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jax bill backer

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Everything posted by jax bill backer

  1. It seems more apparent then ever before to me that the Jacksonville Jaguars will move..Everday I see billboards that are pratically begging people to buy tickets. But people arent doing anything. The first home game I went to this year was against Arizona, There were literally 40,000 people there. Now then ever before ,I am starting to hear all the time on the news, T.V, or radio that people need to step up and " Save the Jaguars". There is only on hope though and both have to do with Tim Tebow leaving college. 1. That Tebow goes to the Jaguars and the fan base is suddenly sparked to buy tickets. 2. Or Tebow leaves to another NFL team causing the fanbase to let go of the gators a little bit. Even though these could be options, I still see them struggling. What if Tebow does bad on the Jaguars. Then people will not want to buy tickets or support the team. " The Jaguars are in serious Danger of moving" and I think they will. Now to maybe gain a little more respect around here, people don't seem to understand my Toronto theory.I would be the first one to say, " I don't know how I could ever like sports if the Bills moved" The thing is I like the bills in Toronto for one game a year, and one game only. " I think it gives our franchise something special that other teams don't have". I think it would be fun for a Bills fan to travel once a year to Toronto to support the Bills. Don't get me wrong it is fun as hell to drink and tailgate at bills football games. But I think it would be cool to also see once a year how a big market, Jerry Jones type of wine and dine type of atmosphere would be like. Just as long as the Bills dont move I am fine.
  2. Charles Pickens used to eat subs when he was on the sidelines when he played for cincy.. could this be sort of a diabetic thing?
  3. I was just saying on the crappy internet fees that I couln't see many bills fans. Why to you guys take stuff so personally. seriously this is a message board.
  4. news flash theres better quaterbacks that come out from the west and south that are way better than the north.
  5. I hate when people say that lee evans is not a number 1 reciever. He could be a number 1 reciever on any team... Lee evans has always been the real deal
  6. The bills run defense is amazing with are line. the only think that is holding us back is our group of linebackes.
  7. Whhy would anybody want to be a yankees fan. Don't you feel ashamed that you guys win championships because of money and steriods.. GO BLUEJAYS
  8. I love simi-valley.one of the nicest places ive ever been to.
  9. I agreed, Ive been saying this the wholr time..time to go lindell
  10. Because he put up 3 points on the browns at home...how many people still think TE has a shot a being good or great? because your fooling yourselves..
  11. I say start him again.. If he actually has a gamplan this kis could be good. And shut up to all you Edwards fans that still think he is good. Fitzpatrick is better than Edwards. And those stats would be better if t.o wouldnt of dropped balls. and if they gave that completion to evans..
  12. will the bills move post your comments and pole place here.
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