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Posts posted by BobDVA

  1. The Cowboys - Fans all over the country that could not point out Dallas on a map. All those that are Cowboy fans because Dad liked, the Bills, or the Redskins, the Eagles, or whomever, because they were little punk teenagers that grew into a**hole adults. Those that root for them when they are winning, for some other team when they are winning, I have deep dislike for those people.


    The Jets - No real lucid reason, I just hate them.


    The Steelers - Mostly for the same reason I hate the Cowboys. Except Steeler fans tend to be bigger jerks.

  2. Everyday, I read other peoples opinion on this board. I do not post that often, I ignore mistakes in English, peoples incorrect conclusions, and just plain stupid ideas on who to sign, who to trade, and general Monday morning quarterbacking. I stop reading and or participating in threads past page 15, so I dislike whiners that complain about using the search function and starting new threads on threads that are too long and worn out.

  3. I have no problem with a gamble on Gordon. Robert Woods does not have Gordon's talent. That being said, I am a Robert Woods Fan, and I want him back on the team I root for. In the dream world I live in, Watkins, Gordon, Woods, would not make me unhappy.

  4. best case: CEO type head coach like Marv was, young OC from a position coach, impresses at the interview then backs it up during the season. 4-3 DC maybe the same as the OC. Outbid Washington for Cousins.


    worst case: hire a retread coach simply because people have heard of him.


    Exactly...all this garbage being spewed around here is ridiculous. People over analyzing the press conferences is stupid. Rex told the owner if you are going to go in a different direction then lets do it now...and so they did. Pretty simple really.


    Funny a lot of people complaining were the same people praising the Cowboys FO which is full of ownership meddling.


    Bottom line is simple. Rex is out. Whaley has been given the power to pick the next HC himself. He isn't just going to give the reigns to Lynn by default as his future is also tied to this choice and is going to do all the due diligence he needs to in order to make what he feels is the best choice for this team.


    All the other stuff is just media hoopla. Of the 6 positions open, we are the 2nd best one available behind only Denver. SF and Jax are a mess, Rams are stuck with a QB most people are split on in Goff and a terrible OL and lack of talent at WR, and SD best talent is at the tail end of their careers in Gates and Rivers. Denver and the Bills are the two teams that can compete right out the gate.

    I like what you say here!

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