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Posts posted by BillsfaninFl

  1. Should the Bills extend Whitner and/or Poz? What about Youboty or Florence? It is a depressing thought, but one could argue that there are no players with contracts that will expire this year or next year that that should be extended. Our overall talent is very poor.


    Well, let's think about this. When they announced the extension for Kelsey, they indicated that he is valuable in the locker room. So he is "Miss Congeniality" of the Bills. So now you are asking us which contestant wins the talent contest. My response is... how do we know? Pick any superstar in the league and surround him with the rest of the Bills team and he would be a candidate to be cut. As much as I hate to say it, compare the performance of T.O. last year with this year. Enough said.


    It was the same scenario when Randy Moss went from the Raiders to the Patriots. Suddenly he was a superstar again and broke the record for the most touchdowns in a season.

  2. Gailey is definitely not on the hot seat. Nor will he be. Except for a few diehards, most of us know that Ralph is milking the cash cow. He is either still paying Jauron or had to pony up for a settlement. He's not going to dump his bargain basement front office because...


    1. They cost him what he wants to pay. If you believed that crap about paying handsomely for an elite coach, snap out of it.

    2. He doesn't care about winning. He is now trying to lower everyone's expectations by his comments. It is a reaction to the unhappy fans that are threatening to take away some of his profits. (Plan B will be to imply they might have to move the team if he can't fill the stadium.)

    3. He has had a (heavy) hand in deciding what players come to Buffalo. The lack of talent here is as much his fault as anyone else's. As I've said before, Wilson has indicated that he does not respect top talent on the field or the sidelines. He stated that luck has a lot to do with it. There's no way he is going to upgrade this team. He is just going to slide during his remaining years.

  3. An important point I don't see anyone else has brought up is the impact a statement like Ralph's makes to free agents. To state we lack talent and it's going to take years to get back on track, what free agent in his prime is going to want to come to the Bills?


    Would you want to sign on in the prime of your career because you think this team is going to improve?? Hell no. With statements like that the only free agents the Bills are going to attract are those with marginal talent that want as top dollar as they can get....... (see Marcus Stroud and Kawika "I go to who pays me the $$" Mitchell)


    Have you noticed that Wilson has said several things in the last few years that is illadvised for an NFL owner. Like admitting what an inefficient process was used to hire a new GM. Even when he does the right thing, like voting against the now defunct contract with the Players Association, he says, "I didn't understand it." These are not the comments of a savy businessman. He may have been that years ago, but I don't think he deserves that label any more.

  4. you are such a little girl - grow up



    hmmmm - wrong again joe - i am the most anti-drug person you will ever meet. i spent most of my life stopping the flow of narcotics into the us - and frankly you wouldn't last two minutes in my jungle


    You took Joe literally. He was trying to tell you that something is wrong with your thinking process.

  5. For Christ sake clean up after yourself! You must have left thousands of dollars of beer cans in the parking lots and enough paper trash to fill the stadium.


    Sometimes we tailgate in Orlando, Florida for Bills games. We always pick up after ourselves, but now that I know it bugs you, we'll leave everything where it hits the ground. Those poor alligators will have to live among the trash. :rolleyes:

  6. Eric Wood's development was obviously stunted by his injury and I hope he will develop into one of the top guards in football, but he sucks right now.


    He gets no push in the run game and his immobility is increasingly targeted through stunts and interior blitzes on passing downs.


    Demetrius Bell is further towards becoming a serviceable lineman at this stage of his career.


    If Wood is still in his first sixteen games and is trying to come back from a really ugly injury and if he is not playing well enough to be starting, is he out there because the coaches don't know what they are doing, or is he playing because the other players at that position are worse?

  7. Fitz had one of his best games, even though he missed on a couple short passes that would be in a film about 2010 worst quarterback tosses. I thought Kyle Williams played very well, as usual. He's not a superstar, but he gives it his all and makes some nice plays.


    Can't believe I forgot to mention how well Fred Jackson was running today.


    A negative observation: I may be wrong, but it seems like the coaching staff has so little confidence in the Bills' defense, that they call offensive plays accordingly. When lightning struck early in the game and the Bills had a ten point lead, they were calling the type of running plays that had the Jacksonville D on its heels. But when the opponent made a few plays, the Bills changed their play calling for the rest of the game. Less power running by Fred allowed Jacksonville to keep the momentum. Our boys went into their usual swoon.

