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Posts posted by commish95

  1. Hardy is garbage. If he is playing it is by default. He doesn't know how to run a route or use his body - probably the top two things a guy his size needs to be able to do. Put him one on one against a 5'9" DB in the endzone and he always loses. He is so awkward its embarrassing. I thought he was a basketball player who knew how to box out and use leverage, but apparently he was more of a slasher. Makes sense when you watch him on the football field.


    Garbage? we will see.

  2. That was only one catch and I see catches like that every Saturday in my co-ed touch football league I play in...wasnt that big of a deal. More importantly were the easy azz catches he kept dropping after that game, the lazy and terrible route running, etc. Not saying he hasnt learned and grown from there, but he was less than impressive last year and just looked lost out there.


    Are you really going to compare back yard wannabees to the NFL.......Who else on the field that day would of made that catch.

  3. Maybe.


    But if the guy was so good, his play would drive him to actually being on the field.


    HE's been supposedly doing nothing since he was injured besides rehabbing and (hopefully) studying. Conditioning back to football condition.


    Now that he's been active for the past 7 weeks or so, he has yet to see the field.




    Can't just be coaching.


    And 1 game hardly makes a star, sir.


    Merry Christmas. May we get the new front office we so desperately need.


    Are you going to bench TO or Evans the last 6 weeks for someone just getting off the PUP list? It may of taken him 5-6 weeks after rehab to make it to playing shape. I never said that one game in Jacksonville made him a star either. I said it showed promise.


    What people fail to realize is

    1. Poor coaching(Bills run first system has gotten them NO WHERE)

    2. Poor Playcalling(POOR SYSTEM)

    3. Less the average QB

    4. Being sent on IR late last year

    5. He was a rookie last year

    6. PUP

    7. TO and L Evans are this year WR's

  4. I'm just shocked that someone in the front office is not clamoring for this guy to see the field.


    Or, perhaps those that thought he was "all that" know that he isn't, and would just be plain embarrassed that yet another Modrak scouted player has not produced.


    At all.


    As in '0'.


    Not at all. We seem to forget early last year in Jacksonville. Say what you want but he did show some potential.....Maybe coaches are just horrilbe at making it happen.

  5. That is how I felt about him. Also, people are screaming for him to see the field, but it is not exactly like he has been training and improving since he was hurt. In fact, a guy that couldn't run in the first place, didn't run for a year, so he is below where he was when he was active....


    Steve Johnson looked like he might have promise, but before you call for TO's head, please remember he has 12 career catches. I would like to see a poll, not of TBD posters, but of NFL QBs... "Pick the receivers you would like to throw to, choices are: TO, Evans, Hardy, Stevie "Muthaflippin'" Johnson, and Josh Reed. Please pick your top 3."


    I would cut ties with Reed. I like "our guys" as much as anybody, but I really believe we could use an upgrade there.


    Dude, Hardy has be running routes and "IN TRAINING" since the bye week

  6. Are you going to bench Owens? Are you going to bench Evans? Where do you expect Hardy to play. Unless you bench TO/Evans Hardy will sit.


    Are you going to put a 6-5 Wr on special teams. Yeah that will really help his leg.


    How can you judge these players after 1 full year?


    Bills have a HOF WR averaging 3 catches a game but yet we want to blame Hardy. How about putting the blame on the QB. Maybe TRENT sucked last year as well. How about putting the blame on the O line. Better yet, How about putting the blame on the coaching staff and the system they have in place.

  7. James Hardy looked bad because he was not ready for the NFL. Whether he gets there or not is the unknown. I haven't heard too many observers that thought he looked good last season. The coaching staff really cut into his playing time as the season progressed. I tend to think it wasn't because he was constantly open.


    You know.... you are right......You know with the awsome game plan they had and qb play the bills had last year....any WR would be successfull......Look at TO


    How dare a roookie suck his first year in this system

  8. Who are all these reporters that you are talking about? Everything I have read suggests Hardy has struggled mightily. I also went to a bunch of games last year and didn't see him getting open. In fact, the passes that went his way usually seemed forced. The team made a definite effort to get him the ball at times.



    There were several articles published last year after the games.....Never mind..not going to search for them either. Edwards played lights out last year so it must of been the rookies fault.

  9. Really, just about the post of the year. All these posters B word about the front office, 7-9 records, no playoffs for the decade, etc.......... but when you try to assess responsibilty for that, every player has a teflon coating. "Oh it can't be his fault and you have to give him more years" while all over the league are players that contribute now.


