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Posts posted by rpcolosi

  1. It would appear the Bills roster is pretty much set for the 2009 season and barring any last minute additions, we will hit the road on opening day on Monday night in New England with the present roster minus the waived players after pre seaaon.


    The media will certainly focus on the return of Tom Brady in New England and the addition of Terrell Owens to the Bills roster.


    Freddy Jackson will most certainly share some of the spotlight with 136 yards on 27 attempts in last years match up.


    So, how important is game one of the season?


    A. Critical


    B. Very important


    C. Just another game



    its the nfl. there are only 16 games. that should sum it all up.

  2. Gutierrez is 6'3" 290


    Brian Waters the Pro-bowl KC guard a lot of us wanted to see traded to the Bills is 6'3" 320. The Bills may be able to stash Gutierrez on the PS and see if they bulk him up.


    Jeff Saturday is 6'2" 295 Center Indy


    Chris Snee is 6'3" 317 Guard NYG


    Dan Koppen is 6'2" 296 Center NE


    Matt Light is 6'4" 305 Tackle NE


    Ben Grubbs is 6'3" 315 Guard Baltimore


    Jonas Jennings is 6'3" 328 Tackle SF and formerly of Buff.


    Daryn Colledge is 6'4" 308 Guard Green Bay


    Willie Colon is 6'3" 315 Tackle Pittsburgh


    So there are a lot of guys playing near Gutierrez's size starting in the NFL. I'm not saying he'll be as good as those guys, but stranger things have happened.


    Here's hoping Gutierrez is a sleeper that every other team missed. :thumbsup:




    and most of those were great college linemen. smells like a 53 man roster cut to me.

  3. Chris Brown Reports from OTAs:


    "Veterans Kirk Chambers and Seth McKinney continue to hold down the starting roles at the two guard positions on the offensive line. Rookies Andy Levitre and Eric Wood are still being rotated in however, a good portion of the time. "


    For those of you who think our Offensive line will be upgraded this year...here is a newsflash....These guys aren't even getting starting reps.


    And oh by the way...Chambers and McKinney (who are currently starting over the kids) did not even start over Fowler and Preston last year... THAT'S how far off these guys are.


    This is just sickening.



    pretty sure mckinney wasn't on the team last year. and chambers was a backup tackle. just don't post anymore... thanks

  4. It probably means some rough drafts may have already been drawn up and discussed already and I would assume someone involved within the Bills organization would of had to initiate the process.


    it probably means we are upgrading the ralph again....OR it means toronto is kicking the tires on building a new stadium which would be necessary before buying the bills. again, buffalo will NOT build a new stadium for the bills. no one has the $$$ for it, including all 3 levels of government in this region. no one wants to hear it, but thats more logical than WNY getting a waterfront dome.

  5. took a while, but i found the story


    Wilson/Rogers TO presser

    grafs 14-16:


    "Those partners are Blue Jays owner Ted Rogers and Larry Tanenbaum, chairman of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, which owns the Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Raptors.


    The two have formed a partnership to pursue an NFL franchise. The deal with the Bills is considered their first concrete step toward achieving that goal, and an opportunity to showcase Toronto's potential to the league.


    The deal with the Bills wouldn't preclude Rogers and Tanenbaum from making bids to buy and relocate other NFL franchises if they go up for sale."



    finally someone with some evidence. there was also an article in the toronto star about them possibly going after the Rams. Heck if this happened, the bills would receive some type of compensation I'd think, and it would allow for Golisano or someone else to still compete once the team is up for sale.


    all this said, the most likely spot for the rams is LA. They have had poor attendance figures for awhile now, so I wouldn't be totally shocked to see them go back to LA. Unless Toronto is really going to up their anti for the team. I still don' think it cuts into the Bills that much, mostly because the Bills fans we currently have are in Ft. Erie, Niagara, Hamilton, etc. And from reading posts on here, it seems that Buffalo is far more fan friendly for tailgating and making it an 'event' than toronto is to open public drinking. but hey this is all jsut my opinion...

  6. Sorry to belabor the Jason Peters topic, but the recent statements regarding the Eagle's offensive line cram course got me thinking again about his actual ability as compared to his perceived prowess on the field.


