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Posts posted by rpcolosi

  1. Why on earth would they include a photo of Kelly from just after he had suffered a concussion against the Redskins in Super Bowl XXVI? Are they trying to infer something about Jimbo's mindset? What a weird photo selection.



    Classic WGR550!! bash the sh*t out of the bills til people only care abotu the sabres. gosh they are the absolute worst....glad I'm in japan and dont need to listen to them

  2. interesting post...


    of the current vets, I think the only person who could end up really shocking people (if he were to be on a different team or get the chance to play) is Yobouty. I'm not a huge fan of Corner and think Florence has frankly looked horrible this year. I dont think ashton will ever be a shut down CB (as we hope McKelvin might) but he could be a solid #2 who is able to blitz the qb. also he's from OSU so you know he's a "sure tackler."


    the only guys of the VETERANS worth building around are Kyle Williams, McGee, McKelvin, Byrd and Dwan Edwards. Poz doesnt look like he is going to be brought back - he can't stay healthy, and though he's a good tackler, he rarely has teh ability to stand up a RB at the point of attack (over=pursuing and getting dragged by MJD a few weeks ago ring any bells?), he is not a great pass rusher, and can not shed blocks well.


    Of the younger group, I've really, really liked what I've seen from Troupe in a short amount of time. The guy has very active hands, and like Dwan Edwards, has been seen running back downfield to make tackles. He has held up decently well at the POA and has taken on 2 blockers a few times, something I havent seen a NT do for the Bills in a long time. He and Kyle Williams are a nice duo to have in the middle there. I'd even be interested to see Williams at end.


    Carrington could go the route of Chris ellis or he could develop into something of a player, only time will tell. The thing he's got going for him is that he's the right size for a 3-4 end. Ellis had the size but lacked speed as a 3-4 OLB, though he did seem to have some pass rush ability in those first few games. Frankly, Gailey saw 3 years of Chris Ellis while at GT, I get the feeling he wasn't too afraid of him...


    Moats,Coleman,Batten - LB is our weakest position on this team and I am expecting these guys to all make huge strides next year. The first two look to be possibly edge rushers and have the size for it, the big question is, do they have teh speed. I still dont see an LB on this roster who can cover a tight end (ellison/bryan scott can poorly) so that needs to be addressed - but I believe Moats and Coleman can eventually provide a pass rush. Also, everyone here has forgotten Batten but the kid was an absolute stud in college. It's a shame he is hurt. Maybe He goes the route of Nic Harris, or maybe not... this is a great piece on him. I'm excited to see him inside - I really think he will end up replacing Poz for us and eventually will be an upgrade. The kid just had a knack for making plays:




    and moats/coleman - i'll let yall praise those two..




    Also - its important to note - Nix and Co. must have clearly seen that LB is a huge, huge weakness before this season as they drafted Batten and Moats and snatched Coleman up right away. They knew awhile ago we had crap in the cupboard and I've got a feeling knew Poz was serviceable for a year and that A. Davis would be a great mentor, but truthfully they need young blood. Ayodele won't be back, though Torbor and Ellison could provide good ST and depth for us.

  3. It's not an absolute, it's a circular argument. They're poorly run, as evidenced by the fact that they can't identify talent in any round...hence, they won't find talent in any round, as they're poorly run.


    Unfortunately, unlike most circular arguments, it's actually a pretty good argument based on the history of other franchises (again, the Lions spring most immediately to mind). Franchises in that condition don't get better until the front office is massively overhauled.




    Yes, there's my opinion, and then there's blisteringly stupid opinions. :devil:



    I give Nix a lot of credit for Wood, Levitre, Byrd and Nelson perhaps more than I should. I also give him props for Easley who was showing flashes, Moats who in limited time looks like a solid future pass rusher for us, Wang - who looks to be a swing/depth guy which all teams need on the line, and Troupe who frankly is not getting near enough credit for being a very very solid rookie NT. Everyone expects teh NT to be the key to stoping the run but its two parts - hold your gap and blocker and free up space for LBs to make plays. Well on more then a few occasions he has held up 2 blockers at the point of attack and holds his ground well, even chasing some plays down from behind. We don't have LBs capable ot shedding blocks (Poz) or fast enough to make plays sideline to sideline (Torbor, Kelsay and Davis).


