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Jimmy Spagnola

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Posts posted by Jimmy Spagnola

  1. A lot of stuff has happened since I been here. I logged in and somebody had sent me a note from my birthday saying Happy Birthday so thanks.


    I read your practice topic and it looks like your quaterbacks stink like predicted. It is a quarterback league so good luck in the draft.


    You guys got Rex and he is a cool dude even though he doesn't coach that good any more. But he is better than some of the guys you had before. We got Gailey but not for the top job but more for what he belongs in. And we now finally have a top notch head coach to go with our talent and big market team.


    It is to bad for you guys that you has to be in the AFC East with a team that cheats and another big time team on the rise. I think if you was in the rust belt division or slum division or whatever they was gonna call that when they had the idea then you'd have a chance. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit I think it was. They could have called it the put me out of my misery division. With no QB on your team you have a chance to set the record for number of interceptions by Revis in one day. Maybe you can beat out the cheaters because Tommy Boy can't play against you this time. You're defense is good though too I gotta admit.


    I have to laugh at your new owner spending all of this money thinking you guys can compete but he is at least trying. You just know some crap is going to happen to you again. And that is before the Jets defense treats you guys like a bunch of rag dolls. I hope you had your fun last year when the Jets were working there plan to get rid of Rex. My favorite play was that rookie getting caught from behind when he was showboating. He was lucky it wasn't me who caught him because I would have smacked him right in his face.


    I hope everyone has been good I'm just checking in to be nice.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

  2. I said I wasn't comin back win or lose but I decided to say good job to the Bills. The Jets sure was a hot mess this week and I think the playoffs are starting to look iffy. Geno was bad like EJ usually is and we kept giving you the ball even though you mostly couldn't do nothin with it. I think I will root for the Bills because I hate the Patriots because I hate all things Boston. They are punks over there who deserve to get smacked. Imagine if the Bills beat them out I will get to laugh at them forever to losing to you guys.


    But I guess if the KC Royals can make the World Series a team like the Bills can beat the Jets once in a blue moon.


    Once Percy and Vick get it rolling we will be hard to stop but they only have a little time and we have to win all the games to get to 9-7 and make the playoffs. But if we do watch out. If we don't do it I will root for youse. But you got to get the killer instinct. Slap people around when you have them down. It is like when a guy is on the ground and you know he has a money. Don't let him get up and think up excuses. Kick him in the rib cage. When he doesn't breathe good he does talk good. You got to do stuff like that.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

  3. You have to make a second trip to collect money?......what are u some kinda weak ass wanna be collector?


    Is Hemet some kind of Buffalo area place for dummies? I thought that was Cheekatoga or somethin. I go back to collect twice because they lost once then I collected then they lost again then I gotta collect again. It shouldn'ta been to hard to understand that. I could use Hemet though.


    Knock knock

    who's there


    Hemet who?

    Hemet my fist with his mouth when he go outta line.



    We'll see bud. My question to you though is do you have the stones to get on this website if you get killed? I'll swallow my pride and congratulate you if we lose. You deserve that.


    Win or lose I probably won't come back on cuz we'll probably win and I don't like to rub it in. It's like when I have a job to do and I break a guys nose or his whole face. I don't go to his doctor's office to watch him cry so I won't come back here Monday. If you guys got a miracle Sunday then good luck the rest of the season because you'll need it but I don't mind the Bills. They Bills are kinda like the Jets little brother or something. We smack them around all the time but still root for them when they go down the street to fight the neighbor kid.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

  5. A real world example of the Translative Property: how 2 teams who play in New Jersey can call themselves "New York".


    Jersey people always think(or is it pretend?) they are from The City(Philly, NYC, doesn't matter).


    And of course Jersey people like Spags believe in ghosts. See, there's the real people who actually live in The City. Then, there's these other people, seemingly from another dimension, who often show up, especially at night, and have a tendency to scare, but mostly annoy, the real people...largely due to bad/ridiculous/unintended yet hilarious behavior.


    Thus, I am forced to accept the existence of ghosts, precisely due to the Translative Property.


    Don't talk about no ghosts buddy. And you know what happens when Bills fans like you start talking smack about Jets fans at Jets games? Every section becomes the nosebleed section.


