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Posts posted by dubs

  1. This is awesome! Nice work!


    Instinctively, I knew we have gone through the gauntlet so to speak and it did get much easier, but these numbers are much more extreme that I thought. I love the methodology too.


    I'm hopeful that we get to at least 8-8 this year. That would mean a pretty good rest of the way, but I think it's doable and it starts this coming weekend against KC. Unfortunately I don't think that gets us into the playoffs, but you never know. There's really no clear cut 6th seed emerging. As of right now, I think SD would have it.

  2. I think my original point was that I'm fairly happy with where the bills are as opposed to starting to think the Bills are serious contenders for a playoffs spot.


    However, they do legitimately have a shot.


    The thing is I really feel like this team has a different mindset than prior teams. That strip sack by Mario is a play we've seen good teams make and make against the Bills for a decade. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. It's a very significant step in the right direction. Helps this young team learn how to win.



    Seems like the correct use to me. IF: Bills beat the Bengals and Browns, IF: the Bills win out, IF: the queen had balls. All possible scenarios except (1) didn't happen, (2)+(3) possible to happen, but 99.9...% chance it isn't going to.


    Eh, maybe. It was late and I was sick if listening to the word Manning!


    One is an event that happened in the past and one is a future event.

  4. Aside from the obvious things already mentioned in this thread, we just seem to lack guys that can make clutch plays in big moments. The Hogan drop in OT on 3rd down is a perfect example. Gotta have that catch there. It's not a perfect throw, but at that point in the game the catch needs to be made.


    On the other side of the ball you have Dane Razzenbacher (whatever his last name is) making a one handed catch on a long conversion to keep alive a drive.



  5. It's a discouraging outcome, IMO.


    The second EJ got hurt and Tuel came in I was thinking that if EJ was out for any extended period of time, Freeman was the only QB with the real potential to carry the Bills through that time period. They had a small advantage because they played on Thursday night and the other teams were getting ready for the weekend games. I was hoping that they would put a good offer on the table for Freeman, it's not like he was an unknown QB. What's the big deal if they gave him a 1 year, 4m dollar deal (that's backup money anyway). Then they have an excellent 1-year insurance policy.


    I really REALLY hope I am wrong, but I just don't think Thad Lewis is getting it done. You can't consistently start CFL caliber QBs in the NFL.

  6. Ha, I love it. While everyone was talking all that Tebow and Carr nonsense last week, I said how about Thaddeus or Pat White. No one even responded.

    I think T. Lewis is a nice option here. He knows the plays, formations, players & coaches. He's started an NFL game in the past and did ok. He has some wheels to get out of trouble too.


    He did NOT say that Pat White will not be signed. Marrone said they need to sign a 3rd-QB.


    You love that Thad Lewis is our starting QB?

  7. I know that he may not start. But whoever they bring in has to face the same Bengals defense. And if they've been on the street, there is no guarantee that they will immediately be any better than Tuel. Or that once they get to Buffalo, they will be able to run the offense any better than Tuel, on such short notice.


    I would love to see Tuel (or anyone) succeed for buffalo, but I honestly think that a QB with the skill set and experience of Josh Freeman would outperform Tuel with 5 days to learn 10 plays.



  8. I think you owe it to the other 52 guys on the roster, the coaching staff to find a QB that is capable of winning in the NFL -- I also think the Bills offenses needs to grow and mature as a unit as does Hackett --- without a decent QB at the helm, that won't happen --


    When Bills say a few weeks, I don't think it means 3 weeks --- if it was 2-3 weeks, Marrone would have said a couple of weeks, maybe 3 --- I think it's more like 4-5 weeks -- that puts Manuel's return Nov 10th against Pitt -- any delay on that schedule, and the Bills would hold him out until after the bye and he'd play 12/1 vs. Atlanta --- that would give him 8 weeks ---


    I think the Bills have RG3's injury in the back of their minds and do not want to be stupid ---


    Having said all that, I think the only QB that makes sense is Josh Freeman -- I don't buy that he's a cancer or a "me guy" --- and even if he is, he would be the biggest fool, not only to JUMP, but to LEAP at the chance to join Bills and be a model citizen --- if I'm Whaley, I'm telling Freeman this -- "son, you are damaged goods. you will never get a long term contract in this league because your former employer has painted you as a cancer, an uncoachable selfish player who is looking out for himself and nonone else. Your body of work over the last 12 months is marginal at best, your best option is to come to Buffalo, start the next 4-5 games, play your a$$ off, be a model citizen then assume the backup role when EJ is ready, and show the other 31 teams that you would be an asset to them as a starter or backup" ---


    I see it as a win-win -- for both sides ---




    In addition to all these excellent points, it's literally a zero risk proposition for the bills. He sucks or acts like a cancer, you cut him. You're no worse off that you would have been with Tuel. He's excellent, then maybe you let Manuel heal as a conservative pace and let EJ learn a little (similar to what's been done in the NFL for decades prior to the last couple years). He's ok, then he's a good fill in for a few weeks and EJ comes back as the starter.


