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Everything posted by cmjoyce113

  1. First of all with the money that Eli and Rivers got the price of a QB per season is about $16 million with $6 or $7 million guarenteed. After this season the Bills are going to have to make a choice on whether to resign Edwards or not. If we let him test the market he will sign first day somewhere for big money. He has the tools but lacks the coaching to be elite. If we let him go we have no one on the roster to start for us. Our options would be to either draft or look to free agency. Draft - Tebow, Colt McCoy, maybe Bradford, maybe Clausen ...if they choose to come out These are probably the only guys in the draft that could step up and be a franchise qb immediately. 2010 free agent qb's - Jason Campbell, Kyle Orton, Charlie Batch, David Carr, Daunte Culpepper, Jeff Garcia, Travaris Jackson I dont know what you guys think but those are our options other than edwards
  2. Teams like the Ravens have a tough D, the Vikings love to pound the rock, the Pats and Colts love to air it out. It seems like most teams in the leauge, (all teams that are any good) have a true identity. Since we last made the playoffs and had a good defense under who I feel should still be the coach Wade Phillips we haven't had any identity. When will this organization create an identity for itself? That starts at the top and it doesn't just come from the coach. I use the Steelers as an example. They are always a tough D with a pound the rock mentaility. IMO Rothlesberger is no better than Edwards he just is coached to and set up to win. If we had any identity that would help point us in the right direction.
  3. I actually wondered this myself as well as wondered if T.O. is really hurt or we are just messing with the injury report like Bellicheat does.
  4. Seeing as how the coaches have said Schouman is the best TE on the team right now he wont get cut whether you or I like it. I would have to say there is a good shot for Kelsay or Denney to get cut and I wouldn't be surprised to see Schobel go. Especially if he is hurt again after this last preseason game. (not practicing today) I think Hamdan is going to be gone. I just don't see us having the room to keep 3 QB's this yr having to keep an extra receiver since we have Owens and wont next year.
  5. As everyone else said he Paup played on the outside in the 3-4. He had Phil Hansen and Bruce Smith as ends and I believe Ted Washington was the man in the middle. In that 3-4 scheme Bruce often flipped sides at that point as well which helped Paup's #s. All in all the comparison doesn't work, however if you would like to compare them, until Poz gets up field a hell of a lot faster I wouldn't compare him to Mark Maddox. He has done nothing for us to this point, he needs to start living up the hype.
  6. The Leonard Smith shave does it for me. I think he will be a ball player. If someone is willing to shave their head like that it just gives me the feeling he wants to be great. His contract is done so now we will see but with his strength benching over 450 LBs along with his speed i think he might be better than I originally was thinking myself.
  7. We have a ton of position battles with guys that are pretty much even when it comes to talent. I looked at what we might keep and here is what I was thinking, I want everyone elses input as well. QB - 3 Edwards, Fitz, Hamdan FB - 1 McIntyre RB- 4 Lynch, Jackson, Rhodes, Omon - we cant afford to only keep 3 with Lynch's suspension in my mind WR- 7 or 8 - this is a tough spot for us, We obviously have Owens, Evans, Reed, Parish, Hardy, Johnson, I think we need to atleast keep Huggins, or Jenkins for Specials if not both of them OL- 8? - we have the starting 5 and then Bell, Chambers and McKinney? What does anyone else think, do we keep 9? TE - 3 or 4 - as stated in another thread its a tough choice on who to cut and how many we keep DE - 4 or 5 - Maybin, Schobel, Denney, Kelsay, Ellis or Bryan? I don't see DJ and staff cutting Schobel, Denney or Kelsay even if all 3 are at best average, I think we may have to keep 5 based on the fact Maybin isn't close to ready to step in and be an every down player if needed DL- 4 - Stroud, Johnson, Williams, McCargo Lb's - 6 or 7 - Poz, Mitchell, Ellison, Harris.... Buggs, Corto and Bowen fighting for 2 spots? DB's - 9 - McKelvin, McGee, Simpson, Whitner, Florence, Lankster, Byrd, Corner, Wilson, (Do we keep Wendling for specs? What about Sargent?) maybe we keep 11 DB's? Then of course we have LS, Kicker and Punter which is 3 more spots... these #'s take us to 56 to 59... so do we only keep 3 TE's 4 RB's cut Steve Johnson and keep 6 receivers? Do we only keep 2 QB's this year because of all the other needs this team has? Also what do we do with DE, I think 5 is too many to carry but who is the odd man out?
