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Posts posted by Amstel

  1. I was just watching an episode of Mork and Mindy I believe it was from the first season which was 1978. Mork ends up in jail and then Exidor (the nutjob that claimed to communicate with aliens) ends up in the cell with Mork. He claims he tried everything, Catholicsm, Buddism, Judaism etc. However he finally found his savior..... OJ Simpson. He then reveals a number 32 jersey. He offers Mork oranges and tells him to drink the juice. Mork plays along for a while then says OJ is just a football player and football is just a game. Exidor then says "May you Burn in Buffalo!"


    It was very funny but also very ironic that it took place in a jail cell.......

  2. Jonathan Scott maybe. But there was no point in signing Adams. Yes he wouldve helped. But hes on the downside of his career and merely wouldve been a stop gap (although better than Green). I think any FAs they sign going forward will be younger guys that will be around for a number of years....

  3. Lest he wants revenge on the Pats and Jets I doubt he'd come here. Although if he can turn this Bills defense around and help them win with defense consistently it would help get his name on the A list for HC positions again next year or the year after. Sitting out does not help him in that respect and it doesn't sound like he's got a lot of options.......and from his standpoint familiarity with the division would make his job easier in terms of understanding the opponents 6 games out of the year......

  4. Only a third? Since its in the past and can't happen why not make it a 2nd hell why not a 1st? Lets see.... they had injuries at RB, and a guy they could've traded for beat them for a 67 yard TD.... Lets save face and say we'd have paid more for him but the Bills wouldnt trade him to us. I'm sure the whole league knew he was on the block why didnt they come calling with their 3rd? Instead Buddy Nix is the buffoon for not calling them.....Please

  5. Yeah we shouldve kept him. Give up. Some of you will criticize anything the team does. Was he lighting it up? Freddy did better than he did this year and where was he last year during his suspension for being an upstanding citizen? PLEASE! THE SEAHAWKS HAD NO BUSINESS BEING IN THE PLAYOFFS EVEN IF THEY DID WIN! 7-9??????????????????????? I GUESS LYNCH WAS SO DAMN GOOD HE PROPELLED THEM TO 7 WHOLE VICTORIES....... IF we played in their ****ty division we'd have won 7 games........

  6. A little over a year ago we looked like a joke- no GM no Coach and speculation that no one wanted to come here. Most of us werent thrilled about either Buddy or Chan being hired and people laughed at us for hiring Chan.


    I don't think we ever looked as bad as the dolphins do right now. You openly interview and "woo" a guy to replace your current coach that you have not fired then when he spurns your advances say that you feel its in the best interests of the team to keep your current coach.


    For one I think its pretty classless to openly interview Harbaugh. If they were gonna do it they should kept their interest hush hush and met in a remote location. It still wouldnt have been right but better than what they did. I'm sure it wouldve leaked out somehow likely through Harbaughs camp in order to leverage his value. Beyond that it makes the owner look foolish and is an embarrassment to Sparano. I'm no Sparano fan especially him being a parcells disciple but the guy isnt the worst coach out there. They pretty much cut his balls off as far as the rest of the league is concerned. I wouldnt blame him if he resigned (which of course he won't). Although that would likely put his staff out of work and hurt his chances at another HC job.....


    As for Harbaugh I dont give a damn about his "lineage." Theres no guarantee he'd be a great coach in the NFL. He's likely going to stay at Stanford. I know the team will be great next year but I'd love to see them go in the tank and kill Harbaughs NFL HC chances for next year.....

  7. I know he's got talent and maybe a change of scenery will do him good. However, the biggest thing this team has going for it is its unity. No one person is above the team and they fight for one another (as highlighted in Merriman's interview). Why bring in a guy that can possibly disrupt that? Fisher is a pretty strong personality and couldn't keep him in line. Not to mention if he is a UFA which will most likely be the case as the PFT article said his contract is pretty heavy thus making a trade unlikely don't you think he's going to want to go to a team thats a contender or that he perceives to be a contender?

  8. I agree with those of you that say its too steep of a price to pay. I doubt our first and second will get it done. We have too many needs at other positions. Besides, regardless of what people around the league and writers think there are no guarantees and Luck could turn out to just be an average or even below average QB at the next level. While thats not likely, trading away a bevy of draft picks to take that chance is not worth it....


    I hope everyone has a Wonderful New Year!

  9. I had said this in an earlier post, I wasnt thrilled at all with the Hiring of Nix or Gailey. And after the jests laid the smack down on us I cant tell you how embarrassed I was. I don't know what he does behind scenes but he's done a great job of keeping these guys together and focused. It makes me think he will be able to manage a bunch of egos well when we finally have a few stars on the team. I love his press conferences. He's straight forward doesn't duck the tough questions and you see his emotion. You see his disgust over losing and doesn't believe in that moral victory stuff. Cowher supposedly reccomended him. Maybe Bill did us a favor. Im not sure how quickly it will happen but I think our future looks good with Chan as our HC

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