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Posts posted by TheKing

  1. I agree with everything you said about LeoMac. He will be a star, it might take awhile longer then some hope but screw those people. That being said, do you really need to be validated by the crazies on this board?

    I'm not really looking for validation.

    These people like to be big mouths attacking better opinions then their own.

    And then when they turn out to be wrong, which is usually the case, they want to be let off the hook.

    They want it both ways.

    They want to be obnoxious AND they want an unwritten rule where their big mouths are not taken to task.

  2. Are you a troll? There is a huge difference between criticism of a player and a draft selection.


    Donte Whitner is a good player, perhaps very good, but I think that the draft selection was ill advised. A strong case could also be made that corner was not our biggest need in the 08 draft. This doen't mean that McKelvin isn't a good player. It just means that Jauron once again disregarded other areas of need, such as both lines.

    Jauron made the right pick didn't he troll?

    Who else would they have taken that could be as big a play maker as Mckevlin?

    HUH, tell me you troll?

    Jauron happens to be 100% correct with this pick, so guess again and get a clue.

  3. Anyone who really knows football already knew McKelvin has world class talent. You don't have to be a prophet to see that you just have to be somewhere close to knowledgable about football personnel, which a lot of posters here are not. It's a simple fact of fandom that the certain percentage who know next to nothing about football also think they know the most.

    To the contrary some of the most highly regarded posters (not neccessarily highly regarded by me) on this board were harshly criticizing the pick.

    And in recent weeks we have had people calling McKelvin a bust.

    So apparently to many it WASN'T obvious what kind of player he is.

  4. During the week I made a post where I listed what the Bills should be looking to do after the Cleveland loss as they play out the season.

    One of the things was to keep McKevlvin in, because he looks like a playmaker.

    Also I added that they should try him in spots at WR, because he is a threat when he gets the ball.


    The response that I got was that he had horrible hands.

    I said it didnt look that way on last week's near pick.

    He made the big plays in this game didnt he?

    How can a player with horrible hands make 2 picks in one NFL game?


    Instead of too much of the "I told you so", I want to move onto another question.

    We had multiple posts after the draft criticizing this pick and claiming that outstanding corners were not important in cover 2.

    So the question is obvious...what do these people have to say about their expertise now?


    Feel free to help dig these post-draft threads up, and we will take a look at what the gurus on the board were saying.

    That should be interesting!



    FOOTNOTE: Losman saw some mop up duty today, all it did was remind me of BlueBird Day.

  5. Not reading through three pages of reply's so apologies if this has been posted, Jaws thought he would have a better career that the 3 qb's that went ahead of him (manning, roth'berger, rivers)...said he played behind the worst offensive line ever assembled in college

    Most of us were suprised to see that Jaws was so far off the mark on Losman.

  6. Yeah, and that statement would make sense if the members of twobillsdrive were the ones drafting. Of course, it's the front office's job to dwell on the pick to make sure they don't make similar mistakes with another QB, but we as fans have no responsibility to study Losman.

    That is not what I meant.

    We obviously have no control over who they draft.

    But fans can certainly control their overzealousness for a particular player and learn to allow all opinions without getting hostile and vulgar.


    Would you be pleased to see another episode of an over-the-top fan club forming up and coming out of the woodwork the next time the Bills draft a bum like Losman ?


    Fans should learn from this so that next time they won't get so obnoxious with other fans , in their eagerness to attach their noses to a player's ###.


    Next time we could see fans being a little more rational if they in fact learn to use their brains.


    In the end all their name calling and hostility went for naught because Losman busted anyways.



    Some of the most hard core losman fanboys are still kicking and screaming and throwing insults around, but December 29th will be BlueBird Day whether they like it or not.

  7. Umm, this is a public message board dude. Nobody has to be invited into a thread. Send PMs if you don't want anyone and everyone responding.

    Wow i guess you got confused.

    He was announcing that he was leaving the thread.

    Why announce it, just get out.

    Is he starving for attention?


    Who gives a damn?

    I don't , do you?

    Who needs him in my thread , I didn't ask for him to be here, did you?

  8. Ha ha ha ha. As I read through the thread, the pattern becomes clear, and it's pretty funny.


    The King: He's a disaster.

    replies: some agreeing and some disagreeing

    The King: If you disagree, just explain why

    replies: several explanations

    The King: See, nobody is explaining why.

    replies: several more explanations

    The King: All I ask is that if you disagree, you just explain why

    replies: yet more explanations

    The King: Nobody can explain why


    ad infinitum


    The King has no clothes. I'm out of this thread.

    No one invited you into this thread.


    All I have heard so far is that it's all the falt of the many coaches.


