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Posts posted by BillsfaninFl

  1. Dream on. The vultures are already circling the Bills waiting for Ralph to crump. If you think the Bills aren't leaving Buffalo then I'd like to offer an ownership stake in the Peace Bridge.


    I'm not saying supporting the team will keep them here, but not supporting the team gives the NFL every excuse to take our team away.




    The NFL needs no excuse to take the team away. That is a falacy. They can already point to a diminishing small market that has lost a significant amount of corporate presence. So not supporting the team does nothing that doesn't already exist. Furthermore, Wilson wouldn't move the team now, even if he could, because it is expensive up front and the payback comes over a period of several years. He may not have several years and there is no reason for him to kill the cash cow by investing additional money into it. For eleven years he has refused to invest any more into it than he has to.


    The fans don't realize they DO have some power. And Wilson has been trying his darndest to keep us from realizing it. It's time to wake up and take a stand.

  2. No. We didn't.


    The GM Job came down to 2 in-house candidates: John Guy and Buddy Nix.


    The guy running our drafts, Tom Modrak, is still running our drafts.


    Who knows how much influence Brandon, Littman, and Overdorf have retained. But they're all still there.


    You cannot have an overhaul when all of the same cast of characters are there, but just in new roles.


    Right on! Many of us knew this was coming since last winter, when it was time for Ralph Wilson to put his money where his mouth is. After that bull about paying top dollar for elite football guys, he sent the most emphatic message that it was all just spin, when he hired an old scout. That, and a series of moves that all shouted "cheap" and "I'm not really committed to winning," and still several fans believed. Well, those of you who continue to support the Bills are inadvertantly sending Wilson the message that he can continue to screw us without any consequences. So we have the team and staff we deserve.


    Geez, guys, if it looks like a fish and smells like a fish, chances are it's a fish. We can do something about it, but not if you still keep sending Wilson the money.

  3. God I hate when people say "it's just a game". If it was just a game, guys wouldn't get to demand millions of dollars to play it. If it was just a game, I wouldn't have to pay $350 to watch a crappy internet feed of it.


    If we are paying to be entertained and are not getting entertained, then we have a right to be angry. And I don't want to hear how I should just watch and enjoy the game of football, because that is not all we are being sold. They sell us "The hope of winning" every year, not just the game of football.


    Well said. The poster had the courage to say what he feels. He is not alone.


    Does the question refer to winning one game after all these losses? If so, yes. Maybe soon.


    If the question asks if it is possible that the Bills will just have one win for the season, then no. Teams will get caught looking past the Bills and fail to get "up" for the game. The Bills will steal a couple.

  5. If the Bill left I would root for teams and players that were smash mouth but wouldn't lock on to one team. So who would you root for?


    It would depend on the circumstances. If the team were bought by an owner that truly wanted to build a winning team and a football-savy management, I would continue to support them no matter where they were.


    In any case, I would not stop watching pro football. That would be like punishing myself.

  6. Just have a question for all you long time bills fans. By long time im talking like 30-40 years. Anyways, my question is: Has there ever been a lower point to be a bills fan? If yes, when? Just curious. Go bills :bag:


    It has been mostly low points while I have followed the Bills for their entire existence. But if I must choose between them, the latest string has got me down more than in the past. It has to do with the period of time and the prospects for the future. A few bad seasons were disheartening, but there was always hope and eventually they would come back to respectability. This time is different. They have "fallen and they can't get up." And I have no hope that they will return to respectability as long as that cheap bas---d owns the team. And since the odds are that they will move when they are sold, what is there to look forward to? So I cling to the remote chance that a white knight will buy the team and keep it in Buffalo. It's like thinking the only way I can pay my bills is if I win the lottery. There's no way!


    By the way, I moved out of Buffalo 25 years ago, but it is still "home" in my heart. And I feel strongly that the people of western New York deserve a break.

  7. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/477221-denver-broncos-trade-of-kyle-orton-for-marshawn-lynch-immenent


    I don't know how much credibility is in this article, but I would personally like this trade more than a trade for draft picks to the Packers IF the FO feels a deal must be done with Marshawn.