    If Jason Peters is so highly regarded as a pro-bowl level offensive tackle, why didn't one of the teams that drafted an OT in the first 8 picks of the 2009 draft, offer up that pick for Peters?


    Everyone knows that there is no "sure thing" in the NFL draft. Peters was already a proven commodity. Less risk, right?Peters is NFL-ready. The drafted OTs will likely have a learning curve as they become acclimated to the ways of the NFL. Assuming they have the ability and drive, it may take the rookies a year or two (at least) to reach Peter's supposed pro-bowl level of playing. The teams that drafted the high first round OTs will early on be paying huge bucks for the player's potential rather than for on field performance. The player will make rookie mistakes at the expense of the team owner's bank account. With Peters, it's pretty much plug & play - immediate return on the dollar - right?


    It's not as if Peters has his best days behind him. He's still young, in his prime, and should have several more years of productivity to offer.


    So why then, did not one of the teams drafting an OT in the first 8 picks offer up that #1 for Peters?

    Additionally, there was another OT taken at #24. That's 4 OTs taken before the #28 (and later picks) we got for Peters.


    Is his "greatness" a rumor or an over-exaggeration that has snowballed following repeated praise? Ruben Brown was a guy whose reputation preceded him. Great guy and all, one of my all-time favorites, good player with a few great seasons, but let's face it - there were superior guards left out of the February trip to Hawaii when Ruben became an annual participant in the probowl. Could Peters have been the benefactor of similar reputation enhancement?


    OK - so Peters was a little rusty coming into the season last year after holding out. Still, if he's so great, why did he suck so bad in pass protection in the early going. He looked like a revolving door in those games. I don't know how many sack/pressures he was presonally responsible for, but I believe it was more than just a couple. I'd give him some slack for the holdout, but his "greatness" should have made up for some of it.


    Here's what I'm getting at:

    Maybe he isn't that great afterall. I wonder if the Bills pulled a fast one by dumping him on the Eagles for those draft picks. If he's so outstanding, why didn't one of the teams taking an early round OT offer the pick for the proven probowler? The only conclusion I can draw is that he's not as highly regarded among NFL personnel people as he is in the media.





    nothing revolutionary in this post... who knows, we'll find out at the end of the season but when was the last time the bills FO pulled a 'fast one' ? when polian traded for cornelius bennett and that was awhile ago.

  7. I guess if you call averaging 8 sacks a year pedestrian Did we have that many as a team last year? Didn't feel like it.

    Oh, sorry you said 2003 and earlier, that would be 6 sacks a year. How many did Ellison, and our high motor DE's have?



    he played a lot from a down lineman position which is where most of his sacks came from. 3-4's often use 4 down in pass rushing situations. thats what happened with him. He is a natural DE, not an OLB, and he doesn't want to be an OLB in a 3-4. this gives us a slight advantage of NE since they need a much bigger DE for a 3-4 if they used him at end.


    lets hope we can out bid these guys:



  8. In his case , yes it does.

    Ellis in the last year of his contract is owed $1.5 million by the Cowboys as part of a contractually agreed upon settlement. ...


    If he signs with another team for less than 1.5 mil. this year the cowboys have to make up the differance...




    i've never heard that. because he was cut prior to making the roster his contract shouldn't be guaranteed. in addition, he was a june 1st cut in order to save roster bonus $$. I am pretty sure the cowboys aren't on the hook for anything, and the 1.5mil you are referring to is instead the owed or pro-rated portion of his SB that will go towards the Cap number for the cowboys...



    maybe you are talking about something different that I don't know about, but if so, please post where you got that from.



    all this said, maybin is not moving to OLB on our team since his coverage skills are not why signed him, and Ellis playing over maybin for a year or two would be a good thing. I am a huge proponent of rookies not seeing the field at first because it gives them a lot of time to develop, but teams hate to pay guys to ride the pine. the only problem is, it works to sit them and have them learn . signing ellis would also make kelsay/denny better in that they play less...

