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Posts posted by TheKing

  1. There were a couple of runs late in the game where Lynch made a great effort to scratch out some extra yards.

    These two runs stood out, I'm sure you remember them.


    The point I'm making is, you don't see that desperation all game long.

    And this 'beast mode' stuff is myth because no runner can making pounding runs like that all game long.


    I've seen Lynch's ypc as an ongoing topic, and I'm on the side that says that you can keep all that 'beast mode' talk.

    To me it's just all exaggerated talk, if not you'd see the results in the stats by now.

    He's not overpowering anyone, at least not to the extent that it impacts any games.


    Instead we need a RB that can hit the hole and make some cuts to pick up yards.

  2. When a QB is playing as bad as Edwards was today the normal thing to do is put the backup in at some point.


    But the Bills didn't and it is very obvious why.

    The have zero faith in Losman, and have zero intention of keeping him around past this season.

    So why didn't they pick up a veteran backup and just cut Losman.

    The refusal to pick up a backup could be the key factor in the Bills not making the playoffs.

    As poor as the defensive line played this game was winable.


    I'm not saying it would have been probable but it was possible.

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