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Posts posted by rpcolosi

  1. Left town without a contract.


    Sorry, I jumped the gun a bit...trying to get the disappointment out of the way early.

    d you work for the bills? do you even know if he left town? cause if so thats a fast meeting for a guy TG reported was very excited at the opportunity.

  2. Damn cheap Bills! Why can't they sign good players like Jack...excuse me? They dd what? Oh, never mind. :thumbsup:





    slowly, and i repeat slowly, I am building some faith in brandon. cutting dockery, attempting to trade kelsay, and getting rid of royal - all over paid and poor performers. if he can continue signing our quality players - see stroud extension, fred, lee, etc. then maybe we have the right guy in place. but we still need a better talent evaluator than guy and modrak i think. but good news.

  3. I think we need to pinn an explanation on the way the Bills LB's are set up...


    Mitchell is a Sam LB playing in the Will spot...Buffalo switches its LB's arround...they play the Sam in the Will's spot and the Will in the Sam's spot...or the weak side LB plays in the Strong side LB spot and the Strong plays in the Weaks spot...so Pisa would be a WILL-LB playing in the SAM-LB side...and Mitchell is the teams SAM-LB playing in the WILL-LB spot.



    thank you. for setting some people straight.

  4. some good friends of mine are huge NFC west fans. one is a writer/editor with ESPN. Both agree that Pisa is a very solid player on a bad team, and was probably their best all around defender last year. The reason a guy like him is cut is scheme and his ability to play in Spagnolo's Defense. It's not a knock on his ability, but the good coaches bring in personal to fit their system, or find a way to tailor their system to their player's strengths. This is what parcells does, bellicheck does, marty does... it is NOT what Jauron does - he just takes good players and hopes they can translate into success in his scheme. I know thats harsh but its the best means to explain FO signing guys like larry tripplet and letting a guy like pat williams go.


    so yes if we sign Pisa it is a good, solid move for the bills. He is an upgrade over what we have and that is worth getting excited about because this team needs as much talent as we can get.


    The big challenge is this - he played what's known as the MIKE with STL. In buffalo, our T2 is kind of reversed where we have our SAM and WILL with different coverage responsibility (i don't know the variation). he would be playing the Will as far as I can tell.


    for a good read on how the T2 works (instead of everyone on here acting as though they understand it) go to this:



  5. Yea


    AWESOME news... from scouts in on Piso:


    Grade: 66 | Key

    Alert: None


    Comment: He plays with very good lateral quickness and can change directions quickly. He has speed to the sideline with burst to close. He lacks overall strength to play stout, but can be aggressive on entry into blocks. He will stay stuck too long at times and lose ground working to escape. He still enters into some lead block contact with his shoulder first. He has good balance, but will get bounced. He is quick enough to sidestep or elude contact on his path to the ball. He has range and can close quickly from the backside to make plays. He usually provides good wrap on tackles and has some pop to him when he squares up. In coverage, he has good awareness. He'll stay on the field when the Rams go to nickel personnel. He is aggressive with his reads and will bite occasionally on play-action. He moves well in space, changes direction quickly and can recover from false steps. His overall reactions are adequate. He can close quickly after making reads. He is a productive player with good speed and range, when healthy.



    from scouts inc on Ellison:


    Grade: 57 | Key

    Alert: None


    Comment: Ellison is an undersized athletic linebacker who is coming off his second season in the league. He is a backup who is used in sub packages and to give depth to a young linebacking corps. He is most productive when covered up and able to run free. He has good straight-line speed and shows effective range sideline to sideline. He can get engulfed when engaging lineman and is best when slipping blockers to get to the pile. He can play out of control at times and needs to come to balance better in space. He has improved his coverage techniques from his rookie season, but needs to read route progressions better in combination man and zone schemes. Ellison is a finesse player who can contribute when used in long-yardage situations and on special teams.

  6. Man I forgot about this signing. Makes the draft event hat more puzzling. How many DBs does one team need anyway? Don't get me wrong I'm all for bringing in guys like this, but how about drafting some help for the defensive line as well?


    if the D-lineman at those spots suck, do you draft out of need ni rounds 6 or 7? or do you take the best player available, even if that happens to be a position ofs trength on your squad?


    a 6 and 7 round DB is not a big deal. the lineman at that point are non impactive. just look at the bills history of "late round" lineman:


    tyrone roberts, lauvale sape, dyland mcfarland, aaron merz, cj ahou...


    you get teh pooint. take the best player at those points in late rounds - dont draft on need...