  8. The new CBA will have a rookie wage scale. The money won't be the same for the top 10 players as it has been in the past. And if there is

    a lockout no contracts will be signed until there is a new CBA anyway. Bills should trade out of that spot if they can pick up the extra picks

    it would take a team to move up. They need a lot of picks.


    If there is an agreement before the draft next April, and if it includes a rookie wage scale, and if it survives the lawsuits that may encumber it, and if the Bills have the top pick, I think they will draft Luck or the best available player. If those things don't happen, they will try like hell to trade the number one position for multiple picks.


    Spin: We must rebuild the team through the draft. Reality: Because they can't attract top players through free agency.

    Reality 2: The Bills have consistently drafted so poorly (especially with their top picks) that they cannot rebuild through the draft. Some day, someone will blow the whistle on what has been going on behind the scenes that has made the organization so dysfunctional. We all have our guesses, but I know it would be an interesting story for a book.

  9. It was nice to see both Troup and Carrington on the field and involved in some tackles. I also like that Steve Johnson is getting a chance to develop and some statistics. That's about all I can say.


    Fitz had one of his best games, even though he missed on a couple short passes that would be in a film about 2010 worst quarterback tosses. I thought Kyle Williams played very well, as usual. He's not a superstar, but he gives it his all and makes some nice plays.

  10. It will be the first team to let the Bills beat them.


    Some of the responders went off on a tangent. Getting back to your title, I agree with you to a point. Teams that take the Bills lightly and blow a game to them will be laughed at, but only briefly. However, people will continue to disrespect the Bills before and after they steal a couple of games. Ours is a long-term humility, steeped in tradition, with decades of history. This organization is so pathetic that any very good player (or coach, or GM) would be crazy to sign on with the Bills. Of course, there is even more snickering going on about Ralph Wilson. Look up "inept" in your dictionary and you will see Ralph's picture there. But Wilson is laughing, too... all the way to the bank.

  11. 1)Ryan Mallett - QB - Arkansas

    6'7 with a rocket arm. 30TD's in 2009. a better Joe Flacco.


    2)Kyle Rudolph - TE - Notre Dame

    6'6 260 TE that can block and be a receving threat.


    3)Casey Matthews - ILB - Oregon

    6'2 240. With good spead 4'7 40 and has decent sideline to sideline mobility


    4)Adrian Taylor - DE - Oklahoma

    6'4 290. Only issue is he broke his leg during a scrimmage.


    4)Phil Taylor - NT - Baylor

    6-5 355. A big body that is hard to move. Similar to Terrence Cody. Needs to have his weight moitored.


    5) Christian Ballard - DE - Iowa

    Perfect fit for a 3-4 DE. 6'5 285. Cant believe i am saying this but has a decent first step.


    6)Kenny Rowe -OLB - Oregon

    Had 11 sacks last year. 6'3 230. needs to put on about 10 pounds and still maintain his speed to be effective in the pros.






    (I did not draft an OT becasue i only see 1 or 2 worth taking but we need a QB in RD 1)



    Have at it folks. . .


    No arguments here. But while I was looking at your post I started thinking that we still have the same needs that we had last year. That's pathetic. Did we forget to take draft picks last April?

  12. Egregious oversimplification. Look at how much trouble the Titans have figuring out Young, or the Raiders mistake with Campbell or San Diego letting Brees go for nothing, or Jacksonville picking up Trent, moving him to back up and cutting their other back up. Is their VCR broken too? Didn't the film from Cedric Benson when he was in Chicago tell the Bengals not to waste their time with him, well I guess there they were well off ignoring it. Who forgot to watch film of Arian Foster to figure out he should have been starting all season last year? Haynesworth has been average in the 3-4, I guess Shannahan is another doof that can't read a few hours of film and figure it out.


    For anyone who feels they can use the ol' TiVo to build a winning football team in a few hours, I am sure there are opportunities to work for an NFL franchise or at least a college team as I don't think there are too many out there that will tell you they give you an infallible game day performance prediction based on a few hours of film.


    The last Item is most comments are less about excuses, no one seems happy about where the team is (except jets, phins & pats), but the fact remains it will take time, draft picks and roster moves to make the team a contender as it is that poor right now. The only question remaining is which players can be improved and what is the replacement priority...


    It's true: you can't build a winning football team in a few hours. But the staff has had months to go over game film from last year, and in Nix's case, he was part of the Bills' staff last year (which means he should have known what they have and have not). So much for oversimplification. There was the voluntary and mandatory workouts and two months of preseason. So while there are valid excuses for not knowing how the team will jell, there are no valid excuses for not knowing the individual talent levels.


