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Posts posted by Meark

  1. If you asked me a couple of weeks ago I would have gone ballistic for anyone even suggesting we draft an RB at #9.. However, after watching tape on Spiller I would have no problem with us drafting him at #9. The draft is deep with OT talent and I'd take a OT in round #2.


    My take.. This is a new coaching staff that wants to run the ball. They have no loyalty to either RB on the roster. Lynch is a trouble maker and needs to be the starter or he isn't very effective. I can easily see us selecting Spiller at #9 and trading Lynch for a mid to late round pick. Then drafting an OT in round 2 and a QB round 3.. They will probably try to grab some D line help in the mid to late rounds..


    These guys are just starting out. They want impact players. What better way to make a splash and a statement than to draft Spiller? I'd have to say this is a strong possibility.

  2. I really do think the Bills are targeting a QB in the 2nd round. I think their first choice is Tebow, but with the possibility of Cleveland taking him in the 2nd a few picks above them, they are exploring their options.


    I sure hope not! I would take McCoy waaaay before taking Tebow. I like this kids character and his performance speaks for itself.

  3. Come on---he's the TE on a team where the top 2 WRs account for over 200 catches and 2500 yards in a season! He had 5 TDs last year as the 3rd or 4th option.


    No thought went into that post.



    He was a 1st round pick and didn't even even start all their games last year. He made some great plays, but he didn't materialize to be the elite TE they though he would. Sure, he's a decent player and it looks like the Brown's didn't really overpay.. so good for them.




    From the article posted on Patriots.com:



    So let’s look at Benjamin Watson, a clear first-round disappointment in New England. Over the years he proved two things beyond a shadow of a doubt – that he couldn’t stay healthy and couldn’t catch the ball with enough consistency when it was thrown to him.


    So, what did Belichick, Brady and Co. do? They made Watson less an emphasis in the offense, took advantage of his developing skills as a blocker and looked elsewhere more often with the passing game.


    Watson was supposed to be a Pro Bowl talent, a freakish package of athletic skills. But when he was the best option for the passing game – on a wide receiver thin 2006 Patriots team – he didn’t exactly dominate. When he was packaged with elite talents around him like Randy Moss and Wes Welker, he couldn’t maximize his opportunities in regards to big plays, mismatches and changing games as a middle-of-the-field playmaker.


    What’s that tell us? That Watson wasn’t a very good football player and clearly not a guy capable of consistently making plays at a high level.

  4. How many times does this have to be said? The reason we are not signing FA's is the same reason most of the other teams aren't. The available FA pool this year is shallow, due to all the tender offers that were available to teams. There have only been 2-3 free agents available that would be top free agents regardless of the CBA situation. Most teams have decided to keep their picks instead of signing tendered players.


    In addition the second and third tear FA's are still out there. The market is determining their value as we speak.


    If you disagree, list the top ten free agents you wish we would have signed.


    Common sense? How dare you! :rolleyes:

  5. Thats right folks, another Buffalo Bill outcast may be signing with the Pats. I can see it now: Game 1 2010, Pats 45 Bills 6.

    Game 2: Pats 739 Bills 2. Josh Reed and Sam Aiken. Forget Welker and Moss. When you leave Buffalo, its like your career is reborn. Look at Coy Wire, Willis McGahee, and Jason FREAKIN Peters. Why is that? All those guys sucked when they were here. Mark it down, if Reed signs with the Pats, we will NEVER drop a ball, he WILL block like Hinds Ward, and WILL catch at least 5 TD's in the two games vs. Buffalo next year.


    Ya know, I'm so frickin sick of this bullsht! Hey Buffalo, you know why people don't take you seriously and think you suck...BECAUSE YOU DO! When we signed Owens last spring, everyone thought the dominant Bills were back. Let me put it to you like this: MARKETING PLOY! And I too bought into it, I'm as guilty as anyone. When people said "yeah, they have T.O., but who's throwing him the ball?" We didn't want to hear it! We didn't care! We had the greatest aquisition of the '09 offseason. And, at the end of the day (season), we lost one more game than the previous 3 seasons.


