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Posts posted by Meark

  1. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/draft-i...backs?gt1=39002


    This article talks about how weak this year's crop of QB's is in the draft. I DISAGREE. 5 years from now we will realize how good this class really is. That being said, I still hope we pick up McCoy in the 2nd or Snead in the 3rd.


    I was watching the combine on NFL network and was actually pretty impressed with McCoy. I wouldn't be upset if we used a 2nd round pick on him. Just hoping we pick up a OT at #1.

  2. Keep making exuses for him!

    Your right Lee Evans has Jerry Rice's hands, with Randy Moss's Speed, Andre Reed's toughness, an oh I forgot he works for the CIA in the offseason as an under cover anti-terrorism super spy! I heard last week he stopped a Bin Laden from buying a nuclear weapon!


    I also heard that he invented the I-formation!


    Holy **** you are a moron.. Excuses for him? He doesn't call the freaking plays. How many receivers do you know that run where ever the hell they want to on the field? Um.. yeah none or they would be looking for a new career. You run the pattern you are told period. It's obviously a waste of time replying to a complete idiot.

  3. I'm sorry, but he dosn't go over the middle. He doesn't like to get hit!

    He is a sideline reciever. Which means he is overpaid!


    Very interesting.. so now not only does Lee need to run his routes he needs to call the plays too? The play is called in and the players follow the called play or audible. It's not like Lee can just run where ever he wants to on every play.. :wallbash:

  4. I know most players have a cocky attitude but he celebrates on every play!


    The dude barely got on the field last year.. I would celebrate the opportunity to play also.


    Man you guys are tough.. The guy isn't a starter, hardly got a chance to play. The coaches played Schobel and Kelsey.. Are they better than him? Definitely more experienced and both had a good year. He's undersized for a DE in a 4-3.. He wasn't drafted to be an immediate starter. Why don't we give the guy a chance before bad mouthing him.


    He is obviously eager and believes in himself. I don't have a problem with that.

  5. why do you say that, i think i explained myself very well, (if you do not take into consideration some apostrophe,minor punctuation mistakes), who decides which opinion is "valid"?, most people failed to grasp the gist of my point, cannot help that, then lots disappear when i question them..


    Ok, your first post said.. Look at what Obama is doing to this country.


    Please explain, what has Obama done to this country? Besides save us from another Great Depression brought on by George Bush.

  6. spoken like a true democrat.. the govt owes you health care!.. FORGET ABOUT PERSONAL RRESPONSIBILTY!


    Actually, I'm not a democrat, nor have I ever been registered as one. I'm an independent and vote for whom ever I feel like.


    I would much rather the government provide health care for people who's employers don't provide it, than drop bombs on innocent people in the middle east.


    I already work my ass off to pay illegal taxes, may as well use the stolen money for good right?

  7. yes, it is true i am unemployed. you are correct, but guess what "einstein", i am 57 years old, due to some decisions i made a few years back, i was able to retire at 55, so i guess you can refer to me as "unemployed" LMFAO!.. and i love it!


    Retired beer drinking republican with nothing better to do than sitting at home in your undies acting like a teenager online and inject political BS into non-political conversations. Damn, how did I not see that coming.

  8. uh-oh!, here come the punctuation police again!, thought i was done with them!, now spelling.. well, i gotta take a break and regroup, perhaps i will , as liberals do, take a cleansing breath, maybe eat some yogurt. but in reality, im from buffalo, im going out for some beer, be back..


    Ah yes, beer at 1:30 in the afternoon.. should have known you'd be unemployed.

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