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Posts posted by saundena

  1. I was jus at the Houston rodeo in Reliant Stadium (where the Texans play). Beautiful stadium. You can actually see the players weightroom as you are walking down the concorse. Didn't notice how many TV's they had, but I definately saw some. The point is this. Yeah maybe 12 TV's is a lot, but let's not try and pin our losing way on the number of TV's in a weight room and pale undead coaches. The fact is the Bills have sucked because it's been years since a true football man was in charge. Finally we have that. It's going to be a fun season I think!

  2. IF Mcnabb can be had for a 2nd rounder and we refuse, that will prove to me that this organization hates its fans and never wants to win. :wallbash::w00t:


    to me it would prove that they are in it for the longview. C'mon, the guy got knocked out of the game in week 1 last year. He certainly won't make it through a full season in Buffalo. Fix the lines and linebackers this year through the draft and free agency. Get a qb next year. I have no doubt in my mind that by upgrading the o line and getting the proper 3-4 players that we can compete for 9 wins next year. After that it's playoffs!

  3. either way whether we get mcnabb or not we are going to need to get a veteran guy to come in here to build the quarterback we take in the draft this year to sit behind and learn from for about a year or 2. what if us and the eagles swapped first round picks. we could give them our 9 for mcnabb and their 24th pick in which case we could still get a good offensive lineman and still draft a quarterback in one of the later rounds since it seems there is a deep class of quarterbacks this year.


    The days of riding the bench for 2 years behind a veteren are over. Think Big Ben, Flacco, Matt Ryan maybe even Sanchez and Stafford from this last draft- They didn't light it up but certainly each showed promise.

  4. I fear for moves like this. We supposedly brought in Nix to build through the draft. Bringing in more late career skill players onto a team that is barely able to move the football makes no sense. We need to fill positions. We have a 3-4 to build. We need depth, not players that will create ticket sales. The TO experiment blew up. Turns out he couldn't throw the ball and catch it at the same time.


    Parity is dead. The cap is off. We need quality young players who we can develop. We're not going to the playoffs this year, probably not next, assuming we play at all. Gotta hope that the new coaching staff really can teach and motivate and bring a winner back to WNY.


    You said it better than me!

  5. What young potential? You don't know what you get with the 2nd round pick. You know what you get with McNabb. And the Bills need a QB, no? There are many ways to wheel and deal through the draft. If they give up a 2nd whose to say they won't acquire another one from another deal?


    True enough- you never know what you are going to get. But with Nix, Whaley and Modrak running the draft, I have a very good feeling that this draft class will be even better than last years (lets hold off on the Maybin zingers- for all we know Jauron/Wilson over ruled Nix and Modrak).


    We were a 6-10 team last year that could have been an 8-8 team. With a new coach who has a history of getting the most out of his players and another steller draft class, tell me why we can't be a 9-7, 10-6 team? Hell, the Fins went from 1-15 to 11-5 in 1 season! Granted, McNabb will win us a few games on his own, but when he's out of the league in 2 or 3 years and the 2nd round pick that we traded to get McNabb is tearing it up for Philly- tell me then if you think trading for McNabb was worth it.


    Plus, I seriously doubt we can keep him healthy for a full season. If the Eagles can't do it, how are we going to do it?

  6. He is worth one 2nd rounder---at best


    He's worth a 5th round pick or Marshawn straight up AND THAT IS IT. Sure he has skills, but he's aging and also made out of tape and balsa wood. Not worth sacrificing our future for 2 years (if he dosen't get killed) of QB play. Lets face it, the Buffalo Bills are not there yet. Maybe we are good enough to get into the playoffs, but we definately are not winning the SB in the next two seasons.


    It kills me how quickly people are willing to trade away young potential for aging talent. Anyone remember Bledsoe?

  7. Great post BadDad. Thanks for that!


    I second that! It really seems that Buddy 'n Chan are putting together a competent staff. Maybe not the most glamerous names, but at this early stage of the game, I'm pretty excited. I'm expecting that the Bills will have a pretty good draft too- now that Nix and his new assistant from PIT will be running the show.


    If they keep it up, I just might renew my season tickets!

  8. Ive lived in a lot of different places and have a habit of expressing my pride in the Bills. Most people I run into seem to respect the Bills and Buffalo. A lot of these people say that they pull for the Bills to win as long as It dosent affect their team. Of course maybe this is because I'm vocal about the fact that I carry a loaded .44 mag and have the Mortal Kombat logo tattooed in my chest with the words "finish him" underneath....

  9. Thigpen accumulated his stats from a spread type offense Gailey devised known as the pistol. While he threw 18 TD passes, his completion percentage hovered in the mid fifties. That's not going to get it done in today's pass happy NFL.


    Ok, but I'm willing to bet that even Payton Manning would look somewhat ordinary playing on that 08 KC team. . .

  10. I believe they said that they wouldn't be angry - not that they were "excited". Besides, what does it hurt? Calm down...


    Well I'll say it, I'd be downright excited. Thigpen quite possibly has tremendous upside. Let's bring him in and make the three of them fight it out (Trent, Brohm and Thigpen). If Trent wins that show down then next year would truly be make or break for him.


    If one of the other two lights it up then great. . . we found our QB of the future.


    At the very least, one of the three QBs should be good enough to be a back up QB.


    Most impotant, Thigpen in '10 means we can focus on using our #9 on an OT this year-- And worry about the franchise QB next year IF NEED BE.

  11. Tim-


    First off, thanks for doing this. We here at TBD really appreciate the time that you spend here chatting with us. Couple of quick questions.


    1. I was always a big fan of Tyler Thigpen and hoped that Buf would have landed him last year, but it was not to be. Do you think there is any chance of the Bills going after him now that CG is our HC?


    2. Have you heard any rumblings regarding Shobel's future with the team. If he parts ways and rides off into the sunset, do we go after Peppers (assuming our D switches to a 3-4)?


    3. With an uncapped year coming up, any chance that Ralph splurges and goes all out in an attempt to get to the SB?


    Thanks again!

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