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Posts posted by BillsfaninFl

  1. How about the Hindsight Draft concept?


    Let the collegians sign with the highest bidder.


    The only draft would be among NFL players. Each year, the fourth place finisher in each division gets to draft a player on the roster of the first place team. The third place team picks one from second place, second takes one from third and first takes one from fourth.


    Think of the resulting parity. "With their first pick, the Bills take Tom Brady." Years ago, we could have gotten Drew Bledsoe, Lawyer Malloy, etc. Whew! I think I better sit down before I hurt myself.

  2. We need someone with star power. Someone to fill the stands with paying customers. Last season the ploy was to bring in Terrell Owens. Oops! Well this year we sizzled by taking Spiller. Oops! Then the braintrust realized what we all knew: you don't need three good running backs, so we traded away Lynch and gained nothing. So which will it be this year: a "name" free agent or a glitzy pick at a position where we are already covered? Are there any Sebastion Janikowskis out there? We could use a second good punter.

  3. Well actually your outlook is far more bleak and grim. You're essentially saying that this team will never improve until Ralph dies -- since we know that's the only way he's going to give up control. And thus, you just want to win because no matter who the Bills pick in April, the team will still suck and you want to feel good for just one more Sunday.


    I think you are confusing "bleak and grim" with realistic. His position is correct. The team will not be a contender until Wilson no longer owns it. How many seasons of evidence do you need before you will face this fact? So don't tell a guy he is worse than the people who want the Bills to lose, because he wants to be entertained with a win.


    The Bills are in the entertainment business. They have been more entertaining to watch during the second half of this season. Whatever they will be next year, we should hope that they continue to be entertaining this week. Several fans have made excellent points about how drafting high doesn't necessarily equate to becoming a better team. Perennial contenders do not need to draft in the top 5 (and almost never do). It's about being able to determine if a player's ability will make him successfull in the NFL. And that seems to be a skill that not all team staffs have. Especially the ones who will work for less money. So unless Ralph Wilson has been visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve and now decides he will hire (and pay for) top talent evaluators on his staff, the Bills will not be contenders no matter where they draft.

  4. Often times I see snippets here or there about Kyle Williams, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Steve Johnson or whomever possibly making the Pro-Bowl...


    Are these guys, or any of the Bills actually Pro Bowl level players or are they just relatively good on a miserably bad team?


    Would any of our players start on any other team?






    I *want* to like some of our players. Fitz plays his heart out, but is inaccurate and turns the ball over too much. Kyle has an endless motor, but seems undersized and underskilled. Steve seems to get open a lot, but drops every other pass thrown to him, and looks like he pushes off a lot. Etc...



    I think (based on what I have read) that Williams has a chance to make the Pro Bowl. Johnson has an outside shot at it, based on some wide receiver injuries that will cause some of them to pass on playing. I don't see Fitz making it.

  5. This game means nothing and the jets are gonna play their JVs anyways. The priority should not be winning (obviously still a goal for the team) but rather used as a tool for this team im improve moving forward. This game should be viewed as a preseason game by the FO. (remember their may only be 2 next year with an 18 game schedule). Find out what we have on the roster and determine who should be invited back for next season.


    Start Brohm. Is he worth keeping around? Could he be a franchise guy? – We will never know if he never plays.


    I agree with most of your points, but I can't see the coaches benching Fitzpatrick for the last game. If he was a well established franchise QB then it would be acceptable. But he has been a back up for most of his career and having been given his chance to lead the team, he has made the most of it. He crtainly has played better than many (including me) expected.


    One of the things that I wonder about is why McGee played on special teams if he is not fit to start?

  6. I am so sick of the Ralph won't spend any money argument . A few years ago when Levy took over he dumped about 100 million in one day. What great free agents have left in the last few years. Nate Clements ? nobody would have matched that contract. I would say Greer was the best player to leave but we were pretty deep at the position. If this team ever gets that talent level up then we will see if he is willing to keep players. There is no way to measure the damage Dick Jauron has done to this team. 4 years of draft and aquiring players to fit his outdated defensive system.

    Cleary we have a different group in place . For the first time I feel as though the people Buddy/Haley making the decisions will make the right ones most of the time . NOBODY IS PERFECT. Take a look at the some of the PATS drafts . The quaterback and the system cover alot of personal sins.


    Sorry if you're sick of the truth. But the reason why we have not lost any stars to free agency recently is because we have no stars. The facts are that we have a staff that are bargain basement investments and that has been the case for years. It is the primary reason why the team is not a contender. Also, check out the team expenditures this year. Wilson's payouts are hovering near the league minimum. It is what it is.


