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Posts posted by boyst

  1. Don't sign a contract if you do not want to honor it. None of us can go to our bank and tell them hay I want to re do my mortgage, I recently saw you guys made 203 billion dollars and were given 505 million from the federal government, that means I should only pay you 50,000 versus 250,000...

    What is even funnier is if you ask these guys why sign the contracts and you get a great answer. If they knew they were as good as they were than why sign a contract so small? Unfortunately, in the NFL your contract is paid on what you have done, not what you are doing nor what you will do. That said, Johnson, bust your tail, work hard, and in 3 years get your money.

  2. I recommend everyone take the time to watch the entire episode. I have hay to cut and still found myself sitting here with the whole thing! In all of the years of sports I played it is amazing that I never suffered a single injury, yet it could have taken the smallest of things to be put in Kevin's shoes.

    I speak for all of us and humanity I can imagine, but the entire staff and Kevin himself are owed much respect!

  3. my source @ the panthers who will remain anonymous, I called him to tell him my theory and he confirmed that goodell has indeed sent out a memo to all 32 teams that TW, "while an intriguing prospect, does not possess the proper moral fiber to be considered eligible for the NFL. He shall not be drafted or signed post-draft by any team without serious penalty"


    thats the gist of it, sorry no link though it's supposed to be "confidential" so you wont find it online

    I would sign him based on that alone. I would love to see Goodell have to explain his punishment to the NFL! The NFLPA is already launching itself upon the Miami front office for the Dez Bryant ordeal. This guy has been convicted and done his time. He is obviously still minding to his regulations of being a Sex Offender, because he is still free to walk the streets. He is deserving of a second chance. This differs from Big Ben because Ben has not been convicted, nor had to do any time. Both of these players, though, will and have suffered in the eye of public opinion.


    Goodell has no reason to keep this kid down. I do not want to believe that, as well, but the world is not fair. If the kid was smart, which he is not (he transferred due to academic reasons), he can fall back on his major (which is probably leisure studies of central antartic sheep herders).

  4. Remember this?...none of that looks so good any more! That whole class of QB's can get flushed. It was my brothers wedding day and I remember having the bar tender running me draft picks. Young, Leinert, Cutler...sucks.

    Watch the video, please! It is amazing after the draft to be ab le to see these kinds of highlights...and...now...(I tried looking for a highlight but you cannot recognize what has not been done.)

  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/boston/news/story?id=5138749

    How stupid are you when on the verge of making millions you go get high? If Goodell wants to do something to control these rookies make this punishment suspendable. If you test positive during your senior season or at the combine you are suspended the for 2 preseason games and 6 regular season games. That would be an eye opener to these kids!


    This kid will either get his ship straight quick because he's in NE with Belichik or Ricky Williams himself out of the league.

  6. For someone with the handle of Bring Back Kelly I truly wonder what your judgement is on Brohm. For half of his career Kelly had awful stats and could have been benched to put in Reich or whichever 3rd stringer we had.


    IF our front office was full of complete fools than every other team in the NFL twice and in some cases 3 times over were just as much fools. Clausen fell for a reason, but again, its just a draft which means nothing. In 5 years, please repost your thoughts on Clausen and how bad we messed up. Also, in that post, put how all of the guys you wanted us to draft our doing. I mean, people like you are the expert...

  7. How is it there are posts that say there will be no wins next year, posts saying our front office is full of morons, posts saying our draft was awful, posts saying how bad our roster is for xxx position?

    I am tired of reading along a new thread and seeing where someone starts a good conversation than someone replying with a post that without support, logic, thought, or anything that just simply says how bad we are.


    I really believe that some of the posters here are so negative and pessimist that they probably drive down the high way and see their car on empty. Instead of filling the gas up to keep driving they probably think, "oh heck, it'll just run through the gas again if I put more in, I'll just keep going on empty." It's worse than those idiots on TV who always rant about how bad our government is and how so much is screwed up without getting in to their beliefs or giving a way to fix the problem in general!


    I gues my point is, how do you people consider yourself Bills fans? What pleasure do you get out of the game when you're always looking at how bad the team is? Personally, I know we are not such a good team and have problems! But, I absolutely love to see the Bills try to fix the problem, seeing them try to put the puzzle together, than us analyze the moves.


    May the 2010 Buffalo Bills season bring us all more optimism!!!

  8. Jay, another solid post.

    You forget to bring up what most people over look when snapping to judgement about how much doom and gloom we are in with such a disaster of a roster. Our team has been shaken, stirred, mixed and revamped every year. A new coordinator or head coach for the last 5-6 years. We have the Nix plan, let him plan the work and work the plan, we all need to see how things will look this year! I am hoping Gailey does not get too complex on the offense. Chances are, looking at our history, if he is only here 3 years, I would like to know who can do what!

  9. Maybe 2009 was just a frustrating year. After being in Buffalo for all of these rebuilds maybe he was just down in the dumps. T.O. and all the past issues he just said F it this year is a joke. Didn't most of us as fans say that? He's only human and unfortunately that's part of life. It sucks, but I wouldn't doubt that kind of mindset not only sunk in to him but several others. Anyone think about that?

  10. This entire thread of posts has confused me. With our history of success, which is no success, who can point fingers anywhere? Our team is weak in many places, Lee Evans is not a weakness. If we are going to worry about his ability to play this critically than I guess we have no other worries on this team! What a waste of a discussion to give so much to this ridiculous topic. Anywhere we put Evans he should be effective. Yes, he makes 10 million dollars, but the way the NFL works is you do good and you show potential to get better than you get paid on the assumption you'll progress. Evans did that and now he's getting paid. Whether he has regressed or progressed is hard to say, but I would take him on my football team any day.

  11. I am no Pro Scout, just a former Boy Scout! (gosh I am funny!)

    Anyway, the guy does not look that big and the few times in his highlights where you saw an OL chip him he was knocked off his path. It's clear he has football speed but lacks enough speed to make it huge in the NFL unless he can bulk up and keep his speed. NFL tackles are too quick and a pulling guard would level him, which is definately clear in his positioning on getting to the QB. He sacrafices his positioning to get to the ball.

    Than again, it's hard to judge off of a highlight video, but I am still glad we signed him. A leader in the SEC for sacks means why not take a chance.

  12. My opinion: Fitz is gone but should not be because he can offer what Brown and Brohm cannot. Who wants Brohm or Edwards (assuming one of the two starts and Fitz is gone) coming in as a backup? Who can imagine Brown being ready to come in against the Patriots 14-10 in the third when our starting QB gets knocked out? Fitz is comfortable with the backup role, keep him as backup and cut Brohm. I know he's got some upside, but we do not need upside, we need longevity at QB not a 2 or 3 year project.

  13. There's no denying you are upset. But are you right? The crickets say no. Go back to playing Madden.



    Of course he is upset! He just traded Lynch to Minnesota for Peterson, traded 3 draft picks to send Whitner to Washington, and a monster trade sending Brohm, Edwards and Jackson for Manning! He is just confused.


    No one understands these QB's we would have drafted would have never started over anyone we had nor had an impact like any other player we drafted. QB's are one dimensional while everyone else plays special teams, as well.

  14. Clearly his own life experiences have lead him to his conclusions. Your opinion on this from the extreme outside is pointless and unnecessary.

    My opinion is more that he is far removed from the NFL compared to the 5 years ago when he was still in touch. I am not saying the man was never a good coach, he was and better than we've had since Levy. What I am saying now is how out of touch he seems. Yes, I am all about second chances, but not for multimillion dollar contracts to unproven characters and talents.

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