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Posts posted by BufflaloBeastMode23

  1. I damn sure jay-z and dmx don't make songs bout dog fighting that's retarded...and philster you really hate vick I mean jeez its like you have something personal against him its scary you need to get that checked seriously...anyway the man paid his dues he was wrong but callin him a serial killer or the devil has got to be the stupidest thing...like I said before sign him and ill be the first in line to get a buffalo bills vick jersey...

  2. Damn that we should sign vick...some of you act like the man is charles manson *cough philster* get over your self you prolly jus jealous he better than you...what a loser...i say sign him for insurance i dont care if *cough philster* kills himself the world would be better...damn.... :thumbsup::rolleyes::unsure::lol:

  3. Technically, he went to jail for the federal offense of Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fighting Venture, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.


    BTW, did you know that associating with known gamblers can trigger a lifetime ban under the league's Personal Conduct Policy?


    and your absolutley correct with the legal stuff thats what i ment... :ph34r: but like i said he didnt got to jail for the actual killing of the dogs he is not a mass muderer like most people call him out to be...and he damn sure not going to get a lifetime ban he is not pete rose so thats out....id still like him to play for buffalo and i know he will be productive hell he had 2 years rest...LOL...

  4. He didn't kill 1 dog...he killed hundreds...and not just the ones he owned. No sane person can seriously defend someone who massacred his own dogs...but he also took family pets and tortured and killed them as well.


    LOL DUDE YOUR INSANE..the exaderation "he killed hundreds" try 6....yea people like you are the main reason i get mad at this subject cuz you try to make him out to be charles manson...its not that serious HE DIDNT KILL ANYBODY...i bet you eat meat, wear fur coat, have a comforter with feathers...try to relax....

  5. Like i said before and ill say it again...GOT DAMN IT WAS A DOG OVER IT...damn people act like the man a serial mass murderer.....nobody died nobody got hurt technically he went to jail for taxes on the gambling....id be happy if we got mike we need a better and safer back up than flippin fitzpatrick.....

  6. people like to rationalize this stuff, "its part of the culture",

    "its accepted in parts of the world", "hes done nothing worse than other criminals in the NFL",

    "he's paid his debt to society". That may or may not all be true, but for my two cents

    when a person throws a living creature against a concrete driveway until it dies, hes mentally f'uped and

    rehabilitalion will not cure this. I wouldn't want him living in my neighborhood.


    I understand where your coming from but i mean damn he killed a dog not a person and he said sorry when someone steps on a bug or kills deer or hits a raccon and leaves it in the middle of the street nobody says nothin it doesnt get blown outta propertion nothin hell he didnt even hit a girl....its over kill...he can stay in my neighnorhood and in play playstation wit him...LOL....





    is it really that serious i didnt go nowhere when i did my job interview just a 4 x 10 square room...its and INTERVIEW what the hell the supposed to max out on a player they may not draft...SERIOUSLY... :wallbash::P:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash::death:

  8. You sound incredibly dumb. "Mofo", "Wit", "He want to"..you sound like someone who's opinion I want to take seriously. Comparing hunting to dogfighting is the pinnacle ignorance. Good luck "wit dat" gangsta! :unsure:


    yea ok you were a complete loss you missed the entire argument but yea you got it tho thats how you tell someone who cant hold and argument its like the jock talkin down to the nerd that grows up worth millions but the jocks manages a wal mart... oh and im so gangsta as well... <_<

  9. I dont care what he did personally it wasnt that serious nobody says sh-- to peyton manning or brett farve for hunting no thats fine i forgot its legal but its killing animals...id love that mofo on the bills as insurance for trent "fragile" edwards...the wild cat wit fred "monster" jackson to the left mike "killer" vick in the middle and marshawn "the beast" lynch to the right we could call it the nightmare offense (hate it or love it) come on forget all the statements you guys sayin cuz you dont like mike oh well get over it he killled some dogs went to jail and now he want to get his life back...let the man make his self better...got damn.... :thumbsup::doh: :doh:

  10. I have a Bruce Smith Fathead package in my son's room. I could of just picked Kelly or anyone but I like Bruce Smith's dominance and his style. His DWI's were not cool but drinking alcohol is not illegal as well.



    Bruce was not from the same side or atmoshpere as Marshawn dont get me wrong he not smart for keepin the wrong people around...and just because you can accept one african american player means you can accept them all....you breathin life into stereotypes by callin him a thug cuz it was recklass of you.....but your gonna say what you want cuz that how you think....

  11. This by far has got to be the most racist post ive seen...if he was white with dreads and gold teeth it would be completly diffrent...nobody would be sayin thug or gangster or whatever you wanna call it...the stereotypes that people (i.e Skooby, poland, etc) use are because you dont know any better so its pure ignorance thats all...micheal phelps smokes weed he far from gangster, that guy cut his !@#$ing wifes head off thats not gangster, peyton manning and brett farve hunt petas not kicking down there door...your (skooby, poland, etc) just closet racsist come on out the closet boys.... :nana:

  12. I didn't see anything that would make him look foolish here. It's his opinion. I agree with it. He didn't condemn Lynch for doing anything, but if he has done something wrong, he should have to pay for it. He got away with a hit and run already.

    Like I said earlier, Lynch has the same opportunity as everyone else to get the proper permits for a gun. Nobody has stopped him from that. It doesn't matter what he was doing with the gun. From what I have read the arrest wasn't for negligence or anything, just an unlawful concealed weapon. If that is the case, it appears to be his own fault. Why defend him for it? For that matter, why judge either way on this while charges have not been filed, or at least not released yet?



    I understand where that guy was coming from and i understand that was his opioion which is fine but the fact that he had to throw in all those extra things (I.E. childish multi-millionaire and calling him ignorant) was not neccesary at all he didnt

    shoot anybody or anything IF the gun was his even at all so how could he jump to conclusions like that...thats not cool at all thats why i say he was igonorant to jump on the screw marshawn bandwagon....

  13. "Another Sean Taylor"?? Man, where do you guys come from?


    Taylor was shot in his home by a robber.


    Lynch was riding around in a Mercedes pretending to be a tough guy.


    "All that talking your doing is ignorance".........indeed!


    What I was saying was IF AND ONLY IF it was his it was for protection because sean taylor was robbed at home sean taylor could have been robbed anywhere anybody could be robbed anywhere thats what i was saying. By you not understanding that makes you ignorant...now where are you coming from....and all this talk about him being a thug is completley dumbfound just becase he had dreads make him a thug thats stupid and racist...its a damn shame thats what people assume nowadays....

  14. Holy F is GripnRip an idiot. So basically, what you're saying is that we shouldn't have laws and rules? And that you're such a homer that what he did is something you're OK with? And the racial blast, like somehow the concealed weapon law is only used against blacks is retarded, frankly.


    There is one thing I will never ever do and that's stand being a childish, multi-millionaire athelete who thinks the rules don't apply to him. The guy knows the rules, or if he doesn't, he's a moron.


    I'll say this. I'm a die-hard Bills fan, and was a season ticket holder the last couple seasons. But I hope he gets what he has coming to him, I really do. The hit and run was bad enough and everyone thought the guy made a single bad mistake. But this is now a trend of stupid behavior from an obviously ignorant person.



    your a complete jack ass for that comment...so what if it was his yea so he protected his self from !@#$s like you from being jealous of what he has (I.E. money) nobody wants another sean taylor situation. He wasn't waving it or talking reckless with it, hell it might not be his but all that talking your doing is ignorance you should be ashamed of yourself...dont ever assume anything because if your wrong you look foolish...grow up.... :w00t:

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