    GRADE A+++++++


    I have said all along that I'll believe it when I see it. And while it's too early to jump on a bandwagon (remember when Jauron started the season 4 - 0?), I must agree that the Bills have been much more competitive for the last nine games. They are definitely more entertaining and now look like a middle-of-the-road NFL team. I like most of the calls Gailey is making, Fitz is having a solid year, and some players (Kyle Williams, Steve Johnson, Fred Jackson, etc.) have shown that they would be players on most NFL teams. So I am definitely enjoying the games more this year. Giving them an A is a stretch, but I understand why you are entusiastic.


    Let's hope that the biggest challenge (adding quality players to the team) happens this off-season. Nix hasn't done anything exciting yet and the question remains whether Wilson would let him if he wanted to. The "old school" philosophy that you can build an elite team just through the draft is long dead because of free agency. People point to extreme spenders like Snyder in Washington as proof that FAs don't make a great team. But a close look at the modern era top squads shows that a combination of wise drafting, trading and free agent acquisitions can keep a team among the elite for many years. It is the weakness of the Bills front office in this area that has let the fans down and unless the staff is stocked with knowledgeable judges of talent who are allowed to spend the bucks to build a contender, theses flashes of hope will continue to be fleeting and frustrating.

  8. Spiller as quitly gained 1331.4 all purpose yards this year with two games left.


    The remaining two game could easily amount to another 200 yards, for a projected total of 1500 +.


    Not to bad I would say with his limited role.



    Just an opinion.


    Make that 351 yards rushing and receiving with low average gains. Your spin on the numbers is decieving.

  9. Jay Glazer reported that Donovan McNabb and Rex Grossman were splitting first team snaps in practice last week.


    Chris Mortensen hears that there's a chance that Grossman starts this Sunday against Dallas.




    At 1;00 pm on the NFL Channel, Coach Shannahan held a news conference and indicated that McNabb is now their third string QB for the rest of the season. He said that since his team is mathematically out of the playoffs, he wants to see whathis other guys can do in a game situation, to plan for next year.


    I wonder what the fan reaction would be if Buffalo did the same thing. I know some of you have suggested that regarding a few positions on the team. What is your opinion?

  10. Truth hurts. How Marvin Lewis has lasted this long in Cincinnati is beyond me.


    I don't know how much Marvin Lewis is to blame, but I do know that there is a great number of similarities between the ownership in Cincinnati and Buffalo. Despite the BS, both have proven over the years that they really do no want to pay the bucks to have a winning team. Occasionally, both teams get lucky with players and coaches and have a run of respectability. But the big picture shows that they are more often uncompetitive losers.


    "Birds of a feather," man, birds of a feather.

  11. Abandoning the 3-4 would be a horrible mistake. The Bills must play a 3-4 defense against the teams in the AFC East who get a ton of big plays by running or throwing screens wide. It's true that the Bills do not have the right players in place, but to go back to the 4-3 (which they have been using a lot this year) means continuing to get our butt kicked on defense. They need to bring in the right players to work the 3-4 scheme.

  12. Bills claim waived Cowboys TE


    So the Bills:


    1. Tried to sign TE Rucker off the Cowboys practice squad

    2. Cowboys respond with an offer to put Rucker on active roster, which he accepts

    3. To make room, the Cowboys waive TE Chandler, with the intent of placing him on practice squad, essentially intending to swap roster spots between Rucker and Chandler

    4. Chandler was a draft pick (4th) by the Chargers a few years ago, when Nix was there. From BuffaloBills.com


    Did Nix get the man he wanted all along?


    This is probably more interesting than the truth, anyway, so why not speculate?




    I called Buddy to find out if this is true. He said, "Huh? I thought we got Rucker."

  13. My son and I jumped up at the same time. And we sat down in unison, too. There was a long pause in the room while other family members exited. Then we bitched about how the Bills can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory better than anyone else. Johnson isn't a goat. It was just his turn to let it happen. No one can circle the wagons (and have a wheel fall off) like the Bills.

  14. I know, I overstated it now I realize. I should have said more quality middle tier FA's to choose from. I highly doubt Nix will change his philosophy as well. Thanks for reminding me of Nix's view on FA's.


    We can dream, but the reality is that the Bills FA situation will be worse. Nix's FA policy and Ralph's tight ways will still be there, but now a free agent will look at the Bills' record. You're kidding yourself if you think a FA is going to be thinking "they were really close in a lot of games." Instead, they'll just look at the team's record and say "not for me." :wallbash:

  15. What?? but is Lindell really a franchise kicker?? Do franchise kickers slump in the clutch situations? Lindell may win a few games, but he'll mire us in mediocrisy and prevent us from getting a true franchise kicker! We need that #1 pick to get our franchise kicker!