  8. Well I didn't write calm or down in my subject so your wrong there. Secondly maybe this isn't the year things turn around but maybe it is. Our defense should be better and with the addition of T.O. our entire offense should improve. Not to mention the no huddle will give Trent the ability to read the field which is his strong suit. F coaching... everyone says that is our problem, bla bla bla, coaching doesnt fuggin win or lose games, players do. Players need to step up and get it done. The point of this post is to point out that teams suck for a while and then they are good, like I said the Colts blew for years, the Jets sucked for years, the Bucs sucked for years. Eventually things turn around. When that is I guess we will all have to wait and see.
  9. The Bills were great in the late 80's and early 90's. The Pats and Colts and Eagles and Cardinals sucked forever. Why doesn't everyone calm the hell down about how this year is going to suck again? I am just as frustrated as the next guy ab not making the playoffs in forever but I know that eventually things will turn around. Eventually the Patriots wont be good anymore and the Bills will be good. The Dolphins went from 1-15 to the 11-5, why can't we go from 7-9 fo 11-5? We are probably 25 minutes of play time for our starters into the season and so many people are hanging it up. You guys are nuts.
  10. i AM a dog owner, so i get that whole bit...but i sure do not own a nasty/ugly, mean and aggressive mut like a pit-bull. those dogs should all be taken off the lot anyways, they themselves are killers. I own a pitbull and he is a baby. He wouldn't hurt anyone. I am honestly concerned that if someone broke in my house he would great them and want to play. That comment is so dumb it's ridiculous. You have obviously never interacted with a well trained "pit bull" you dumb a$$
  11. There was a player in royal blue shorts and a tight fitted sleeveless working through some drills from 630 to 650. I wasn't sure who it was but he didn't appear to be hurt. He was moving well but I didn't know who it was... Anyone else see this?
  12. I was at camp last night and Bell struggled with the outside blitz pick up. One guy behind me complained Edwards held the ball to long but it was less than two seconds and he would have been killed. This kid is not close to ready to start at either Tackle position.
  13. My favorite Plax moment was his first catch in the NFL. He caught it while on the ground and got up and spiked the ball before the play was over. He forgot he wasn't in college any more. Haha what an !@#$. While I think he is getting a little much in comparison to the Stallworth dabacle he's a true idiot.
  14. "$20 says if he signs with the pats the "conditional reinstatement" (which could be anywhere from 0-6 games) will have him playing in the opener while Marshawn is out 2 games." We better hope Marshawns appeal gets it down to 2 games. I have a feeling he might be stuck at 3.
  15. I saw an article on PFT talking about this. I wonder if the radio station just blew it out of proportion or he is actually there. If he ends up a Patriot you cen bet even if he plays in 3 to 5 snaps a game Bellicheck will use him very well. It should be interesting.
  16. Has anyone actually been to camp and seen him run the offense? He may not be the best option this team has for #2 but he is throwing much better than Hamdan right now. When I was at practice both Saturday and Sunday most of his balls were spot on and were thrown in with some pretty good zip. On Sunday when I watched Hamdan throw he held onto the ball and tossed it out of bounds on 2 consecutive plays and on a third dumped it off to a back and that was almost picked off. I don't see us going out and getting another quarterback at this point, but i also don't see Fitz being as bad as some people are saying. Oh and I can't help but feel like he is a much better option than JP was.