    They honestly have to sign Freeman.




    I'm not sure whether the trait of strength or the trait of character is associated with being a dope; I clearly have respect for Manuel as a person.

    The Bills are going to sign a veteran to carry for the rest of the season. Whoever that guy is, he is going to be the only veteran QB on the roster. He is going to be in EJ's ear when they practice, when they're in the film room, during games, at meetings, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. As the only veteran at his position on the team, he is going to serve as a role model for Manuel by default.

    If it turns out that Freeman spends too much time in the clubs, or is a locker room lawyer, or spends too little time in the film room, or likes to submarine his coaches, or whatever, that IS going to have an influence on how Manuel views the role of an NFL QB.

    Since I consider the upside of adding Freeman to this roster to be minimal at best, then even any minimal downside makes the acquisition questionable.

    The Bills aren't going anywhere this year; if they have reliable reports that Freeman is a bonehead at all, then bringing him in here accomplishes nothing and is potentially a net negative.


    Where are you getting the idea that Freeman will do any of those things you referenced? That sounds like blind speculation. Frankly it sounds a little unfair. If you have some evidence of this, you should definitely share it.





    You guys are delusional. How about we spank the bucs with EJ on 12/8 and not Freeman. 12/8 is after all about 8 weeks away.


    Its sad what desperation does to people. You guys make freeman out to be dan marino.


    Not sure what's delusional about wanting a capable QB during EJs absence. IMO, Josh is the most capable. If we let Tuel play, chances are that game on 12/8 doesn't mean anything except who get a better pick in '14 draft


    If the player adamantly states, "I have the ability to play. I am going back in. It doesn't hurt that bad. I can run. This is what I worked my entire life for; to be a player in the NFL. Doc, we can evaluate the knee more after the game. Right now it's definitely loose enough to play. My team is depending on me. I need to get back out there. I'm going in Doc! this is what I live for! I'm going to go tell coach I'm ready to go! This conversation is over Doc." they might get their way.


    Let's not kid ourselves and think the player has no power in these situations. Yeah from a legal standpoint they don't probably. But from a real world standpoint they do.


    How'd that workout for RGIIi and the redskins.



    You know this how?


    Jacksonville's current QBs are Blaine Gabbert and Chad Henne. If Freeman gets himself added to a roster like that, he'd have an excellent opportunity to outplay rivals for the starting QB position.


    I certainly don't know firsthand, but read on ESPN this morning that Caldwell has zero interest in him. They have Teddy Bridgewater in their sights.

  13. I'll tell you why this is a great opportunity for freeman.


    1) the way he went out in TB leaves a lot of questions about his character. Teams are going to be reluctant to sign him to a long term deal as it stands right now. He goes to a team and is a good team player, works hard, and gets a good endorsement from a new coach, then it makes the issue in TB look more like Schiano.


    2) He's getting paid by the Bucs anyway, so anything else he gets is gravy


    3) He comes to buffalo ASAP and he's guaranteed to play at least 2 games, probably more.


    4) he's going to a team with a QB who has a similar skill set to him. The offense should be a decent fit.


    5) we play Tampa this year.





    If this is accurate, the Bills need to add another QB. If I'm Josh Freeman, I'm much more interested in the Jacksonville opportunity than the Buffalo opportunity. At the end of the year, he'd obviously leave to go someplace with a better long-term opportunity to become a starter. From Freeman's perspective, why go through the effort of learning a whole new offense for a one year backup opportunity? Why not sign a multi-year deal, and learn the offense of the team you hope to be with over the long-term?


    Assuming Freeman signs with someone other than Buffalo, where does that leave the Bills? We can't go into the next 6 - 10 games with Tuel as the only healthy QB on the roster. Trent Edwards is available. Edwards isn't starter material. But at this point, we have to be realistic about the face we're going to be getting a QB no one else wanted. Edwards is humble, he works hard, he has respectable physical tools, he's more accurate than Fitz, and he doesn't take stupid chances with the football. Given that the Bills are basically picking through other teams' leftovers, that might be the best deal we're going to get.


    There is no Jacksonville opportunity

  15. Feeling good you lost to Weeden and McGahee??? Yeah I'm Not!!!


    uh...you do realize that McGahee averaged 2.8 yards a carry, right? Weeden is their starting QB and much MUCH better than Tuel. There is a reason he was a first round pick. Not saying those guys are pro bowlers, but McGahee wasn't very good last night and Weeden is decent. I think the correlation for the Browns resurgence has much more to do with Gordon coming back than their QB.

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