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Posts posted by Bufcomments

  1. To me he showed enough last year that given the reins I think he could shine. We can use Searcy in the SS role.


    Did miss something about AW play last year?





    The idea role for AW is at SS. But he could move to FS and do a good job.


    We shall see what the Bills do in FA.


    This is a hott mess the Bills got them selfs into buy not locking up Byrd long term when he wanted to stay .

  2. Incorrect.


    The Bills can't afford to allow Eugene and his player to dictate terms when they have player control.


    Tag Byrd. If he sits out he sits out. The precedent needs to be reversed or this will keep happening.


    Those few million potentially lost while Byrd feigns injury again are the cost of not letting an agent run your lockerroom and as a fan you should be more than well aware that they won't spend all of those cap dollars anyway.


    It's the financial price that needs to be paid for granting Clements, Spikes, McGahee, Peters and Lynch their wishes when the team had control over them.

    I agree with you 100 percent.


    The reason i said it makes no sense now is that they came out and said they are not going to franchise him.


    They are letting Byrd control them instead of the other way around. Lynch got out of town not in the same way but he in the end got his wishes.


    This is part why the Bills haven't made the playoffs in 14 seasons. Not only due to lack of talent on the field, but in the front office as well.

  3. If that's what they offered to him it makes no sense not tagging him - they'd have him for less, and would have a year of his services and to groom a replacement.

    Byrd does not want to be in Buffalo, he prolly told his agent this after last yr.


    Tagging him does no good at this point. He would have sat out most of the season and still got paid . No sense in going through that hott mess.


    At least we know now A. Williams is gonna be the free safety. Let him get the snaps in preseason and lets move on.

  4. Well if the Byrd stories hold that has sure been a banner weekend for Buffalo sports. Sabres trade franchise goalie and captain and LaFontaine resigns and now this, unreal.

    No its not, we are talking about the Bills and Sabres.


    Anything may happen. We fans have to suffer. Its part a being a fan around here. Next thing you know the Bills will be in the playoffs next yr and the Sabres will will the Cup in 2015. :doh: :D

  5. I think fans sometimes value draft picks much more than NFL GMs do. You are skeptical that the Bills wouldn't find a team willing to take willing to give the Bills a 3rd or 4th and still on Byrd's contract demands. On the contrary, the Bills (or any other NFL team) would laugh in their face if they expected that we'd only get a 3rd or 4th round compensation to trade away Byrd.


    The Bills will either get a low 1st round pick, or a high 2nd round pick for Byrd or a deal doesn't get done. Because obviously Byrd has a team in mind and that team wants him badly. There are a lot of things happening behind the scenes.


    IMO, the Browns have a TON of cap space and want Byrd as part of a big offseason splash. Byrd knows they want him and he probably knows his contract would be about 3 million more than the Bills are offering.


    What I would hope the Bills are doing is offering to swap #4 with #9 picks for Byrd. The trade value is a high second round pick. This way the Bills are in a real position for Sammy Watkins. The guy they want more than anybody.

    If the Bills are thinking about swapping picks with the Browns and they get Byrd and we get the 4th pick there is still a chance that the Raiders might trade up and pick Watkins so it would not be a sure thing the Bills would get Watkins.


    I still think the best option for the Bills is to tag Byrd so we something for him. Even if he misses time like he did last year.

  6. I personally think it would be Searcy at SS who could excel in Swartz's system as from what I remember plays his SS closer to the line which is basically how Searcy has been used


    Leonard is not a SS

    ok i stand corrected


    Searcy I guess is who the bills are counting on to step up. I like the thought of A. Williams at FS, I think he has pro- bowl talent.

  7. Well if the Bills made him a big offer to stay and he didn't want it its clear to me now that Byrd doe not want to be here anymore.


    I'm ok with this. Maybe if the Bills would have taken care of him last year we would not be having this discussion.


    It's not like we didnt have to cap room either.


    Same ole Bills .