    Every single coach we had was a bum and none of it was Losman's fault.

    That is nonsense .

    I'm not accepting nonsense, I'm looking for rational answers not weak transparent excuses.

  9. Bad poll, you didn't incluse Losman.


    I blame Losman because he has no business being here.

    If we had a viable backup we could have put him in there when Edwards sustained the concussion and kept him in there for a few games.


    As it was they rushed Edwards back in there and now the season is shot.

    End of story.


    The Bills were stupid to discount the importance of a backup QB.

  10. Everyone talks about how many games he's started, but how many is he allowed to start before we should see the results of "experience" on the field? The guy needs to start showing progression, not digression. People keep saying, "It's a new offense and he's young so give him time to develope." How much time is enough? WE HAD OUR BEST SHOT AT THE PLAYOFFS IN 10 YEARS and he's gaffed that away with his poor performances coupled with untimely TO's. When do we say enough is enough, after 2 more years of Jauron and TE doing crap like this? We already had Losman's head on a platter after this amount of time. I'm not an avid Losman supporter, but Trent hasn't looked much better than what we had with JP. Atleast the defense had to respect the deep routes with him starting.

    We have to keep giving him a free pass until he snaps out of it.

    Or until we find a better atlternative.


    Right now we don't have anyone else to put in there.

    So we have no choice but to stay with Edwards.

  11. The Sabres are fine. They're in a slump - it's a long season and these things happen. But it's a solid team that's been smartly built, with key talent retained and developed.


    The Bills are the ones that haven't won a playoff game in 12 years.

    They aren't fine.

    They trying to force feed this team a system it isn't made for.

    Lindy Ruff is trying to turn this team into the NJD.

  12. Edwards apologists have nothing better to talk about other than JP? Way to deflect the real issues around the poor play of the current QB


    Mike Shanahan coached JP in the senior bowl and loved his game

    I don't think what Shanahan thought 5 years ago is relavant do you?


    So are you saying that this JP fiasco has not been a disaster?

    If so why?

  13. I was telling you that in all sincerity. It is obvious you are a young kid, I was trying to pass on some good advice, when your older you will know what I mean. You have shown yourself to be a smart azz little punk whom I shall ignore from now on.

    Boy I want you to read my advice again because you certainly are in need of it.

  14. Listen a lot of people are taking a harsh tone with me in reaction to this thread.

    I even had some hostile PMs from 'members' would just joined.

    They just joined to PM me.

    Yeah sure.


    So here is my question in reaction to all of that, if you resent me for calling the losman fiasco a distaster, then tell me it isn't a distaster and why it isn't.

  15. I think that this post JP analysis is kind of dumb. He is still on the team for a few more games. Do it when he goes somewhere else and becomes Darell Lamonica. I think the Bills made a lot of bad decisions.

    JP was one. What they did with JP after they had him are some more.


    Is JP good? I honestly couldn't tell you after 4 years of seeing him.

    I think they are making better choices with Trent and hope what we are seeing the last few weeks are just growing pains.

    I can tell you if he's good.

    I'm good at judging the ability of QBs.


    Is Losman any good?


  16. This isn't about giving guys experience, it is about WINNING. I think either Hamdan or Losman would have won the Browns' game. As Jauron still lists Losman as #2, and Hamdan as #3, I'm guessing that JP would get that call. If they had "no use" for Losman he wouldn't be on the roster anymore.


    Now, I do agree that, if the team was giving up on Edwards (which I don't believe they are, or should be) then the team would be wise to start Hamdan over Losman. But, that's not the point of my earlier post. In relief, you use the guy you think is best to get the job done on that day.

    If that were true the Bills would have never given Losman the starting job before he earned it.


    And again I am convinced that Jauron wants nothing to do with Losman, I believe it was a decision made by the GM.

  17. There is nothing to gain from not STARTING Edwards. But, if he doesn't have it, there may be a WIN to gain with either JP or Hamdan. There is no reason why, in the event of a meltdown, the #2 (or #3) shouldn't come in and try to right the ship. I believe this should be SOP with any QB.

    There is very good reason not to put Losman in there

    1. he's on his way out, so why waste any game time on him

    2. It's obvious that Jauron has no use for Losman

    3. It would be better to give Hamdan the experience

  18. Jauron's judgement should not be questioned.

    Well not on that issue it shouldn't be questioned.

    What is there to question?


    And I really don't think Jauron even wanted Losman on the team this year to begin with.

    I think that was a front office decision.


    Besides the fact that it wouldn't be a good PR move anyways.

    The vast majority of the fans would be pissed off to see Losman in there at QB.

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