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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. http://www.profootballweekly.com/2010/11/14/insider-bills-gailey-knows-offense


    Did a TE catch a single ball Sunday? Was Nelson active? Stupar? One stud TE to go along with our 3 serviceable TEs would go a long way in both the run and pass game.


    Nelson has all the receiving ability the Bills need, the problem is that at the present time we feel the need for max blocking so the TE stays in and therefore as you can see by the stats, no significant receiving at the TE position. Shame! But hopefully it'll change as the OL improves.

  2. I have made fun of Fitz for a long time, but I think he MIGHT be an answer.


    There are plenty of teams that would love to have a guy like him as their QB (he is at least as good as Tony Romo).


    He gets hit RIGHT AFTER he throws OFTEN. Tom Brady has crapped out under the conditions that Fitz has been playing (fairly well) under.


    I bet with better protection his accuracy would improve GREATLY. How about an upgrade at 2 positions on the O-line next season? I don't think they need to have "the Top Left Tackle Prospect of the 2011 NFL DRAFT!" or something, just 2 more guys that are significant upgrades.


    Fitz will be playing for the starting job this last half of the season, and we will see if he can make these Bills "his team".



    It's all in his hands.....




    Bell is improving greatly game by game....IMO we may just need a RT and continue to groom the others.

  3. Luck this, Luck that...maybe he'll be great, maybe he won't, but you know what, even though it's apparent that the majority here don't want to hear it......we need to have a look at, ready for this; Brian Brohm first of all. The kid deserves the chance, almost certainly will get it, and just might surprise.

  4. I'm all for opening up the game plan. Yeah sure, run alright, but pass deep to open them up because we do have a couple speed demons at WR's in Evans and Roscoe.


    And as far as the "D", please please please do not rush 3 or 4 and play 7 deep because Sanchez will have all day and pick us apart. BLITZ is the name of the game!!

  5. IMO the draft was not as bad as a lot of people make out.



    #1 Spiller…..Excellent chance that the man turns out to be an exciting and productive RB.

    #2 Troup…..Great potential, good choice, is being brought along with care.

    #3 Carrington…..Great potential, patience is the word here.

    #4 Easley…..Injury, bad luck, would have been a productive WR this year is not for the injury.

    #5 Wang…..Injury again, will develop at least into a role player.

    #6 Moats…..Great potential, changing from DL to LB will take a little time but has all the tools.

    #7 Batten…..Injury again, would have made to squad if not for the injury bug, great potential.

    #8 Brown…..Backup, who knows?

    #9 Calloway…..The only real fizzle!



    Look at the good side, huh?

  6. .......athletic version of Fred Jackson. FRED JACKSON IS THE ODD MAN OUT!!! Why people can't see that he is the guy they can do without at 30 is beyond me.




    It's getting that I just can't stand it anymore. I know it's not a big thing but it's driving me buggy.....


    People, please read: Jackson is 29 years old and turns 30 well after the season, Super Bowl and all, is over and done with!! That is in no way, shape, or form, 30 years old! Sheesh!!

  7. Do these clowns realize that we lost to the 2 other teams in the division by 5 and 8 respectively? This shouldn't bother me but it does when two jock-sniffing panty-wastes make predictions and snide little comments. Anyhow, my mother always said, "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.' I'm hope she doesn't read this.







    Those are humiliating, and I might say ignorant, predictions. The Bills just MIGHT surprise people.


    I'm betting that Gailey is building this team the right way; by substituting and evaluating players freely until he sees what he has and makes the right decisions on who and what he has. Unfortunately this week is still a bit soon, but you never know. There IS talent here!!!

  8. Wang? Another classic example of assuming a player drafted in the mid rounds can actually play in the NFL when in reality he can't. The guy will be out of the league in 1-3 years. See James Hardy who went in the 2nd.



    Gee, nice comparison. I'm guessing Wang is an upgrade if and when healthy.

  9. I'm having a hard time understanding "the problem" with giving Brohm his chance. The guy had somewhat of a chance in GB, did not look good initially, and was given practically nothing after that. With Buffalo he played one game, hardly knowing the 1st teamers names, much less anything about how they played, and looked so-so in terrible weather.


    This year he looked pretty good in camp, but as we know the order was already ordained, so his playing time was with the 2nd and 3rd stringers who couldn't block or catch a cold, much less a pass, and Gailey, and those of us with an open mind, saw good stuff in the guy.


    Now that Gailey finally got rid of the obligitory starter, Edwards, Brohm moves up to number 2 where he will finally get some reps with the 1st teamers, and I feel sure, sometime not too long from now, he'll see some meaningful playing time from where we can FINALLY make some kind of determination whether or not the kid has it.


    Until then all the chatter about how the kid has been a "failure" in his NFL time is just stupid, uneducated BS. Let's wait it out and see...huh!!

