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Posts posted by kdub

  1. While there wasn't enough evidence to overturn the call, in my opinion it should have been the other way around.. the ref should have given the benefit of the doubt on the call INITIALLY.. then look at the technicalities later on in the booth review.. at first glance it totally looks like a catch, on second it looks even more like offensive PI


    had the ref ruled it a catch to begin with, there wouldnt be enough evidence to overturn it into an incompletion ... although wouldnt be surprised if they had anyway.


    I agree with you on this. I don't know how the refs could have called that an incompletion initially. It was obvious to almost everybody (refs not included) that it was a catch. Even the announcers were on board with it being an interception (even though they did not mention the elbow). If they had called it an interception, I'm not sure that the ref would not have reversed the call anyway due to his foot not being down. I doubt the ref even recognized the elbow being down in the replays.


    We've seen this situation over and over again though, where the ref gets the initial call wrong, and it completely screws over the *should be benefiting* team. As evidence, the Steelers and Phins game this week, and the Broncos-Chargers came a couple years back that Hochuli botched. It happens.

  2. I know the answer. The ravens did not take the bills seriously, so they where just not trying. They could have gotten 5 sacks, but they just wanted to rest for next week. Also the coaches took got a couple of days off because they thought, its only the bills. I guess since the bills got 500 yards on offense, it defiantly meant that the ravens were not trying. Fitz could not possibly have any skill right?



  3. No, the FRONT of his elbow was in bounds right next to the line...you CANT see if his elbow breaks the line or not, so you DONT know if he was in bounds and neither do the refs...


    There has to be indisuputable evidence to overturn a call...there was not, there was no angle to see if his elbow was fully in bounds or not. There fore, according to the RULES, it cant be overturned.


    So, it was the RULES that kept this play from being over turned.


    Ohh, you got me there. I thought it was ruled an interception, then overturned. Had to go back and check. Point: Alphadawg7

  4. Let me get this straight...you dont care about the rules? So in other words the refs should rule in favor of the Bills to make you happy even when the rules say otherwise? Man, it gets deep on this board sometimes...


    Too bad that rule shouldn't be even in this discussion, his elbow was down INBOUNDS. Interception.

  5. 200 yards/game passing.


    60% completion percentage.


    He's been lucky to not throw many interceptions, that's about it. He's playing better than Trent was... but its not good enough to win games, so I'm not going to sit around and praise him for playing so-so.


    The defense does suck. But so does the offense. We don't move the ball with any consistency.



    Are you seriously blaming Fitz for them losing games? Are you kidding? He led the offense in getting 26 points last week, but it was HIS FAULT that the jags scored 36? I guess I don't know anything about football <_<

  6. The way that defense plays, I can't believe anyone thinks we should draft anything but defensive front 7.....again. The Bills cannot stop anyone.


    Bingo. Our first 1 or 2 picks this draft need to be d-linemen and reliable linebackers need to be acquired also. We could draft a top tier QB and he'll help our O average 30 points a week, but when the D is giving up 35 points every week, what's the point? The last few years, I've been yearning to see the Bills field an offense that can be productive and a defense that can stop the run. They have a serviceable offense now, they do not have the defense.

  7. Blackout area includes Syracuse and it's surrounding area, I believe it's considered a secondary market. Stupid thing is because it's a secondary market it falls under the blackout rules, but we don't get the perks of a primary market such as NFL Network games being broadcast on local networks etc.


    I 'm pretty sure you are right. I used to watch the games on Channel 5 from Utica and they would blackout also.

  8. I feel like this thread needs a bump.


    I am one of the fans who thought that we would be a better team than the "experts" were making us out as and while I still think we will do better than what most of these predictions have the bills pegged for, I concede that they are much more correct in their predictions than I was (so far).

  9. The general impression I have over the life of the Bills, is that often when the Jets or the Bills play each other, and one of the teams is doing well, the team doing well pulls a choker. I said impression because I didn't search out the exact frequency, but I remember several times, the stronger team choked when the two teams meet. It may not be this week though because I seem to recall it happens more often when the stronger team is at home. Not surprisingly, this usually happens when the stronger team is way over confident and they manage a lot of turnovers.


    Same impression here. I remember back during the 3-13 season in 2001, I went to the Jets (they finished 10-6) game at the Meadowlands with my buddy and his brothers (buddy is an iggles fan, brothers are Jets fans) expecting to watch a total disaster. Bills won 14-9, it was a glorious day.

  10. We'd be better off trading Lynch for anything we can get in draft picks. Trading Evans for anything you can get. And trading Poz for a case of beer, a few slim jims and a dart board from walmart. they have some booze and eats for the draft next year. Then take the dartboard, post names of guys in the 2011 draft on it and fire away.


    I'm starting to think this is the way to go. The whole off season I had hope that we might be good, and well, the hope is gone and its time to stop trying to win with what we have and start hording draft picks (this doesn't mean try to lose to get the #1). I would much rather see lynch/evans/whoever go in trades for draft picks and not stop gap players. Nix wants to build the team through the draft, lets see if he can do it.

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