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Posts posted by BufflaloBeastMode23

  1. QB threads are getting old.




    Buddy - please draft the best available QB in each round, pick up all available cast always, untendered free agents and late pick tendered free agents, raid the practice squads too...


    Send them all to an island to play survivor and put the top three on the roster.







    does QB SURVIVOR come on nfl network or is it a direct tv deal cuz i dont have that direct tv deal and i need to see that show...lol... :thumbsup:

  2. I know he's talented but he has worn out his welcome in BUF. How long do you think he would be content as a backup to Freddie. I say get what you can for him and pick up another back either through FA or the draft. I wouldn't mind getting Sproles or Chester Taylor in here. I would prefer Sproles so we could cut Roscoe loose without any concern for the return game. And he has that big play potential the Bills have lacked recently.



    I mean damn he had one bad season/year in buffalo and he wore out his welcome? C'MON SON GTFOH....

    and chester taylor over marshawn? Really? NAWWWWWW.....and chestor taylor like 30 so let me get this straight

    you want two 30 yr old backs?

  3. IMHO PSU has nothing to do with it, I love Joe Pa and the program. The thing is the guy got on the field because another guy got suspended. the guy was a one hit wonder and the Bills were fools for drafting the guy.


    Man I am glad we got Nix and company. I just wish we had him here years ago :wallbash:



    Yours an as*hole...i remeber when you were all pissy cuz NIX AND CO got picked to be GM and HC. Now its " im glad we got nix and co "...dude your a hypocrite a pure bandwagon assmofo... <_<


    NOW ON THE NEXT ONE... :flirt:


    Maybin sux he surley does he has no chance of being good....when they said his name i think i turned into and owl cuz i said " WHO" so loud i think i scared the neighbors..lol... :thumbsup:

  4. Why is everyone getting excited here on Two Bills Drive Dot Com? I know the combine is here and Free Agency will start in a week or so. Also the draft is now less than two months away but still why all the excitement?


    The people in charge of this no nothing team have no semblence of direction in which this team is going. There will not be one free agent that will be a difference maker that will want to come to such a lousy team and city. Remember - there were up and coming coordinators that refused to even be interviewed to be the Bills coach. We had to get some guy to come out of retirement just to say we have a GM!


    This team is going no where - players don't want to play here, coaches don't want to coach here and fans don't want to be fans here anymore. Why doesn't Ole Ralph do us a favor and move this team to Los Angles - maybe then we'll get the players and coaches to be competitive!!!!


    Pass That...Cuz You Smokin Some Good Sh*t...lol...



    Yes, if the RAMS GET ANY QB that leaves us Mike Vezzy without a doubt ...AND I WOULD GO CRAZY...I hope we do get vick...id be first in line to get that jersey early in the morning...hell and id get opening day tickets too..HAHAHA... He's Better than pigpen, Better than brohm and Better than Noodle arm Pennington too...HAHAHA...LETS GO MIKE....

  6. The update from Schefter: "To set record straight: McNabb's niece, Tamika Nurse, plays guard for Bowling Green. She has managed to bring McNabb to Buffalo."




    Nurse is a senior, with just a couple of games remaining in her college career. And with this being the last trip to Buffalo, close to her hometown of Hamilton, ONT, there will probably be a lot of family there.


    Stand down from red alert, everyone.



    LMAO @ stand down from red alert...cuz people were at level 5 buffalo QB signing alert...

  7. ... I promise to not cut Scott Norwood's brake lines.


    Ive been looking for his ass for years...I truly believe he's dead, someone beat us to it...LOL...



    take a huge clydesdale size dump on the star at mid field in dallas



    LMAO....WOW...thats classic...


    But id have to re watch that game like 15x to make sure that it really happened then id have a drink, play in the snow drunk at 4am and then go to sleep...that would be the best sleep i'll ever have... :wallbash:


    Your dumb...so hmmm yea lets get another 30 yr old vet at RB to go with our other 30 yr old RB and get rid of our young 23 year old work horse...stick to fantasy football and madden kid...



