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Posts posted by rpcolosi

  1. so I'm in Japan and choose not to listen to much on WGR, but while listening to the sabres game they played a little rant by howard simon over sully, and dang it, he was DEAD on. Sully is clearly, CLEARLY biased against Nix. He just doesn't like the guy for basically making him look like a DB at that press conference awhile back. I also think Sully still has a huge bone for anything Boston, and loves to bash anything and everything the Bills do. Not that the team doesn't deserve some bashing, but c'mon give Nix some freaking time to clean up this mess! Simon said as much and it was frankly refreshing to hear at least one buffalo sports media guy with some sense and rationale...



    go sabres!

  2. As I thought about the Randy Moss trade today and all the circumstances were reported, like his heated convos with the OC and Belicheaet, it became cleaer the Randy was "disgrunteld" and thats why he was moved.


    So the Pats moved a great player in a contract year for a 3rd rounder.


    My question is, what do you think they would ask for Mankins? He is a PB Guard who is way more p*ssed at the Pats than Moss ever was. He has vowed to never play for them again, and he is on the 5th week of his holdout. He is also in a contract year you could say (he would have been a URFA if not for the CBA expiring).


    But If Moss goes for a 3rd, I dont see how Mankins could go for much more. Maybe a 3rd and 5th, a 2 at most would be my complete guess.


    My point is the Chan came out and publically said our OL isnt good enough to do what we want to do on offense. Well, here is your chance to get one of the best OLmen in the league for essentially nothing. Why not solidify the OL now rather than take a huge risk on a late round pick - a slection that with our scouts will bust with a 98% chance. It would not be a "win now" move by any means, and would most certainly help us rebuild. Its a no brainer to me, but I get the feeling it hasnt even crossed Nixs mind.


    trades iwthin the division are very, very rare. other then bledsoe and a couple others i can't think of any.

  3. Thanks go out to Marv Levy, for giving up a high 2nd and a high 3rd and trading back into the first round to acquire a player who was the 3rd best defensive lineman on his collegiate team. In doing so, the team justified passing on Ngata.


    Why wasn't he cut 2 or 3 years ago? He's barely seen the field, yet he has comfortably collected the entirety of his first round contract.



    because we finally have a GM who is purging this team of people who don't want to win and who aren't talented... GO BUDDY!

  4. Revis: Now Pats* have no vertical game


    The Pats* receiving corps isn't exactly 5 players deep. They've had great production from their young tight ends, and of course from W.Welker, but once you take Moss out of the equation, the whole offense takes a step back.


    I know this is a blame-Buffalo-first crowd, but try to look at this through the eyes of a team who actually wants to compete for the last twelve games of the season. Sure, they're losing Moss at season's end, but they just cut ties with the second best receiver of all-time, and there's A LOT of season left to play.


    Try and unlock yourself from the Pats* can do no wrong, Bills can do no right mentality, and look at this critically. Their offense definitely just took a huge step back.



    lets wait and see... Edelman gets an increased role and they have 2 stud rookie TEs. I venture to guess they do jjjjust fine running hernandez deep. Revis needs to shut his trap.


    that oakland pick will be huge for them next year. they have had sort of strange drafts the past few years but still getting some decent players.



    "sort of strange" IE scott pioli is no longer there... look out for the chiefs...

  5. The plan is pretty much cristal clear to me......


    - Get rid of the non performers....for WHATEVER we can get


    - Work your way to the top of the draft board


    - Figure out who are gamers and who are not


    Next to go should be McCargo and Whitner



    BINGO. Did anyone not see what the Patriots just did? They traded a good player in a contract year for a draft pick because he isn't in the long term plans. What did the Bills do? THE EXACT SAME THING. This is how you consistently build a winner. The last time we did this with a player was Ko Simpson and it was a 7th rounder at that.


    I actually think this was part of the plan with edwards - unless he really lit the world on fire.


    Nix actually has a plan, and despite what TG and Sully say - they would have gotten less for Marshawn (no better hten a 4th was offered according to multipe reports) in the offseason then now. And yes, a conditional 6th is still something...

