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Everything posted by Bills14

  1. Just going by what i read: "This will result in every team appearing in Thursday football games and every team having a prime-time appearance throughout the season," NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said at his annual state-of-the-NFL news conference Friday at the Super Bowl XLVI media center. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d82692011/article/goodell-all-teams-to-go-prime-time-in-new-thursday-night-slate?module=HP11_headline_stack
  2. http://www.buffalobills.com/ "Bills to play primetime game in 12" not possibly...they will be
  3. http://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=buffalobills
  4. I got a little upset about a week before the titans game when everyone was mad that ralph wouldnt purchase the remaining tickets to guarantee a sellout. I thought hey you know what im going to the game because im a bills fan, if you want to watch it, buy a ticket. Well i was wrong. In the back of my head i knew as we all did that there was no way in the world denver was selling out and surely that was why ralph wasn't buying tickets to tennessee or miami to sell it out. I just KNEW that he and perhaps another partner would surely purchase the tickets for denver so we could watch the game on christmas eve. Well......i was wrong. The 5-9 record aside, this organization has just proved to me that they don't care about me. Forget the "fans"...i dont know most of them personally....i only know im a fan....and they dont care about me. They wont throw me a bone and show me they care. On christmas eve most other fans will get to watch there team play, none of which are facing a certain 12 year playoff drought. Im 26. First bills memory was them celebrating the afc conference championship for the first time. 21 years later, through all of the tears of super bowl losses, homerun throwbacks, monday night debacles, and 5-2 starts the only reason i have left to like the bills is because its what ive always done. I've finally realized that the organization doesnt care about what i think or any of us for that matter. I say the organization because i dont even know if ralph has anything to do with much lately. The bills are in my blood and that will never change, but there has to be something we can do to change things.
  5. he averages 231/game this year and 230/game last year...the 187 would be 3,000 over 16 games so apparently he fits right into what you want
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_New_York as of 2010 census, and im pretty sure since im about the furthest away from buffalo in jamestown that puts the entire population within an hour of the stadium and also the bills didn't start 5-0.....................it was 4-0 kind of pointless at this point i mean it was 3 years ago but if it stuck in your memory so well seems like you would remember
  7. I guess, problem is its almost like too many are enjoying being right about it now that they can say "told you so"...maybe your not one of them but i know of many who are. Truthfully im glad that for 7 or 8 weeks i got to enjoy that ride, it was definately better than the alternative and im still excited to go to the game this weekend. Its the Bills its the NFL its an experience no matter what and maybe i'm too loyal but to all of the "the bills will never change until we stop going to the games" people, maybe the worst possible thing will happen.....maybe we'll stop going to the games and give someone further reason to move us away....at least when the browns moved they could say they were selling out all of their games....
  8. I think its even more pathetic that western ny as a whole with a population of roughly 2.5 million complains that the bills wont buy the remaining tickets...i want to watch the bills, so ill be at the game. I just find it hard to believe that our "fan base" had such a pessimistic view even at 5-2 that no one bought tickets to these games earlier in the year
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/picks;_ylt=ApcBgky4icwrvJzAznm3EFRDubYF
  10. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/125701-kelly-vs-fitzpatrickseriously/page__p__2079528__fromsearch__1#entry2079528 i remember when i tried to say this...
  11. Aside from 1991 Kelly really didn't have much of an advantage at all statistic wise of Fitz from this year so i guess i shouldn't have even said the whole couple of standout year thing, and as far as not being relied on as much Kelly had less attempts than Fitz from this year twice in his career. Granted he had a great running game and good defense to rely on as well, but i guess what i can't figure out is why we cant compare the two if fitz does the same with much much less
  12. I was kind of shocked to see Jim Kelly's career numbers but the strange thing is they are almost the same or WORSE every year of his career aside from a couple standout years than Fitzpatricks numbers this year. And considering Fitz sat out 3 games im pretty sure its not because the bills always had big leads and Kelly played less than Fitz. And NO i dont think Fitz is as good as Kelly but how bad could he really be if he could replicate Kelly's numbers consistantly? http://www.nfl.com/players/jimkelly/profile?id=KEL581385
  13. i still dont get the whole "trade marshawn" talk, the guy accomplished more in 14 games two straight years than Freddie could accomplish in 16 games. So what if the guy does something stupid again, then i guess its a good thing we have TWO running backs that are good and Marshawn will be gone. i'd rather take the chance that we see the same Marshawn who can actually score td's inside the redzone unlike freddie. We need both in my opinion.
  14. how many signs do you need? The team he played for was the "Chippewa's", his jersey number is "13" which comes after 12 which was our last great QB, not to mention the fact that us superstitious bills fans would normally be afraid of number 13 but this time it is gonna reverse the curse...just sayin it all seems pretty obvious to me ...
  15. the "jauron sucks" attitude hasnt been working either, it hasnt gotten him fired so if were going to have a bad coach we might as well make him #1 in approval ratings.....maybe he will get wind of it and change his ways lol
  16. i agree with the post, first things first, we might as well all go and vote jaurons approval rating to 100%, never hurts to try the opposite of what isnt working, it worked for george costanza
  17. Everyone can argue the JP facts and Trent facts all day long, but for as much as JP sucked, the only hard facts are his statistics in the 2006 season, it doesnt matter who he played, why he played the way he played, who Trent has faced, what the weather was like, who from other teams were injured..........and so on....the fact of the matter is he had a decent to good year when all was said and done, something which im still waiting for Trent to do, even with another weapon like TO on the team and two very good RBS at his disposal........and i know.......the line sucks....
  18. not saying that you personally are defending Edwards, but thats just another one of the excuses that people will use to defend Edwards.....Flacco,Ryan,Sanchez are just a few of the QB's who were "thrown into the fire" that seem to have a much better presence on the field than Edwards has shown, i understand its hard to admit ANOTHER QB isnt the answer, but what is the point of holding on to hope with this guy.....aside from the fact that we have no choice for now
  19. Complete 70 % of his passes for over 380 yards against a top defense on the road in a divisional game while getting sacked 8 times? There seems to be a lot of people still out there blaming the line and everyone else but Edwards for his play recently. Watching last nights game showed me what a real quarterback can do when hes not afraid to hang in the pocket. Edwards needs to realize hes probly going to get hit anyways so he might as well complete a pass. And to those who blame his lack of pocket presence on the line, did anyone catch Rodgers actually STEPPING UP and moving around....sure the line is a problem, but a real quarterback finds ways to overcome...
  20. I miss primetime too, but what was the deal last night with there being no Bills highlights during the 3 minute drill???
  21. With reasoning like that it's hard to believe that guy isnt an ESPN analyst....
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