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Posts posted by Booger

  1. Only because the Bills thought they had the inside track and had shown so much interest in signing him. Obviously its preseason and such, but he did sign a rather large contract, a contract where it is expected he become the #1 (which very well may happen with the injury to their other WR last night)....this was posted on Rotoworld:


    Robert Meachem has been targeted three times through two Chargers preseason games, and two have been intercepted.

    The third target was complete for seven yards. Camp reports out of San Diego have stated that Meachem and Philip Rivers' chemistry remains a work in progress, and it's shown up so far in preseason games. It's still hard to draw any regular season conclusions from these stats. Meachem will be San Diego's Z receiver this year, with Malcom Floyd at X and Eddie Royal in the slot.

  2. Running a base 4-3 no less. Everyone wants to talk about how awful the Bills were last night but they're either not looking at the entirety of the play or they're just flat out making **** up. Sure there were things that could have gone better but it was FAR from the disaster that some are making it out to be. One of the nicest things about the NFL Preseason package is that you can replay specific plays and actually WATCH what happened or where the breakdown occurred. You armchair analysts are either really uninformed or really lazy....back up your freaking positions if you're going to cry.


    Let's point out some things that are OBVIOUS if you actually look at the plays:

    1. Harvin's first HUGE gain was the result of a missed tackle by Barnett on what was essentially a 1 yard pass. Followed by an absolutely awful call of unnecessary roughness

    2. Simpson's huge gain (33yds) was the result of Anderson being 1/2 second slow getting his arms up. Gillmore giving him the inside and an absolutely hideous, if not embarassing, tackle attempt by Wilson. Shades of Eddie Robinson!

    3. Gerhart's 16yd run up the middle was because Sheppard seems more interested in taking on a block than tackling the runner. It was this play that led to him still being in the game in the 3rd quarter.

    4. On that very same offensive series we had two sacks. These sacks weren't the result of some amazing blitz package. The first sack happened because Kyle Williams basically shoved the Viking's starting center into Ponder. Straight up bull rush and Williams brought his lunchpail! The second sack I'll also credit Williams with because he straight up ran around his man.

    5. On our opening series, two of our run plays were run into an oncoming (and obvious) run blitz. No audible

    6. Fitz was spot on with his passes. If someone picks up Harrison Smith on his blitz that drive likely continues.

    7. ALL OF PONDERS PASSES WERE EITHER SHORT DUMPS, ROLL-OUTS OR QUICK SLANTS. That's right, ALL OF HIS PASSES, with the exception of the broken flea flicker that Kelsay sniffed out. Every pass attempt that wasn't a roll out or quick pass was a sack. Those sacks came almost exclusively out of our BASE defense.

    8. Despite the contention of some that the BIlls were getting waxed, the score It was 10-7 when the starters began rotating out of the game.


    So if you're going to B word about how the Bills looked, I challenge you to put up the specific play and just it break down so you'll actually have some !@#$ing credibility.


    ever heard of the expression "Game of inches"...good teams/defenses make those plays

  3. You are probably right. We go thorough this every year. Even so it's very discouraging seeing the Bills flounder.




    LOL. Reread what you just typed. "We go through this every year"....exactly...and every one of those years the Bills have sucked. Anyone ever think that maybe if they showed decently in the preseason it could lead to goo things over the course of a season. I am not talking the W/L record of the preseason, that means nothing as games could be won/lost by 2nd and third stringers. One thing that I do believe is very important in the preseason is how your first string offense/defense play against the opponent....so far (against two poor teams). Bad guys 2 - Bills 0........

  4. I applaud your self-awareness.


    If this was the first year, not the 12th consecutive, that opponents' receivers were consistently wide open, Bills' receivers couldn't create space for themselves, and the offensive line looked entirely overmatched physically, you might have been on the right track. The only bright spot is that for the first time in many years the defensive line doesn't look physically overmatched. None of this is about scheme, it's about ability and physical talent, and the team continues to struggle there.


    They may be able to make up for these deficiencies when the games start, but experience has taught us otherwise.


    The final score of these games doesn't matter, but the clear inability of this roster to physically impose themselves against very inferior opponents (which, make no mistake, the Vikings are, especially without AP) 1st team vs. 1st team, or even 1st team vs. second team, continues to be troubling. Good teams do not look like this-they can string some basic plays together whether they're scheming or not. They have at least a couple of go-to plays that they run perfectly every time by this point in the preseason. They can cover recievers. They can find an open reciever once in a while. They can at least move the ball a little bit, even if they can't string together a long drive. They definitely don't make inexperienced QB's look like Tom Brady week in and week out. This is a joke.