  10. this entire season is nothing more than an evaluation period. we'll see multiple lineup changes, even in-game.


    we also havent seen the last of the in-season cuts.


    ive said it countless times: he inherited a pile of crap, and now they are seeing which turds float and which sink.


    you are dead on when you say:



    and that can be applied to EVERY position on the team


    Your right on, my friend, when you imply that this is an auditioning period. We ain't going no where this year, at least for the first half to 3/4 of the season, until Gailey can figure out just who belongs and who doesn't. This is most certainly a rebuilding year and most of the posters on this board need to realize that.

  11. Here's my solution to the current offensive line woes with personel currently on the roster. Move Levitre to right tackle and start Urbik at left guard. Sitting Cornell Green!! Comments, spelling check, rude rebuttles fire away.



    I wish they would do it right away....no one can be worse than Green!!!

  12. I'm not about to defend this organization, however, a player's mental toughness is something that is going to be difficult for a new coaching staff to evaluate. There have been plenty of reclamation projects in the NFL, where new coaches have worked with a discarded player and revived their careers. Not surprised that Chan thought it could work with Edwards, especially after his strong preseason. But Trent's lack of mental toughness was something that Chan couldn't see first hand until the bullets started flying.



    I think you made the right observation.

  13. I believe that Lynch listed as a 'starter' may only be a ploy to divert NE's attention away from the true starter, Fred Jackson.


    Jackson had 140 total yards against NE in week one 2009 and followed up with another

    110 total yards later in the year. Fred has been very successful against the Pats and I can't see why he wouldn't get the bulk of touches this week.


    Granted, being named the 'starter' means you play the firt offensive down, however I believe Fred Jackson will be the workhorse this week.


    If Lynch starts and wears down the defense I can see Fred coming in the second half with a fresh set of legs, a ton of carries and really having his way with the NE defense.


    Just my thoughts.


    I think they are insane not to use Spiller for many touches per game....any and every game. I don't care if he is averaging 1.1 YPC, he is the guy who with just a sliver of daylight can take it to the house on any play. The more touches he gets, the greated the possibilities for 6 points on any given play !

  14. This is why our line sucks. We don't have CRAP. The only guys that may be something are Levitre and Wood. They are decent but people are playing them up like they are future hall of famers. Hopefully they get better and even come close to the hype surrounding them. Hangarter is a mediocre journeyman at center. In combination with him and Trent they couldn't get the protections called right on the line and defenses have been blowing up our run game AND our QBs. The tackles are low budget flyers. One who may never be anything and one who never was.





    I disagree to a certain extent with the 1st part of your post which I reprinted here. Yeah, I agree with you on Levitre and Wood, but IMO Hangarter, who you call a mediocre journeyman, is at the very least adequate, while Bell is progressing...and the word is progressing because you MUST take into consideration his inexperience, and that only leaves the RT position.


    If I'm Coach I stick anyone else at RT and let him develope while our current bust gets a seat on the bench.

  15. I see it differently. I think Edwards showed the best physical skill set and sufficient game management during preseason that Gailey felt he could coach him up and gave him the benefit of the doubt that his poor game-day performance last year was the result of poor coaching or schemes. I think after the first game, Gailey and the coaches sat down with Edwards and watched film and marked out what had to change. 2nd game, Gailey went off and watched film and saw no improvement or even regression, and said "OK, the poor game management/decisions don't make up for the better physical skill set, NEXT!" I think Edwards is completely bemused by the 3-4 defense and, if he has any duties on calling the OL protections, may even be contributing to confusion on the line.


    I don't think it smells of panic. I think it is calculated and was one of the options planned in from the start.


    Just my opinion and worth whatever you like.



    Good post. Pretty much what I say.

  16. I thought it was a very well written.



    (2) "They watched the game films. What compelled them to hand Edwards the job after he had failed miserably twice in the last two seasons? Edwards looked the part in practice and preseason, but jobs are won and lost in real games." How can one debate this statement. Then he goes on to talk about how the players rallied around Fitz last year. I can only assume Gailey's ego led him to believe he could make TE a solid NFL QB. His ego blinded him from looking at the facts. The fact is most of us knew TE didn't have it despite his preseason successs. Now, he yanks him after two games and some fans here are praising him for that. Amazing...


    (5) Sully writes "Gailey anointed C.J. Spiller as his featured back." Then he benches him for ML. Also. he hardly uses him in the Miami game. IMHO, it appears that Gailey doesn't know how to utilize three backs effectively or better yet maybe having 3 staring RB is problematic. Either way or disagree with me, it is hard to understand what the hell Gailey is doing with CJ after two games.


    (6) Lastly, he says "the guy had six months to coach 'em up and get the offense fixed. Sure did. I remember reading how this was going to happen. I remember all those delusional posts. In fact, I was even starting to believe them. It only took me two games to what up back to reality. Sully goes on to say "instead, it seems like he's making things up as he goes along." Sure does and nothing is more evident by the starting and benching of TE after two games. So much for the confidence factor...



