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Posts posted by rpcolosi

  1. The supposed "Jim Kelly ownership group" is a fantasy. There is no such thing - just a wish and prayer. I am really sick of so called Bills fans criticizing Ralph Wilson and calling him every name in the book. If not for him, there would be no Bills football. The simple fact is he could have sold this team 20 times by now to out of town groups, or moved it himself, and made tons more money. To say he has been all about money is being ignorant of the facts.


    Today's NFL is all business, and there are no current owners who sacrifice profits for championships - another myth. The fact of the modern NFL is it takes luxury stadiums, mega corporate support, and very high end ticket priices to sustain the business model. Any group buying the bills will surely need to borrow in excess of $500 million and with that debt load survival in Buffalo alone is not an option. I live in Maryland - try buying a single game ticket for the Ravens or Redskins and you will see what I mean. The season ticket packages, which required PSL fees, when they were available, were out of the price range of 90% of Bills fans.


    Grow up - enjoy the team while you can and pray that Wilson lives to 110. If sacrificing a few home games a year keeps the "Buffalo Bills" in business, then I am all for it, as sad and regrettable as it is. This efort by Wilson is his last, and perhaps best option, for ensuring survival in Buffalo in some form long term.



    agreed. 1 or 2 games a year in toronto is huge for us as long as that money is re-invested into keeping great players here and putting a quality product on the field.

  2. Rather than your whining about Ralph Wilson, you should instead be venting your anger towards the government in New York State, whose bloated government and high taxes have driven out people and companies and made upstate New York a wasteland.



    ain't that the truth.


    everyone needs to chill for a second. any owner, committed to buffalo or not, is going to need all the revenue they can. We are way to quick to write off those with the ability to keep the bills here. Golisano, the Riches and Jacobs all have the money and interest to do it, not to mention the politics behind it. I have posted numerous times on this. This is no different than Milwaukee wanting more and more games from the Packers despite the packers being locally owned. Lind is not the owner of Rogers communication and he himself does not have the billions that now deceased Ted Rogers had. Just expect these things to occur and, as bad as this sounds, hope that the economy is still poor at the time of Ralphs Passing to limit the number of those willing to buy and move the team.

  3. Apparently you've never seen him play.


    He's a shut-down cornerback, playmaker, and deserves every penny.


    I'd also be willing to bet Lee Evans isn't going to "smoke" him, since Greer is probably faster than Evans.



    completely agree. The original poster either 1.) does not watch bills games or 2.) is unaware of good CB play.


    Greer is a TREMENDOUS CB. The guy is undersize and battles with great, big wideouts consistently. The Saints got a terrific CB. He is a 1 or 2 on most teams, despite his size. He has great ball hawking instincts no Bills CB since Clements has really had. I like McGee but he doesnt have the same knack for the ball.

  4. Just wanted to pass on the first Draft Value Chart posted over on profootballweekly.com, which will be updated every Wednesday leading up to draft day. For anyone who isn't familiar with the site, the guy is a respected college talent evaluator who has had some very impressive mock drafts the past few years. Anyways just thought I'd pass on the link, as sometimes it is difficult to navigate their site and find this stuff.




    To give you an idea of what his first 2008 draft value chart looked like (keep in mind he edited it several times leading up to the draft, this one was nearly 3 weeks from the draft):




    And lastly for anyone who hasn't yet seen his impressive mock draft from last year:






    terrific post thanks for adding. if he does a Mock for this year I'd very much like to see it.

  5. Ok so my friend thinks Fred Jackson sucks.i think he is one of the best back ups out there.what is every ones opinion on this. Will jackson be able to be a carry the work load for the three games lynch is suspended.


    um ya. look at his last game against NE. he was terrific. Lots of Fast freddie and maybe some Omon...