    In a nutshell - Nix is not getting enough credit for cleaning house and bringing in a large variety of young talent over the past two years... and yes - CJ Spiller will be just fine with this team. He is a great talent, not a wasted pick. Perhaps his biggest whiff to date draft wise could be Carrington - but it also takes time for most DE's to step right in and play. Fortunately we have a year or two until we urgently need him to take over for Stroud at DE in a 3-4.


    Also - Dwan Edwards has been a great signing, and balances out the complete effing whiff they made on Cornell Green. Green's contract is really pretty small (don't be fooled by the 3mil/yr, virutally NONE is guaranteed). If they looked at him as a 1 year or 1/2 year stop gap to bridge to a future RT, then its a more then adequate move. Lots of Agents tack on extra years in hopes the player pans out, but often times the contract never gets to compltion.

  4. So i'm going to listen to the Sabres game and what is their question of the day??


    "Do you want the Bills to win?"



    so the only sports station in Buffalo is questioning whether their one major national franchise should even win a game? What is wrong with these morons? Are they owned by someone in LA or Toronto? I live in Japan, I can't listen without going to the website, but from what I can see Howard Simon is the only guy worth a rats a$$ on that station. everyone in buffalo should boycott them for their anti-bills agenda and notorious bills bashing. it's pathetic.... and its probably all because 97rock is the Voice of the Bills...


    F.Off WGR... GO BILLS!!!!

  5. I have seen posted in many threads, to the point where it seems to have become an accepted fact, that Maybin was a Juaron Draft pick 100%. Now I like everyone else have heard the reports the Jauron wanted Maybina and Modrak claims to have wanted Cushing – but do you believe everything you hear?


    At the end of the 2008 Season Jauron was almost FIRED. He was a hair away from getting the Axe (so close so that halfway into 2009 he actually was canned). So, are we to believe that 4 ½ months later, the then “circle jerk of trust” went 100% with a lame duck coach who was sitting on the hottest of hot seats against the advice of the entire scouting staff? I don’t believe that one bit.


    Now I don’t doubt Jauron wanting Maybin at all, but I do doubt the notion that Modrak was against selecting Maybin. Modrak may have had Cushing as BPA, but I bet he had Maybin as 2nd best BPA – a pick the staff has tried desperately to distance themselves from. There is no way that the scouting staff was trumped completely for the opinion of a coach everyone knew wouldn’t last another year or 2, Jauron defiantly had some backing from eh scouting staff in that draft room.


    If Modrak was good at his job he would have had Maybin rated no higher than the 4th round. In that case, the “circle jerk of trust” decided to draft the highly un-recommended 4th round prospect that the lame duck halfway fired HC wants? Sorry if I don’t buy that scenario either.


    Ok, so Modrak wanted Cushing…. Haven’t we heard this before? In 2004 he was part of the scouting staff hand picked by Donahoe to be head of scouting. That year that staff TRADED UP to select Losman. 2 years later in 2006, Modrak was reported to have wanted Cutler (this info, just like the Cushing info, came out AFTER the season). So Modrak had given up on Losman after 2 years, one of which was spent on the bench with a broken leg? Please – not buying it, no way he gave up on Losman that fast. Its also pretty fishy considering Cutler starts off his career on such a strong note – hindsight anyone? Again this Cutler news didn’t break until after the season. Fast forward to 2009 and its Cushing…”I wanted Cushing” Modrak says- again reported after the season, Oh what a coincidence that he is the ROY.


