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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid


    I'm not a 4Chan guy but that thread has been making the rounds and was sent to me by more than one person I trust. That said, these folks were merely passing it on rather than vouching for it so I have no idea about its authenticity. My first reaction was that it's BS, but I imagine that would be most people's reaction to the scope of what's being said in that chain. I have some good contacts in the FBI, they won't talk about this topic at all (understandably so) other than saying multiple times there's much more to come about the CF. When I sent them the 4Chan thread looking for any confirmation, I got nothing back... which I will say is unusual. Normally they would laugh in my face, make a joke, or outright dismiss it.




    That is very interesting. I think the silence to your question is more telling than an answer. Very intriguing.

    Deranged was just getting off the crack. Then here you come with the monkey.


    Have you no decency sir?

    There was a time when I looked at the world with innocent pure eyes and took things at face value and would have immediately discredited a vast conspiracy.


    As I've grown older, my political views have evolved and so has my opinion of the world and trying to understand events and the intent of others. I've been questioning things, not just the common obvious answer often times presented at the surface, but the most logical often times unspeakable motive that if you get past being outrageous actually makes the most sense.

  2. Click the link in my signature


    *Edit. I just clicked the link in my sig and it looks like they're sold out. Did a quick search of Gunbroker.com and yikes, them things got expensive


    And no, mine aint for sale :P

    The CMP is basically sold out and prices are very high. Its unfortunate...

  3. ASIA PIVOT: Combat-tested U.S. bombers headed to Pacific.




    The B-1B Lancer bombers from the 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron dropped more than 2,000 smart bombs during more than 630 missions over Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan from January to July of 2015, officials at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam said. Those missions covered more than 7,000 hours of flight time.

    The B-1 units bring a unique perspective and years of repeated combat and operational experience from the Central Command theater to the Pacific, said a statement from Pacific Air Forces headquarters in Hawaii.

    Guam is a U.S.-controlled island territory in the western Pacific, some 1,550 miles east of the Philippines.

    With a large weapon capacity and exceptional standoff strike capability, the B-1 will provide U.S. Pacific Command and its regional allies and partners with a credible, strategic power projection platform, the statement said.





    I think the b1s are rotating in to replace TDY b52s.


    Andersen is also one of the few bases in the world with the necessary infrastructure to operate B2 stealth bombers due to their specific requirements

  4. Hillary = proven sociopath liar.


    She and dumb Joe Biden and that Susan rice lady were on all the talking shows pushing the obsecure YouTube video 13 people saw before it was blamed. She lied to everyone in plain sight as clear as day then tried to tell us were all wrong. My own ears didn't lie to me.

  5. We have a contingency plan to recover, or render useless, our nuclear arsenal from Turkey in the event of unrest.


    We even have a contingency plan to recover, or render useless, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in the event of unrest there.

    Should have typed that I hope someone is working on implementing the contingency...


    I know there are literally contingency plans for everything, especially nuclear weapons in unstable areas. Which not to go off topic would be very crurious to see what happens when NK and fat boy start to unravel what SK and the US do to go in and secure his nukes.

  6. Not sure what the contingency plan or QRF would be to move the nukes in a hostile environment where there may be an attempt to gain custody of the weapons but I would imagine quite a lot of resources would be needed to expedite and oversee a movement like that.


    In addition to the 200 or so on site air force security forces... Probably additional units like A navy task force in the med with tactical air support, an embarked marine force element, army ranger QRF on site or near by, strategic airlift c-5s c17s, tankers, drones, possibly f22s and some other type of close air support a-10, apache, cobra, ac130 etc...


    I have no idea what the mission profile would be to get the nukes out of Turkey in the current climate or if it becomes even more hostile but we need to do EVERYTHING to maintain control over them. But hopefully someone already is working on the contingency because it seems conditions in Turkey are degrading rapidly.

  7. He doesn't seem like a bad guy. He honestly doesn't. He just seems to make very poor decisions and not at all self aware.



    Nieve and foolish and immature yes. Punk and jerk probably not.


    Maybe he should move in with Brian gionra or Matt mlulson to learn how to be an adult.



    No joke, so many of these "kids" that come up through juniors have spent most of their formative years with billet host families and various teams and coaching staffs who have done most of their administrative crap for them and let them run amuk. Most of these guys take time to mature unless they had a lot of stability with good host families who mentored them.

    After reading the police sworn deposition reports, I retract what I said above. I tried to give him benefit of doubt, but after reading more details, I was mistaken. He appears to be a spoiled womanizer abusive jerk

    My problem with him koolaid is it repeatably involves violence against women.


    Going out to a bar and getting in a fight, missing the occasional practice..stupid social media posts..i get all those.Don't like it, but understand it.


    But three separate instances and accusations , the first two admittedly never proven , make me pause on this guy.


    The old saying 1st time good on you, second time bad on me, 3rd-time arsehole me comes to mind. What if they keep this guy and a 4th time occurs?


    On the flip side of my argument, is this from a Vancouver reporter.



    I agree with this. I could overlook the immature thing's, like the money phone, money push ups, the track suit, etc I think that's just funny immature stuff and if I was a millionaire would do the same. I can even overlook missing the practice because of the NBA all star game etc, that is a lack of maturity and irresponsible but it's an incident you can learn and grow from. Bringing home a woman from a bar that can't remember what happened, I dunno maybe it's not criminal or even harmful intent just too much alcohol and bad judgement I guess that could happen to many young 20 something year olds going out trolling bars. Bad decision yes, harmful intent, maybe not. Just putting yourself in a bad situation. I can look past that.


    But reading the police reports of the latest incident snd that's a different level. Not good.


    Hillary is a predicatable hawk.


    Johnson is an alternative too.

    Hillary lies about everything and its proven that she is willing to jeopardize our national security to further herself.


    She is unfit to hear classified briefings and be in charge of our military and nuclear arsenal.


    She has already been compromised to being predisposed to blackmail.

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