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Posts posted by billykay

  1. 3 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    I love this draft!! The Bills started off with the guy that they wanted. He is a perfect fit for what we are doing. They turned around and added, potentially, a Pro Bowl RT. From there, they got a guy that may be their number 1 back in a year. Singletary is a really, really good football player. Knox is a guy that’s as talented as any TE that I can remember the Bills having. He’s a super athlete that was misused like Oliver was. I think he’s the starter at TE. Overall I couldn’t be much happier with the way that these 1st 2 days went. I was hoping for Metcalf as I think he could be a number 1 but other than that no complaints. I’m hoping for Anthony Johnson today.

    I think that Kroft will be their starter, at least to start the season.

  2. On 4/18/2019 at 6:58 AM, Kirby Jackson said:

    I think that the NBA system is SO much better when it comes to star players. Teams are rewarded for drafting well with things like Bird Rights as @Ethan in Portland alluded to. There are some solutions in the NFL to fix this broken franchise player model.


    What if it were a 2 year commitment that escalated in year 2? Why is it only a 1 year-commitment? Teams would be more reluctant to slap the tag on just about anyone and players plus be more likely to sign it with a multi-year commitment. It seems like a win-win to me.


    Another option is to start introducing elements of a soft cap. This COULD be a slippery slope if not done correctly but could also be a HR. You COULD be allowed to exceed the cap by a certain percentage to sign 1 player, drafted by that team, that meets certain criteria. In some ways it would be similar to the Super-max in the NBA. Each team can only have 1 guy on this type of deal, etc... it would have to be hashed out but it would protect a team that drafts Russell Wilson from having to tear down the rest of their team BECAUSE they drafted Russell Wilson. Maybe a super-max contract allows that team to exceed the cap by 2.5% or something like that? 

    When the 2 year commitment ends, can there be another 2 year tag applied ?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Canuck204 said:

    I've been thinking about this scenario a lot and I think it's something Beane will consider given the movement in the past 2 drafts.  The combination of Oliver and Fant excites me the most.  Fant would give us a weapon with size and I feel like he has less question marks than any of the WR's with size available in the late 1st - mid 2nd.  We could also use our 2 4th's to move into the back end of the 3rd if another player we're high on falls, whether it be RB, WR, Oline, or Edge.  With all the free agent additions it would be extremely unlikely for 10 rookies to make the team so why not try and add higher end talent. 

    I read somewhere that Fant has had a lot of drops. Is this true /

  4. 53 minutes ago, Pete said:

    We have too much OL, WR, Edge-especially if we plan on drafting any.  I am guessing Beane moves a player, and it would't surprise me to see him pull off a big trade for Frank Clark or someone like him. It's obvious Beane is trying to shore up pass rush across from Hughes.  Maybe someone like Shaq or Zay gets packaged.  I only see them trading up for Williams, Allen, and Oliver- and not overpaying.  But me thinks Beane stays pat and hopes his DT is there at 9.   If 7 DL go before pick 9- who knows what Beane does then?  We are going BPA which can be any position outside QB.  We have 10 picks to improve upon on a deep roster. In past years we have had good ideas who we were going to select, Rueben Brown for example.  Well this year Beane is a complete mystery.  All those picks can take this team in many directions(offense heavy, D heavy, BPA, etc).  This draft will be the wildest, most exciting draft I can ever recall.  And it might set our course to greatness

    I like the trade idea - Shaq plus Zay for Frank Clark. We pay the big bucks for Clark instead of picking up Shaq's option. We throw in Zay as Seattle needs a WR. We would have to also throw in a mid round pick as Seattle is in need of picks. Since we would now have our pass rusher, more options now become available with pick #9.

  5. 43 minutes ago, mannc said:

    Wait, you're not blaming OJ for not winning the title with those Bills teams, are you?   They were an abysmal team when he arrived and he single-handedly took them to the playoffs for the first time since the franchise joined the NFL.  In his first two years with the Bills, OJ was coached by an idiot named Johnny Rauch, who was too stupid to simply hand the ball off to the best collegiate running back of all-time, whom the team had selected with the first overall pick in the draft.  In his third season in the NFL, OJ was coached by the immortal Harvey Johnson...     

