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Ice Cold Bruschi

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Posts posted by Ice Cold Bruschi

  1. You all can whine and whine they Cassel and TFB are "System" QB's but that doesn't take away the results, or even cheapen them, the results being BOTH are better than any QB you've had since Kelly and Brady is infinitely better than Kelly was anyway lol. So just trying to detract from it just shows your pathetic jealousy lol. And c'mon you Bills fans should know more than anyone that Brady isn't a system QB by now I mean c'mon just c'mon if it is a system then you guys have been hiring some pretty stupid coaches considering we just beat your for the 10th time in a row and Brady only ever lost to you once and that was after our Defensive captain handed you the play book after being cut 3 days earlier lol

  2. As interesting as this segment is, I have decided that I'm turned off by Perrera's arrogance. The final straw was last week's edition, when he was talking about Leon Washington's play on the kick return against us.


    He took delight in the fact that Leon Washington was familiar with the loop-hole in the rule. Is that really appropriate? I mean, I don't see why he should take such pleasure in a bad rule being put into effect.


    And considering how many bad calls happen every week, I rarely ever see him act responsible (on his crew's behalf) for the really bad ones.

    I was actually really really impressed with that play by washington it showed profound situational awareness which is what it takes to win championships (Something the hoody has relentlessly drilled into our players)


    Kinda scares me that Mangina is actually coaching his players well since we Pats fans hate the NY Rats more than any team.


    Heres to another AFCE championship, keep your chin up buffalo

  3. Hey Corp, on that play it hit McIntyre's left fingers before it went 10 yards. You can see it from the endzone view of the play. Very slight, but it DID hit his fingers first before anything else.


    Also, on a play like that, why not just blast it low at the other guys. They'd never be able to field it cleanly.


    And the no challenge/challenge on the Welker out of bounds catch just started the whole day off wonderfully.


    And that late hit call on Simpson against Moss. What a joke!


    Come on, did anyone expect our team to beat the Patriots in New England?



    Karma for your Avatar haha


    You funnnnnnny today.


    Dp you realize how WRONG that is?

    During the Belichick years our running game this year and 2004 aside has been pretty bad, I mean Brady won Superbowls in 01 and 03 with Antoine Smith, Mike Cloud, Jerod Cherry, J.R. Redmond and Kevin Faulk running the ball other than Faulk there aren't any great players there.

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