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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Watch the video. I'll say it, "The cops acted STUPIDLY!"

    He was lying on his back with his hands up outstretched. He could not have been more vulnerable.




    Sorry. It wasn't you. It was DrinkTHEKoolaid. Case of mistaken identity. Good thing I'm not a cop on the lookout for fugitive robbers. :ph34r:


    Sneaky sneaky...

  2. #RadicallyInsaneIslamistTerroristsLivesMatter


    Don't kid yourself that this country has the guts to do anything near what would need to be done either.

    This generation of snowflakes have already melted down when faced with the job that had to be done. And the post Iraq War retreat of their hero and his bolstering of the Arab Spring and destabilization of Libya and Syria left the power vacuum that spawned the evil that is on the rise there and around the globe.


    He's not done fundamentally transforming America, but his fundamentalists are doing just fine in other parts of the world, and I think he could not be happier about it.

    I'm not kidding myself.... :(


    The only chance we have to stop it is if trump is elected and even then no sure thing. If Hillary wins its over we will be well on the path to becoming france or belgium.


    That's why they invented doors: To keep the bad guys occupied while you get your gun out of the safe.



    A door can be kicked in, in about 3-5 seconds. Hardly enough time to run and under stress access and open your safe.


    I'm all for responsible gun ownership. I own a safe where my guns are stored for safe keeping. But I understand it's limitations if the need arises to quickly access my weapons it's not ideal. I've tested it from various places in my house running up to my bedroom going into my closet and opening my safe. I know how long it takes and it's not ideal.

  4. France has already let too many radical Islamists in.


    Place is doomed.

    I agree. I think there is already enough of a critical mass of fanatical Muslims where at this point the cycle is self sustaining and their influence will grow.


    (the only exception that I could think of would be a mass crackdown and deportation which would cause significant violence and we know France doesn't have the stomach for it, so we will watch thousands of years of western European civilization be destroyed from within and not even by a foreign uniformed army but from sitting due to their overly PC socialist culture)

  5. This from Hillary today.


    No. Seriously.



    Seriously? Seriously?


    She is a complete phony list criminal. How does she not get crushed by the press for this? The only administration to ever do those things was her previous boss!


    Wow if this woman becomes president were totally doomed. There is no honest press anymore to even remotely call her on it. They are all in the super secret club knob gobbling and carpet munching each other

  6. I wonder what the contingency plan is when a US nuclear facility is about to be over-run. Launch them into the sea?




    But I am very curious to see what is going on and who is in charge of turkey right now. Not sure if it will be better or worse for relations, erdogen was a loose cannon and flirting with more and more theocratic rule

  7. Since I signed on the dotted line because of 9/11, yes I would say that did it.


    I've acknowledged a war against radical Islam at that point.


    Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, they are at war with us. We're fools to not take it seriously.


    Wait till there is a beslan school style massacre here, God forbid that is a horrible fear. Wait till they get their evil hands on weapons of mass destruction. They don't care. They want to kill us, western civilized society or anyone else who doesn't subscribe to their insanity(even including terrorizing peaceful muslims).


    I would describe radical Islam as a virus. It wants to quickly replicate itself, spread its influence, kill healthy cells and eventually kill the host, it is incompatible with civilization.

  8. Regarding your bolded statement, no, we don't agree on that at all. Certainly our President doesn't agree with it even a tiny bit. So I find it interesting that you so casually dismiss 'nationalist rhetoric' from people who propose to do something concrete instead of offering the usual empty words.


    France is indeed paying the price for its "progressive" immigration policies.

    I didn't mean for that to sound as if I was dismissing the nationalist rhetoric. I agree with stopping immigrants and refugees especially when we don't even know who they are!

  9. RIP to all the innocent victims this is extremely tragic.




    France has had a rough stretch lately and i don't see it getting better any time soon. They have real problems with their fails PC Multicultural society.



    Trumps nationalist rhetoric will be even more appealing to Americans who are fearful of this happening to us.

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