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JimBruceAndreThurmanTasker's Achievements


Probation (1/8)



  1. Couldn't agree more. I found myself laughing at the team when, even up until last week, I was normally screaming at the TV in the same situations. My wife was stunned when I mentioned to her: "I think I'm going to turn on the Cowboys game - I can't take anymore of this." I consider myself a "die-hard", and us "die-hards" have been through some brutal years. Our lack of emotion of late is really an indictment of how terribly low this franchise has sunk (in a 6 week period!) Jauron seems to be a good man, a player's coach, and a hard-worker, but his lack of emotion is clearly being portrayed on his players' faces. A great coach should be able to deliver a spark to his team in a time like this, and he just can't seem to do it. It's time for Ralph to hand over the reigns to someone who can make sound football decisions that is capable of bringing in a winner. Let's get this thing going back in the right direction.
  2. Let's take hime off of the Wall and undo The Curse of O.J.! (C'Mon, it can't hurt, right...)
  3. Be careful what you wish for... Selling the team means likely becoming a fan of the Toronto Bills - yikes.
  4. Got my complaint in... I friggin hate the G-MEN and all of their Syracuse fan base who suddenly came out of hiding last year.
  5. Kudos to the Coaching Staff, who has finally realized that: a. You can use your two workhorse backs to set up the passing game and b. When the running game is working, the Play Action pass will freeze the safeties, corners, and LB's to create effective pass plays Too bad it took us this long to figure out, but let's hope the trend continues!
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