  17. So do you feel the same way now that Steve Johnson is hurt and Hardy isn't ready to play either? Lets drop Reed because then we might have a healthy Owens, Evans, Parrish.... then who? Felton Huggins, CJ Hawthorne? Your right. Everyone always complains about depth but lets be honest, without Reed and a fully healthy Hardy we don't have it at receiver. Roscoe is not a #3 anywhere in the league and Steve Johnson isn't ready either. If all of these guys were set to play up a spot we wouldn't have thrown 6.5 Million at Owens. Reed is what he is, a damn good possession receiver who is not afraid to go over the middle. Bottom line is that having a good third wr and not an average third wr makes owens and evans that much better and that much more of a threat than they already are.
  18. Josh Reed will be the best #3 In the NFL this year. why trade him when both T.O. and Lee will be doubled? Josh Reed may this teams biggest asset right now not to mention how important it will be to have him next year.
  19. I decided this year to get NFLST ... I called last week and tried to get a deal and it didn't work so I declined their early bird offer. I called back this week and politely told them I wanted to cancel and that the woman helping me last night wasn't very polite so I was going to cancel my service totally. They said we are sorry to hear that and I explained my displeasure with the expense of NFL Sunday tickets price plus the super fan. She ended up charging me $44.99 for the package for 6 months, $16.99 for the Super Fan for 6 months and then crediting my account $20 a month for an entire year. With all of that being said I got the NFL Sunday ticket plus Super Fan for only $120. I have only been a Directv customer for a year and a half so anyone should be able to strike this deal.
  20. "I remember 2 or 3 seasons ago JP hit Roscoe on a quick slant against the Jets that ended up going over 50 yards for a touchdown. Once he caught the ball and got by the cheating safety he was gone. That’s the last time I remember us doing something like that and it was very effective." I remember 2 seasons ago when Trent through a quick slant into the hands of Terrance Newman that lost us the Dallas game so that can go either way. Secondly I feel as though the knock on Trent is that he checks down to much, when you have 1 average receiver as your number 1 guy with a bunch of below average receivers on the field and a very lackluster offensive line (they are all gone with the exception of Walker) you have no choice but to check down. At least Trent knows enough to check down and not get sacked like Losman or pull some sh-- like Rob Johnson use to. It's easy to criticise Trent or the play calling but face it the below average receivers this team has had in the past limits what we can do. When you put TO and Lee together you have a solid 1,2 combo and the rest of the guys all move down a spot on the depth chart. That turns our receiving core into above average talent where everyone playing 1 spot above where the did put us at below average.
  21. I sit in row 4 of section 329. I have 2 seats and am looking to upgrade my seats. Is there anyone definitely getting rid of their seats and willing to transfer there tickets to a different name let me know. I'd be interested in upgrading and willing to pay a small fee. Chris
  22. I believe our playoff game against the Jags in 96??? I think it was Natron Means running over us in that one. And that kick hit the right up right and bounced in to give them a 30-27 win over us. I do believe this was the last home playoff game we had as well.
  23. I never said the bills are wron because he got hurt. How about his attitude and the fact he hasn't got good at one thing this year? Noone thinks thats a big deal?
  24. So the report is that James Hardy is out for the year with a torn ACL. The recovery time being what it is he will most likely miss or barely be ready for the mini camps in the spring and may just be getting going by the time training camp starts. With as behind as he is in his first year I can't help but feel this might end his career and successfully make him another draft bust in Buffalo..... another Mike Williams you might say. He should have gotten very good at atleast 1 thing over the last 14 games, but he couldn't even do this. He doesn't belong in the pros and the Bills shouldn't have taken him in the 2nd round. On Most teams the #1, #2 and a lot of times #3 draft picks play a huge role in the team.... you can rarely if every say the same for this team. Questionable reaches on the 1st day of drafting every year... maybe the fo is the problem and not DJ.
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