    But putting aside these failures, we need to ask ourselves... if the team is this bad, and if the staff did a decent job in the draft, why aren't there several draft choices playing a lot? Several members of this Stadium Wall group accurately determined what needed to be done in the draft, supported by many statements by the "experts." Yet this team's draft, like so many in the past, was questioned by many as being less than successful. And the proof is butts on the bench.


    Few people expected this team to be among the elite, but there should have been improvements made that are not there.

  13. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article212821.ece


    Chan Gailey: "He can give them a few of our calls and he can give them a few of our signals, probably. <...> He can tell them a little bit of the protection situations that we've got and what some issues might be with that. "


    He was the starter.


    Wouldn't he be expected to know more than "a few" calls and "a few" signals and "a few" protection situations?


    Seems to me either Gailey is talking very lame -- grossly underestimating the impact of essentially having your starting QB playing for the other team

    Or Edwards was worse than we knew -- wouldn't you expect a starting QB to have mastery of the entire offensive playbook, all of the signals, all of the calls, all of the protections, 100%, shake him awake at 2 am and he could explain, roll over, and go back to sleep?


    Football players amoungst us -- what's usual and typical here to expect of the QB? A few, or the whole enchilada?

    Yeh, it's just B.S., but what do you expect him to say?


    This may be one of the games that the Bills will steal this year.

  14. I feel sorry for you guys who keep saying it is a rebuilding year. There is no such thing going on. Haven't you noticed that the Bills have been getting worse each season for the last five years? Call it a recycling year. Every few years Ralph buys a bargain basement set of coaches and changes a few management names to make it look like something is happening.


    But there is no rebuilding happening.

  15. I feel sorry for you guys who keep saying it is a rebuilding year. There is no such thing going on. Haven't you noticed that the Bills have been getting worse each season for the last five years? Call it a recycling year. Every few years Ralph buys a bargain basement set of coaches and changes a few management names to make it look like something is happening.


    But there is no rebuilding happening.

  16. We should be better than that. You want to be cute, have fun with your bag. Get on TV. You're showing up your team and your city. That I can't support.


    Your city? You don't enhance the reputation of Buffalo fans by not calling out an organization that is screwing you. When the Saints fans did the bag thing years ago, commentator reactions were generally the same as guys I talked to about it. They were glad the fans had the balls to protest and supported them. If someone vandalizes your house, would you tell your wife "don't say anything about it, it would make us look bad"?

  17. Personally, I hope the Bills keep him, I believe the off field problems are behind him now.


    Should the Bills trade, I don't want draft picks for Marshawn, I want a player or players in return.


    If Ralph thinks he can trade him away for draft picks and the fans will be all fuzzy, then he is under estimating the situation.


    This would be a clear indicator that the team does not care about the fans or the 2010 season.


    The Bills need help at 6-8 positions,surely some team can make an offer that can help the Bills now! There may be no 2011 season!


    I would focus on Linebacker, Physical Wide Receiver,or a proven pass rusher.




    I agree with you. Why get rid of Marshawn when he is doing okay? But if they really want him gone, get a player that can be a starter for us at a weak position.

  18. Another "I'm done with this team thread". How original.


    I'm as pessimistic as anyone, but I was born in 1980. I'm 30 years old. There are posters who are older and much wiser who will tell you the 70's and early 80's were way worse than now. And ya know what? They didn't cry and jump ship. They stuck with this team because it's THEIR team. It sucks to be awful, but you can't win every season. You can't even make the playoffs every decade. But you still follow your team. When they do finally win, how sweet it will be for those of us who bitched and moaned, but never even considered jumping ship. Get over it. This team is a bunch of untalented losers. But their OUR untalented losers.


    Wow! Talk about lowering your expectations.

  19. I say all 75K or so get up with 2 min sleft in halftime and walkout. Let the announcers explain it after halftime. RW is a joke. We need to clean house from top to bottom. All FO must go!


    You make an excellent point. Most fans aren't going to fail to show after spending their hard-earned money on tickets. But if the fans demonstrated their displeasure at the games, embarassing both Ralph and the NFL - (remember the Saints fans who began wearing bags over their heads at the games and started calling them the "aints"?) - the media will pick up on that and there will be a backlash. Wilson may be forced to do something, and/or the league may stimulate him to do something to make the team more competitive.


    Surely you don't think that the Bills will stay in or leave Buffalo based on if the fans go along like sheep. It will be a business decision.

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