  6. Bob's dead on about all the bills draft pick misses. Couldn't possibly agree more that it is the reason this franchise is in flux. however, he is acting as though the war room has not changed, and that simply is not true.


    the 2009 draft class now included Buddy Nix as national scout (no other changes)

    the 2010 draft class now included Nix as GM and Gailey as HC, and subsequently will involve Doug Whaley and Darrell Moody and will no longer involve John Guy and Dick Jauron. This is not the same war room. I do have some issues with promoting the scouts within, though a scouts job is to compile data for the GM, Asst GM, HC and NS to evaluate and make draft decisions on. Perhaps the scouts do a poor job of compiling that data, or, more likely - the prior regime did a poor job at judging and picking off that data. I don't know where Modrak is in all of this, but it is hard for me to imagine the guy was successful in Pittsburgh and Philly and now suddenly sucks in Buffalo. maybe I'm wrong, maybe he just was in the right place at the right time with Cowher and Reid there, but I doubt it...



    in the end- this is a new war room next year, with two main additions who come from successful organizations - Whaley and Moody. Winning comes from the top down and it can only help to have guys in the FO who have come from winning organizations. I expected the 09 and 10 drat classes to have more of a lasting impact then the entire 00 decade, outside of maybin of course. At least it seems we hit on our 2nd 1st rounder and 2 2nd rounders in 09 and lets hope that CJ starts to shine like we all know he can now that Marshawn is gone. Troupe and Carrington might take a little more time to physically grow and be groomed into their positions, but David Nelson has been a huge addition.


    In the end, everyone is just bashing the sh*t out of the bills FO. Well what did you expect after years of 7-9 crap? You need to gut the entire house before re-doing the foundation. We should be thankful Nix had the balls to do it. Does everyone think Polian came in here and it was suddenly a playoff team? um nope....


    give it time and support the team - at the very least go to the games cause us guys in the service overseas cant... GO BILLS!

  7. his contract is too high. we'd fetch even less than Marshawn for him. not worth it at this point. plus, he is young enough that we can still rebuild around him and we do have some other young WRs. it be nice if some of them had size, i guess nelson is 6'5 so that is good. Eventually move him opposite lee and keep roscoe and stevie in the slots. Its not a bad group, esp with a good QB. Lets pray Andrew Luck comes into the draft and wants to be a buffalo bill... if not hopefully Pryor in the 2nd round

  8. I love the topic here. This is EXACTLY it. And this is WHY Buddy is the right guy. The last regime did NOT want to re-sign or give extensions to existing talent. They simply let it walk. Buddy wants to do it the right way, draft, groom and keep them. Donahoe/Butler did a good job with these guys - but a poor job at keeping them (through levy in there too). Same thing with Peters.


    It will take some time, and a few high draft picks, but we are on the right path. This team needed to bottom out. It needs to get over the 7-9s mediocrity. We need a few high draft picks... Let's trust in the work these men are doing. They've got a plan. More importantly Gailey CLEARLY wants guys who will play hard, play for him and WANT to win. I like this coach. a lot. don't really care what most of you think, this guy is a ball coach and he has fire, he has passion and he actually does know how to win.

  9. well put. However, our last 10 years of drafting has been atrocious. It's not all about FA. it is about drafting players. Look at the jets past 8 years - they hit on almost all of their 1st and 2nd and 3 rounders, except maybe gholston, who still might turn it around. We haven't hit on one, except maybe marshawn and lee. and those are BIG maybes. When we've traded draft picks, we've wiffed - see JP and McCArgo. They hit - see Sanchize and Greene.


    In the end, it always, always ALWAYS comes down to drafting. FA doesn't turn a team around (say for the phins a few years ago, but that's a rarity) in the same manner.


    Nix is a good talent guy, Whaley hopefully will be, and Gailey - for once - looks like a head coach who actually understands good football and crap. Jauron never ever would have acted the way Gailey did. Gailey actually looked ready to cut half the starters and play the young guys - he wants guys who WANT to win. Right now - i think the blow-hard whitner, the "steady" lee, etc need to go. These guys aren't focused. They are not helping our young talent - and we DO have young talent. Our line is still a work in progress, but its getting better. Urbik will eventually be our RG and Wood will move to center. bell looks to be getting significantly better htan last year


    ook im done rambling. will have a better post later... GO GAILEY, GO NIX, GO BILLS!

  10. Thanks to Tim Graham (good work Tim - keep it up) I can beef up my case for a complete revision of the FO personnel department. How do you spell whiff?




    Tim Graham Halftime Observations


    This goes beyond the CEO, GM and Coach. This is a corporate problem. IMO.



    I respect TG but throwing Wood, McKelvin and CJ under the bus like that is um premature and a micro-cosum of their careers thus far.... HOWEVER - I totally agree with teh rest of it. I'm going to do an in depth analyis of our last 7 yyears of drafting and where its gotten us (as opposed to the pats, jets and phins).

