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Posts posted by BobDVA

  1. The offense sucked today, oh well. However, the defense is another story. Rex with his stupid fancy blitzes, Kyle Williams dropping into coverage at least three times, Hughes dropping into coverage more than half the time as a 170lb corner gets ate up by a 300lb offensive lineman. This defense is designed to beat other teams straight up, straight up is not how they are being used. People want to crown Rex as a defensive mastermind. It appears Rex feels he has to live up to that. The result, a loss...............

  2. I just happened to watch a lot of Jeff Tuel highlights from both college and the one game he played in the NFL. Having been scratching my head as to why he was on the roster, I honestly have changed opinion after watching and have completely changed idea now thinking that he is a great player. In the NFL game I see a TON of dropped passes by receivers, and in college I see a lot of impressive passing with a horrible offensive line. I just want to know if there are any insiders in here that can explain why Jeff Tuel isn't getting more consideration for the starting role? He's young with a prototypical QB size and seems to have intelligence. I think he could be franchise quality if given the chance and experience especially with this team and the amount of weapons it offers him. Rex Ryan keeps forgetting to mention him in the QB competition and downplays his talent whenever asked about it. It really makes me wonder.

    As I am sure you know, the stadium wall has to have a player to hate. The current flavor of the offseason is Jeff Tuel.

    Nothing you can say, no evidence you can present will change this.


    On the bright side, the current hate for Tuel, slows the hate for EJ to become full flung. However, I personally like Tuel, I think he will be a decent backup in the league, but a starter? I will leave it at backup, and will still get flamed for it.

  3. I am grateful that this is not the same front office that drafted CJ Spiller with a first round pick when they had Fred still in his prime and Marshawn on the roster because some cry babies don't like thugs. The constant call for us to waste another draftpick on a QB, when there isn't one worth a damn out there.


    The pick six against KC aside, I thought Tuel for the most part performed well against an undefeated team with the number 1 defense in the league at the time. I have no problem giving Tuel a shot.

  4. http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=331103002


    a couple of unforced errors by an undrafted rookie. I thought Tuel showed good command of the huddle and did

    surprisingly well in that game, against what was the number 1 defense in the league at that time and an undefeated team.


    241 yards rushing, 229 passing, kind of looks like what Rex is looking for. I would not be surprised if Tuel beat out Cassel and Taylor.

  5. He could not make the Rams roster, a good defense not far behind ours.

    He could not make the Cowboys a team with an inferior defense and a need at his position.

    He would have no chance of beating anyone currently on our roster out for a roster spot!

    Why waste the time of the position coach, when that time can be spent on a legitimate player?

  6. Marrone's leaving was nothing but a money grab, and listening to the media of how he would be such a hot commodity in the free agent coaching market. I think Brandon is a good marketing guy, and IMO Whaley is going to be a great GM as time goes on. If someone was to offer me Watkins for the 19th pick in the draft, I give them the 19th pick. This article is nothing more than Sullivan throwing poop in the air and proclaiming the front office stinks.

  7. EJ. Third year in this system. He'll be the most prepared/knowledgable putting him at a significant advantage to start. We have zero reason to question his work ethic and I'm guessing he knows he's fighting for his professional 'life' come training camp. With modest improvement from him.... and substantial upgrades on the O line, EJ willl be serviceable.


    quit trying to make sense! It is like trying to explain science to a Fox News watcher.

  8. The Bills answer the demands that a quarterback be drafted in 2013, even though it was quite clear there was not a ready to play day one quarterback in the whole draft. IMO it was never the Bills intention to start EJ last year to begin the season. See "Kevin Kolb" so this year, EJ gets the year on the bench he was supposed to get to learn.


    If the plan pays off and he (EJ) got it, the Bills compete for a Superbowl next year.


    PS: I do not own rose colored glasses, and I do not drink Kool-aid
































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