    I bet if you asked him today who he wanted he would say “I wanted Mathews……”

    Sorry but I am not buying it.




    the losman year they are on record as saying they wanted rothelisberger, and when they didnt get him they knew they needed a qb prospect so they gambled on losman. that sounds consistent with donahoe and his splashy draft picks, not modrak. and i dont doubt most teams having losman ranked as the 4 qb. its just unfortunate he had horrible coaching and didnt work out. its possible iwth chan or martz or someone hed be in the league still.

  6. it took me seeing them do it today, on the road, against one of the best defenses in the NFL to say this, but our offense looks pretty darn good in gailey's hands, and we really haven't had a lot of big additions. Clearly, it starts with the line and they were GREAT today. 1 sack? thats excellent.


    Our D is still adjusting, and its porous as it was last year. A Davis nad Edwards have helped some, but we really need guys like Moats and Coleman to come along. Kelsay played well today as did williams. Whitner is a liability and george wilson looked silly on that 4th down for 15 yards.


    Moats was in on the Edwards sack, and he seems that he will be able ot get to the QB once he gets more time....

  7. When will people realize you need Linebackers to stop the run?


    I've replayed the last few games with Troupe getting a ton of playing time against the Jags. The guy is the reason we got the A. Davis touchdown, as he deflected the INT ball. He also took on 2 blocks at the point of attack 4 or 5 times. In addition, he penetrated into the backfield on a few plays to allow Kelsay or another LB to get a stop for little to no gain. He actually is a really good NT, but we do not have the speed or strength in our LB corp to make a difference. Next to williams he has been our best player on the line.


    Carrington is a guy that will see more action down the road. going from a 4-3 end to a 3-4 end has a larger emphasis on holding the edge on running plays. He'll get tehre, what were you all hoping for Bruce smith??


    As for Moats, Batten, etc. You guys are nutz. They kids were studs everywhere they played and are good football players. They may need to stay healthy, yes, but they've got two things you cant coach - size and speed. batten is a 4.7 250lb LB. thats nice. Moats is a little short at 6'0 but again has speed and a history of getting to the QB. Those are the intangibles good NFL scouts and execs look for. Not to mention, the '09 draft, other than maybin has ben really solid - Levitre has looked great and wood will be back to a top notch level a year removed from that injury. Both players are playing more and better than Alex Mac or Max Unger, who were the other "big name" guards and centers. Byrd is having a sophmore slump which probably has more to do with the scheme then anything. The kid didn't lose ball hawking skills over night. He will be fine as the defense gets figured out (Wade Phillips for DC anyone???).


    finally Spiller. Wow. do I really need to say anything? the guys a big time talent, and the fact we have two excellent RBs is a great thing.... if you think our FO sucks, find another team, cause this is what you got til Ralph dies.

  8. to continue on...


    this regime like's D Bell and for good reason. I was a huge, huge hater, but other than some really bad timed penalties, He has been leaps and bounds better then last year. HE looks to be an average LT right now, which is saying a lot for him. He is certainly better than mike gandy ever was. at this point in his career.


    In addition, i think everyone is getting their panties in a bunch with all these FA OG we are bringing in. Granted, they are high on Ubrik and Wood, we know this much. They clearly like Hang to give him teh C too... and Levitre has been one of our best OL all year. The weakness is Hangs lack of size and everything and anything cordell green. Howard isn't the answer- he got completely owned by Kampan in this past game, but he also held his own af ew times. He will be a better option with at the minimum fewer penalties then Green. Our best bet would be to draft a large, road grating RT. WE don't have one of those on this roster.


    I have no idea what is up with Wang, my guess is they are teaching him guard too to make him a util linemen, much like Urbik and howard now. I suspect we have 7 of our future OL on the team now and need to add a starting quality RT. Having depth of Wang, Urbik and/or Howard isn't too bad.


    Finally the draft. This team needs to go with whoever teh cant miss prospect is at our draft position - be it QB, WR, DE, LB, OT, whatever.... about the only thing we dont need is - Saftey, CB, RB and Guard. I personally am dreaming we get a LB or DE with the 1st overall pick. I really don't want a QB early or a RT in the first round. It be great to get a stud pass rusher or coverage lb for a few years, and pick up a RT in round 2. I'm still not thinking this next year is the time for a QB unless Luck is out.