  6. I know you guys are right, it just pisses me off to be called a liar and a narcissist.



    I'm relatively new to TSW, but have been around TBD for years. Your post seems both accurate and logical. A few of the bills and sabres are family friends of ours (grew up in GI) and it is not at all unreasonable for someone to bump into someone like Modrak out on the trail or for someone to actually have a neighbor or friend who is on the bills.


    but back to what Modrak said to you... I have posted before about the lack of success in finding offensive lineman in the draft under donahoe, modrak, and guy. I have not had a chance to check out teams like the colts or steelers and compare, but my guess is those teams consistently draft good OL, just like Polian did in the early 90s here. My point is, I think its fair to say that Modrak and guy are not very astute at evaluating good DE's as well as OL. No one comes to mind as a stand out DE in Philly while TM was there (hugh douglas maybe?) and he hasn't hit on one yet here, in terms of creating a pass rusher.


    Maybe the problem is they are drafting for a system (the 4-3) that neither is good at evaluating talent for, or maybe they just suck at judging o and D line. Either way, McCargo was a huge, huge bust and I have a feeling it wasn't Marv who was that high on him. Tim Anderson was another bust. I actually think Kyle Williams is a lot like Jeff write and he has Marvs fingerprints all over him...


    Bottom line - TM has his strengths as a scout, but this team will never succeed until we have a TRUE football gm. IT sucks but Ralph ran out 3 really, really good ones...

  7. Ok, something needs to be said here. Are the majority of the people on this board clinically insane? You have a 2 time pro bowl left tackle on the team, who is under contract for 2 more freakin years and you want to trade him????


    Did he deserve to go to the pro bowl last year? Maybe not. But I'm sick of seeing this stupid "sacks allowed" pseudo-stat that everyone has got their panties in a bunch over. You do realize that it is not an official stat kept by the NFL because it is way too ambiguous. And please don't forget that he was playing next to dockery the pylon who was atrocious this year. The only time I remember him getting burned legitimately was the Edwards fumble against jacksonville (his first game back). The JP fumble against the jets that everyone places on Peters was a perfectly timed CB blitz and would have been tough for anyone to stop. Not to mention JP held onto the ball way too long.





    1. He did not have nearly as bad a year as most people here believe


    2. He is the Bills' most valuable player by a wide margin. Please don't argue this. Think of what everyone is throwing around as to what we could get for him and see if any other player on the roster could even come close to that


    3. The most important factor...the team still has all the leverage here. He is under contract for two more years at a serious discount. It would be completely asinine to trade him


    4. Me saying he is awesome doesn't mean much but does the fact Jason Taylor said that he's the toughest lineman he's faced mean anything??


    5. He wants as much money as he can get. As fans this bothers us, but this is his life...it's important to note the distinction. Like most people, he wants to maximize his earning power.


    6. Save the crap about how he should take a hometown discount because the bills took a chance on him. They did so because they saw he had talent and could potentially help their team. Give whoever pushed for him (Bobby April) a raise if anything, not punish Peters. It wasn't like it was done out of charity.


    7. Him not attending training camp is being overblown quite a bit. I'll bet the nagging knee injury that never gets mentioned had more to do with him not being as dominant as the year before. He didn't even partake in the pro bowl because of it and that was about two months after he had shut it down for the year. It stands to reason that it was more serious than anyone let on.


    8. As much as a lot of you hate him, he likes Buffalo. Said it himself after the game in Toronto how much they missed the fan support. Everyone else was being diplomatic except him. I appreciated that (and I'm from Toronto!).


    9. Best thing for the Bills to do would be to pay him. Contracts are just going to keep going up. The most economical, however, would be to refuse to renegotiate and let him play for 2 years at his current salary (and he would play, that's almost a guarantee..no way he sits out the first 9 games or whatever the number is) and try to find another LT in the draft in the meantime.



    I really hope this story about them shopping Peters is untrue. The front office can't afford to be this stupid, especially not this year with all the buzz they've generated. The Bills offense can be good this year but it will all unravel if Peters is gone.



    thanks for being complete dead on with this. Could NOT agree more. He is our best player, and he should be paid as such. get it done Ralphy boy...

  8. If they trade Peters, even if they spend the first 4 picks on the OL, history indicates that they will still screw it up and end up with poor players


    They are totally incompetent at identifying what makes a quality OL.


    Whether blowing the #4 pick on a fat RT instead of taking the stud LT, or paying $50 mil for a G they cut 2 years later, the front office (read Linda Bogdan) is totally inept at scouting OL talent in college, the pros or on their own team.


    the only quality LT they have had in 15 years was pure luck as they actually cut him.


