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Posts posted by tedstrong

  1. I live in Madison, and have watched Borland for years.


    All I can say is that he gets it done. Unlike Skov, you hear Borlands name what seems like every other defensive play, not because he's near the play, but because he consistently blows it up. He's got a nose for the ball


    Like Jimmy Leonhard, he has football in his blood, and he will be a player at the pro level by sheer force of will. I think London Fletcher is a good comparison as well.


    I have hoped he makes it to the Bills every time I see him play. Just get him into camp, let him prove it to you. (Remember Nickell Robey is a football anomyly as well, but he seems to get it done)

  2. In my brazen opinion, the blue pants look clownish and B league. Especially embarassing next to/playing the Steelers, Giants, Packers, Bears (traditional, established look). I say go with our traditional looks (white pants home and away), occasionally with the standing buffalo.


    Not to open a can of worms, but to honor our great late 80's and 90's teams, couldn't we use the red helmets for throwbacks. I liked those, though not necessarily more than our present helmets. The standing buffalo may be my favorite.

  3. In a game where they had ample opportunity to win, where a supposed number 1 receiver choked once again, some are upset by the refs.


    The refs are unimportant.


    SJ taking another crap on the field is important.


    Calls are missed on every snap of the ball. The Bills deserved to lose and they did.

    Once again the specific calls in question were made at the specific time the Bills would have had the game iced, the drops happened in the resulting OT. Guess the refs are important

  4. We've bitched about the refs for what…about 10 years? You get the calls when you are better.

    This call changed the game, and the major game losing mistakes would not have happened.


    Q: Did you get to review the tape in order to comment on the late penalties?


    A: If I said commenting publicly, then I was wrong. I wanted to look at those things to know exactly what I’d write up. The NFL, we have a process that we’re able to write things in and send things in and obviously those conversations are private. I looked at the tape a couple times, I’m going to go through the same process I do week to week, I’m going to write those things up, I’m going to send them in to Dean (Blandino), I have a conference call every week with Dean, we discuss those things and then we move on from there.


    Q: Do you think the (Aaron) Williams call was a case of a player being misidentified? Was the call really on somebody else?


    A: I don’t know that. I was told it was on him.

  5. Let's face it, image means something- internally and externally. Why do you think the Steelers wear their black at home.


    Then in come the Bills in their semi-pro looking blue pants - not the classic looking white pants- and we're supposed to beat up the big bad Steelers in our stupid clown pants.


    I'm sorry...it does mean something. They can't look respectable or fierce. Plus all the SUBSTANTIVE reasons we stunk up the joint...


    Ditch blue pants!

  6. Has anyone else noticed in recent years that it seems like fans are making more noise when we are on offense than defense?


    It drives me friggin crazy. There are lots and lots of inexperienced fans at the Ralph. I thought that knowing when to get loud was like football 101 or something. Apparently not.


    Teach...your children well...DEFENSE!!!

  7. The thing I can't stand is how so many announcers for the NFL just blindly idolize key players to the point where the bias is nauseating. Guys like Brees and Brady never make poor plays, or are forced into bad plays because of good defense, there is just constant fellating and worship. See and react to what is going on in front of you for what it is - have an original thought. Dierdorf hysterically making excuses for every bad play Brady makes is beyond ridiculous.


    I personaly end up muting pretty any game Brady is playing in now - I muted the game yesterday when somehow Dierdorf managed to start talking about Brady for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than to profess more love for him.



  8. I'd have to say the Raiders fans would be a rough crew.

    I went to the Oakland Alameda Holding Center...er...I mean Coliseum wearing my Spielman jersey in '02. They were derisive, but I didn't get stabbed. I just stood up and pointed to my jersey for all to see.


    Sounds familiar, but I can't remember. I did find this from pre-season two years ago...


    2 Shot, 1 Beaten At 49ers-Raiders Game


    I grew up in SF, and there is no love lost between SF and Oakland...as a matter of fact "#*%^ Oakland!"

  9. I am going and plan on making my voice heard!!!!



    Go Bills!!!!



    You can be sure I'll continue my long-standing tradition of being unable to speak on Monday

    This is our Super Bowl and the fans need to treat it as such. This game is a tipping point. Find a way to win it and this thing starts to turn in the right direction for good. The 12th man never meant so much as it will on Sunday.



    hey hey hey, no negative nellies this week. This is the game we have been waiting for since they cleaned house.


    Exactly!!! I'm already all fired up! Put me in Coach!

  10. Good grief, bruised feeling over the game announcers is a new low.


    Gumble and Deirdorf don't get paid to know every detail of perennial bottom feeding teams. That's not what sells the NFL.


    Actually, they do get paid- and very well I might add- to do exactly that. That is exactly what sells the NFL to the markets that are watching those broadcasts. Wow. Mayock is a good example of a professional announcer.

  11. Greg Grumble and Dan Dierdorf get paid too much money to not know anything about teams and their play. erss. It felt like our team had gotten off the short bus. They treated us like we should get little trophies for trying or showing up for the game at all. Excuse me? Isn't this professional football? Everyone is making a ton of money, and had to have enough talent to make it onto the field. So how about analyzing the plays and schemes for why they worked or didn't work instead of treating us as if it was an anomaly why we were there in the first place.


    Next, the referees seemed questionable to me. The false starts on Brees were a positive because you don't see it called enough where the QB makes snap movements trying to bring the DL across. But MW was held on almost every single play. When they finally call it, it's off setting because he hit Brees in the head because he was getting held. Then the call holding on our deep TD to Graham one a hold that was 1/10 what MW saw all game. Finally, the challenge with Fred in the endzone. One shot clearly shows he had the ball in his left arm. Another shot showed his entire left side of his body in the endzone. But the ball didn't break the plane? Yeah right.


    Doug Marrone was totally schooled in clock management at the end of the half. I had no doubt that NO would score with under 4 minutes to play. Which reminds me, the prevent defense has to go! Pettine should have kept calling the plays that kept the game close to that point. The clock won't save you!


    Stevie Johnson doesn't get hero points from me. He essentially left us with 10 players on the field. he played great early but got hurt. I would have rather had Easley out there for some jump balls. His ego hurt the team.


    I saw the game at a bar with the sound down, so I was spared Dierdorf's 'doofery'.


    I must say, how the ref's could not reverse that Jackson call is beynd me. Their calling of the entire game was baffling. The roughing the passer call on the Bills. Phantom holding. The holding non calls. Ridiculous.

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