorenzo Alexander and Zach Brown, and I'll give you that they have SERIOUSLY EXCEEDING all of our expectations, but they still are not elite talents.

    3. Shaq Lawson is a rookie out there and missed out on a lot of important practice reps.

    4. Dareus has missed half the season
    5. Stephon Gilmore has really stepped up his game the last few weeks, but him and Darby have not been the shut out forces we expected.

  5. It was very early in the game and it was 0-0, I dont mind the call. You dont want to give away momentum by not converting and when youre up against an offensive powerhouse team like the cardinals every point counts. Our team was 0-2, has struggled mightily in short yardage situations, and the fans in the stands would totally become dejected if we didnt convert. Take the lead and defend it and build on it. Control the game flow...thats what we did and surprise, we won.


  6. I think EJ was behind center for a 4th and 1 because he's the biggest guy we have behind the LOS

    Yeah and that's also idiocy because any fan who's been watching knows that everytime EJ comes on the field in the situation the bills are going to either A. Qb sneak B . Not snap the ball. See: Bills vs Jags for evidence.


    If I as a fan can see the idiocy of the decision making and strategy, how do you think the players and their leader by all accounts (Tyrod) feel?


    With better clock management and decsion making in the situation with EJ the bills get the ball down by 6 with about a min and 30 left on the clock and a chance to win the game still.

  7. Late play calls to the huddle. EJ manual behind center at a critically important time of the game, lack of emphasis on Sammy, poor clock management, no rollouts, no bootlegs, no wildcat, no screens to Wrs, no pick routes , no timing passing plays ....


    Maybe tyrod was frustrated, maybe the players were frustrated. Maybe Tyrod didn't feel that Roman wasn't utilizing his skillset as a player and decided to be a leader and do something about it. Rex and Tyrod are tied together at this point. The only way to save eachother is to save the offense. Get the ball to your playmakers




    Edit: fixed title from Rex to pegulas

  8. Jesus Christ i feel so much better about this whole foot thing after listening to Sammy talk about it personally. It sounds like he just went 100% the whole game and you know....he did have a jones fracture....he started to feel some pain in his foot so he got an Xray to make sure all the screws/bones were still in place. Its great to hear he thinks it will continue to get better each week as it acclimates to the stress he puts on it running his routes.

    Now I think i can sleep peacefully.

  9. Heres the comprehensive list of most athletic QBs:


    Old School: John Elway, Randall Cunningham, Fran Tarkenton, Steve Young, Greg Landry, Jim Harbaugh.

    Middle School: Michael Vick, , Kordell Stewart, Daunte Culpepper, Donovan Mcnabb, Steve McNair,

    New School:Cam Newton, Tyrod Taylor, Russell Wilson, Marcus Mariota,

  10. Who the heck is out there they could attempt to sign?

    Bart Scott? Would be really nice to get his obnoxious commentary off the NFL pregame show

    Lamarr Woodley? 31

    AJ Hawk 32

    Demeco Ryans 32
    Jason Babib? 36

    Tarpley or Reddick?

    Tulloch? 31

    Casey Mathews 27

    It looks like were in big trouble at the position and Whaley has his work cut out for him. Better hope were able to find some gem off another teams practice squad or roster cuts. Maybe we can even trade one of our RB's like Jonathan or Karlos to help shore up the position

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