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Posts posted by BillsfaninFl

  1. Bills for 51 years - I must have done something really bad in a previous life.


    Stopped watching the NBA when the Braves left Buffalo - Still waiting for the league's letter of apology.


    Not really a hockey fan - The shorts make them look like clowns.


    I was forced to be a Yankee fan - I was in school when the team was winning the World Series regularly. So many guys wanted to bet against the Yankees that I took all bets and cleaned up. So I feel I owe them casual support.


    Liked the Buffalo Bisons, Bonaventure, U.B. (my alma mater) and the hunting in all of western New York.

  2. Okay, this is the third game in a row that the same thing has happened. Is it time to call it a trend?


    Fitzgerald plays well for most of the game... then makes less accurate throws and interceptions (5 in 3 games) late in the game which contribute to a loss. Why? He doesn't look like he gets rattled. Does his arm get tired? Does he try to force the ball too much? What do you think?

  3. Every organization makes drafting mistakes. However, the Bills are the best at doing it. Why?


    My thoughts:


    1. While we have all bashed the various GMs and Coaches who have been here during these years of famine, only one top dog has been here the whole time: Ralph Wilson. Perhaps that is a factor in this trend continuing.


    2. It's a lot easier to pick a "worst bust" when looking at a team that is usually a contender. When you have enough candidates to complete a deck of cards, (as the Bills have,) it becomes a case of "pick one."


    3. During the last decade, the "experts" keep calling Bills draft picks a reach, or they point out how many times the team drafts a guy and changes his position. It's okay if this happens occasionally, but not if it happens every year.

  4. I don't think it would be a problem for him to learn all the blocking responsibilities of not only the Tight End position but the entire offensive line. And learn an entire NFL play book after never playing on the offensive side of the ball, which would include the route tree of his position and every other receiver, all the motion responsibilities, and be able to read defenses.


    Yeah shouldn't be a big deal, after all he's the same height and weight as a Tight End.


    Amen. Plus, who knows if he can catch a ball?

  5. Turning into? To me he has been a turnstile like Mike Williams.


    Sadly, you never know what will happen when a guy suddenly becomes rich. Peters was a great acquisition as an undrafted tight end that had great potential as a tackle. He quickly learned the new position and began to make a meteoric rise in reputation. Then he stopped working hard, hired an idiot for an agent and has never been the same. It's the Haynesworth syndrome.

  6. Discuss.


    Looking at the horrible job the Bills' brass has been doing picking their number one guy in the draft, I have the feeling that we could have three #1 picks and still blow it. Since they are among the worst teams in their drafting and only bring in second tier players in free agency, I don't know how they could reverse the culture of losing. Actually, they are reinforcing that culture.


    I'm not judging Spiller yet, but they drafted a running back even though we had two good ones, then got rid of one for a fourth round pick. Unless C.J. becomes a sensation, the bottom line is they traded a # 1 for a #4, while ignoring areas of greater need. Typical Bills strategy. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  7. Forgive me if there is another thread about it, but I haven't seen any comments about that incredible boot to put the game into overtime. Jeez, that looked like it would have been good from 60! With all the histrionics from yesterday, I think that kick may have been overlooked a bit, but it was special.


    When Lindell was snatched from San Diego, it was one of the best free agent acquisitions the Bills have made in 20 years. He has been both consistent and good at long range. If he were on a top team, he would be a Pro Bowler.

  8. The long standing fans remember back when the Dophins were clobbering the Bills for an entire decade. During those games there were many, many times when controversial calls were made against the Bills. Of course, Don Shula, the Miami Coach, was head of the NFL Competition Committee at the time. I have no sympathy for the Dolphins.

  9. There were 4 obvious big plays that changed the game.

    1. Pos dropping a possible Pic6

    2. The Forward Progression Debacle and Helmet throw.

    3. Throwing to a double covered Roscoe, when Shawn Nelson was wide open with no one near him. (They called an audible and a DE had to go out and cover Shawn Nelson, doesn't matter who else did what you throw it to a TE that has DE covering him) The Ball bounces off of Ray Lewis and Ed Reed gets the picl

    4. SPILLER Pulling a McKelvin


    Why would you run it out!!!???? Best case scenario you run it back for a touchdown, even still that means that Ravens get the ball back. Not a great play.


    Wait a minute. Three out of four plays that killed a win were by the offense? Then why are so many crucifying the defense?

    Also, many of us have been bitching about our lackluster offense for the last few years. Then the team pulls out all the stops trying to win and you want us to be more conservative? I've had more than a decade of conservative (except half of Bledsoe's first year in Buffalo) and I'm sick of it. This game was a breath of fresh air and I hope they continue to play like they did (backs against the wall, desparate for a win).

  10. So that means we have 6 years instead of 4. i can deal with that.


    No, we don't have six years. Ralph Wilson just turned 92 and it is unlikely that he will last six years. Unless someone (who wants to keep the team in Buffalo) can get him to sell them the team soon, it will go to the highest bidder after Wilson passes on. Sadly, if that happens, it is highly unlikely that the high bidder will be a group trying to keep the team where it is.

  11. I'm not a Fitzpatrick lover or hater. All I know is he had a great game on Sunday, against a quality team that didn't lay down, on the road. Throughout the game, the commentators kept bashing the Baltimore game plan, but they scored more points than they usually do. So please, quit with the criticisms. Just admit that Buffalo played a good game on offense.


    It wasn't a win, but it was fun to watch.

  12. I do too, and if it was the Bills QB doing it everybody would love it and talk about his leadership and moxy. I hate the Pats as much as anybody but I don't hate Tom Brady - I'm envious that a rival has a QB like that and the Bills don't.


    I don't hate anyone. Envious is the correct word. More than 20 years ago, I sat in a bar in downtown Buffalo watching the draft results with a couple of buddies. It was the Bills' turn to pick and Dan Marino was still available. Instead, they took a tight end that nobody remembered a year later. I was envious for two decades.

  13. This always gets me...hes thrown one pass in his NFL career people. I bet hes played catch in his life once or twice too...


    There must be some trick plays in the plans for this weekend. At the last home game I found a crumpled sheet of paper in the men's room that looked like it had a new play drawn up on it. Someone scribbled "best end around" and showed one of the Jills holding a football.

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