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Posts posted by dubs

  1. Actually, high information fans would recognize that was a different team out there than in the previous 10 years. That team got after the QB, made life uncomfortable for the Pats offense, has a QB that can run and sling the rock, and a very good running game.


    We killed ourselves with penalties and turnover. Those are bad mistakes and need to be corrected, but anyone who doesn't see this is a different, vastly improved team is simply an old curmudgeon.

  2. That game was ours for the taking and I am actually pretty optimistic. Penalties were the killer. Other than that, I think the Bills did enough to win.


    The defense was good. Especially considering we were missing our top two in the secondary. Offense was pretty good as well. Stevie doesn't drop that pass and who knows what happens.


    All in all, I'd rather be in the Bills shoes than the Pats. The Pats are dying a slow, painful death and the Bills are getting better.


    Feeling disappointed about the result but optimistic in general

  3. I really want to believe the Bills will win this game, but I just don't see it. Brady against our defense (secondary, sans Gilmore and Byrd in particular) is just going to be too much to overcome, IMHO.


    However, you just never know. Maybe Spiller lights it up. Maybe we get a return TD. Maybe Manuel looks very good and torches the Pats D. Maybe our D-line and new aggressive defense really gets after Brady. You just never know.


    This is just so freaky. For some reason just this week I was telling my daughter about Nancy Kerrigan and how she got her knee clubbed by the boyfriend of a competitor blah blah blah. Then 2 days later whe was on the Today show. And now this shows up.


    Queue up the Twilight Zone music...


    I literally called someone Jeff Gillooly the other day. Very weird indeed.

  5. Hello Bills Nation,


    I was looking around at some NFL lines for week one and I couldn't help but notice the Bills are one of the biggest underdogs in Week 1.


    As of current the Bills are getting 11.5 points.


    I know the Pats should win the division and I know we should be huge underdogs. However, I figured because we are at home and we are still in Week 1 and figuring things out I thought the spread would be around 7.5 to 8.5.


    I also think the QB situation (and the media drawing attention to it) has moved us into a bigger underdog position.


    So what do you think? Is this line a little large or am I just a die hard homer?


    As much as it pains me to say this, HAMMER THE PATS. It's probably going to be 41-3 Pats.



  6. They are talking about this on WGR right now. I think we have to think long-term here. The position we are in sucks and we will probably take our lumps, but we can't make a knee-jerk reaction to our corner situation. We aren't winning the Super Bowl this year, so let's see what's available on the free agent market after Saturday's cuts and see if we can improve there. There's bound to be a cap cup, and I think it's incumbent upon the FO to bring in a guy who can help on the field, even if it means we have to take on a slightly bad contract, we have the cap room.

  7. I'm gonna assume the guys that get cut are guys that the new coaching staff didn't think were good enough to play on the Bills and that they probably know more than I do when it comes to this topic.


    I am also going to assume that if we bring in a couple guys from other cut teams, that means the new coaching staff thinks these guys can probably contribute to the team in some way.


    - Captain Obvious

  8. That's the thing, what we know to "be true" isn't necessarily true at all. A lot of it comes from Ortiz, who is going to be totally abused on the witness stand and much of what he said to police and will say on the stand will not be believed by the jury either. From what has come out already he's not a reliable witness.


    I personally think (just pure speculation) that they will have enough to convict, and think he will be convicted. It's impossible to predict what the make-up of the jury will be though.


    You are right. You never know what will happen and a single juror could derail the whole thing.


    There is just no doubt in my mind that he's 100% guilty and I am pretty confident the prosecution will show that, but anything could happen. You always have to take that into consideration and don't have to look too far to see examples (Casey Anthony).

  9. IMO there is about a 0% chance he doesn't get convicted of Murder. I haven't even been following the story THAT closely, but let's see:


    1) He was with Odin Lloyd the night of the murder at a club in Boston.

    2) OL texted his sister minutes before the murder saying, "you know who I'm with...NFL" or something to that effect

    3) AH's own security system has him walking into his house (which was a mile away from the crime) minutes after the murder with a gun in his hand

    4) AH tried to destroy the video system in his house

    5) AH smashed his cell phone in front of the cops and gave them the pieces

    6) He had a 'flop house' in a crappy area of boston with guns and drugs.

    7) AH is also suspected in the double homicide of two people a year ago who were shot dead in their car. Earlier in the night AH had an altercation with them at a club.

    8) Earlier in the year, AH was being sued by a former friend in FL that claimed he got shot in the face by AH


    This is just what we, the public, KNOW. The prosecution is still investigating and building a case so it's pretty safe to assume they know a lot more than the public at this point.


    He's looking at 30 years in Walpole...at least.

  10. QB playing time vs. the Lions could be something to watch as a true indicator of EJ's chances of playing in the opener. My read would be, if EJ truly projects to be unavailable for week 1, Tuel plays LESS vs. the Lions because he's the closest thing they have to a game-ready QB and they don't want him hurt for the Pats* game.


    Curious to hear others' opinions on this.


    I see the reasoning. I think he just plays a series or two regardless. I don't think they will know about EJ until the weekend when they start prepping for the Pats so they might as well keep Tuel in the Box tomorrow regardless.

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