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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid





    Wisconsin Dem Party Vice Chair David Bowen Appears To Justify Milwaukee Rioters: People Have Reached The Boiling Point!


    Yup, looting, burning businesses, knocking over light poles and beating up white people (none of which had anything to do with alleged police brutality) is understandable because were hurting.











    Pulitzer Alert! "Many of the protestors were Black" http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/us/violent-crowd-confronts-police-in-milwaukee-after-fatal-shooting.html


    Who cares if innocent businesses get destroyed, they didn't build that!

  2. RIOT FIRST, LEARN FACTS LATER: Milwaukee man shot by police seen with gun in body camera footage, officials say.

    Black officer, black police chief, but Black Lives Matter is, ultimately, about ending the policing of black neighborhoods.

    Milwaukee is the latest example that the American Left are Lying Black Folks to Death, writes Andrew Klavan.


    We're all doomed. If this is how people think now, it's over. Wtf.

  3. And more surprises: Putin shakes up his cabinet, removing his longest ally, former KGBer and Crimea-invasion advocate Ivanov

    Shock in the Kremlin as Putin fires chief of staff Sergei Ivanov



    Russia's Putin sacks chief of staff Sergei Ivanov



    Interesting developments going on




    To me this is a potential reason why Brexit happened. Germany's going to want/need someone to bail them out, and it's not going to be Britain.



    That's how I take it, especially considering what happened in 2008.


    But, that's why I'm asking folks who understand the economy better to chime in and help make sense of the ramifications of this.

    Agreed. My fear is that what is coming next will be worse than 2008.


    2008 seems to largely been "fixed" with a pretend band aid of multiple quantitative easings. There never really seems to have been a true correction or recovery and interests rates are already so low or negative. I don't know where the economy goes from here.

  5. Not a fan, but I do work in DC... so....


    I have no clue what he will or won't do. Clinton is relatively predictable. Trump is not.

    Yes she is predictable.


    We know she is owned by big banks and wall street

    We know she destroys anything she touches

    We know she will get us involved in poorly thought out and supported foreign messed

    We know that she will arm terrorists

    We know that she will be blackmailed by other countries over her horrendous private server

    We know she will lie to our faces,

    We know she has had people killed who have gotten in her way

    We know she is above the law

    We know her "charity" is a giant money laundering operation

    We know that in private she is a racist

    We know that her health is rapidly declining

    We know that she silenced woman her husband raped

    We know that she will divide up groups to continue to cause more chaos and contraversay.


    Yes she's predictable We know all about her, and yet, people will still vote for her.

  6. You shouldn't believe the polls. Or anything else coming out of the media. All you have to do is look at the lack of enthusiasm for this evil shrew. No one even shows up for her appearances. They crop and edit the photos to make it look like people actually give a shite about her.



    Most of the polls were wrong about brexit and every one in the media was stunned. They couldn't believe that their echo chamber had it so wrong.

  7. Well, some of the stuff I think is a bit overblown. BUT, I do agree that she's rather shady, largely on the level of a great many of our politicians. That being said, I think Trump is dangerous due to his temperament. The other two... loony and don't have a shot. So in that regard, yes 'I'm with her', but I also am not exactly enthused by it, if that makes sense. I think if we 'survived' our last handful of Presidents, we'll be just fine with Clinton.

    What is overblown?

  8. Curious exactly why you think 'Hillary needs to be stopped', what do you see as happening if she's the POTUS?




    She's the worst candidate ever and should be in prison,


    She lies, she's treasenous, she only cares about herself and career, she destroys everything she touches, she has a literal running body count of anyone who gets in her way, she's unfit in every possible way.

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