    I just copied your statements which I either take the most issue with, or the one(1)which I agree with.


    (2) Gailey apparently figured that Trent has more of an upside than Fitz, and Brohm is not yet ready. He gave them all somewhat of a shot early (granted Edwards more than the others) Edwards looked good in training camp and pre-season and thus was annointed the starter. He obviously sucked in 2 starts and to Gaily's credit it didn't take him long to pull the plug.


    (5) I agree with you on Gailey's misuse of RB's. I don't know your opinion exactly but if it were me I'd FIND a trade for SOMEBODY, and share carries with Spiller and the one who is left.


    (6) 6 months ain't doo doo in the NFL until you get in real live game situations and have to then evaluate what you have and what you need to do....as Gailey is doing now! Heck, I don't know if what he will do will eventually work out or not, but the shambles that this team is in will take at least until mid season to figure out if he and the Bills are are the right course.

  17. Because he has proven that he can play, compete, and win in the NFL. Brohm has proven he can't even excel in pre season or TC or mini camp.


    And, contrary to the wishes of many on here, we're trying to win this year. We'll worry about next year in the off season. In the meantime, there are league games to play.



    Gotta keep in mind, dog, that Brohm played exclusively with the reserves, and the backup receivers somehow had a serious case of the dropsies whenever Brohm hit 'em in the hands....not to mention the fact that it seemed that he had about 1.1 seconds to throw every time he dropped back.


    He has the most potential of the 3 QB's on the roster and should be given a shot with the first teamers. He has the quickest release and most accuracy of the 3 QB's.

  18. Did you ever think that just maybe Chan needed a game or 2 under his best to see what the "O" could do in real live game conditions? Yeah, his game plan didn't work and now he knows a few things about his team that he didn't know before, plus how other teams will plan on stopping us.


    Now let's just calm down a bit and see if he can spot ways to get around these problems. I'm thinking that the WR's and the RB's are much better than they were given a chance to show last week, so let's see if a little better game planning/management can turn it around some.


    By the way, the 2nd half Defense looked pretty good....something to build on I'm thinking!!

  19. I have been saying this since training camp - Brian Brohm should be getting a chance here. IF YOU ASK, HOW CAN OFFENSES RAN BY TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT COACHES LOOK SO TERRIBLY SIMILAR? My answer - Trent Edwards!


    Trent is shell shocked! As soon as he senses pressure he runs and his first impulse is always to dump it off. He looks down his recievers, and he almost always looks for a receiver who is standing still.




    Our defense looked pretty good. Sure, our O-line didn't, but as I've said previously, Brohm has a quick backstep away from the snap, has a quick release, a very fast throw, and he is decisive. After the first drive after the half I thought we'd see Fitz in there. I just can't believe Gailey and Co. will allow one QB to ruin their season. I think this performace validates what most of us think - Edwards is ruined. He's damaged mentally.


    The only question that remains is, How long will the fans support this team with him at the helm? Shouldn't we get a chance, before next year, to see what Brohm can do? I mean, we already know who Fitz is. Let's see what Brohm has. I really believe if we would have put Brohm in there at the end of the third quarter we'd of rallied.



    I totally agree with you, my friend. After a pretty good pre-season Trent reverted to his previous ways and went to his checkdown mode....which it was pretty obvious that the "D" was looking for.


    Fitz had a good pre-season also, but now I have to feel that in the regular season he'll also revert to his "can't hit a barn from the inside" ways.


    Go with Brohm, who it's pretty obvious at this point in time at least has the biggest upside. What do we have to lose by trying him? Tell me that, will you!!

  20. This is junk! Green is terrible, Bell played well IMO, it was Meridith that gave up that sack not Bell, Bell was in and out the whole game. Edwards had plenty of time by NFL standards to throw the ball today, and he made terrible decisions and held the ball bringing back the ghost of Losman. Edwards was the problem people, four out of five Olinemen played passable.



    I agree; he stood there, stood there, and stood there, then rolled out and threw an incompletion.....all day. Bring in Fitz or Brohm. I personally like Brohm who seems to make the quickest decisions in the pocket of the three QBs.

  21. What do I know....but IMHO if Nelson comes in with his head and body in shape we have another extremely fast and dangerous receiver to add to our already somewhat fast and dangerous stable. Consider the following players on the field at the same time for a minute:


    Evans with sub 4.4 speed


    Parrish whose 40 is fast but his quickness is off the charts


    Spiller...let's put him on a pass route for now. Duh, just who is going to cover him? Huh? Answer: Nobody!


    Nelson, a TE who runs the 40 in the 4.5's


    And just for the fun of it let's throw a 6'5 1/2", 2nd WR out there with those guys.


    Assuming the OL holds up for a couple of seconds, ain't no DB's gonna cover those guys for long.

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