    And I don't even go there with nothing against the Bills. I just don't like nobody running their mouth. And it's not like theres not stuff to make fun of Bills fans about. The Jets isn't the one that traded two first picks and a fourth pick and now won't have a chance to draft a franchise QB next year. That was the Bills.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

  6. Hey Spags, first off, your grandma is named Vincenzo? A fine Italian males first name. And secondly, if yous was a true eye-talian you would NEVER refer to pasta sauce as sauce....it's gravy you fake ass wannabe. If you wanna make me some cement shoes....I'm a 10.5 my man.


    Vincenzo is a last name to did you ever think of that genius? And I'll call it sauce or gravy or soup or dinner or whatever I want and I can also explains it in a way people on a board based in a hick town might understand it. That's because I am a good communicator. When I smash a guys face I might call it his mug or his face or his pie hole or lots of other stuff, but he gets the point cuz I communicate it.


    To answer Greggy, I don't know about boss's go to drink but I do know he drank a lot of salt water at one point.


    Youse Bills fans all remind me of work sometimes. It is like the guys who keeps losing bets and not paying up and I have to make a visit. The next time around they bet again. I can't believe somebody takes their action but I get more work. And here you guys are thinking you is better than the Jets after years and years of seeing that you is not. I feel bad for you like sometimes I feel bad adding medical bills to guys gambling debts. At least yours is harmless fun.

  7. Youse guys is really sounding nervous and jealous. Look at the bright side. Jackson and Spiller ain't gonna have to worry about getting smashed this week like they usually do against the Jets. I think I might be going to the game Sunday and I hope none of you show up in your gear cuz I might have to smack you eight ways from Sunday and I might not even know it is you. The first one I would like to find is whoever said something about ghosts which scares me and people think is fake but they are not fake because I have seen some of them.


    If you guys do get some sort of Christmas miracle the jet s might have a hard time making the playoffs so I might start rooting for you for the rest of the year.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.


    Celtic Souljah said to tell you to kiss his ass if you stopped by, so kiss his ass.


    Are you sure that punk didn't say kick? Why do you think he don't post here no more?

  8. I know the Bills is 4-3 and my Jets ain't doing so good but you have to dig a little. The Jets just pretty much beat the Patriots at their place and the Patriots smacked you guys around all day in your quaint little home park there. It is going to get ugly in the big city and you will probably get more players hurt when the Jets start pounding.


    It is to bad to cuz I hate the Patriots and I don't really mind the Bills. The Jets might be far enough behind to not catch the Patriots and the Bills is sure gonna lose a lot more games.


    I think getting Percy helps but 10-6 is the best we can do and I think we might lose one more game so 9-7 is probably our record. At least Geno is getting good. I feel bad for you guys that Kyle Orton sucks so bad and EJ is washed up when you coulda had Geno. I might go to the game and don't want to laugh at you guys but I think the game will be funny.



    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

  9. When I read the title I thank it would be some punk talking about the Bills doing the impossible and beating the Jets twice. It was funny but then I laughed too hard and choked on my coffee so I wanted to take the guy and smack him eight ways from Sunday.


    When I read it it was just about dumb plays that isn't going to work on the Jets when the time comes.


    I'm glad yous guys won a game and I heard your staying in that podunk town which is good for you I guess and I'm glad to see none of you think you is gonna beat the Jets which is also good. So we're all good.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

  10. Nah, Manhattan is no different than anywhere else. I stay long enough to take what I want from whoever I want, then I move on. I might have stayed, but other places offered me more of what I want, so I left to take it from them. There's a good chance I'm not finished with Manhattan yet, but, I may have to do some things out West/down South first.


    In all cases, an ignoramus like you would never comprehend, so please, try to stay focused on football, and not on your loser strip mall town, that contains that loser strip mall, that contains the loser bar that you hang out at with your loser buddies and your loser girlfriend. The new fish sandwhich is awful, but you all say its good. You tell yourselves that, and each other. You don't know why, and I'm certainly not going to tell you, but you know it's a lie, don't you?


    Go Bills.


    Nice one about taking what you want. That's easy to type on the internet. You know what happens when a guy like you says something like that out loud in place like this? You get to the word "take" and you "take" a shot to the chops and you don't say none of the rest of it.


    And you know what kind of sandwich you gets to eat instead of the fish one? A sleeping with the fish sandwich.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  11. Do not put your bowl of pasta salad on someones car hood without asking first. Not everyone treats their vehicle like Kenny and his Pinto.


