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Posts posted by tedstrong

  1. Nice list first of all. I especially agree with BRAXTON and Hooks and Chandler. Additionally, I would say the most unappreciated Bills.

    1)Eugene Marve (easily the best linebacker in that era on the Bills. I can still see him tossing Micky Marvin out of bounds by his shoulder pads)

    2)Joe Devlin (crazy, but a stud)

    3)Kenny Davis (the Texas Twister)

    4)Reggie McKenzie (is there a GOOD reason he is not on the wall of fame)

    5)Robb Riddick (all he did was get you that first down)

    6)Jim Haslett (skinny legs and a mean streak)

    7)Art Still (leadership and class)

    8)JD Hill (when the ball was thrown)

    9)Big Ben Williams

    10)Ed Rutkowski (I don't know how he did it but he always did it)


    Hated Lucious Sanford and Scott Radicic (sp?)- always arriving late at the pile like they would have done something. Big soft spot for Ray Bentley, but didn't quite earn the list.

  2. You make me sick...Someone ban this jackass...you just put a game above human life...


    You cant wait for his last days? Does it even matter how much this guy does for charity, the community, etc? Is his only value the quality of his football team? Wishing for him to retire or sell the team is one thing, but to honestly say you cant wait for his last days? The owner of the team you love? No wonder the rest of the world hates our country, look at our priorities...what a joke...


    Sad thing is that you are not the only sick f**k that has posted something as pathetic as this...maybe you should go out and start getting laid, a new hobby, or read a book because clearly you clinically obsessed with a game to the point you are rooting for a downfall of the health of the teams owner...


    Not to mention no one wants the Bills to STAY in Buffalo more than this man...


    well said

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