  9. ed wang - 5th round


    a davis - not good, and possibly not worth trading other valuable pics for.


    49ers record? 1 win better than the bills in a far weaker division.


    so whats your point again? oh ya - Chan is playing a guy he is familiar with. Well, boy, that worked out real bad for Pete Carroll and Mike WIlliams in Seattle... oh wait a minute. Maybe players and coaches know eachother and how to push buttons better then us fans ore the media realizes.


    in the end - this is a dumb post, im sorry....

  10. As I've mentioned a few times on here, I'm in the process of doing a huge evaluation that includes looking at the past 10 years of drafting for the bills, pats, jets, phins, chargers and colts. in addition to proving a few points about Donahoe having a decent draft (2001 good, along with many, many bad ones) and Marv/Brandon/DJ totally effing us over, one point is to show that Parcells franchises are horrible at drafting with him as the "czar." I need to e v a l the cowboys too, but his record this far with the Phins has been absolutely horrible other than Jake Long. what hasn't been, though, is his ability to bring in a lot of FA which is not a long term answers ( see the current cowboys mess, its not Wade or Romo, but the lack of quality players throughout that organizationed, coupled with a tough division).



    Parcells is good at NFL talent evaluations but is not good a drafting. He is a heck of a coach (though he gets a lot of cred for 2 super bowls in the 80s and none with the teams following that..)


    I'll continue to maintain that the Polian GM tree is the best in the business, along with the Pittsburgh organization. Pioli is also up there, as the Pats drafts have significantly declined after his departure. Nix, though old, was probably one of the best candidates out there to be honest. Whaley also isn't a bad pick either.

  11. Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


    It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


    We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.



    Don't get me wrong - I really like this years draft class. I actually think Troupe is much better then anyone is giving him credit for. he WAS a force in this past game, tipping the pass that A Davis picked off and more then holding his own on a few tackels for no gain. I'm not saying our run defense will be better with him in there (we need LBs, badly, shawn merriman anyone?), but Troupe has the makings of a good player. I'm also praying Danny Batten pans out. That kid was a freaking stud in D I - AA, along with moats and coleman. So ya - I like the drafts Nix and Modrak and Co. put together last 2 years (minus the maybin pick, who it seems was not what they wanted as Nix has all but said he hates 1 year wonders, minus Easley as a 5th, who still was working out). So there is hope... I just wish we had freaking orakpo... ugh!

  12. The Cowboys are one game better than us. The pre season darlings San Fran barely won their first game today. We have already faced our AFC East that is very powerful and the rematches await the final 3 games. Now the task is to really BILLIEVE that we can get to 500. But how and what could possibly be the rationale for this daunting task? I don’t give a f**k what your opinion is of the Bills since the Jim Kelly years. This franchise is no tangerine Tampa Bay or the post #20 Detroit lions!!!This team historically scraps and fights under a north American winter sky. The players are not insulated from their fans by hiding behind red ropes and guarded skyscrapers ;They live with us and WILL get their lawns jungled and have their wings served small and NOT crispy. The reason why I bought my season tix again is bc the football has a component that the NFL has capitalized on and that is: WILL. The Will of men vs the Will of other men. Can this team WILL their asses outta this mess? Can this team hold together until the Drill of hope reaches them and and pull their asses up to the surface lol THIS YEAR. I aint no homer I just understand that it is very possible for this team to reach .500 bf we again face our divisional rivals. OK OK you wanna argue talent??? We have it!! View the totality of the team. Coaching? hmmm maybe but the season is long and im not overly impressed w/ a Shanny w a Mcnabb. Soo that leaves us w/ inexperience w/ a new system. Hopefully the kinks get worked out and the youngsters catch on as we face:

    RAVENS: 50/50 a must win for us and their QB is showing inconsistency. We shudda took one from NE and NE beat these guys.