  9. This is a player who'd be a terrific addition at LDE. he is undersized enough for DJ to like him as an end, though I don't know how well he'd rush the passer being an end over an OLB in a 3-4. Either way he's a solid player that be good for a 2year deal.





    and his scouts inc info:


    Grade: 75 | Key

    Alert: None


    Comment: Ellis is 10-year veteran with very good size and adequate speed and quickness. He reacts quickly to the run. He has good size and strength to maintain effective hand use. He has long arms to stack and shed. He will get upright with his pad level, but has good strength and balance to keep his feet. He's a former defensive end who understands leverage. He can play physical and get off blocks with good timing. He is still quick enough to work his feet and re-gain outside leverage. He is also quick enough to contain and force running backs back inside. He has adequate acceleration in space with good effort to pursue from behind. As a pass rusher, the Cowboys will bring him off the edge from a three-point stance where he has good success recording sacks when his hand is on the ground. He has strength in his upper body to re-work his hands inside then react off of the offensive tackle's technique. He's physical with his hands and works to finish. He is also strong with the ability to rip inside-out. He has a variety of pass-rush moves including spins and counters. He does a good job turning speed to power. He will get upright on counter moves, but comes hard inside and has strength into traffic. He has some limitations in coverage due to his lack of burst in space. He will stall changing direction and lack the quickness to break down consistently, when isolated.

  10. Like SF-Oak.....Balt-Wash.....


    I think it would be great.



    people are idiots. they have a contract with the bills. unless ralph chooses to break it, and i do not think he will, then there is no chance that the Rogers group could even talk to the STL team estate about buying it.

  11. why are they out of it? just because chicago is a bigger market? if he chooses chicago you can bet that he took less money. i dont think the bills are out of it because they will have the bigger contract offer.



    when u have team that is probably a 4th place team and a team probably a 1st place team in the division, the choice is obvious. shockingly, the best thing we have going for us is jauron in this case because so many players love playing for him. that said, this guy is a bear by tonight or tomorrow, guaranteed.

  12. You're right, more nice high-road guys like Chris Kelsay, that is what we need.



    exactly. I want 'high motor' guys that contribute to the dead locker room atmosphere jim kelly was talking about lately.


    anyone who's playing on a sports team knows you need a good balance - guys who are the goof ball/pranksters to keep it loose, guys who are the consummate hard workers and are quite and steady, and guys who are vocal leaders that can call out a teammates productivity or lack there of. we do NOT have the latter type from what it sounds like, and i'm glad TO has the balls and numbers to do it. we haven't had a player like that since moulds, spikes and fletcher. sure TO isn't the preacher type fletcher is, but ill take a successful guy to help call out other people!

  13. Was just about to post this when I saw the thread title. Here ya go:





    wow way to judge a guy based on 3 t shirt practices... also this is the same writer who is all about hte bills getting michael vick and saying we need to sell more tickets (um we have sold out how many games straight now?). this article and writer is bull s__t. but orakpo will probably be better than maybin regardless.

  14. Bills will go 2-4 to start the season and Jauron will be sent packing, finally.


    He is not a winner, never has been a winner and never will be a winner.


    You write as if he's never been given a shot to succeed, this is his 9th season, how many chances is the guy going to get before he is officially never considered for a coaching job again?


    Bobby April should have been named head coach after last season, there would have still been "continuity" and a coach with some balls.



    i love the bobby april idea. I think the guy would make a stellar head coach. He's got balls to do some tricky stuff but his players are always solid on the basics. I really think the dude knows the game of football well, not just special teams. It be interesting to see if they give him a shot or not. My personal thought is we do start out 2-4 or 3-5 at the break and dick's long gone. with the big 4 of holmgren, cowher, gruden and shanny out there, I'd hope to God that Ralph bite the bullet and pays up for them. Cowher is the obvious #1 and the others are all #2's.... but who knows..

  15. I reponded to an earlier post- but this is so damn impotant to me - I wanted to open a new post


    First the first 2 words my mother taught me was "Lou" as in Saban, and "Bills" in the early 60s. mom also got me a puppy and she was with me for 12 years. As much as I love the Bills, Jack Kemp never woke me when my smoke detector went off, Jim Kelly never came over and licked my face after a bad day at work, Joe D. never let the hair stand up on the back of his neck - if someone unknown approached me or my family.


    I have probably have had a 100 dogs in my life and touch my life (mine, my brothers, mt nephwews, my kids, and mt friends, and many of them have had to wear a Bills Bandana around thir necks on Sunday Sept. through the last game of the season - in good seasons (way to few) and bad seasons. I am loyal to my teams (Bills, Sabres, Blue Jays & Cubs) as my dogs are loyal to me and my loved ones.