  7. Honestly, if Edwards can hit around these numbers, they will extend him:


    65% completion 3500 yards 20 TDs 10 Ints 7.5 YPA




    That would signify a pretty big step in his development, and i don't think we could reasonably expect much more from a QB in his 2nd full year of starting.



    F the yards. if the guy can for once throw more TDs than INTs they will lock him up. hopefully that happens. he'll have his shot the first few games, cause we dont have any beast mode come end zone time...

  8. firstly, shame on the Bills for trying to trade a game breaker & starting position maker like Roscoe


    secondly, shame on the rest of the teams for not recognizing this and refusing to pony up even a 4th rounder.


    hey what do you know, maybe Bellicheat will come up with some sort of offer for him and we'll be stupid enough to give Roscoe away too!



    clearly there wasn't a lot of interest because he is making more than he is worth and has little to no value as a WR. this is why he will have to play out his bloated contract as a PR only with the bills. he can thank drew rosenhaus for that one.....

  9. I think he is.


    This could be a 10 page thread of people going back and forth asking who is responsible for the Pats* success, Brady or Belicheat.


    Or the video camera?



    its clear its bellicheck, not brady or cassell, etc. BB has a system in place that requires good, smart thinking atheletes that are able to be molded and taught his way, his thinking, his methods. that is WHY he goes for the qb's that he does. he is able to evaluate who can do the things he needs done best. he never asks his players to do osmething they can't do. instead he'll just find someone who can do what he needs. interestingly enough his one weakness has ALWAYS been his secondaries. whether he can't evaluate that talent well or just doesn't have a good scheme his teams have struggled against the pass. i say interestingly because that seems to be the only area of success the bills have had drafting lately is in the secondary (sans ko simpson)...

  10. Thank you.




    exactly. the one guy who always has faith in the bills is Merrill Hodge. I love the guy because he knows the game so much better than most ESPN announcers. I just do not understand why every year he has us pegged for a WC spot. he's got to know we suck, right? We aren't getting better til we get a real GM to run this ship...

  11. Todd Collins

    Billy Joe Hobert

    Alex Van Pelt

    Rob Johnson

    Doug Flutie

    Drew Bledsoe

    JP Losman

    Kelly Holcomb

    Trent Edwards





    newsflash - its hard to find good NFL QBs. Esp with expansion and the increase in defensive speed. we have a GREAT, HOF qb. right now there are what, 2 of those in the game? Manning and Brady? And a couple of all stars - ala Boomer Esiason types? - Cutler, Hassleback, McNabb. Enjoy the fact our Franchise even HAS a HOF qb. and hope that Trent moves into All Pro status soon - had he not been hurt in Arizona we might speak differently of him... It clearly affected him all year long

  12. what did his son have to do with it?? Jim was awful in the end. He could barely move his arm.He looked like the Tin Man.

    His Linebacker type play made him over the hill by 33 and a complete wreck by 36. He quit slightly too late IMO.



    his big problem was not being in the NFL sooner. the USFL shortened what could have been a REALLY stellar NFL resume. but combine he was indeed terrific. no regrets. He did his best. Too bad Todd Collins ended up being decent 10 years later...

  13. If you were hired right now to coach the Jacksonville Jaguars, would you hire the coaches you know and have worked with, or would you hire Mark Brunell and Donovan Darius?



    um thats not a fair comparison. Clearly Polian knows how to hire coaches and hiring both those guys make sense. Usually a guy like Reich or AVP will end up being good coaches because they had limitation but were great students of the game and got to watch some great players play. I'd be more apt to hire a guy like James Stewart to coach the Jaguars as opposed to someone like Fred Taylor, in response to your question.

  14. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...kies/index.html


    3. James Hardy, WR, Buffalo

    The Bills thought they satisfied their long-standing need for a big receiver last year when they drafted Hardy in the second round (41st overall) out of Indiana. But he caught just nine passes for 87 yards and two touchdowns in 14 games, ending the season on injured reserve after tearing his ACL in Week 15. His rehab has been ahead of schedule, and Hardy might be ready to play in time for Buffalo's final preseason game. In the meantime, the Bills went out and got themselves another big receiver this offseason. A guy by the name of Terrell Owens, who promptly took Hardy's No. 81, with Hardy switching to No. 84.


    Shouldn't Gholston be near the top of this list, instead of at #14?



    DEs and WR are known to be slow, slow developers. This is a stupid list. Take Moulds for example, took him forever to live up to his 1st round potential. He ended up being a stud. Likewise with a LOT of DE's. Mario Williams is a perfect example. Few guys have stud first years like Kearse or Bruce...