    KC: Chan shud be prepared for these early bloomers that are now slippin

    Bears: QB problems

    LIONS: Draft, All the hype…They stink

    BENGALS: We knock #85 the f**k out and he was ambulanced off the field last we played. This time that ambulance better have bunk beds.

    Pittsburgh: We are due…at least for some twisted metal. The stadium is gonna go ape ****…with both fan bases haha exciting.

    Cleveland: We win this time 3 to 2

    I see 6 wins somewhere in there. Pitts and Balty being the headaches.

    Now what is it that you see here.and you knuckle head bitchin and negative turds think about the cowboys, vikes and 49ers. Or just pop in ur jim Kelly glory day VHS tape. And scout the inconsistent QBs at the college ranks oops Colt McCoy did a fine job finally being one of the pack that got to play in week six only to lose. We are here bc Trent failed not bc of an old man that owns the team. I HAVE BEEN BUMMED but I see .500 bf the AFC EAST HITS AGAIN and im sure the players see it as well.




    I see 5 at best... if we can somehow stop the run. And um thats a big, big if. I'm not too worried about us scoring points - I even think we can manage to put up 14-17 on the ravens, but no way do we stop them...


    Lions - W

    Bengals - W

    Pitts - loss, (badly I might add)

    Cleveland - W

    Chiefs - W

    Bears - W (they aren't very good and their running game is weak)



    and I agree - instead of going all negative, give these guys our best, its not like they are rolling over... Stroud is a genuinely tough competitor (though out of place at DE). the man sounded pretty upset fans are turning on the players- when its the past 8 years of bad FO moves that we shoul be blasting... wasnt the billboard enough????


    go bills!

    (from the guy waking up at 2am in Japan every weak to watch them...)

  13. not that it needs to be stated, but being at that 2008 NFL Draft live and in person, I just get sick to my stomach every single time this guy makes a big play. A huge sack on peyton today giving him 15 in the past 2 years. I can't even explain how huge it would be to have this guy on our squad instead of maybin. My anger and frustration that day just intensifies every single time Orakpo shows up. I still place this blame squarely on RW and Jauron... I don't think it's what modrak wanted and rumors were that he wanted cushing I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)...


    anyways I'm working on a huge spread sheet with a scoring system breaking down just how horrible our drafts have been in the 00's.... and it's shockingly horrible.

  14. And yet, after all that "fixing the lines" BS, the Rams didn't get any better until they got a franchise QB. Long, Smith, etc led that team to 1 and 2 win seasons. They get a franchise QB, and bam, they've won as many games in 6 so far this season (3) as they had won in the past 2 seasons combined.


    Also, the argument is a bit mis-leading. Smith was drafted, and was so bad at LT, they had to spend another pick on Saffold, who then beat out Smith for LT. Think the rams really wanted to spend the #2 pick on a RT?



    um you need to build the machine before you put a guy at the controls - that means, until the big pieces are in place like RT, LT, DE and MLB - there is no point in having a master at the control switch.

  15. They are about to go to 3-3 with the addition of Bradford. It is crazy to talk about drafting tackles if a QB available at 1. Having a great QB makes everything else better.



    wait.... what did the rams draft the few years before Bradford??? and Offensive and Defensive line, thats it (and yes they got Saffold as well this year). what did the Jets draft before sanchez? you guess it the same thing!!! how about the dolhpins? Yup - Jake Long came first...


    I'm just saying....Bills need to go line and/or linebacker these next couple years before the "franchise saviour" in 2012.