  11. In reality, or to people that can accept reality, watching/reading/listening to everything that has gone down with the Bills in the past few weeks/months truely confirms that the only true way to build a francise it through the draft. I know I may be stating the obivous, but as I continue to read peoples posts and comments it seems as if other teams baggage is quickly deemed the "savior". This goes as far as "the QB situtation being solved with Fitz". The guy has been in the league 6 years and been on 3 seperate teams (2 years in B-LO). If he was to be an every day starter on a regular basis in the NFL he would have been there by now and would have beaten out his competition not slid in by default


    The Bills are truely 2-4 years away from being a Playoff contender, especailly being in the AFC East. This is reality. We need to have confidence in Gailey and Nix and need to understand that players such as EVANS, JACKSON, McGHEE, STROUD even KELSAY wont be around when the Bills truly become a playoff contender. If this means letting Vets go (Mitchell) or trading away players such as the ones above for picks or youth so be it. I am a believer in Evans and dont feel that we have seen his true potential but at this point I dont believe you ever will in Buffalo so why not get him to a team that could use a good WR for a 2nd round pick. He is going to be 30 next year. Face it, the Bills are rebuilding, starting from scratch. Save LYNCH, trade JACKSON...lynch is 5 years younger. Everyone is sick of getting rid of the "talent" but when the talent wont be there to help you in 2, 3, 4 years whats the difference?


    Anyway, enough with the ORTON for LYNCH....enough of the Castoffs are the Saviors...only time, good drafts and good player development within is what will cure the BILLS




    most of what you said is well strange. i agree teams are built through the draft and fine tuned in FA. i 100% agree that Jackons is the one you trade, not lynch. a Lynch/Spiller tandem for 4-5 years is deadly. that said, this isnt 2-4 years away and evans most certainly will be a part of this, as will kyle williams, our interior O-line, McKelvin, McGee, Byrd, etc.


    Drafting a good QB, 2 good LBs (1 pass rusher, 1 coverage) and a RT are the main points for this team. It can be done over the next year or two if it means we can pick up a piece or two in FA. unles Urbrik suddenly becomes an amazing RT.


    I will say this, though... getting guys like Brohm, Urbik, Florence, etc who were high draft picks and great college players is a smart move. sometimes it just takes a few years for guys to really develop or to find a system they thrive in. this is a smart move on Nix's part.

  12. I wonder what some people would think of Terrelle Pryor being an option for next year if he enters the draft? This is under the assumption that Locker continues to plummet and Mallet and Luck are off the board. I think it might be a good fit for Gailey. In my opinion if we had a very mobile QB with a strong arm in combination with the speed receivers we have and the running backs we have I think that could be a lot for a defense to handle. Maybe I am crazy but I really think that Pryor might be a good fit.


    I guess the biggest questions is does anyone know if he is planning on entering the draft?



    I'd LOVE him in the early 2nd round - kind of like taking Drew Brees that early. he is a big 10 qb (Brady, Orton, Brees, Henne, etc) which means he can play in bad weather (unlike um SoCal boys). I'd love to get an OL or a stud LB in round 1 and pick him up in round 2.


    but he hasn't spoken at all about entering the draft.

  13. Not too sure because i didn't get a chance to watch the Green Bay debacle, but is Ashton Youboty still on this team. If we were playing with so many dbs last week it would have seemed that he would have been around the play once or twice, but I never heard his name called. Same with week one, although we used less dime pkg. If Reggie Corner is getting burnt all the time, why is he still a part of the dime pkg instead of Youboty? Maybe could have matched up against a TE a little better.



    hes been on ST a lot, but frankly, I like him a LOT more then corner. he has more size and is a better taclker, IMO. not sure if he just is more susceptible to great route runners or what.

  14. This post was absolute nonsense (no disrespect intended). An outside linebacker in a 3-4 needs to be fast. He is not a run stopper, either. Have you seen him trying to make open-field tackles these last few games? Yes, he's good at stoping the run as a defensive end. It's a totally different ballgame as an outside linebacker.


    Why this front office continues to insult its fanbase is beyond me. After this contract, Jason Peters for $8M a year doesn't seem so bad!!!!



    Nonsense that people actually see he is a solid player? hardly. also, Peters wanted over 10mil, not 8. and finally - not all 3-4 OLB's are built on speed. go ahead and tell me that Jarret Johnson on the Ravens or Bryan Thomas of the Jets is that much faster then Kelsay. They play the same position The speed OLB you are talking about for both teams is Terrel Suggs and Calvin Pace - And that equates to where Maybin is/should line up. Sadly we only have Torbor there (and frankly Chris Ellis has far more value as a pass rusher then torbor, so I'd rather him therE).



    but if you are going ot make remarks about "all OLBs are fast" then you better get a look at the "unsung" OLBs in great 3-4s across the league...

  15. Alright - So I haven't posted in awhile but a few things are bugging me.


    1.) I was a huge Kelsay hater - the guy never gets sacks, he was a "bust" for a 2nd round DE, etc. but then I started to look at him as a DE and not the second coming of aaron schobel. I recommend you all do the same. The guy is, and has been, our best DE against the run since he got here. he is going to continue to be solid against the run. This is no different then having a guy like Dwan Edwards brought in. both are solid all around players who will generate a small pass rush, but who excel at stopping the run.


