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Ice Cold Bruschi

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Posts posted by Ice Cold Bruschi

  1. I love the drive and passion that college players have without being paid. And no NFL rivalry can touch the great college rivalries. Plus almost all strategy innovation occurs and college football and is brought up to the nfl.


    That being said I hate the BCS, I hate that players don't see a dime of the profits, I hate that its geared toward the big programs. Also I like the nfl better if only because its the cream of the crop in terms of athletes.

  2. Why does Brady being married make him less driven? Probably the majority of nfl players are married, and the majority of skill players are probably married to pretty attractive women. So I doubt they just follow their wives around drooling over how hot they are, whilst their football careers go down the tube.

  3. For the umpteenth time here's something a little more relevant than quoting stuff from 30 years ago to show that "everyone cheats"--a NYT article from two years ago in which members of the NFL competition committee basically say New England was the main and, in some ways, only team that almost eveyone complained about when it came to pushing the envelope. A little more relevant, don't you think?





    My favorites:


    In discussions of changes since 2000, one team, the New England Patriots, has surfaced more than any other, according to a longtime N.F.L. team executive with direct knowledge of the meetings.


    The committee heard accusations that the Patriots had taped opposing coaches’ signals, placed microphones on defensive players to steal quarterbacks’ audible signals and manipulated clocks and coach-to-quarterback radio systems.


    The N.F.L. team executive said the Patriots were the subject of most of the accusations discussed in the rules committee’s deliberations. The team’s recent success and tight-lipped approach, as personified by Belichick, has played a role.


    They were the only team, really,” the executive said. “Clearly, they were the team mentioned far more than anybody else.”


    The Jacksonville Jaguars lodged a complaint against the Patriots about the failure of a coach-to-quarterback radio system during a January 2006 playoff game, a former Jaguars executive said.


    Funny how none of you Pats* fans really have a comeback for this one.....

    First of all thats not from two years ago, its from the league meetings the offseason AFTER spygate.


    Nice article from when the Patriots witch hunt was in full swing. Yeah I'm sure they manipulated clocks that are controlled by LEAGUE OFFICIALS. And whats wrong with getting recordings of teams audibles, the dolphins were praised when they admitted to doing it to beat us in 2006




    Funny how none of those accusations amounted to anything at all. It was a time when you could take any free shot at the patriots with impunity. Look at Thomase from the Boston Herald who wrote an article with NO SOURCE that the pats had video taped the rams pre game warm up. Then months later retracted it and apologized.


    As for the radio interference bull sh1t,



    That article might be too much reading for you so I'll just throw in one of the more important quotes.


    Once Super Bowl XLII starts, the GDCs will be monitoring the frequencies, and fielding complaint and trouble reports. “People don’t understand RF,” says Gerber. [Jay Gerber, manager and founder of the NFL Frequency Organization Group.

    ] “If their gear stops working, they assume they’re being interfered with. But usually, it’s just the batteries are run down, or an antenna has been disconnected.”


    And why are your brushing off my points about the steelers and broncos? Pretty relevant to the conversation since you're saying our 3 superbowl victories were tarnished, I just threw another 6 out there that by your standards are tarnished.

  4. speaking of cheating what about the myriad of steelers from the 70's teams that have either admitted to steroids or have died steroids related deaths. I won't delve too much into the research of it I'll just post a couple links. Not to mention the bronco's cheating the cap in the late 90's (differed 29 mil in payments to elway and td, quite a hefty sum). Not saying what I think the pats did is right but if you look at it in relation to the other transgressions it doesn't seem as bad to me, but you're all bills fans who have a notorious vendetta against the pats Belichick and Brady in particular. But if you think an asterisk is going to stick to the pats for something as miniscule as videotaping signals, keep dreaming.







  5. BTW, whether you believe him or not, Stroud had a decent excuse for why he tested positive (an illegal substance in a supplement he took while rehabbing from an ankle injury, but allegedly didn't know had the illegal substance). That is at least potentially plausible. No such luck for Rodney, who out and out admitted that he ordered HGH knowing full well what he was doing, but then again, since he used his own name and address on the order form he really had no other alibi, otherwise, I'm sure he and Kraft would have used it. HGH is what it is and there was no masking or mistaking that. In your heart you, too, know that a bunch of your other boys are probably on that juice as well, starting with the guys I named, not to mention your other buddy, Nick Kaczur, who had enough Oxy on him to knock out a tribe of elephants when caught, yet suffered no punishment from the League (imagine that) and no inquiry as to who else he may have been buying for, since he admitted to buying what law enforcement would view as dealer quantities. I mean, if you literally did the math from what he admitted, he had a $400,000 per year habit. He did that all on his own, huh...


    I won't make excuses for rodney (I was more ashamed of that than spygate) but do you really believe Stroud didn't know what he was taking? No one buys that excuse anymore.

  6. I like to rip on the bills as much as any warm blooded pats fan, but come on afcfan1, you're ripping on them for being happy they resigned Fred Jackson? get a life dude, he's a damn good #2 and its the middle of may what else is there to talk about if you're a bills fan this time of year, hell on the pats boards we're discussing riveting topics like if its right to allow alex smith to play with troy brown's #80.

  7. Not Factual- Drew is not a system QB as you can see in buffalo and Dallas but the proof is in the pudding- Brady went down and the team didn lose a beat with the QB who did not throw a pss since high school- That is a system QB sorry but thats a fact. The sytem was not built around him it was the system that Belicheat had installed but drew could not run becuase Drew was hard headed Brady/ Cassel and Montana are the Listening QBS they do what their coaches ask them to so purely system. Unlike Montana who did well in KC Brady would not do well on another team. Thats why Montana is listed higher than him on my list.