  16. Am I the only person who is a little fed up with people referring to this as the same FO? the scouts and Modrak remain, however 3 of the biggest decisions makers have changed -

    GM - Nix

    Asst. GM - Whaley

    National Scout - Moody


    granted Whaley should be focusing more on scouting the upcoming opposition and Free Agency, but his football accumen will still be necessary come draft time. Moody also will be a vital cog too. I'm not saying I wouldn't like a few more scouts or a few changes in our scouting department, but maybe that hasn't been the issue at all... maybe the issue has been the decision makers (or lack there of....) and not the data being presented. I guess I have faith Nix is smart enough to see whether the Modrak and these scouts have any sense of what makes a football player.. and I've said it in the past - Modrak had a track record at two other places, what's changed here is, besides Donahoe, he hasn't been on the same page as the guy calling the shots (though their 2001 class was pretty freaking good)...

  17. i dont watch alot of college football, but i just watched ohio state lose to wiscosin and #99 JJ Watt hada tremendous game, we should get him, i dont know if there is anyone that is playing better but he is 6 foot 6 or something and 295 and really really fast, besides fitzs is only 27? or so i read on this board the other day



    Watts looked insane. We need a player LIKE him early in the 1st, not necessarily him. A QB in the first is a gamble, and frankly, unless its Luck I don't see Nix going that route. He'll likely trade down or take a sure bet at either LB, DL or OL. Having an early 2nd round pick will afford him a shot at QB IF there is even one worth taking there. Mallet getting hurt, Locket struggling and Luck staying it all point to '12 being the year to get one...

  18. I think the Green injury is a ploy to take him out of the starting line-up while trying to save the face of the front office that signed him to a three year 9 million dollar contract. I don't blame Wilson for that mistake, I blame Nix and Company for that pathetic move. I absolutely have zero confidence in the front office and this coaching staff. They have made mistake after mistake since they arrived. Quite honestly they can stock pile draft picks all they want, but I don't have any confidence in there ability to draft or sign FA's that are difference makers.


    The front office reminds me of the democrats destroying the country like they are destroying this team.



    3 -yr 9 mil and little is guaranteed. Everyone is caught up in het numbers. they don't mean jack sqaut... just like kelsay's - very littie is guaranteed. when will people learn to understand that the real "big" contracts are the ones with huges amounts of guaranteed money....

  19. If I'm Gailey and Nix I come into this season with a few big things on my agenda for this year. Simply my thoughts but I believe their plan would mirror this:


    1.) Stay healthy - get guys healthy enough to get our squad through an entire season mostly intact. In addition - get some guys to become bigger, stronger and more physical.

    --> So far, other then Batten, Easley, and A. Davis/McGee's nagging injuries this squad has been remarkably better off then the past few years.


    2.) Cut dead weight players and develop "our" guys - Gailey really made it clear Maybin is on thin ice. Our regime determinedly quickly that what you see in practice you don't get in the game with Edwards. They traded a player who wasnt going to resign for draft picks. They cut past 2nd and 3rd round picks (have to believe McCargo is on here too, he barely touched the field). More importantly - they also got rid of possibly the most useless 3rd string qb of all time in Hamdan. What were we thinking not even ATTEMPTING to groom a younger, talented player (at the least like Brohm or Levi)


    3.) Plug rookies in/infuse "our guys" - Perhaps it was out of necessity but Troupe had a very good game. Remember he was a 4-3 DT in college so maybe its better for us to utilize the 4-3 until we get linebackers who can flow to the ball and cover RBs/TEs in the flat. He was responsible for A. Davis' INT and also took on multiple blockers and held up well at the point of attack. We know Spiller has talent and is a good compliment to FJ. Easley flashed some in preseason. It be nice to see what Carrington's got. He is one of the few guys on this team who could maybe generate a pass rush. See Moats as well. As for FA's Dwan Edwards and A. Davis have both been huge for us. Davis is our best LB against the rush and Dwan edwards is the only other guy besides Kyle Williams who can consistently push up field.


