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Posts posted by ExWNYer

  1. I misunderstood the concept at first but understand it now, after trying. I only answered the 3,000+ yard passing season column because I was too obtuse to understand that they wanted players who played for the two teams in the intersecting grids and kept entering QBs after I got the 3,000+ column right. 🤦‍♂️ As a result I only got Bernie Kosar (Browns, 19%), Daryle Lamonica (Raiders, 1%), & Joe Ferguson (Bills, 1%) for a total of 621.

  2. 8 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:


    I noticed this the other day. Makes it look like Pete just hits mistakes





    Seems like he's been lost at the plate forever but has shown some signs lately that maybe he's starting to come out of it. He's something like 9-19 over the last several games,including two bombs against the hated Skanks last night. Prior to this little stretch, he couldn't buy a hit. We'll see if he keeps it up or backslides and thuds suddenly as seemingly every other Mets 'streak' of some kind has this season.


    BTW, sad when one of the few highlights of the year following a 101 win season is a 9-3 drubbing of New York AL in late July.

  3. 6 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    He did it off-site tho, whatever that means.  


    I'm curious what he did to suffer a season-ender offsite.  




    Look at the Tweet from Tom Pelissero in the post immediately preceding yours.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. On 7/20/2023 at 7:57 PM, Another Fan said:

    @ExWNYer @Gugny   @SinceThe70s


    Good content as usual.  I'm pretty checked out from this year though.  


    I had not heard his name in a while





    That trade may not go down as horribly over time.  


    On 7/20/2023 at 10:57 PM, SinceThe70s said:


    Great point. There's always a rush to judgement on trades but this one has taken some serious twists and turns. Kelenic would have to become a perennial all-star before this trade would look bad to me - and that would still only be if Diaz doesn't return to a semblance of last year.


    On a separate note @ExWNYer @Gugny - have any of you checked out the latest daily puzzle: Immaculate Grid https://www.immaculategrid.com/


    It's a lot of fun. I rarely go 9-9. What's fun for me is comparing notes with my boys. They kill me with the current players and I kill them with the old timers. They've labeled players that played for a ton of teams 'cheat codes'. Good times.


    1 hour ago, SinceThe70s said:

    @Another Fan @ExWNYer @Gugny


    I saw today that Guillorme went on the IL and figured it might open up an opportunity for Mauricio.  Instead they called up journeyman Mendick. In fairness I don't pay attention to the minors so maybe there's a good reason but with Marte, Pham and Guillorme all on the shelf I thought we might see Mauricio. At the least I hope it opens up at bats for Vientos. 






    I saw that Kelenic broke his foot in a fit of anger. Sucks for him but I get it when these competitive guys  lose it in the heat of the moment. I'm sure he wishes he had that one back.


    I don't have an issue with Kelenic being traded but I have an issue with Kelenic being included in that trade, if that makes sense. Shipping away Kelenic for Diaz was not the problem but taking back a washed up Robbie Cano with that albatross of a contract was ridiculous. The Mets did Seattle a huge favor by getting Cano off of their books and those kinds of salary dumps almost always mean that the acquiring team gives up a prospect(s) who is not one of the top in the organization. Kelenic could have been used to acquire another integral piece, if they were willing to trade him. Yet another in a long line of Metsy moves by their former GM.


    RE: Guillorme...you know it's going poorly when your backup players are dropping like flies, too. Like you @SinceThe70s, I would have loved to have seen Mauricio called up but if he's going to languish on the bench like Vientos did in his first call-up, why bother? Vientos is still not playing as much as he should during call-up #2. How can you evaluate him for the future if you're the Mets or how can opponents evaluate him for a possible trade if he is riding the pine? This team should officially be sellers in a few days and I'd like to see some of these kids, Mauricio included, getting significant time down the irrelevant stretch.


    BTW, Scherzer sh*t the bed again...4 HRs allowed in a loss. Hope you're enjoying that money, Max.    

  5. 53 minutes ago, SinceThe70s said:


    Good stuff as always. We were down by Knoxville, TN for the winning streak - and I kept my fingers off the keyboard to avoid the jinx too.


    When the Mets went up 5-0 last night I told my son that it would be a 5-4 nail biter going into the 9th. Right idea, wrong score  but that's what we've come to expect with this team. Carrasco is given 8 runs and can't make it out of the 5th. Ugh.