    Good luck with that OL in 2009 if they trade Peters



    dead on. Our Scouting staff has not hit on one good OL in 10 years. Our best two in the draft are butler and jennings - nothing to write home about. Peters was a donahoe "lightening in a bottle." Remember the talk of duke preston? bust. Mike williams? bust.. I wrote all this a week ago, but Modrak and Guy clearly have no ability at scouting OL. At least this year is deep at OT. It be hard to miss with Oher at 11...

  9. How could it be that the deal adds no new years? If true, it should go down as one of the dumbest moves by any franchise in any sport, ever.


    apparently you missed the part that he is signed for 4 total years now, throguh 2012 or age 35, as opposed to 2010 and age 33. I'll take it. He's a top 10 DT in the game and should be paid as such.

  10. I can see a trend building here. You cant let players dictitate when you give them a raise becuase you cant reduce it when they arent playing up to the standard.


    But after Peters and Jackson gets theirs whats to stop Trent from saying hey I am the starting QB and the back up is making a million more than me to hold a clip board He didnt complain becuase JP was the starter before him but now JP isnt there why should someone behind him make more money? Whats to stop him from saying If you dont pay me I will sit out.


    Then who comes after Trent in this non stop redo my contract I am no longer making what I am worth crap!!


    Playout the exsiting contracts!!!



    um peters and jackson are two separate issues. you can't lump them together. FJ deserves his raise, and Peters, though he may warrant one, should be more of a professional ala jeff saturady, alan fanecan and now currently brian waters who were all still playing despite being underpaid.

  11. Jackson is not currently under contract with the Bills, so I don't think he's even allowed to attend the workouts.



    correct. he has yet to sign his tender offer. 4 year at 2.5 per is a fair shake for a stand up class act guy who is one hell of an RB. also, it should be noted we have been in negotiations with his agent. My guess is, the bills are putting him on the back burner with 1.) peters and 2.) the draft upcoming. But that said, the dude is IN buffalo training on his own. get him signed, make everyone happy. he's a fan favorite so lets do it already... in addition, had they succeeded in getting someone like Kevin Jones it would have given them leverage in negotiations with him (which is again stupid on the FO part)....

  12. I know, I know...another Peters thread. But hey, any news before draft day is appreciated in my books.



    Early word out of Orchard Park is that the Bills are a prime candidate to trade down from the No. 11 spot of the first round, particularly in the event a QB-hungry team needs to jump up to grab Matt Stafford, Mark Sanchez or Josh Freeman. With pressing needs at numerous positions including tight end, defensive end and outside linebacker, and with most of the premier talents likely gone, the Bills’ most prudent move could very well be stockpiling picks. The most significant wild card in their draft plans figures to be Pro Bowl OLT Jason Peters. Ongoing extension talks are hitting a bit of a snag, but we hear that trading him is an alternative that team brass desperately wants to avoid. They’d be more inclined to part with him if they were in position to draft a stud OLT prospect such as Jason Smith or Eugene Monroe, but that appears to be a remote possibility outside the top 10.






    is your picture of jauron and his daughter? that would be one hell of a smart blonde...

  13. as I said earlier, the entire AFC South is better than us, and this just puts the Texans that much more ahead. A guy like June or Crowell represent significant upgrades over Ellison. I honestly can not believe Jauron feels good about him as a starter. Almost anyone who watches the Bills, be it a fan or media member, realize he is a guy who plays hard on every play, but simply does not have much size or talent. I honestly am bummed we couldn't spend a few mil and upgrade this position through FA. I still have hope that Keiaho will sign with us after the draft... it's not a position we need to improve by wasting a draft pick when we have so many other holes.


    this is a good take on ellison:



  14. The Texans are a good team. I don't know about them winning the division, mainly because the AFC South is very tough. The Texans' Defense is very solid, and Andre Johnson is arguably the best WR in the NFL. The biggest question marks for the Texans are at QB and O-Line. Is Schaub the right man at QB? And can the O-Line protect Schaub on a more consistent basis?



    as I said earlier, the entire AFC South is better than us, and this just puts the Texans that much more ahead. A guy like June or Crowell represent significant upgrades over Ellison. I honestly can not believe Jauron feels good about him as a starter. Almost anyone who watches the Bills, be it a fan or media member, realize he is a guy who plays hard on every play, but simply does not have much size or talent. I honestly am bummed we couldn't spend a few mil and upgrade this position through FA. I still have hope that Keiaho will sign with us after the draft... it's not a position we need to improve by wasting a draft pick when we have so many other holes.