    4.) Implement new offense and defensive systems - Gailey's offense, though it struggled against the Jets and Phins has actually shown up this year. He is yet again taking a below average QB and making the guy competitive. Fitz has never had a 3 game set as good as these... Our O will be OK once we can get some better play our of our RT, TE and QB. Defensively we are awful. The 4-3 players are useless in this. Stroud, who I love, just plays so much better inside. even when we go to 4 down he is a more impact player then at DE. Spencer Johnson is the same just less talented. We have no OLBs that can cover. Torbor and kelsay are limited. We have to hope we see more of moats and coleman in passing downs. A. Davis has been a great player and someone that hopefully can mentor Poz.


    5.) Turnovers - though we are not getting near as many as last year (where are you jairus byrd) we are not turning it over near as much either. This is a credit to better coaching and a better offense.


    6.) Let players develop - so far, Bell has looked like a solid LT. I'm in shock, I was a huge D. Bell hater. McKelvin, if he can cut down on mental errors has a chance to be our best DB. He is much improved. See Roscoe as well. Wood is struggling more then last yaer, which is to be expected. Bell/Levitre form a formidable lane to run behind. Watch most of our runs and they are behind these two. Levitre is downfield often which is nice. If Urbik ever develops there's a good chance Wood moves back to Center, which would be great against the Wiflork's, Jenkins, etc.


    and finally.... 99.) Win - this is the goal every game, however this roster had a bunch of mediocore players and a mediocore, play to don't lose system. Gutting it and doing the house cleaning the right way is what we should have down years ago instead of these hope-less, half-filled 7-9, 6-10 seasons.



    Unlike most guys on this board, this season isn't shocking me and I'm actually OK with it. I hate watching them lose, get penalties, fail to tackle, etc. But it is clear (despite sully) that the Bills have a plan in place. Nix is already righting this ship, it's just going to take some time. I hope this team stays around long enough for us to see the product, because its going to be a good squad that's going to be tough and up to the fight for the AFC East... Chan is more uspet with losing then any coach I've seen through here since Marv. He's a very, very good coach and Buddy did a good job hiring him.


    Keep it up Chan and Buddy.

  20. For anyone not watching the games, Dwan Edwards is the only other DL who plays very well throughout entire game besides Kyle Williams. He was a good pick up. Cornell Green is a stop gap until one of teh rookies take over (3 years with virtually nothing guaranteed means we walk away from him whenever a rookie is ready to take over). Moving Stevie Johnson to #2 seems to be working out, getting Roscoe involved has certainly helped... Trading a player in his walk year for two draft picks was smart. Cutting multiple 1st through 3rd round busts is needed. Picking up a guy like Urbrik is a talent infusion for cheap. Torbor is serviceable, all be it, not flashy.


    and finally spiller, who everyone is freaking out is a bust. The kid has plenty to offer and will. Fortunately for us we are not the Chargers or Lions who were so desperate they NEEDED their RBs to be plugged in right away. He has talent, as does Fred Jackosn. Let him learn from Fred and use them to compliment each other. He isn't maybin. This kid has scored a lot of TDs and has been a heck of a player in college. He didn't suddenly lose talent over-night. So everyone chill...


    as for maybin - that could be Nix's best move of all - cutting the cat who has a guaranteed contract that is taking up a roster spot with unpredictable outcomes. Thanks DJ!

  21. The 2011 draft will be stacked with QB's. Seeing the all the holes on Defense, would you folks consider taking the best DE or NT #1 / #2 overall then grabbing the future QB of the franchise late in round 1 or at the start of round 2? O Lines and D Lines are the foundation to build eventual championships.



    DE, NT or LB... the best of the best, immediate impact. Fitz, and I hate, hate, hate to admit this, is serviceable and we could get Pryor or someone like thati n the 2nd round. whatever QB we draft needs to sit for a year or two anyways to learn the system and the league.

  22. Drafting a QB next year would be a wasted pick in the first round. I'd pick a DL or OL player in the first 7 rounds.


    Build the lines and watch every one else start to look good all of a sudden.



    totally agree.... unless its Andrew Luck. But I suspect he will not declare this year. I'm with you and would much rather a can't miss OT or DL and pick up a QB in the 2nd (maybe a guy like pryor).

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