    I think you're probably right about the Mets standing pat and how the season will play out. The intrigue to me is Verlander/Scherzer. The thought of going into next season relying on them again is uninspiring. Plus the Mets moved up Verlander's start by a day so he'll get two starts before the trade deadline:


    The Mets are off on July 31 and 6 p.m. on Aug. 1 is the trade deadline.

    So I grabbed Showalter to ask if one plus Aug. 1 equals why Verlander was being positioned for one extra July start. He responded, “You do the math.” Then he paused and added, “Of course.”






    @Gugny @Another Fan


    Like every season...whether it's projected to be a possible World Series run or a rebuilding year...I am renewed and hopeful every Opening Day. That said, if they try to run this thing back next year with a healthy Diaz and a few minor tweaks to the bullpen, I will have a difficult time being hopeful. I would welcome Scherzer and Verlander being gone. There are several intriguing and younger FA options available after this season and I want this team to get younger while also getting better. There is just too much uncertainty with older players and having to hold your breath hoping that they will not fall off a cliff and underwhelm. They have $83 million dollars tied up in two mediocre pitchers who are supposed to be franchise guys. Unacceptable. What a shock that two stud free agent acquisitions have become turds in the punch bowl after signing with the Mets. That never seems to happen...😉 Okay, it happens almost exclusively with this team. lol I hope that this is the same fate awaiting Aaron Rodgers and the J-E-S-T, JEST! JEST!! JEST!!!


    The problem with this overpriced, under-performing cast of characters is that you just can't spin them off without eating most of their salaries and the return you'll get still won't be the higher end prospects from these other organizations attempting a playoff run. This is self-imposed purgatory courtesy of the GMing ineptitude of one Billy Eppler-lectic-fit and the Costanza-esque enormity of Steve Cohen's wallet.  

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 8 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:

    @Another Fan @ExWNYer @Gugny


    How you guys living? Hope summer is going well.


    Fun fact: my summer vacation coincided perfectly win the 6 game winning streak, lol. Lost a few games before we left town and resumed to their losing ways the day we came back.


    Any thoughts on how to approach the trade deadline? The link below is worth a read- just skip the first three paragraphs. Basic premise is that the juice isn't worth the squeeze wrt being sellers and trying to get prospects back. I think it ignores the opportunity to not start next season with Max and/or Verlander. 






    7 hours ago, Gugny said:

    I’m a little torn, but I’m leaning heavily toward standing pat. 

    Keep playing the young guys and let them get big league reps for the rest of the season. 

    Hope Verlander and Scherzer can begin next season healthy. 

    Firing Buck at this point doesn’t seem smart. 

    I think it’s just one of those seasons.


    @Another Fan


    (Disclaimer: Long post...read on at your own peril. Or don't...you might be glad you saved yourselves the time and energy)


    Hello, Gents. Just noticed that it has been almost 3 weeks since any of us has posted. I have missed our chats ( rants? 😉 ). Win (or mostly) lose, they are therapeutic. Summer has been busy but good so far. It was beautiful here up until about mid-June with low humidity and temps in the low 70s but then someone opened the blast furnace that is a Virginia summer and unleashed the hounds of hell. We are making up for it in spades...hot and humid with temps in the 90s with a decent amount of rain tossed in for good measure. Good times...not. I hate VA summers. Every time I hear some bozo say, "I LOVE the heat!", I want to slap him (or her) into next week...but I digress. Have been catching up with some friends, going to dinners and enjoying good wine, food, and company. We were also in Jamestown visiting relatives for the week of the 4th which coincided with the Mets six game win streak. Made it to Dunkirk for their outstanding fireworks display over the marina and made it up to Niagara Falls with the family, as well. We had some rain and some beautiful days, as well, but all-in-all a great, relaxing visit with almost a week's worth of Met wins. I did not post during that short-lived streak because I didn't want to jinx it and I knew it could just be an anomaly. Sure enough, as soon as I left New York state, they immediately went back to being the SOFM...