  15. same here



    marty has been my favorite for years to land in buffalo. I just dont know how his relationship is with Ralph or if Ralph is willing to pay him. I think we should start looking ahead to this and considering future coaches. Ralph isn't one to fire someone that he still needs to pay (see wade phillips) so we'd have to really tank this year to can DJ, but with our current OL /DLand the schedule, I don't see this team finishing better than 7-9 again. The entire NFC and AFC South is better than us. thats not good...



    start praying for Marty ball!

  16. Relax dude.


    Believe it or not, it's okay for people to think that Cutler is better than Edwards. In fact, most of the breathing, football-watching world thinks that Cutler is better than Edwards. Most of us watched Cutler light it up last season in Denver, while Edwards struggled mightily down the stretch, and played his worst football against the teams he needs to play the best against--his own division.


    Another major reason people doubt Edwards' ability is that he only plays well against horrible defenses. That's not even a debatable point, it's a statistic. Just because people don't believe Edwards is better than Cutler doesn't mean they're not fans. I am a rabid Bills supporter and have had season tickets for 21 of my 28 years on this Earth, but I don't think Edwards is very good (of course, at this point, I'm obligated to point out that I don't like JP Losman either, since I'm sure I'll be labled a "fanboy", whatever that means).


    It's fine to be positive about the team, and it's cool that you see Edwards' performances through rose-colored goggles. You just can't expect everyone to agree with you, and the fact that some of us don't doesn't make us "brain dead".


    Trent isn't taking a "mountain of crap", he's being evaluated based on his play. The team went 7-7 in games he started and the opponents were as follows:


    Opponent Def. Ranking


    Seattle 30

    Jacksonville 17

    Oakland 27

    St. Louis 28

    San Diego 25

    Kansas City 31

    Denver 29


    Contrast that against the teams Buffalo was defeated by when Edwards started:


    Opponent Def. Ranking


    Miami 15

    Arizona 19

    NY Jets 16

    New England 10

    San Francisco 13

    Cleveland 26


    All some of us are asking is that the guy play well against a decent defense. It's not being negative dude, it's being analytical.




    really, really good post. I like edwards a lot and I think He has the ability to be an above average QB in this league. He is currently average, though, because he can beat the bad teams and can not beat the good ones. That said, this coaching staff has never been able to beat a quality opponent. This team really needs an identity, and it needs to choose to run the football consistently and often. That is how you beat 3-4 defenses. you don't do it by short dump off passes or slants (west coast style). that feeds directly into a 3-4's strength. In fact, I'd go as far as to say the re-infatuation the NFL has with 3-4's is because the west coast offense is so popular now that the 3-4 scheme is best suited to attack that style of play.


    hopefully our staff can prepare Edwards and our offensive game plan better for playing against the phins, jets and pats D.

    otherwise his numbers will look the same...

  17. you have hit on a very key point


    Even if the Bills want to acquire OL, they are totally incompetent at identifying what makes a quality OL.


    Whether blowing the 4th pick on a fat RT instead of taking the stud LT, or paying $50 mil for a G they cut 2 years later, the front office (read Linda Bogdan) is totally inept at scouting OL talent in college, the pros or on their own team.


    the only quality LT they have had in 15 years was pure luck as they actually cut him.