    Probably the exception is TO as everyone is free to pile on him, and in reality he is the ONLY VISIBLE player who wnts to win badly and now. The rest wait only on pay day



    You put TO, Evans, Hardy, Reed on a different team, with a different QB and Coach they would all produce. These are all good players. The system in place by DJ was a joke. What would D. Jackson being doing here in Buffalo if they would of drafted him instead of Hardy? You can't tell me he would be putting up those type of numbers in a Bills uniform.

  10. Which is why they are not coaches for good reason...whats next, you are going to tell us that Losman will be the comeback player of the year and Super Bowl MVP next year?


    dont give a crap about loseman.......Ok so.....if people who KNOW about football state that WR were open ALL wr were open then take it for what its worth(more then one game). I went to the Miami game and seen in with my own eyes.


    Its all good though.......Let blame the rookie

  11. Or perhaps people who see nothing other than what they want to fit their own ideas of what should be happening instead of reality...


    the reality is he isn't very good right now, or he would be on the field.


    Or perhaps people who goes to the games and writers that write about the games know what they are talking about and the haters or perhaps Edwards backers blame the rookie.


    It was reported many times last year that Hardy and Evans were open many times. I was at the Miami game.

  12. With the exception of the jump pass TD against Jacksonville, Hardy looked absolutely, completely lost on the field last year. With some guys you get the sense that more game experience will help them put it all together, but Hardy did not look like he had a grasp on the basics. Putting him out there in that condition wouldn't be of any benefit to him or the team.


    But yet he was wide open and had a QB that wouldnt deliver.

  13. I didn't read any of the above posts so maybe this has been covered but PEOPLE ARE STUPID. We need a tall receiver like we need a bruising RB or like we need a QB that runs a 4.7 or perhaps we need a tall receiver like we need a DE that has the quickest first step anyone has ever seen. People live in this new generation of football fans where John Madden's ratings mean more then on field play.


    What we need most on this team are FOOTBALL PLAYERS not guys who set the combine record for bench presses*(I can now check "obscure Leif Larson reference" off my list. (This internal scavenger hunt gets tougher by the day). Seriously though, Having a 6'6 receiver is just as good as having one that's 5'9 if said player is used correctly. I think James Hardy showed flashes last year, nothing too amazing but I saw potential. I think good teams not only take good players in the draft but take good players that fit their system, the Bills seem to take good players that don't quite fit, it's odd actually. I think James Hardy could/would be a good player on another team(Steelers come to mind) simply because he would be used in a way to fit his strengths. This is a vital Time for Hardy, his confidence is most likely in a fragile state and even more so now with a new regime imminent. People focus too much on tangibles because they seem more real and help us to measure players one on one. Rob Johnson and JP come to mind. My point is this; The Buffalo Bills took a player with a unique skillset and they don't seem to be playing to it's strengths and that includes getting him on the field because there is no better way to get his confidence up(his weakest link in my estimate).



    Well said. Hardy will be a baller. I see Vincent Jackson in him but until things change around buffalo, fans will not see it. In fact they may never see it until Hardy goes elsewhere.

  14. If you don't know just how good Jackson is, you don't follow the league. He has made a mind boggling amount of big plays this season. Historic.


    Starting to wonder if James Hardy will even be in the NFL next season. Very discouraging.


    THere would be many teams that would try out Hardy. PITT, New England, Jets, Tampa Bay, Dolphins....all wanted him. Just because Buffalo cant make it work for him(which happens to most WR) doesnt mean other teams will forget about him.

  15. Couldn't see that one coming. Bills fans have perfected self-loathing.



    This Bills system is horrible. 3 pts against the Brown at home and there was no snow on the ground. I see at the most 2 wins this year from here on out. Like the one poster said...all the fans can do from here on out and hope for improvement on the younger players


    FYI........DJ has a life time record below .500 LIFETIME............

  16. Hardy is a complete bust. Can't run routes, poor effort, and doesn't have the mental capacity to understand even our primitive offense. I'm willling to bet he would have been cut in the preseason if not for his 2nd round draft status and injury. He showed absolutely nothing last year except for one TD against the Jags after basically being handed the #2WR position. Rip me all you want but he'll be out of the NFL in 2-3 years after the bills waste a roster spot saving face and trying to "develop" him.



    Bust = 3 years or more


    Bust = Look at the Bills system the last 10 years


    Bust = QB play


    Bust = DJ and his Coaching Staff


    I would not call any player on this team a BUST until a new system is in place.


    Rookie WR teamed up with Poor QB play and one of the worst offensive play calling dont mesh to well. VETS have problems with this lame system. LOOK AT TO And EVANS


    Hardy had 24 attempts last year......Its been reported he was open many times as well as Evans and the QB's just did not deliver. You may be right......he may be a bust in Buffalo but odds are he would be a stud in another system.

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