    * * * * *


    Omar who? He is a freelance reporter trying to get a following. I know what is really going to happen:


    1. Nix will trade Marshawn to Green Bay for their fourth and fifth round picks next year.


    2. Wilson will be uneasy about paying for two extra draft picks when there may not even be a season next year. They will solve the problem by trading those two picks and our first rounder to Philadelphia for Donovan McNabb.


    3. McNabb will be injured in his first game and be out for the season. Fitz will play four games and get benched. Brohm will play four games and be benched and Levi Brown will finish the season.


    4. The Bills will then trade their second, third and fourth picks in 2011 for Kevin Kolb. The fans will be happy, Ralph will rejoice because we will only have picks five through seven. Gailey and Nix will swear the team is rapidly improving and will do just fine with the players we have. They will do this because they fear for their jobs, because the team only wins 2 games this year and because Ralph admits he has forgotten their names.


    5. Meanwhile the Eagles have virtually double their usual number of draft picks and stack the team with plenty of young talent, resulting in a five year dynasty.


    6. The Bills draft three defensive linemen in rounds five through seven and (in keeping with long standing policy) convert them into linebackers. There is a lockout, so it doesn't matter. When an agreement between owners and players is reached, one clause states that draftees will get paid a low base salary with mostly incentives. The Bills suddenly start dumping players in exchange for draft picks and the Bils establish a league record in 2012 for the most rookies in a starting lineup.


    It could happen. :flirt:

  8. Before you scoff at this... It just might make sense and here's a few reasons why:


    So you wanted to make it sound official in the title to suck in members of this group. Good strategy, but a bad post. What you are suggesting is not only "pie in the sky," but also ridiculous. If there is any chance that the team will stay in the general area, it must have a much larger population base, along with a lot more major corporations present. Therefore, the team must move north (closer to Toronto) or leave the area entirely. It can't go east because the nearest such place is New York City, which already has two teams (even though they are located in New Jersey). It can't go southwest because Cleveland and Pittsburgh already have that territory. West = Bears, Colts, Packers and Vikings, Southeast = Eagles, Ravens and Redskins. You are just playing with wishful thinking.

  9. Gabe Carimi will be our pick if we don't take a QB. He is top 10 right now. He is noted for run blocking, gets to the 2nd level like Wood has been doing, and is a Wisconsin lineman, and few of them have been busts. A nice safe pick. That said, I am liking what I'm seeing from Bell, and we could conceivably wait for RD#2 for the lineman (Wisniewski, Pouncey, Solder).


    DraftTek's Consensus mock http://www.drafttek.com/round12011.asp has us taking Carimi first, then taking Pat Devlin from Delaware in RD#2, which is a reach when Wisniewski and TE's Kyle Rudolph and Westlye Saunders are there. Gailey's comments about the Pats' two TE's makes me think we're in line for two, too.


    This is really sad. You guys are talking draft picks even earlier than last year. When the planets line up and lightning strikes and the ball bounces our way and we steal a game, the kool aid drinkers will announce that the team is improving and the future is bright. After the following game, when they go down in flames again, is the time to start talking about next year's draft.

  10. Only exception being that for Edwards. He lost a bunch of $$$$. Hope he's been saving his dough and has another career in the works.


    Actually, he was making less than several players on the Bills' squad. He was a low paid QB. I agree with C.Biscuit. Edwards was one of those guys who looks really good in training camp, then flops when the lights go on. I think each year the coaches were thinking, "okay, now he gets it." But he loses his nerve in the real games.

  11. i come out of this game feeling a hell of a lot better than the past couple of weeks....did you see fitz scan the field on multiple occasions....he avoided check downs....we set up the passing game using 'beast mode'....i know he isnt the answer to our problems, but holy crap did this game have a completely different dynamic than games led by edwards.


    btw, i blame the 2nd INT as much on Nelson, not fighting for it, as i do on Fitz...Nelson should have done anything and everything possible to break it up...he did NOTHING....fitz is to blame for a horrible throw, but you need your receivers to fight for you as well....


    Well, as I read these posts I see that our expectations are now so low that any competitive showing by the offense or the defense brings satisfaction. I caught myself telling my son at the end of the game, "that was the best game the offense has played in almost a year." When teams beat us in low scoring games, it will be "the defense did their job, today," when the reality may be that the other team knew they could sit on a small lead and get the win. Ralph, I've got thirty-two dollars in my wallet. I'll mail it to you. Don't bother sending a thank you card.