  8. Hey Jimmy, come to Buffalo. We'll play you like a receiver. 16 tds (led the NFL), 14 ypc, played through injury. Why jerk this guy around? Brees should shut up. Graham also has one of the best stories too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRsYNFQOwl4


    One of my favorite players in the league.

    I didnt know his story. Wow some people don't get the best parents. It says alot about both his adoptive Mom AND him.


    Think about how his life would have been different with somebody reaching out to help him.

  9. The issue Jimmy Graham has, and it may affect fantasy football as well, is that if he and the Saints don't come to an agreement, and he gets tagged, the Saints will tag him as a TE. But Graham is planning to argue, that because he lined up outside for 67% of his snaps this year, he should be considered a wide receiver, not a tight end. The tag difference between WR and TE is about $4.5M.


    Very interesting. He is listed as a TE . I bet this is how the Saints will tag him under.


    But Graham has a point and if I were him if they do tag him as a TE I would not sign it .


    Looks like the only way Graham going to get his true worth money is to hold out and hope the Saints sign him long term.

  10. seems like a legit player I would be ok with it definitely in the 3rd and even in the 2nd if we had two picks.. also, I know its a highlight tape but who is this qb, hits him in stride almost everytime but puts it up there when he needs to.


    Yea who was the QB, I mean he was throwing some very nice touch passes.


    But yea I could see Montcrief in a Bills Uni. Looks like a taller faster Woods. We would then put Stevie in the slot and move him around.


    I like the idea.

  11. My prayers to you Westie.


    Sorry to hear about your wife.


    But yes I agree with DC , leave the internet alone, and be with people you love.


    That's the best way to deal with it. You cant do it by yourself. I know I lost my father to cancer 2 years ago.

  12. I wonder...listening to him with John Murphy...towards the end of the segment he mentioned that they were working on how to address certain issues. I'm paraphrasing because I listened last night, but...I wonder whether the issues are related to getting Dareus to toe the company line from here forward. I am probably reading too much into a single sentence but it made me say "hmmmmmmm."

    since i was home watching it snow I just listened to it. Glad I did. Murphy did a great job. I wish he was on the 3pm -5pm time slot.


    Two things ......the issues will be taken care of. Pepper gonna straighten then out. Could be more production from Mario AND Dareus. I expect them to be even better with Pep.


    and he said he wants to beat Bellicheat 2 times a year.........SOLD.


    what an excellent interview

  13. Read most of the posts, but one thing that popped up in my mind was.


    Not only will Pepper make Dareus better but also he could coach up Mario some as well.


    I think we gonna see a monster year from Mario because Pepper gonna be in his face, no doubt.


    Think about it if Mario gets 18 sacks and get the production out of Kyle and Dareus and Hughes we gonna be hard to beat.

  14. I saw every game.


    All the arguments for and against have been run into the ground on this board. No need to regurgitate them.


    I think short, white, family guys (and the women that love them) between the ages of 40 - 65, who resided in the Western New York, and Southern Ontario area during Tasker's career, strongly identify with Tasker (I fit that demographic by the way), and it gives them an unrealistic perspective on his importance in NFL history.


    I think the more of those elements you remove, the less anyone cares about Steve Tasker, and his noteworthy, but not HoF-worthy career.

    To me Tasker was a vital piece to the Super Bowl run.


    They double teamed him after his first pro bowl on special teams and he STILL made plays.


    If you just look at his stats you would say to yourself how is this guy even considered.


    But if you look how he changed the game I think he has to be considered.


    Some people don't think special teams is 1/3 of the game. Mary Levy would disagree with that.

  15. Sure was a dynasty , 4 straight trip to the game. It was an amazing time. what great football we saw.


    I think Hull gets in. He ran the best line in football. He was a beast at center and I still don't think he gets enough credit for what he did.


    Tasker IMO should get in. He made lots of plays for us, blocked a kick in the Super Bowl, even played offense and was one of the better WR's we had for a while.


    We dont get to the Super Bowls without him, he was a key piece in the puzzle.

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