    I hate to pile on, but my 8 year old son is a Bills fan, loves 'em win or lose. But I refuse to expose him to this garbage by buying A ticket to a game. How do any of you stomach buying SEASON tickets? Trent Edwards WILL be our QB next year (until he's concussed again, of course), then who the hell else knows. Oh, I know, Brian Brohm! Woohooooooo! BRIAN BROHM SUCKSSSSSSSSSS. He was a backup for a reason, a clipboard holder for a reason. In April, at the draft, I want to see Buffalo get aggressive, trade something or someone for another 1st round pick. Get your QB and OT, then in the ladder rounds, get some friggin depth via free-agency. You know, you don't have to be the same old Bills every offseason. You can actually grow some balls and IMPROVE instead of just trying to sell tickets and merchandise. Plain and simply put, the Bills management needs to wake the hell up, try to actually improve this club with talent. Otherwise, take Ralph, Buddy, Chan, the guy who pisses in the sink in the stadium bathroom, the stupid "shout" song, and this worthless franchise, and flush the whole damn thing down the commode. This is Buffalo, we are crazy about football. We aren't like Dallas fans, or Giant fans or Jets fans, its like a cult following. We spend our hard earned dollars on a product that is just like that terd in the toilet. And thats what it is, SH*T! We deserve better. WE dont have to come to your out-dated stadium and "hope" our team wins. We want to KNOW our team is going to win. We want to bloody Tom Brady's pretty little face. We want more than 7-10 points on the board every game. Us Bills fans, we're blood thirsty. I HATE losing every year, and every year to New England. Its pathetic, you're pathetic. Get us a better product or go to friggin Canada for god sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Dude.. I like your passion but step away from the edge. Are you sure you aren't the 8 year old? You sure communicate like one.


    First of all, TO was not the greatest acquisition in the league last year.. Good lord man are you serious?


    Next, Brian Brohm was drafted in 2008.. Aaron Rodgers is Green Bay's starter.. Did you expect a rookie to take over for one of the best QB's in the league? :devil:


    Finally.. I don't know what the hell you are getting at, but Dallas, Giants and Jets fans are just as fanatical and crazy about football as Bills fans..

  6. Focus on the lines in the draft. Let Fitzpatrick try again


    No, no, and no!! I don't want LT, at his age he's no better than what we already have.. and will probably be expensive to sign. T.O. just flat out quit on plays and couldn't even show enough interest to adjust to the ball if under thrown.. NO THANKS. I'd rather give Brohm or a rookie a shot to compete for the starting job vs. Fitzy who is a backup at best.

  7. Most of these guys are of the 'Madden' Mentality. I for one would love for the system to go back to you get to do nothing but draft and develop players instead of them running off for the next big paycheck somewhere else.


    You are right on Williams, they don't understand that Nix didn't want him for some reason, Whaley apperantly didn't think much of him, and a playoff team that had him didn't want him back. But hey according to the 'fans' we were supposed to go out and pay the guy just because we dont' have an NT yet.


    We have no way of knowing if there was interest in Jamal Williams. I have a feeling it was more that Williams had no interest in Buffalo. He got a call from Denver, a very good team, in the same division as the Chargers and I have a feeling he has some revenge in mind 2x a year. My two cents..

  8. I agree on Wilson. I actually think that he had good intentions with both Phil Donahue and Marv Levy. He did open his checkbook for Marv's FA's. Marv just completely dropped the ball on personnel and player selections.



    I disagree on Gailey. I believe that he has a track record of every team he's been with improving after he leaves. With as bad as Juaron and Co. were, I actually feel that the new staff is a downgrade.


    Phil Donahue? :unsure:

  9. I would normally say it would be insane for considering drafting an RB first round.. but this Spiller kids looks like a stud.. and seemly can break a big one every time he touches the ball. Trade Lynch, draft Spiller and draft OT round 2.. look for one of the QB's round 3.. get a couple FA's in the door on the OL.. give Brohm a shot to complete for starter.

  10. But, but, the guy had more penalties/less yards that Incognito last year. How exactly have we improved with this signing?




    We paid 3M for him. Holy smokes. Someones smoking the good stuff in our FO.




    Why are so many people comparing Incognito to Green? They don't even play the same position.. Incognito is a guard, Green is a Tackle.. This is a replacement for Butler.. not Incognito..

  11. All of your mock draft scenarios are well thought out and quite possible. However, beginning this Saturday, teams can sign UFA's, and until the top free agents are signed up - and there are 6 weeks for teams to sign them before the draft party starts on a Thursday night this year, mock drafts are pretty much a moot point, aren't they? What if Nix shocks all of us by signing Pennington to a 5 year deal? That rules out Clausen right? What if Nix can make a deal for a starting - caliber LT in free agency? Now they don't need to draft one of the top OT's, right? Until Nix makes his obligatory GM-speak "we're all set for now, we'll see who's still around come June 1 after the draft" announcement, I would hold off on making mock draft predictions altogehter.


    OMG.. I will kill someone if we bring in Pennington.. he is DONE in the NFL.. He's no better than our current cluster of crap..

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