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Everything posted by Joma

  1. Somewhere along the line they took the right away to carry blunts, too...ain't dat aboudda b**ch? I think Marshawn is the victim here!
  2. I'll be nice and back off the stupid comment, but you're incredibley naive if you think he wasn't under the influence... Why else do you take off? Give me one realistic reason to do so... As morally unfortunate as it is, you get in a lot less trouble for a hit and run than a DUI related accident. A completely innocent accident will at most cost you money...and probably only raised insurance rates because the potential law suit would go to your insurance company. If you believe otherwise, I have some choice beachfront property I'd like to sell you for pennies on the dollar!
  3. That's his appeal? Considering his first offense was free where he was driving drunk, hit a woman, and left the scene...and you're stupid if you believe otherwise as you know damn well that would be your take if he wasn't a Bill...he's getting off pretty light all things considered.
  4. That's a deal? I've had Sunday Ticket for like 12 years now, but I think I'm going to skip it this year and hope to find the games online. The price is out of control and the Bills haven't been worth the price of admission in years. Either that or hope DTV offers an actual deal to keep it, like half the price.
  5. If you're happy with the Bills' losing ways, then yes...
  6. The hype around Whitner and POS is solid. The spin about the nasty, means streaks with the OL is solid. The chances Bong Mode gets in trouble again is solid. The odds Dick directly costs the team a game or two again is solid. The chances Ralph has an excuse to retain Jauron for another year despite yet another sub-.500 season is solid. There are lots of solid things about the team this year!
  7. I think it's up to $279.95...before the HD add-on fee. And is it just me, or do they purposely make the non-HD games look chittier now that HD is available? I've noticed you can't even clearly make out the names on the scoreboard in the corner half the time anymore. Gotta say, that's one of the things I'm most looking forward to when the lockout hits...DirecTV still paying the NFL Billions despite having no games. D-bags deserve it, too...
  8. So if you can convert any lineman to gaurd, didn't the Bills actually get the 6th and 9th ranked guards in the draft?
  9. Thanks goodness for a nationally televised opener against a legitimate opponent...this test should save me $300 on the Sunday Ticket this year if/when we come to find out the Bills are still boringly unwatchable and incapable of competing with winning teams. Let’s just hope they don’t pull a 2003 again and crush the Pats in the opener, but go on to have a Jauron-like season the rest of the way…
  10. Are they the top two guards simply because the Bills drafted them? Not sure how else you're ranking them that since one was a center and the other a tackle so how they rank out as the top two gaurds in the draft, I'm not quite sure...
  11. Do the Bills want TO beyond one season? That's usually when the trouble starts with him...
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