    LT is done and he is done for a reason. He has had too many injuries and is WAY past his prime. Where would he fit in our rotation? Fred, Marshawn, LT....we don't have enough touches to go around for the guys we do have. It is only logical to assume it's another one of these guys that think player XYZ is a thug or whatever veiled "off color" name you want to use. It's typical.


    Lynch without question has definitely had some maturity issues but he is a good RB who was in the probowl as an alternate 2 years ago. He had the highest yards per carry of all probowl RBs and was the guy called in when the AFC needed a critical 4th down conversion. We are never going to get better if we keep getting rid of talent because our poor little feelings got hurt because these players aren't perfect gentlemen or actually demand to be paid what they are worth.


    I agree he is a risk due to his off field problems and that Fred is a better cut back runner and slightly better receiver. Is this because Fred Jackson is 29 and Lynch is 23? Something to think about people. Freddy better be more mature and more polished as a RB as he is more than 5 years Lynch's senior. That is 2/3s of a lifetime in RB years. That being said if we could actually find this guy a o-line that could open a freakin' hole in the running game he is indeed a BEAST!


    Let's worry about fixing our actual holes instead of creating new ones shall we?


    CO MOTHAFU*KIN SIGN 100%...The fools on this site dont think rationally at times...when marshawn was running over people, throwing touchdowns and going to the pro bowl they were all di*kriding...He wasn't a thug, punk or whatever stereotype they using nowadays he was a BILL. Now knowing damn well we need other positions they wanna make a problem out of nothing. Marshawn's not the smartest 5th grader in the class but he's damn good and he ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE...

  9. Brohm is not this great Qb.......Brohn is representative of the desperation that Bills fans feel. They are hoping beyond hope that the Bills stumble upon this great Qb because this team has sucked for so long. Unfortunately Brohm will disappoint just like the rest have. He was demoted in Greenbay for a reason. He isn't good enough.



    I dont think he is a great qb either (i think he's pure USDA certified trash personally). I see why the desperation aspect of it but its like some people think he's joe montana or johnny unitas and he is far from it. If he was why would GB dump him? He's not that good but some people think he is for some odd reason. Hell as a college qb he didnt do nothing that would make it seem he's and elite qb. But i guess everyone has and opinion right or wayyyyy wrong...

  10. how can any person on earth besides daunte and his mom think that he will be better than Brian Brohm next year? Brohm is ONE HELL OF A QB!!!! why can't anyone else see that? Brohms game against Atlanta last year was a good game for him, considering he was on the team for how long? practising with the first team for how long? a former projected 1st overall QB, the kid's got game. we have our franchise QB right here in our laps and a bunch of you douchbags want to sign old man Daunte? come on? wtf is wrong with you guys! Brohm also looks a hell of a lot better than Bradford did in his highlights. I dont' know how so many people can have such varied opinions.



    Ok whats the fascination with brohm i just dont get it he was kicked all the way down to the practice squad of green bay who drafted him in the 2nd round..no e-beef or nothing im just tryna see what you see cuz i must be blind...to be honest him and daunte in the same category i give the edge to daunte cuz he is a vet. Brohm sucked in that game in ATL i dont know what you saw but i saw pure USDA trash..and saying brohm looked better than bradford is jus stone dumb...did brohm win the heisman? UH NO, how many bowl games compared to bradford has brohm been in?..so please explain WITHOUT INSULTS PLEASE why brohm is this great qb..

  11. if we cant get Mike, Donovan, Seneca or cant draft bradford then yea im all for Dante. I mean he is better than all the players we have and he is 10x better than tyler pigpen. But you have to take in that we dont have the caliber duo of recivers he needs to be great he would be avg on the bills. But at this point ill take avg...

  12. ***NEWS FLASH***


    F R E D

    J A C K S O N


    You should use some common sense... Marshawn is a 2nd string player for the Bills. I'll take A. Cromartie any day of the week for Lynch straight up.