    OJ also had great vision. Can anyone remember his

     ever absorbing a big hit. That's why he was rarely injured until late in his career.

  6. 16 hours ago, Mojo44 said:

     I remember this,also, growing up in Niagara Falls. Not only was Jim Brown the greatest running back of all time, in my opinion he is the greatest football player of all time. He had to be seen to be appreciated! 

    I have to agree with you. Also, perhaps one of the best athletes all time. Besides football, he was an all american lacrosse player. He also started on the Syracuse basketball team. Love me some JB when he wasn't throwing women off balconies.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Mark Long Beach said:

    I don't often agree with BADOL as I'm strangely optimistic when it comes to the BILLS.  But I will say, that I agree with him here in the sense that _maybe_ we got one good FA signing in Star.  To me, everyone else was _at best_ a marginally better than replacement level player.   I noticed it more, because in recent years we've actually done a pretty decent job of evaluating and bringing in some decent to very good players (our safeties, Lorax, etc)   


    But not last year.  A pretty sour bunch.


    We'll probably do better this year just because of volume, and not relying on any one player to make a difference. *fingers crossed*

    Last year was all about $$$$$, or lack thereof.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jeetz1231 said:

    Man how can you not love this off-season so far. Can't wait for the draft, I have all the confidence in the world in this front office. Go Bills, have a great Monday everyone.

    With the free agent signings, more & more I think Beane is thinking LB in the 1st round. Devon White would look good playing with his Buddy Trevarious.

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 15 hours ago, EmotionallyUnstable said:


    I don't know about Perkins, but there are a lot of athletic basketball players who measure around 6'4" & 240-250. The ones who played HS football are the one who should be targeted as possible free agent signings.

  10. 20 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    I’d hate to see a move that makes the game get even longer 

    Actually, it might make the game shorter. Stop the clock for about 10-15 seconds for the chains to move rather than spiking the ball & huddling up for 30 seconds. An added benefit would be getting rid of that exciting football play - the spike. Sorry, don't mean to hijack this discussion.

  11. 3 hours ago, JimKellyTryouts said:

    AJ showed with Cincinnati that he can manage a team that's strongly built around him very well, definiteyl an upgrade from Brandon Weeden at the very least

    Obviously, AJ is no stud. However, when he started a few years ago for Cinci, he won 2 games, lost to the later crowned SB champs, and almost beat the Steelers in a playoff game; losing only when his RB fumbled while trying to run out the clock. He also won 2 national championships in college. Perhaps , he is just a lousy practice player & shines when the games are on the line.

  12. 23 hours ago, The Senator said:


    I think we need a northern wall.


    More heroin comes into the US via Montreal, down through Vermont and Ontario, than thru Mexico


    USA/Canada is the longest unpatrolled border in the world. Build the wall, Donald.


    And, while I’m hot and bothered, with a hard-on about Canada, if you have a DUI/DWI on your record, you can’t even enter Canada.  Any drunk from Canada can come to a Bills or Sabres game, drink their face off, and drive home unmolested.


    That’s gotta change.  Ban any Canadian with a DUI/DWI from entering this country.  Reciprocity is only fair.






    I can think of a lot of things to be " hot and bothered " about. Canada isn't one of them.

  13. 1 hour ago, HappyDays said:

    I think we'll overpay 2 offensive line players in free agency (Daryl Williams and Paradis or Morse). It is hard to fix an offensive line these days without overpaying so I'm fine with that. I don't want to rely on rookies to protect Josh Allen next year. Besides that I would guess most of our signings will be mid-grade. I could see us bringing in Golden Tate, maybe Jesse James or Tyler Eifert too. Tyrrell Williams is overrated and we can find receivers of that caliber in the 2nd round this year. I don't expect any big defensive signings. Our first pick as BPA will likely be on defense.

    I think that if he can stay healthy, Eifert would be the steal of free agency.

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