    If they trade Peters, even if they spend the first 4 picks on the OL, history indicates that they will still screw it up and end up with poor players.


    they may be the reason why they keep drafting DBs - because they are good at it




    very good point. Its amazing how we are able to strike it rich year in and year out on DBs in the draft. I mean from Antoine Winfiled on we really have no missed on many defensive backs. Whitner is not worthy of his draft spot, but he is a heck of a solid defender. greer was un-drafted and one of donahoe's best moves (his 2 best moves were undrafted rookie FA - greer and peters). yobouty came around, corner was great, mcgee went from being picked on like crazy to shut down, nate was a pro bowler, and mckelvin is on his way. Our last really bad corner was probably chris "I'm a punt catcher" watson, who we got from denver anyway...



    but it is clear that this team can not identify good lineman on either side of the ball. i mean we are really, really bad at this. and its costing us. this is why parcells teams are year in and year out good. he can ID the good guys you want in the trenches. From McCargo to Tripplett to Tim Anderson? horrible... Stroud was a can't miss but a risky move well made by brandon. and on the O-line we have drafted exactly 1 solid lineman for his intended purpose - Butler. Peters was lucky in many regards. mike williams, bust, preston, bust, terrence pennington, aaron merz, just geisinger, mike pucillo... say it with me... bust bust bust!


    our last successful drafted O-lineman was jennings in '01 and at guard, brown in '95... this is sadly a huge problem.


    speaking of, the 99-03 draft classes just really killed us - from big whiffs to no longer even having guys on our team. that takes a while to come back from....

  18. I've posted about Heap before and now I believe that he's all the more going to become available. Seeing that the Ravens have recently signed TE L.J. Smith, Heap is more expendable than ever before. Not only is Smith the pass catching TE that they have been looking for but he also has a history with HC John Harbaugh. Couple that with the Ravens keeping Heap in to block and it's easy to envision that he doesn't fit into the Ravens' future. Heap's contract and injury history plays against him. Knowing that the Bills have expressed interest in Tony Gonzalez before makes me think that they would be willing to make a trade for another veteran. The good news is that Heap was healthier than he has been in the last few years and it shouldn't take more than a mid rd pick to obtain him in a trade. Hopefully Buffalo makes this happen, it would be one less need to fill come draft day.



    "smith is the pass catching TE that they have been looking for..."


    this is an absurd statement. do you know anything about the NFL?


    these posters need to get some facts straight. first, LJ smith is primarily a blocking back with good hands (see 1 good season he had) and is nothing more than an improved robert royal without the dropsies. secondly, todd heap has been one of the top 10 pass catching TE's in the game over the past 8 seasons (minus a couple injured seasons, which you are absolutely correct on)... if they do release him, buffalo is stupid to not run at him. he had a down year last year stat wise, but that had more to do with flacco as qb than anything else.






  19. Hypothetically, if you were the Bills GM, what moves would you try to pull off?


    I'd look strongly at this:



    Trent Edwards, Marshawn Lynch and a 2nd round pick (try a 3rd at first and see) for Jay Cutler and Tony Scheffler (I'd also try to throw in Chris Kelsay, which I'm pretty sure would NOT sweeten the deal, but sour it, unless he agreed to a different contract with Denver) Waive Kelsay if Denver won't take him


    Draft at # 11: Chris "Beanie" Wells, Ohio St. RB


    Our skill position players of what looks like a high octane offense:

    QB-Jay Cutler

    RB-Chris "Beanie" Wells

    WR-Terrell Owens

    WR-Lee Evans

    TE-Tony Scheffler


    To me, Lynch is a good, but not difference making RB. Wells could be the next Adrian Peterson. He is bigger and faster than Lynch, and isn't the off-field headache. And obviously, Cutler and Sheffler would be considered big upgrades.


    In this scenario, we wouldn't have a #1 or #2, so we'd need to sign players like Kendall Simmons and Cato June. Kelsay would have to be cut because I'm certain Cutler would require a massive new deal.




    you dot know much. wells is not faster than lynch. im a die hard buckeyes fan and he is no were near as quick or open field fast as lynch or fast freddie.

  20. Not the worst idea but not likely. And as far as Trump goes I highly doubt it. Trump is a business man. He tries to make money with his investments. He could make more money investing a billion dollars in something else.


    It could be the Maloofs. They do already own two pro franchises, but didn't they threaten to move Sacremento to Las Vegas if a new arena wasn't built? That kind of scares me.


    It's most likely Galisano.



    it cant be the maloofs they'd have to sell the kings. you can not own a major franchise outside of the city you own teh NFL team in. this is why jacobs cant at the moment. it is most likely golisano or a silent partner none of us know of. but it can not be hte maloofs and probably is not trump

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