    Slobs in Buffalo might not care about there cars but here we do. At least maybe you got a food exchange for your pasta salad cuz I'm guessing you received a knuckle sandwich in return.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  12. That's a nice coat of arms, but my last name is caveman


    Sorry bro. Youse on my good side and I didn't mean no disrespect. I replied to the wrong post and I will fix it.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS


    P.S.S It didn't find no cavemans in that site. Are you French maybe?


    Jimmi, don't cry. What happened to big sis? She looks all used up. Know what I mean? Please, tell us your story.


    Not all Spagnolas is related punk. I looked up your family though. If I ever see you again I would make you eat dirt but you would like it.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  13. Jackie might let you watch. Jimmi has hot sisters.


    That is my niecei's niecei you punk. You hit on a nerve and if I ever see you again I am going to hit on a whole lot of nerves. You are ruining it for everybody to cuz I was going tell my inside scoop story on the draft and everybody was being nice but now I am mad.


    I hope you are happy cuz these people on this board wanted to know.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  14. Hot damn!


    Hey Grungy I got a word of advice. Don't pay no attention to Wormboy or encourage him none. Everybody in here was being nice pretty much and he's starting in with me. And it ain't my sister but like a distant relative cousin I think. My Grandma Vinceza useta talk about her a lot. Actually she is a ghost now and stills talks about her but I get outta there first cuz I am afraid of ghosts.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  15. Hilarity is you trying to pretend that the New Jersey/Long Island strip mall land you call home = a big city. Miles and miles of porn stores, Denny's, and Target, is no different than Cheektowaga. I bet I've lived and worked in Manhattan for longer than you have.


    I was with a group of people that wasn't solely comprised of my family, so, I called it my crew. And, really? I'm surprised by you Jimmy. Have you been hanging around the Learning Annex? Been spending time scoping the Nassau Community College girls, trying to impress one? Or, is your probation officer some bleeding heart, Ivy League dilettante, who thinks you are actually redeemable, and is beginning your "new path of good choices" by telling you about things that are outside of your comprehension, so that you can feel "smart"?


    How else can we explain you actually knowing that crew involves a boat of some kind?


    Regardless, the Bills are going to pound the Jets, the same way your fans got pounded last time I was there. It was enjoyable then, it will be enjoyable now.


    I don't get nothing about what you are saying there except that you think I live near porn stores. You must know a lot about porn stores huh? You lived and worked in Manhattan huh? Just until it ate you up and spit you back to Buffalo I guess. So 8 minutes.


    And for your information Mr. Jets game expert, I know that a crew is a row boat cuz I useta go in the crew club and steal some ores on account of if you cut one in half it makes a nice thumping stick and it cleans up real easy. As for your crew, I don't think nobody down here would be calling them a crew. Maybe in Buffalo but I doubt it even there. Maybe in Buffalo at the Starbux or frozen yogurt stand. Maybe.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  16. Yeah? Well you must not have been there the last time I was. These 2 Jet fans got beat down by a NYC cop. They were throwing stuff at my crew, missed, and hit his wife. Hilarity ensued.


    They squealed like litte girls when he beat them down. He threw them both face first into the stairs, cuffed them, hauled them up the stairs to the security people, and delivered them: bloody and broken.


    That was the only head smack I've ever seen at your stadium full of stock brokers, accoutants, and other assorted pencil neck geeks. You Jets fans aren't tough at all. Sure you talk big, but, when it's time to back it up? Squeal. Like little girls.


    It's a big stadium because it is in a big city buddy. Maybe I was there but couldn't see it because I was far away not like your pipsqueak stadium. And I don't doubt your story though cuz NY cops can be tough. It's not like it was a Buffalo cop beating them. Then you woulda heard laughing. And how do you even know Hilarity ensued? She couldn't do it during the game even if there was a lawyer there. Is Hilarity your wife? Or maybe your mommy? And shows what you know cuz little girls in NY don't squeal. They just get tough then go to collage upstate and find a husband from like Rochester or Allbany or something and make those little rats squeal.


    Plus the fact that you have a crew? Was that for real? Unless you brought your little rowboat to the game I don't think so pal.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  17. This made my day... can't wait for more! Hey Spags, you should look for posts from a guy named microscopes... I think you'd really like them!