    Didn't miss a beat? The lost 5 more games than they had lost in the previous year, didn't make the play offs and cassel threw 29 less TD's and 3 more interceptions than Brady with virtually the same team. How can you say that Brady wouldn't do well on another team? He's played with 3 different offensive coordinators. I'm sorry if you think Brady is a system QB you're an ABSOLUTE FOOL.

  8. Wilfork is in his sixth year, and will be turning 28 this year. That's coming to the end of prime years for a DT of his size. Sorry, but that's the NFL. Not saying he can't be productive. You are conflating the two notions, just that he's going to start losing a step in the speed and power department. Walker was the only good player on that Oakland line. His LG was a sieve, as was his center. When he played at RT, his RG was even worse. Walker had a bad last year in Oakland, but has looked much better for the Bills. Statistically and technically he was one of the best players at his position last year. Agree with you to some extent about Ellison. Like I said, that will have to be addressed. As for the Pats* OL, Hochstein, Nathan and Kaczur are all on the wrong side of 30 or will be by the end of the season. That's the entire starting corps of your interior offensive line. Sorry bub, but apparently people who aren't NE fans can be objective about your team's flaws. That fact is explained by Belicheck's statements that he wanted to draft Eric Wood if he fell to the second round. Guess even your coach is more willing to address the weaker points of your team than you are.

    What are you talking about on Wilfork? Ted Washington, Pat Williams, Sam Adams? Theres all kinds of precedent for big nose tackles playing well into their thirties. And if we can't resign him we drafted his eventual replacement in the 2nd round this year. As for Walker whatever he's okay but not great, we've never had a problem with using him for a revolving door on pass rushes but thats just the pats and we own you so he might play better against other teams. As for our Line do you know what you're talking about? Our interior line consists of Dan Koppen, Stephen Neal and Logan Mankins I don't know who this "Nathan" guy is (only nathan on the roster is our freshly drafted long snapper), Hochstein is our jack of all trades back up filling in at guard on both sides and center and Nick Kaczur plays right tackle (not interior line). The only one whose getting old is Matt Light and he's been fine the last two seasons (pro bowl 2 years ago in fact) But we did draft a tackle in the second round to eventually replace Kaczur.


    You may have a low opinion of Belichick but I hope you're not under the assumption that he's an idiot whos letting his team crumble around him

  9. Basic English dictates that your starting equation is clearly invalid. If only one team is doing it, and that is the method they use, it is the "most common." Even if that one team used multiple means to cheat, but that method was preferred, that would mean most common. Perhaps your head can't grasp the concepts of vagueness and ambiguity. And just to clarify, the Pats* are 3-0 against us since spy gate, considering that one of those first nine games of last season was played before their cheater tapes were taken and destroyed in Week Ten. Who knows, they could still be cheating, just with a more sophisticated system. See that's the problem with cheaters. Once your caught, people always have a right to go on suspecting. By the way, just because a nationally respected journalist has an opinion doesn't mean that his opinion is correct. Nationally syndicated journalists write opinion pieces in newspapers everyday. Just take a look at the Wall Street Journal, if you know what that is, and you'll find lots of smart journalists spouting all kinds of opinions. That doesn't mean their right. What we do know is that your beloved Cheatriots got caught red-handed. They cheated. Period. There's no excuse for it. Just because you claim others cheated doesn't make your cheating right. Lemmings jump off cliffs and kill themselves because the other lemmings around them are doing it. Are you a lemming too?
    haha dude your team sucks you just need spygate to be your "wooby" like a todler with their blanket, don't worry when the bills get trounced for the 12th and 13th times in a row next year you have your wooby there to make it all better "lousy cheaters" you'll say but deep down you'll just know your team sucks and ours is the best of the decade.
  10. When you cheat, it's a lot easier to make trades where you steal players. That was a total scumbag move by the Patriots. The Pats put together a poison pill offer sheet for Welker (like if he played five games in the state of Florida he would make 10 million extra), then when The Dolphins knew they would lose him for nothing by not being able to match the offer, they decided to trade him for a 2nd and a 7th. If you think that is cool, then yeah the Pats front office did a great job getting him. I think it's pathetic.

    Pathetic? your jealousy makes me laugh. You WISH you could have gotten Welker, you WISH Ralph had offered anything better than a 4th rounder to get Moss. How is trading "stealing" did Bob Kraft put a gun to Al Davis' head?

  11. Again, the homeless guy who coached NE was 41-55 (43% winning %) before Brady. Dick Jauron's winning 43%. Additionally, Jeff Fisher has had 8 non-winning seasons out of 15. And Fisher, IMO, is the best head coach in football.


    But we obviously know Jauron is the worst coach ever and would suck even if he had Tom Brady or Steve McNair. And the brilliant minds of Belichick & Fisher would have had the same exact success with the likes of Jim Miller, Cade McNown, and JP Losman. :thumbsup:

    How could you possibly think that Fischer is better than Belichick?
  12. 1) 'cause *belicheat's got no game film to cheat with

    2) 'cause *brady's freakin' gay and gizelle's just a beard

    3) 'cause all you freakin' chowderheads are just a bunch of freakin' queers

    4) 'cause your queer freakin' *cheatriettes are gonna get torched in your own house on national tv





    I never said we were garaunteed to win (we are) I said theres no way that bills fans will make up 0.01% of the crowd. And you can't honestly say you won't die a little inside during that game by rooting for TO for the first time in your life.

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