    If the Bills even bring Vick in for a work out - I would burn all of my Bills belongings, this world is filled with natural tragady and disspair - why would I watch to be enternained by a person who thrived on intentionaly wanted see non-repairable physical and mental damage to innocent dogs. And if they did not perform - strangle them, drown them, beat them. I would guess the retrospect would be - Interception - 2,000 volts to your testicals Mike, Loss game = cigarette burns on your neck, Blown read at the line = public flogging. Lost Super Bowl - Death by Hanging in public square. Guess if that was the case - the Bills only go to 1 super bowl.


    RIP: Missy, Brandi, Scoop, Lucky, Tasker, Butkis, Kelpie


    And a keep barking and protecting: Rocker, Harley, Dakatoa, Kona, Christie, Sheba, Buddy, Pudge, Ozzy, and Max - and if Mike Vick shows up - lift your leg up and PISS ON him and bite his nuts




    Geez and fans talk about TO being a distraction- Chas_Rocker shakes his head


    hey dude, they are just dogs. lots of babies killed by abortions every day, but i am assuming you have far more interaction with dogs licking you and touching you then actual humans doing anything positive or beneficial for ya. PETA and that whole group needs to chill a little bit. when dogs become more important than a human life, thats a horrible flaw in our society.... maybe worth re-thinking your priorities?

  16. Play considerably better than he did before his injury. He should start by not dropping so many passes. I'm not ready to write him off as a bust, but he needs to show improvement when he gets back on the field.



    can everyone who thinks hes a bust use some intelligence? its a known fact most WRs are not good their first year. look at eric moulds please or Chad Johnson or most good WRs. It takes 2-3 years, and for Hardy look closer to 3 due to the injury and having a HOF replace him for the time being. Lee had a good first year by most standards, but that is rare. look at these GREAT receivers down below. a lot didnt even START as WRs but were RT their first year. so use some intelligence dont just label a dude a bust because you were expecting the second coming of Randy Moss in year one...













  17. On ESPN's First Take, Skip just said Buffalo is one of the few teams who might take a chance on Vick.


    He cited a need to raise attendance and keep the team in Buffalo (yes, really) as the reasons for why Buffalo grabbed TO and would be the team most likely to make a move for Vick.


    I completely disagree with his assessment (both in terms of his logic and conclusion)


    What are your thoughts?



    funy - if skip knew anything he'd know we have one of the best attendance figures in the league. guy is a moron, alwaysh as been and always will be.

  18. It seems that many poster on this blog have very strong feelings of Ralph Wilson. I recently read a comment from 1 person who says he should be booed at his HOF induction and 4 people are hoping he gets inducted last so they can proudly walk out with there Bills jerseys on. (Zonabb). Forgive me but isin't Mr. Wilson responsible for the Bills being in Buffalo. Isn't Mr. Wilson responsible for finacially saving the AFL keeping the Patriots and Raiders finacially solvent in the early years. 50 years he has given you a football team to root for. They have not all been good years that is with out a doubt. I have never met Mr. Wilson, and I have never spoken to him. So I have no idea what is in his head or his future plans for the team. I only know that he has voted against any relocation of NFL teams. I will not be at the HOF ceremony which is probably a good thing. If I heard you booing him, well you would not be booing him for very long. Mr. Wilson has given you the Bills for 50 years in a small economicaly depressed community. Still he is villified for it by some. I am not saying everyone has got to like him or agree with everything he has done. I for one respect him and thank him for giving me the Buffalo Bills to root for.



    i totally agree. the man is the ONLY reason they are i buffalo. if you are too young and immature to appreciate ALL he has done, which includes providing us with 4 straight super bowl appearances and a connection to the other big cities in America, then do NOT show up to the HOF ceremony and do NOT attend a bills game....

  19. Is that disregarded or discarded?




    just anything over another year of ellison getting blown up at the point of attack please...ANYTHING. the guy is to slow and small to cover elite TEs, so they use a 3 saftey set with Bryan Scott, and he is too small to take on a FB, pulling guard or anything on sweeps to the outside... I really cant handle another year of him not being able to contain anything..

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