    Check the records, then state your opinions. The guy has been more than solid for his career. Every player (and every kicker) has a slump now and then. You miss a couple of kicks, get rattled and have to settle down before you return to your game.

  16. Will you guys forget about Luck? The Bills are not going to get him because they are no longer the bottom dwellers in the league and he will not be coming out next April anyway.


    Like I said a month ago, it's way too early to be talking about who the Bills should draft. A lot can and will happen before this season ends.


    I like the way Fitz is playing. He takes occasional chances, he's fearless and he's got the respect of his teammates. One thing that impressed me this game, was that he didn't seem to have a tired arm late in the game (as he been apparent in the past). Other observations:


    1. Kelsay continues to play better at defensive end.

    2. Fred Jackson's last two games should silence those who wondered if he was starting to decline.

    3. Steve Johnson continues to show he has the ability to be a solid receiver.

  17. Kind of bizarre when you think that the plan going into the season was to use three running backs in a platoon when you see that the implementation barely gets the rock to even two backs.


    Of greater concern to me is the credibility of the HC and GM. They use the spin continuously. Whether it is Chan saying that he doesn't believe in drafting "one year wonders", or the multiple quotes from both of them about needing three running backs, or the promises to fill our biggest holes in the draft as they begin their rebuilding process. All of that and more was just BS, as they changed their tune in every case. The only statements you can hang your hat on is when Ralph Wilson inadvertently indicates how clueless he is about hiring and planning.


    The honeymoon is over guys. Stop saying give them a chance. They have already botched too many decisions. Jackson is still a good running back, C.J. is just a rookie learning the ropes and the upgrade the team needs is up front (as in line and office).

  18. It was a cheap shot but when you are 0-8 what can you say? No matter what Stevie wanted to say about what is clicking, working, etc. it is still not enough for the team to get a W so what does it matter?


    No, it's not a win. But this is a player who is much improved and is outplaying a number of other receivers the Bills have brought in recently. It matters because it is a step in the right direction.

  19. Wanting what's best for the team in the long-run (as I do) does not make me less of a fan than someone who wants what's best for the team over the short-term, while completely ignoring the long-run (as you do). You are basing your positions on emotion (the pain of watching the Bills lose on Sundays), instead of thinking in terms of a logical, concrete plan to get the Bills the elite players absolutely necessary for long-term success.


    If you feel Nix is a good GM, you should want him to have picks as good as possible in order to gather talent quickly. That means losing games. But since you feel otherwise; you should also want the Bills to lose a lot of games; in order to get Nix fired as quickly as possible. In neither case would it help the team to pile up a bunch of meaningless wins.


    It just doesn't work that way. Some teams (Detroit, etc.) have been at or near the top of the draft order several times during the last 10 or 15 years and are nowhere nearer to being an elite team at present. Unfortunately, the Bills fall into that category, as well. Their list of top draft choices for the last decade is a Greek Tragedy. So, unless the Bills ownership changes to someone who understands that to build an elite team you must start with elite staff members that are good at acquiring players who will excell in the NFL, your strategy is folly.


    We often say that members of this discussion group are not experts. But each year, it seems like the majority of our members recognize first round players who will be better players than who the Bills actually pick. It's hard to blame the coaches who come and go every few years, since the drafting doesn't seem to improve after they are gone. Therefore...

  20. Well, let's see how we are doing after half of the season. On August 11th, the following predictions were made. I didn't include the guys (chickens) who gave themselves a more or less option.


    11 - 5 .. Mike Oxhurtz

    10 - 5 .. Markinsd, Reddogblitz and Bills Fanin LV

    .9 - 7 ... Promo the Robot, Jerry Jabber, Scoobydum, DPBerr,

    ............. SpecialK15 and Tennesseeboy

    .8 - 8 ... Va Bills Fan, Mr WEO, Brimley's Stache, Tom and

    ............. FightingIrishBill

    .6 - 10 .. Haplo848, SteamRoller 67 and BillsFaninFL

    .5 - 11 .. BB2004, Weehawk and Trader

    .4 - 12 .. Meathead and Mattsox

    .3 - 13 .. Da Big Man

    .2 - 14 .. Endzone Animal and EndZoneCrew


    It looks like the guys in the endzone have the most realistic view. There's no way I will be right. How much was our wager?

  21. Favre is not doing any favors of leading by example. That d-bag has ruined his legacy and if some of these stories coming out of Green Bay now ever gain any attraction people will learn that he's been acting this way all along.


    Favre is ruining his legacy? A football player's legacy is only what he does on the field. People may love him or hate him for off the field stuff (see O.J.), but when the dust settles, the NFL records will show that Favre was one of the greatest players the league ever had. That's his legacy. I won't be purchasing his jersey or poster, but I respect what he has accomplished.

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