    WRT this Mets squad, I expect them to stand pat...maybe try to add a minor bullpen piece...and hope to get hot down the stretch and sneak into the last Wild Card spot. That does not inspire me and I don't see it happening anyway. This team is just too inconsistent and can't seem to pitch when they hit or hit when they pitch. It is baffling and aggravating but I think the sample size is large enough now to definitively say that this is who they are...yet another in a long, torturous line of bad &/or underachieving Mets teams. At this point, I'd be all for tearing it down to the ground and keeping only the Franciscos, Alonso, Nimmo, & Baty...and even all of them have been less than inspiring except for the young stud Alvarez who has been a godsend; however, I don't believe that Cohen's ego will allow him to let this team tank and he may end up throwing bad money after bad money. He says he wants to use money to make them competitive until they can build a robust farm system like the Dodgers or Braves and then use homegrown talent complemented with the occasional free agent stud. That sounds great in theory but he can't have it both ways. The farm is several years from being robust and they will be caught in this perpetual back-and-forth until they fully commit to a plan and stick to it. They can't be competitive with high salaried players without sacrificing prospects at the deadline to supplement those high salaried players and they can't be competitive by shedding salary and hoarding prospects who are not abundant enough and not MLB ready. It is the purgatory that comes with being a Met fan and it's beyond old at this point. BTW, can they please sit Pete for a game or two? Please?! I know they need him but he is so in his own head right now that it would take a team of psychiatrists to pull him out of there. He's hitting something like .177 for the last month and a half or so and now it's affecting his defense which was not Gold Glove level anyway. Save him from himself.


    Lastly, I did not watch any of the game last night and saw that they had won, 11-10, against an awful White Sox team. Upon further review, they had a 5-0 lead in the 1st inning...their highest scoring 1st all season...and also had 8-2 (4th inning) and 11-4 (6th inning) leads before barely hanging on for the 11-10 win with the tying and go ahead runs on 2nd & 3rd in the 9th. In a season like last year, that would probably have been an "exciting" win. This year it is just an annoying microcosm of an initially promising season gone steadily south after the first few weeks. Next year...always next year.


    Apologies for the long-winded post yet again.


    Cheers. :beer: 

  7. 6 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    These posts are funny to me. I mean if get it he’s a qb where scrubs like Daniel Jones make $40 million a year. But what do you think Shady McCoy cares about more - his 2 garbage rings or the money he made when he was a star player?


    also, I’ve long thought Tannehill is butt cheeks but D’Hop’s whole career has been playing with butt cheek qbs. Vrabel is one of the best coaches in the nfl, they have possibly the best rb in football,  aren’t that far removed from a nice playoff run, play maybe in the worst division in the nfl, and are a tough matchup for us. 

    better than him going to KC for sure but I won’t be shocked if the Titans make some noise this year despite butt cheeks Tannehill. 

    Honestly, and know they are division rivals but I’d rather him go to the Pats. I think this takes the Titans up in the afc because of their garbage division. 


    Nobody should begrudged these guys getting their money when they can. I certainly don't. But let's call it like it is. Dude is nearing the end is chasing the bag, not a championship. If you really think that Tennessee is a legit contender despite playing in a weak division, you are delusional. I never thought he was coming to the Bills and I'm just glad this whole thing is finally over and done.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Agree 2
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  8. 16 hours ago, I am leaving for good said:

    Number #6 I will go with Tom Dempsey personal choice because I am disabled in a wheelchair from birth with MD muscular dystrophy. Tom

    Dempsey was born without part of his foot and missing fingers on his one hand. He was I believe the first disabled Buffalo Bills player from birth. I get Buffalo Bills players get disabled from playing football. But Tom Dempsey had to overcome a lot to make the NFL especially considering the time period ADA Americans Disability Act didn’t come until 1990’s. Add in Tom Dempsey got complaints from NFL opposing teams about his special shoe because he made a 67 yard field goal that was a record for a while. Ironically they determined it was actually harder kicking with the special shoe not having part of his foot. He just passed away recently and no he wasn’t the greatest Buffalo Bills player ever and he wasn’t here long but I will go with him. Number #20 Joe Cribbs was a much better Buffalo Bills player than Henry Jones in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo 


    His claim to fame is kicking a then record 63 yard FG  in 1970 against the Lions. I liked him but will never forgive him for botching two FGs in the 1979 Week 1 opener at home against Miami which would have avoided the Bills "0 for the '70s" streak against them. He missed a 47 yarder (maybe the Bills should just eschew 47 yard FGs and go for it - I'm talking to you, Scott Norwood) and a very makeable 34 yarder at the end of the game that he shanked wide-left and the Bills fell, 9-7. 

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