    ""How is it possible that the Bills can't find a tight end for a decade, yet the Patriots find two rookies in the same year, and they both torched the Bills? Aaron Hernandez and Rob Gronkowski are already better than Jonathan Stupar ever will be. And probably Shawn Nelson, too.""



    It's not that Stupar and Nelson are bad, or that Hernandez and Gronkowski are so good. If all four switched teams, you would be saying that Stupar and Nelson are talented. It's because on the Bills, players are surrounded by mediocre talent and mediocre coaches. Except for Ralph Wilson bringing in a fading Terrell Owens to appease a fan revolt, how many stars have the Bills acquired in free agency during the last decade? None. They were all cheap dates. Good players who were no longer very good, or practice squad guys and career backups. Questionable drafts + no real free agency activity + bargain basement coaches and front office personnel = a bad team every year. :censored: The Bills are not rebuilding. They are what they will continue to be.

  13. If the team today shows up, the Bills will be 2-3 at the bye.

    Today we saw what a decent qb does for the offense. Yes Fitz is a backup. And he played like one today. Had some really good throws, but made two costly mistakes at critical times.

    Now i know that the Jets have a much better D then NE. If Buffalo can run like they did today on the Jets, they can win that game.

    Sanchez is no Brady. Tom single handedly won that game for NE. Sanchez does not have that ability.

    Before the season started i was hoping for 3-2 at the bye, after last week i thought 0-5 was possible.

    Today i really believe this team can win some games, and compete in probably most of them.



    ... and there will be peace on Earth. <_<


    The Bills were entertaining on offense for the first time in almost a year. That much was true. But New England is a middle-of-the-road team until their young players learn their jobs. The Jets do not have Tom Brady, but they have a stronger overall team. They are not going to beat New England and Miami, then lay down for Buffalo.

  14. So what relevance does Fitzpatrick going 5-4 last year have to this year exactly? We had more talent last year and I don't exactly remember him lighting it up. What were the scores of those games and who were we playing?


    You can't win an argument with people who are desperate. Bills fans (myself included) are desperate for something to have hope about: something to cheer about. The last decade (plus the present season) is one long nightmare. I have been very critical recently, because there is nothing to be positive about. Now I read these posts and see that guys are grabbing at any straw that might be an improvement in the staff and players' performance. Or they have become bitter and want to flush the whole organization down the toilet. It's not two groups with a huge difference of opinion. It's people who are dealing with their frustration in two different ways, but we all want the same thing.


    The Detroit season was an annomally. Even the worst teams win a few games. The Bills will win a few games and some will say they are improving. Others will say they just got lucky and still are the dormat of the league. All of us are brothers in pain. :wallbash:

  15. Without looking, I'd bet this team has a losing record as a franchise, which is a direct reflection on ownership.


    Good bet. In fact, the Bills in 50 seasons have lost 38 more games than they won. And now they are off to a good start on what will be their 30th season without a winning record. How's that for ineptitude? So, your point is well taken. Wilson lucked out in the early 1960s and during the 1990s when he accidentally hired quality leadership without paying top dollar. Of course, he dumped those guys. The rest of those five decades were a comedy of errors. We're not laughing, but he is... all the way to the bank. :devil:

  16. One decent drive and the curtain closed on a second game this season where the Bills can't even generate 200 yards of total offense. More to come, folks, more to come.


    We have a winner! buffalo_bills started a post with "We competed for more than half of the game." Congratulations, deluded one. You win a commemorative plaque labeled "Delusional Dud." To pick up your prize, all you have to do is wait until the Bills win a Super Bowl, then rummage through the trash at the abandoned ruins of Ralph Wilson Stadium.


    So, you believe we were competing during the first quarter, with a total offense of 5 yards. Interesting. And since our only big gain was an interference penalty, you thought we were "in the game." Well, we all have our own perspective on things.

  17. Is there really a plan B?


    Yes. Ralph Wilson went to plan B when he turned 80 years old. Plan B is give us lip service, but suck every dime he can out of the franchise for the rest of his life. Just a case of geriatric greed gone wild. Only a fool would believe that this guy wants a Super Bowl win. He just wants to see a big bottom line on his financials when he draws his last breath.

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