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Boom Jam

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Posts posted by Boom Jam

  1. Mike Williams lost nearly one hundred poinds from his maximum weight when he was out of football. Once he decided that he wanted to get back into the league he put in the effort to make it happen. Last year he and his wife moved in with the Dockery family (close Texas Univ friends) and diligently worked to get in shape at the Washington Redskins' facility. The Skins took a risk keeping him and shedding some other linemen. They were very happy with his work effort. They recognized the potential yet knew that it would take quite a while to get to the point where he could play.


    Last year he was their starting RG. He got better as the season advanced. This offseason, he continued working hard and has entrenched himself in a starting position with the new Shanahan regime. Mike Williams is a classic example that unless one has the desire you are not going to succeed in the NFL, no matter how much talent you have. The only person who could motivate him is himself.


    He has had his struggles but presently he seems to be on the right path. I'm very happy for him.


    It's a shame he didn't come into the league with an attitude of a Joe Thomas or a Jake Long.

  2. What is this revisionist history rampant in this thread? TBD might be lacking some of the quality, in-depth discussions it once had, but that's a result of growth. There are thousands and thousands of members. Of course quality will be watered down. And of course the close-knit feel will eventually give way.


    "The good old days?" Like when there were meltdown threads every month? When BF would take some ridiculous stance and then have a 30 page bitchfest with Tom, Darin, Thailog, etc.? All that was great entertainment...but some golden land of civility and tranquility? Ha!


    "Retatta" marked a turning point for this place. I'll agree that it has become a lot more ADHD and, on the whole, good discussion is washed away in the face of spastic postings. But TBD is not some crater of what was once Bills Utopia.


    If this thread is what constitutes drama nowadays, I think my point is made.


    I miss Thailog. A lot.

  3. I find it funny that some people liken Tim posting here to a guest visiting your house. In a sense it was. You should treat guests with some level of respect. But, what are you to do when the guest at your house insists on acting arrogant and acting like he's above criticism and that you should simply be honored he's there? Because that's essentially the way Tim acted.


    His post about only getting 150 (complete bull ****) hits from TBD simply highlights that attitude.



  4. Less than remorse, understanding would be nice.


    You know, so far I've been trying to explain to you why you're a !@#$ing idiot nicely and kindly, without actually calling you a !@#$ing idiot. This is because I thought that maybe you had a momentary lapse of judgement, which you would understand with the fullness of time and, while not be remorseful, maybe be a little less critical. I was wrong. You're just a !@#$ing idiot.


    I'm a !@#$ing idiot too because I think he's spot on.


    Think - FANBOYS.

  5. Right there is the crux of the situation. You posted that IN A THREAD TITLED "ASK TIM GRAHAM." If I'd seen it before he did, I would have moved or deleted it, because it did not belong there. You apparently also missed SDS' memo.


    Damn right, I defended him (per usual). He's a friend. Who the hell do you think asked him to join this board in the first place?


    And I did that thinking TBDers would be mature enough to interact with him on an adult level. That was my first mistake.


    ESPN = MTV = American Idol = Fox News. You know that, right?


    IMHO, you made a bad decision.

  6. First off, Tim owes you nothing.


    Second, of course 150 clicks is inaccurate. But it shows the scale of importance. 150 to 1,500,000 means that 10,000 times more people read his stuff from a source other than TBD. Who cares if even ten times more people read his stuff than the 150 clicks that show up directly. It's not relevant to the overall number.


    Third - 150 'clicks' a month is a flat out lie. There you have it...

  7. This is precisely what can keep things going though. So, only 150 clicks a month come from TBD? Maybe directly. HOWEVER, I myself added Tim's Blog some time ago as a favorite site so that I could keep up with the AFC EAST. I'm sure many people go straight to his stuff on ESPN now that we know it's there. Without you coming to TBD I would have never clicked your blog.....ever, until I discovered you. And I admit, I don't rummage deep into the ESPN site. Too cluttered for me.


    So, it's more than 150. For as popular as TG seems here, I'm sure a ton of clicks are generated because TG came here and made himself known. We also kind of look for TG's stuff on ESPN when stuff might be breaking, because we are hoping that he is a little more tuned in than the guy who was posting from the Chamber of Commerce about stuff happening at OBD.


    Just from when you did your chats alone, you were overrun by posters here. Re-directed traffic might only be 150, but Tim has gained enormous amounts of traffic to his stuff from here. As pathetic as the Bills are, and as starved as we are for information, I would say I probably clicked Tim's stuff 150 times myself that month, to see if anyone had anything on Edwards.


    All because you were announced or whatever it was that happened here at TBD.


    Exactly. 150 'clicks' per month is completely inaccurate. Every time Tim farts there is a new thread about it and a link to his blog.


    I'm calling bull**** here Tim. I implore you to prove me wrong.

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