    I don't know how to look nobody up on this web page or I would look up this guy. With a name like that though I wonder if he uses one a lot to locate one of his body parts maybe.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  18. Hi Spags! Welcome back! I enjoy your contributions to our board.

    Though it's still early, I think Sunday separates the pretenders. I'm not sure we're ready to seriously challenge but I am sure were further along than the current Jet team.


    We're genuinely excited about the new culture Marrone has brought. You should appreciate that we got a guy with character to lead our program. Knowaddimean?


    Don't be so infrequent here. Many of us enjoy you -for a Jets fan, that is..


    Thanks Chandler. Judging by your name and picture I guess you work in a lamp factory. Did you make 81 in one day? Not that I care that much buddy but I think the right spelling is Chandeleer.


    And I do like Marrone but he probably couldn't make it in NYC cuz people would call him Maroon and he is probably too sensitive. The press would eat him up. Do you guys even have a press?


    Nice joke about the Jets being behind the Bills but it whiffed cuz jokes is supposed to have something at least a little realistic.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  19. I just thought I'd lay out a welcome mat for everyone's favorite Jets fan, Jimmy Spags. Where have you been, dude?


    I been coming to this board for a few years and finally someone is nice to me. That's pretty cool of you Caveman. I remember your cartoon though. A little too craniumatic with some of those mysteries but it had lots of funny parts and some hot cartoon chicks which is always nice. I'm actually supprised cuz I figured you guys on being mad because even though you took a good quarterback in the draft finally, you left a great one and we scooped him up. I thought that would have you guys in a bad mood. I'm glad you guys seem to be getting comfortable being second fiddle of the New York teams in our division. I got a little back story on that I might tell you if you is nice in the thread here.


    To tell you the truth I like it when you guys beat on Miami and the Pattriettes cuz I don't mind you so much plus the fact it makes it easier on the Jets to rest up for the important games. We both got screwed so far against the Pats but everyone can see they suck so I think it comes down to the Dolphins and J-E-T-S. I just can't see a team with those uniforms winning though. Jesus. That makes it all us baby.


    I feel bad that your dreams all get shot down this week. I really do. Why can't they wait till like week 8 when they do the schedule to have us beat you? Last year we smacked you around and your season was over the very first week. At least this year you got to 1-1.


    I think your bosses like to loose a lot for some reason though. I mean I like your QB but why leave a guy like Geno on the board? Oh yeah, I forgot my own story. I guess a name like Geno makes him sound like a big city guy and the J for Junior makes your guy sound like a small town guy so it makes sense like that but still. It will be funny someday when Manuel visits Geno's bust at Cooperstown.


    And don't think I didn't see the other thread where people is making fun of the Jets. Real classy. A Rex foot video. Really? You know where Rex's foot is going Sunday? Hint is you won't be able to see it cuz the sun don't shine there. And mocking a kid on a video? Real classy. The guy the kid was yelling at had a Tampa Bay Bucs shirt on in our house in case you didn't notice. Maybe you farmer boys upstate don't care about people stepping on your toes but in big cities if you step on our toes we step on your face. And we teach our kids the rules of the street.


    But again I really want to say thanks for being nice and I want to be nice back so I hope not too many Bills gets hurt Sunday and that there are enough left to get a few wins after the season reality sets in at about 1:08PM.




    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

  20. I wonder how these people would feel about losing a home game every year to Cheyenne, Wyoming. I realize we lose that game because we suck and apparently can't sell out hte stadium in December, but this is an example of what happens at the other end of the success spectrum. This is a high profile game. IMO, the second biggest game of the year. If the Giants make it to the Superbowl this year, does the NFL have to ignore the opposing team when "decorating" MetLife?


    I don't barely know what you means with the first part but the Jets is the ones that has to worry about pictures on the stadium for Super Bowl. Don't worry though cuz I know how to take care of business.

  21. Oh whatever, pal. You think Geno is gonna be better than EJM? That is some kinda joke. Trolls like you should know better. Trolls that live under bridges, with no bros, and no hot chicks, and crappy cars. You can't even go to AC, because you ain't classy enough.





    We hosed the Jets. We took their QB, and kept them from taking their WR.




    You see that is where your wrong. I feel sorry for you Bills fans. You get you clocked cleaned every year by the J-E-T-S and you still keep coming back for more.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS

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