  15. If Trent falls flat on his face and is horrible, what do we do? Do we spend a fortune on drafting a qb in next year's draft? Is Fitzpatrick a decent replacement? Do we go after Brady Quinn, if he is not a starter in Cleveland? We seem to have most of the pieces in place to be good, the o-line and Trent will decide everything.



    why is everyone obsessed with brady quinn? I just do not get it. This guy was good in a system with Weiss but he has proved a far lot less with Cleveland than Trent has with buffalo.


    I'm a pretty big Trent fan and think he has shown enough of the signs of being a good NFL qb. He hasn't had a 300yd game which may prove to be more of the team/coach staff issue than anything. It's hard to evaluate Jauron's past because he has such BAD qb's in Chicago. But it's worth noting they had very little success under him. It seems as though Schonert has more experience with offense than his past O-coordinators.


    Simply put - trent has more than enough arm strength (his biggest detraction that people ahve on him) and he is a hell of a decision maker. Those are the things we need in a QB. He's not peyton manning but he makes the smart read and yes, check's down often, just as Peyton does. The big difference is Peyton can take that shot at 20-30 yards and Trent needs to develop that. I think this is the year he comes around - this guy is much better than a lot of people on here give him credit for.

  16. Tim,


    I'm sure its beating a dead horse still but any news on fast freddie jackson's contract status?? I am sure it befuddles everyone as to why the bills would not lock this guy up. If we let him walk, I can foresee Bellicheck getting his hands on him. Just a hunch, but that guy knows how to pick good football players.


    thanks and keep up the good writing,


  17. Did you notice our offensive ranking (in yards) over the last 6 years?


    From six years back to most recent season: 30th, 25th, 28th, 30th, 30th, 25th





    what is so sad is that Ralph ran 3 great GM's out of town. Look at the teams Polian, Butler and AJ Smith helped build. Until we get a new owner we probably dont get a better product because we clearly can not draft well. Lets hope Brandon got it right this year, but Ralph (God bless his heart) has hurt us a lot by failing with the Donahoe pick and not hiring a real GM.

  18. First off, I really like that the Bills realize they need pass rush help fast, however not sure how this is

    going to work out. Maybin was listed as 228 lbs. for the Senior Bowl I read, and then bulked up almost

    20 lbs. for the combine, which has been regarded as a mistake.


    At under 6' 4" and probably not going to get much heavier, this is not an every down DE and most likely

    never will be IMO.


    1. How does a Tampa 2 / Cover 2 use a situational pass rusher.

    2. This player would come in on passing downs only.

    3. Who goes out when he's in.

    4. Does this limit the use of nickel or dime packages.

    5. Do situational pass rushers really work.






    ya... lots of 21 year olds never gain weight. idiot

  19. Don't taze me bro!



    you know what... for all this talk about Donte being the "team leader" on defense, the guy is 23, at least thats what the yahoo article said. I always thought he was older, but TWENTY THREE. think about that. We drafted the guy pretty young out of tOSU. I complain alot that he isn't Ed Reed or Polamalu, but gosh I think we all need to lighten up something. a guy like Rodney Harrison didn't really hit his stride until his mid to late 20s. Whitner is JUST now getting there.

  20. Um read this column by bill simmons and then tell me the ralph sucks. it's everything football stadiums should be. It is becoming the Lambeau field of the AFC. that and arrowhead still maintain home field advantage:






    this is the important part :


    "That brewing disenfranchisement keeps popping up at these home games. You can not hear it, if that makes sense. And not just in New England. Thirteen teams have built SOTAS (state-of-the-art stadiums) since 1999; 14 if you include Daniel Snyder's overhauling of FedEx Field in 2004. Each stadium follows a similar let's-rake-in-the-cash blueprint. The first section of seats hug the field. At the top of those sections, the club seats start. That's followed by a phalanx of premium luxury suites. More luxury suites dominate the second section. And the majority of blue-collar fans are crammed into the upper decks. Fundamentally, it's a flawed way to cultivate a home-field advantage; beyond the emotional compromises and festering resentment of the blue-collar fans, the newer stadiums don't reverberate noise the same. Look at Lambeau or Ralph Wilson Stadium -- just rows and rows of fans, one after the other, rising for something like 75 rows before you hit your first luxury box. Watching the Browns-Bills game Monday night, I found myself enjoying the fans as much as the contest itself. Now this was football!"

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