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Posts posted by The_Dude

  1. 42 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Most Liberals? Ya, because we are not full of sh it like some people. 


    Cry all you want, but we only live in the most prosperous society on earth. And you are crying. 

    Ok, well, to start, I'd say certainty not now for general taxes. Not even sure why this is a conversation now. 


    The oppressive nature would would be if it were being simply wasted on things like corruption and just plain old bad policy. Trump's taxes on imports and the trade war they started and really hurting American farmers. Would you consider that oppressive? 




    Tibs, think about it honestly and then answer. How many work weeks of the year should you hand over to the government. A 20% tax rate is over 10 weeks of labor. Should 10 of your 52 work weeks be confiscated by the government? Should it be more? Should it be less? I’m asking because 20% is the threshold I deem fair. What do you think is fair?


    Also let me say, it is my greatest hope my boys never have to fire a shot in anger. People have a hard time understanding my politics because they don’t understand that to create peace you have to do so with unparalleled savagery in war, magnimity in victory, and an aggressive, uncompromising posture during peace to keep it. I understand those simple truths and my politics orbit them. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Capco said:


    Would you willingly let them take your son (assuming you have one now or at some point) against his will?


    Now, yes. Of course. But in 10 years I may not. It depends on whether the country is worth fighting for by then. I fear it may not be. If the LGBTQLMNOP community is running the military, no. 


    I will actively discourage my boys from joining at this point though. Not until the army is set right. Sadly I know what it’ll take. It’ll take another war in which Americans see 18 year old American girls having their nude, raped, corpses drug through the streets. Liberals only learn from catastrophe. 


    Liberals and gays need to leave the military alone. It works best without them. 

  4. No why not nobody ever made a slave of me and mine? 


    Because.....my race is awesome. 



    “Never, never, shall be slaves!”


    My race is the English speaking people’s. And we’re  awesome and we know it. 


    Its a a lot of pressure though. People expect and demand I be:

    1. Clever

    2. Smart

    3. Brave

    4. Accomplished


    Nobody EVER talks about how hard it is to be white. “White privilege?” How about “white responsibility.” These shoulders are hurting from proppin up the world, but I’ll go on as it is my sacred duty. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Koko78 said:



    Yeah, you're pretty much Fredo.


    I was going for this 


    2 hours ago, Warcodered said:

    If they can pass whatever requirements for whichever part of the military they'd end up in I don't see a problem with it.


    How well, in your observations, do women handle indirect fire?


    1 hour ago, sherpa said:


    And therein lies the problem, or at least it has been an issue in the past.

    Their "requirements" were a little different, at least that was my experience.

    See "Hultgreen," callsign Revlon. 


    FACT — the Army took grenades out of the ammo can for the MK19 grenade launcher to accommodate women. After they let women become MPs, they realized tiny women couldn’t lift the ammo cans. No problem said the army, we’ll just take a fraction of the ammo out so that they can. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    1) They're not that extreme, or anomalous.    


    2) That fact that you think they are demonstrates that you are, as usual, thoroughly ignorant.  


    I’m not interested in the thoughts of a non combatant on combat.  


    A woman in a 4 man stack. Ridiculous. You’ve a tiny woman brain, Tammy. 


    You might hide behind a woman but I’m a man. A whiskey drinking, Haji and commie fighting, MAN. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Commsvet11 said:


    I don’t know about you, but we had to pull females from support roles and take them on patrol and had them search the females of the households when clearing houses.


    Yeah, we had to take women from S2 for that. But my god, they weren’t on the breach team. We kept their dumbasses at the CCP and at most would call them up. But I didn’t give a *****, I’d put hands on a Hajette. 

    4 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    Congressman from Texas.








    I’ll literally fight. I’ll kill a mother ***** if they try to draft my daughter. 



    Goddamn these liberal savages. Liberals DONT fight. They don’t. But they’re always ***** with fight club. Why? Leave it alone. Fight club is 90% white, patriotic bro’s, and we like it that way. Leave it alone, unless you really want the nation to lose its future wars. 


    Women are nothing but a frickin liability. They indecisive, weak, and quick to panic. 


    And I’m not being sexist, I’m being chivalrous. I’m trying to keep them dumb broads from getting captured, raped, and cause is nothing but grief. 


    JESSICA. FREAKING. LYNCH. Member her? I remember that dumb broad and her ######ed band of misfit pogs. They got what they had comin to them and they didn’t stand their ground and fight. Any infantry or cavalry platoon would have gotten out of that situation, or would have never been in that situation most likely. Broads don’t belong in war. It’s Rosie Riveter, NOT Rosie Warrior. 


    Liberal. Freaking. Savages. Well be more pathetic than the French Army soon. 


    I need something to freaking break. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, #34fan said:


    It's all part of the same alt-right, white nationalist, highlight reel, isn't it?... The right is a brotherhood of thugs, hinchmen, racists, and armed degenerates.






    White nationalists are the only ones who volunteer to fight for this country en mass, so without them there wouldn’t be this awesome country for you to B word about. 

    26 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:



    Opps. Yes, that’s what I meant. 

  10. 1 hour ago, #34fan said:


    I'd say Pittsburgh, Parkland and Charlotte are even better examples of savagery on the right.  Anywhere in PPP you can find tighty-righties threatening to 'wipe people out' debating whether of no to 'let people live'... Goon politics are what the right stands for because they're goons...  What's the big deal about Smollet anyway?  -He's a D-grade celeb who used his platform to make a false emergency in order to draw attention to himself... -Presidential material by rightie standards, no?


    I don’t know you and I already dislike you. 

    1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

    So, anti-Semitism and a mentally ill school shooter are examples of savagery on the right? I have no clue what you are referring to in Charlotte. All this time away from PPP and you still haven't figured out how to make a reasonable argument for a preconceived position?


    I think the thing where the guy drove over a person with his car. Or was Charlotte where that scrawny skinhead shot up a black church? 

  11. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/school-told-nigerian-teen-remove-head-wrap-black-history-month-causing-social-media-frenzy-194838316.html


    Blck people love to be victims. 


    How’s about your kids American and in no way Nigerian? I call black people ‘blacks’ or ‘Americans’ because there’s no such thing as African-American. I mean it’s oxymoronic. African-American is like saying ‘shithole-awesome place.’ 


    Id wager I’m way closer to my Scottish roots than that futurec single, teen-mother (I kid, I kid, but probably) is her Nigerian roots and I never felt the need to wear a kilt to school. 

  12. 50 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    I don't know, never really thought about it before. So I don't want to give an answer that is not well informed. 


    I’m not surprised. I’d wager most liberals have never confronted that question.  


    Well maybe you should. Think of it like this, if a man is taxed 20% that’s the government confiscating 2.5 months worth of his paychecks. That’s only 20%. Were all paying more than that. 


    So, what is a fair percentage, and what is the Social Contract? Because right now what liberals are advocating for is very close to slavery. 

  13. 17 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    When it's devastating your economy, I guess. Trump's tariffs are a tax that is killing his own supporters in the farm states. Stupid, incompetent governance 


    Tibs, how much should YOU pay in taxes? How much of the money you make should go to taxes? I want to know what you’d make your tax rate if given the chance. Honest question. 

  14. Just now, Tiberius said:

    Pelosi is forcing a vote on Trump's power grab. Thank God there is an opposition to this clown as the GOP is AWOL. If Trump gets away with this, he will keep doing it. Appease him now and he will only grow bolder. Next national emergency will be just around the corner. 


    Look at you busting out “Appease.” ?


    ’Orangeman just like Hitler.’?

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