    *** NEWS FLASH ***


    Y O U R

    D U M B


    Fred cant do it all by himself you lil wart plus what is he 30...Plus you was prolly all on marshawn di*ck when he made the pro bowl and was given us 1,000 yard seasons, now you want him gone. Oh yea I could give a f*ck less if he made the pro bowl cuz he was a sub HE STILL MADE IT...and for cromartie yea stick to fantasy trades and madden because cromartie sux...



  13. *** NEWS FLASH ***


    This thread id dumb marshawn IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE..what planet do you people live on...why would you trade a good back and have to turn around and draft another, not knowing if the new back will be half as good as your last. I mean damn use common sense if you have any. If you wanna say he sucks after one bad year fine but I can name plenty of players that had one bad year then bounced back with great years after...damn relax...


    Lynch for Rivers :oops:


    But that trade i'll MAKE.... LOL.... :wallbash:

  14. We should trade Marshawn and Trent for San Diego QB Charlie Whitehurst and ILB Brandon Siler.



    throw in a jim kelly's HOF jacket, a beer from daryl talley, one of travis henry's children plus naming rights to a new bills stadium and we should have a sweet deal for good ole charlie... :lol:


    Congratulations! you are the new number 1 seed in the battle for the dumbest post of 2010.


    HAHAHAHA! :lol: I couldn't have said it any better....between Charlie Whitehurst and Chris Redman I dont know if this QB name game could get any dumber...

  15. I like tebow, it would be cool if the bills did draft him (in like the 2nd or 3rd round) the only thing im worried about is that long a** throwing motion he has (just like byron leftwitch it takes like 3 hours for tebow to throw the ball). Great safties like ed reed would eat him alive...his leadership, toughness and mobilty is the best of the draft but that throwing motion im not sure of...

  16. NOW THAT SH*T WAS COOL...LOL...he's extra west coast with his accent and im a have that dancing mashawn skeleton as my avatar as soon as i can get it...and for the haters that said their science was wrong C'MON SON...they done colt mcoy vs shotgun, santinio holmes did that SB catch for how much force it took and they did others. Nobody questioned theirs but since MARSHAWN beat a diesel truck its questioned? I bet if he lost people would be happy and say the science was correct LMAO... I doubt they'd spend all the money for that tv special for it to be wrong..I thought we are all on the same team and would think it was cool but i guess not....

  17. It's a matter of intent. One guy made a single poor choice and it led to a terrible consequence. The other guy intentionally ran a criminal business over 5 years and took part in disturbing violence towards animals. This is hardly a mistake. He has a long history of having no respect for others.


    so because he intended on killing dogs its still worst than being drunk and killing a human? still not making sense...say that out loud in the mirror to yourself and see how stupid you look...


    Yep, you're an idiot.


    slap yourself...


    Holy crap dude. Sometimes I think you post crap just to insight people. I'm no PETA member but it takes a particularly special Jack Off to do what Vick did. I'm not comparing which guy is more evil I think that's a waste of time but please stop making comments like the bolded it's embarrassing.


    you took what i meant outta context...what i was saying was you cannot replace human life like you can your pet...i apologize if i worded it incorrectly...

  18. What you're doing is pretending that Stallworth had the same intention and therefore pretending the two things are similar.


    They aren't.


    I don't know more than a handful of people who haven't had a few beers and driven home. Every person who has had a few and driven could have easily ended up in the same situation Stallworth did. People won't forgive Stallworth because he's an athlete, has money, and a person died. If it was you, or someone you cared about instead of Stallworth you'd drop this ridiculous rant.


    Vick, however, INTENTIONALLY did everything he was accused of plus a few more things on top of it. Has he changed? I have no idea but I will never forgive or trust a person who did what he did. There's something seriously wrong with a person capable of that stuff.


    So your argument is because he drank and drove then accidentally killed someones father, brother or grandfather (that they well never get back) thats not worst than intentionally killing dogs? i dont know about you but i love my family over my pets anyday. You only get one mother and one father you can get another pet...but if think vick is worst than stallworth then you can have that debate sir...

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