    2.) I hate as much as anyone that he is asked to drop into coverage. This is to the fault of the DC, and we can only hope it will change once they get a respectable LB that can cover TEs. For the time being, Bryan Scott is sadly our answer. Is he a pass covering LB? not at all. He is, however, an everydown player who reacts well and diagnoses plays. His weakness is, and will be, speed. If the DC continues to use him in positions as a stand up 3-4 outside backer that is used to rush the passer and contain RBs, he will be a solid, every down player. However, if he is used at anypoint inthe future to COVER a TE or a RB out in the flat, then shame on them. Note - The bills under Jauron were NOTORIOUS for placing Schobel and Kelsay and Denny back in coverage positions. this made no sense then and makes no sense now.


    3.) His weaknesses? speed. Pure and simple he isn't a speed rusher or a pass covering LB. He is a run stopper and a containment player who also plays on special teams (yes watch and he actually is in there for plays).


    Is he worth 6mil? It's not much of a raise (250k/yr) from his last deal so at the risk of creating another hole on our team its not a horrible move. We are a team with a LOT of needs. He is a solid contributor and losing him is just creating more holes we must fill in the draft and FA.


    finally, after I get flamed at, don't take my word but look at what Scouts INC has to say about him:


    "He will be an outside linebacker in the Bills' 3-4 defense. He is a player who is used to playing with his hand on the ground. Kelsay is a good athlete, however, and he should be able to make the adjustment. He shows very good initial quickness as an up-the-field player. He is small but uses his hands well to keep blockers off his body. He shows good lateral speed and range. Kelsay might struggle early versus the run as it could be tough for him to diagnose as a stand-up LB."

  16. Maybe he's negotiating with other teams to see if he can be on a regular roster as opposed to PS.



    you're very correct. if he doesn't make a squad (say arizona or something) he's got a shot to end up on our PS. just gotta let it work itself out. unless they're gunning for troy smith as a 4th qb...

  17. To be accurate Hangartner is really in the 315-320 lb range and Ngata plays RE for the Ravens not NT.



    I stand corrected wyatt - you're an oak.


    well i find it funny that everywhere i look hangartner is listed as around 300.... either way hartwig held up just find against 3-4 centers.

  18. Hartwick is too small to handle the NT in this division.



    So he can't handle Jenkins or Wilfork but he could handle Ngata just fine? i don't agree with that, not to mention he's actually bigger then Hangartner...


    hatrwig 6'5 312


    hangartner 6'5 301 (but a high motor player....)




    also to the prior post - I acknowledged wood is our backup center - the point is, if he needs to shift over then we are now weaker at RG. ultimately, Hartwig is a starter (or has been) while Urbrik has been inactive. One of htem is the better player, i susppose finances might be a reason we went the cheapr route, as Hartwig is also young. but it would make sense to get the better player so as to not create another position of need by shifting wood un-necessarily. it's probably just that Hartwig wants to start and we wouldn't offer him starter money to be a backup...


    Backup center is filled by Wood. Whaley likely brought Urbik there as well.


    whaley was pro-personnel - he wasn't a college guy (though he had some influence on that). it's known he brought in hartwig, but i suppose there's reasons he doesnt want him too.

  19. Everyone deserves a chance, so I'll refrain from citing the most vitriolic anti-Chan web sites - suffice to say there are many Georgia Tech fans glad to see him gone. As a Bills fan, I sincerely hope we'll feel differently than they do. We'll find out soon enough, starting this Sunday...

    GO BILLSSS!!!! :thumbsup:



    when will people realize that GT fans opinions dont matter? His issue wasn't his style of play - it was lack of a team qualified enough to beat UGA - that comes down to recruiting. Likewise, it was the reasons Carroll was so successful. Chan's football style is a winning formula - he just didn't have the school name to compete in what amounts to SEC country (even if it's an ACC school) - recruiting against the likes of Florida, UGA, FSU, Miami, etc isn't quite the same challenges as Carroll faced with USC.


    So can we just, for once and for all, realize that college football is a totally different animal compared to the NFL? heck the opposite is true - hte same reasons spurrier and butch davis were successful in college (recruiting superior talent) ultimately cost them in the NFL because their lack of advantageous talent (along with poor systems) didn't translate to on field success.

  20. am I the only person who would have preferred Justin Hartwick to Ubrik?? Hartwick fills a need as a back up center (as much as we all like wood or levitre there, its just another hole to fill) and back in the day Hangartner was solid at filling in at guard. I just think that maybe we took the wrong guy form the steelers, but no one should know better than Whaley - he is the guy who brought Hartwick there in the first place.

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