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Posts posted by saundena

  1. I've tried that one too.

    I'm only able to see the ad in the beginning and then it just sits idle.


    (Our broadband, here in New Zealand, isn't the fastest in the world.)



    Same thing is happening to me in Brazil- but i got a good connection. I think it's because of liscencing and being outside of the US

  2. I really worry about NGU broadcasting such information out on the web, where anyone, from a draft strategist from another team, to a reporter, can access it. Draft strategies are supposed to be the most closely guarded secrets of a team, because if you know how another team is going to draft, you know exactly when you would need to trade up to grab a player they had an intent on grabbing, wait to grab someone later, etc...


    In other words, the only thing it would do to the Bills by broadcasting this knowledge is hurt them, and I worry that this information will inevitable come bite us in the ass again.


    Let's not get too greedy and start asking for more...because I think enough is enough.


    Definately agree with you, but who's to say he's actually with the Bills? He could be just an informed source, in which case it wouldnt make him much different than beat writers (in the eyes of another team).... except for the fact his info is likely better...

  3. I'm sorry, I really don't see how we can be any worse than last year. Just replacing Jauron and hiring a new strength and condition trainers has to be worth two wins. Considering the NE let down, the CLE and JAX games, the coaching switch and all the other things that we had going against us, I think 6-10 was pretty remarkable (sadly)


    I think with a strong draft that 8-8 is very achievable. From there, as long as there is a season in '11, we should definately be poised for the playoffs!

  4. Thanks for all of the suggestions! The draft may be a lost cause, but I'll certainly investigate the other options that some of you suggested!


    To answer some of your questions:


    1. Moved here for work- This is my second week here.

    2. To say that the women are beautyful would be a HUGE understatement in many cases. I have a GF though..... Anyway, people dress really casually in Rio and I guess during the summer months (our winter) they wear even less clothes. You should see some of the incredibly short sun dress type-things that the girls here walk around it :thumbdown:

    3. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a kicker AND a punter. Maybe some cheerleaders too- although I don't think they'd hold up very well in the cold.

  5. Just moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Have any ever lived in Rio, or know anyone who does. I'm trying to find a bar or something that watches REAL football on TV- not the kind played with a spherical ball.


    I'd like to find a bar or some place that hosts NFL games (maybe even the Bills) and NFL events like the draft next weekend and primetime games.


    Alternatively- are there any websites that I can go to for live Bills games and NFL events?



  6. The redskins had more coaching changes and OC changes than the Bills. Campbell had had a different OC every year.




    Yes, Gailey said he wants a mobile QB, Campbell is mobile. Seems like a really good fit, and if it only costs us a 5th or a 6th i say do it in a heartbeat.


    ...besides what do we have to lose?


    100% agree UNLESS, Nix, Whaley and Co. really think that there is something special in Clausen or Tebow. I'd much rather take a potential superstar QB and fill in the rest of the holes next year, than take campbell this year and essentially "settle for less?"


    After a decade of futility, I can wait another year knowing that we have competent football men in charge, and that our coach isn't playing not to lose

  7. He is another wasted first round pick. I have had enough of this fool. If a deal can be made for him, reasonable or not, make it. Just get him out of here. The Bills have lost with him and they can just as easily lose without him and foolishness.


    I would be ecstatic with a trade to Detroit where we exchanged draft positions in the second round and got their fourth round pick.


    I still say keep him. Marshawn has been quite a let down, but if he picks himself up, he could be a really great player. I think the benefit of this potential greatness out weight the 5th rd pick we'd get for him.

  8. The Jets look stacked right now.


    1. Dominating O-line that is especially good at run blocking.


    2. NASTY defense that adds Kris Jenkins and Cromartie.


    3. Hugely talented receiving group that consists of Edwards, Cotchery, Holmes, and Keller. This group could hang with any group of receivers in the league.


    4. Head Coach that the players love and play hard for. Good coaching staff as a whole


    5. Good mix of RBs even without Thomas Jones. Shonn Greene should be the workhorse and he showed the ability to be really good last year. LT and Leon Washington are versatile compliments to his power.


    6. The team is full of leaders and guys that hold other players accountable


    7. Big game experience


    8. Draft picks still intact

    ...... IMO Sanchez only needs to progress a moderate amount and this team runs away with the division. Provided they stay somewhat healthy of course.


    Yes, your right. On paper they do look stacked. In fact, the reality is they have shizzle loads of tallent. All I'm saying is that it's not a forgone conclusion that they win the AFC and go to the SB. Many teams in the past have tried to go this route- big flashy free agents.... only to fail.


    If the Jets buy into the media hype going into the season (which something tell me that Rex Ryan will have his players eating it ALL up) and they drop a few early games (or lose a big game against an AFC team), this team will be headed for trouble.... and the fingerpointing will begin.


    I also think losing T Jones is really going to hurt this team. He was a workhorse. Greene showed the ability to come in for Jones as the number 2 back and perform very well. Can he be the number 1? The O line is very good but aging. Can they stay healthy.


    Yeah, probably they make the playoffs (esp with a good draft), but I still say that they are only a 11-5 - 10-6 team.

  9. Great post. Why is it that so many feel the need to denigrate moves by other teams to justify their support for the Bills? Does anyone REALLY believe the Jets just got worse or are doomed because of the off-season moves made this far?? You're only fooling yourself (is it that easy?)if you do.



    I don't roll on Shabbos. Sorry.


    I don't think they are doomed, as a matter-of-fact, I stated that I thought that they would be good. I do think however, that everyone picking them to be the AFC Champs way too soon. They have legitimate question marks. And while taken together these question marks might not demote them to a 4-12 team, the might put them at a 10-6 team.

  10. First, let me preface this rant by saying that I hate the Jests more than any other professional sports team, and perhaps even as much as hot garbage, tree huggers and Cancer. I hate the JESTS!


    With that being said, I continue. . . . It’s obvious that the Jests made several off-season splashes this year- much more so than our Bills have. I’d even venture to say that their off-season this year is already much louder than ours was last year- even though we signed T.O.!


    So what, who cares! Did some of us (as-well-as others in the national media) forget that there are 16 games in the NFL season, and that this is still April?


    Sure, they added legitimate threats, but they also lost a premier running back in Thomas Jones and replaced him with a pedestrian LT- who is now but a shell of his former self. Cromartie was a positive pickup (especially when complemented by Revis) but he’s not a sure bet either--- Tim Graham had this to say:


    “Cromarite isn't guaranteed to shine. He has been inconsistent the past two seasons. He has gotten scorched for touchdowns. He badly misses tackles. He has off-field issues (seven children by five women) that must be considered.”


    Now, lets consider that Sanchez did not have a very good year and the Jests relied completely on their defense and running game to win…. And could only do so if Sanchez played an error-free game. Additionally, their offensive play calling in several games was terrible. Buf/NYJ game 1 was a perfect example. . . . Why throw the ball (and get 5 INTs) when you’re rushing for 30 yds a pop! WILL SANCHEZ SLUMP?


    Can Rex’s huge personality hold team of primadonnas together, or will his lap-band procedure leave him cranky, exhausted and without energy? A funny but serious point!


    Let’s not forget that the Jets backed into the playoffs by beating resting Indy and Cincy teams. Sure they surprised Cincy the week after, and the Chargers after that- but that does not erase the fact that they played like runny poo poo for much of the season.


    Will they be better? Probably. Will they win the SB? Who can really say! I think too many people are overlooking legitimate issues with this team. Let’s just see how well they do playing a difficult schedule before we coronate them as the team of the next decade!

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