    Finally someone that is willing to admit what we are all seeing. Players do not play at 75%, 50%, 20% or whatever other excuse you are going to give them. This is the NFL. You play below 100% you get injured or get a teamate injured. Its athlete against athlete. Even if the offense is "vanilla" as some suggest it is not as if they say "just go out there and run around". If they we only worried about injury they would not play the starters at all. As he said, they have a history of looking exactly the way they did last night. They have no idea if this thing is fixed by looking at all the "great" players they have on paper. Its ok for Green Bay or New England to look poor because we all know what they are capeable of due to the given of Rogers and Brady...we have Fitzpatrick...a qb that has played well in far far fewer games than he has looked terrible. Not giving up, not saying they are doomed but you are only kidding yourself if you think the coaches are no scrambling today to figure things out quickly. That was very apparent in their interviews, the player interviews and the media (tim graham)....you may discredit me, but don't discredit the players and coaches

  5. I am surprised and amazed that the "Easleyaholics" have not thrown his name into the ring. He obviously has "the greatest potential" and "most upside" at Safety....I believe he is too good for WR at this point and mastered the position since they are not really using him that much during recent practices....probably needs a bigger challenge

  6. Marcus Easley - most beloved Bill of all time with "unlimited potential" and the "biggest upside"


    If Easley makes the question/competion unfair due to his dominance, (and we are unable to pick ourselves) I will rock with Curt Henning...aka Mr. Perfect. Guy could throw and complete 75 yard passes to himself. (also endorsed by Steve Jordan)


  7. Unless Carrington is showing well in camp or the preseason games I believe Johnson and Edwards stick around this year. I can see McGee and Smith getting the axe although I believe McGee's cap # is smaller due to the fact he restructured before the season.


    BUT, if they were to cut one or ALL I and used the money to resign 3 STARTERS I would not be upset at all. Johnson and Edwards are making very good money as backups along with Smith. I do not believe there are any CAP penalties for cutting Johnson and/or Edwards either.

  8. He did land somewhere--with the Bills, a team desperate for O-linemen. Against all odds, he was selected to play in the NFL. He had a year to learn what that required and he blew it. He may be a nice guy, but that doesn't make him at all deserving of another chance.


    Either he didn't want to work hard enough or he just isn't that talented (there is no third explanation)--he doesn't belong in the NFL. In a few years, he'll be able to tell his grandchildren about it all.


    Spot on yet people do not want to hear or believe the truth. Buddy said it clear as day in that Jasper is not progressing, that he ends up on the ground more times than not. He very well may be a heck of a guy, but this is a business. At this point they may/may not sign someone due to the fact cuts are coming up. I would think if they do end up signing someone it will be a VET (maybe FS or TE)

  9. A few thoughts off tye top of my head; They're not cutting Brad Smith. Doubt McGee, McIntyre, and Morrison get cut. I can't see them keeping 10 offensive lineman.


    As I have said before....people keep saying who they are NOT going to cut....Those 4 players you mentioned have to be filled with 4 cuts.....lets hear some thoughts of who they may cut instead.

  10. You only listed 4 players going to the Practice Squad, when you can have 8.


    Do you not see other players on the current roster making it there?


    Players like Fendi Onobun, Derek Session, Kamar Aiken or Delano Howell?


    Honestly, not really concerned with the Practice Squad as I did not put much time or thought into that aspect. I would like to see Easley and Aiken on it. Maybe one of the TE's and yes Howell if he does not make the team. Also, a QB would be nice.

  11. "Marcus Easley appeared to be getting squeezed out of reps with the second unit Monday. Ruvell Martin, David Clowney and Naaman Roosevelt were all getting reps ahead of the former fourth-round pick Monday. It’s only one day. We’ll monitor it to see if it continues."


    Starting to see quotes such as this day in and day out...not good. At least he has "a great upside" and "unlimited potential". He is probably going to wait until his 4th or 5th year to "unleash" it....kind of like McKelvin is according to people on this board.

  12. There is also a very good reason that Buddy Nix, who gets about a 98% approval rating,on personnel decisions here, signed Kirk Morrison to play LB twice in the last two years.


    At some point a GM may run out of "options". You do realize that not every single player Nix brings in he expects to be a long term solution. Morrison was nothing more than a plug and continues to be as he resigned cheap. They are constantly looking to upgrade Morrison.

  13. People assume Morrison can be a starter at an OLB position. So funny to me that people base their opinions on a player off of statistics from 2, 3, 4 years ago. They take out of the equation, Age, most recent performance (in his case past two years) and the fact that MLB not OLB is his primary position.....the position he played in Oakland where he had all the success that has convinced everyone he is uncuttable.


    Remember this....there is a reason why he was traded (and traded for a 5th round pick).....there is a reason why no one picked him up last year as he was a free agent heading into the season and the only reason the Bills did was because of multiple injuries....and there was a reason he barely played for Buffalo last year. Anyone that says "he was playing out of position" take a look again at what they are projecting him to play this year.


    If the Bills had a chance to sign Jerry Rice today you people realize that you would be getting exactly that...Jerry Rice today....not Jerry Rice of 1990 correct?

  14. I have been a fan of Tank for a couple years, and was jacked when we drafted him. He seems like a real football player. Anybody notice how he looked the other night?




    No need to even ask. He looked unbelievable because he was drafted by and plays for the Buffalo Bills. He won't look "crappy" until year 3 or 4....(in McKelvin's case, year 5 as he has gotten an extended "hall pass" for some reason...people really holding out to see his "full potential") :)


    In all seriousness he was "ok". He was noticed (which I believe is a good thing) but was also running with the 3rd team. It seems as if he has had his ups and downs which could be chalked up to being a rookie I guess. The great thing about Carder is it seems as he has the desire to get better. That combined with his speed, play recognition and hopefully leadership should find him a place on the defense for years to come. He looks, to me at least, like he could add 10-15 pounds of muscle both upper and lower body. I think that will be something that is addressed throughout the season and into next season.

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