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VA Bills Fan

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Posts posted by VA Bills Fan

  1. Perhaps you slept through last season, it's perfectly understandable. Lynch looked like crap last year. It might help trade value to demonstrate that 2009 was a fluke, and Lynch is still the beast.


    No need to claim I was asleep to give your opinion. And I was awake to see 4.6 ypc at home and 3.8 ypc overall. Freddie played well enough the first 3 games that DJ decided to stick with him... but maybe you are too stuck in your mindset when claiming he looked like crap. He's 24 with two 1K seasons and a probowl... they aren't showcasing him....they are giving our best rb the ball.

  2. Fred Jackson is the BEST RB on this football team. Why wouldn't you start your best players?


    You forgot to start that with IMO -- because that is very very debatable.


    Me too. I also think they were showcasing Lynch for a possible trade (don't believe everything the HC/GM says in the papers). They may still be doing that, to a degree.




    Enough of this "showcasing" garbage!!! Scouts and FO's all around the NFL know how good Lynch and Jackson are...that is insane to think that Nix/Gailey are timing reps based on trade speculation. Get real. The only thing they might be trying to showcase is Lynch's behavior on and off the field.

  3. What's Bellicheat going to say? Lynch sucks? This is a 3 time SB winning Coach...He understands how to work this situation...He's done it a million times...He's not going to give the Bills anything to get all excited about...


    As far as the people on TSW...I'm most definitely one of the people who want to see Lynch gone...But it's not because he sucks...I think most folks would agree Lynch definitely has some ability as an NFL RB...I'm quite sure he can be VERY successful for some other Team...But the Bills Drafted a RB at #9 Overall, AND they have another RB not named Marshawn Lynch who gained 1000 yds. last Season...I really don't give a rats behind what anybody says about the situation (ie. Gailey and Nix), the backfield is TOO FULL...Somebody has to go and Lynch is obviously the most likely because outside of Spiller he will bring the most value in return...It's really that simple...And I think despite your wishes for us to see, most folks who want to move Lynch see things VERY clearly... B-)


    Bottom line: we're not going to the Super Bowl this year -- we are rebuilding. You even admit that ML would be VERY successful somewhere else. CJ is not a future every down RB. Fred had a 1000 yard season (thanks to the last game padding - hate to take away from him but making a point), and ML had 2! before that and is only 24 years old. Get rid of Marshawn, and next year will be Freddie's last year, then what? CJ can't do it alone back there, he's not that kind of back. Marshawn and Spiller need to be our Pierre Thomas/Reggie Bush.


    Moving Lynch, especially for 3rd round pick or worse, MAKES NO SENSE.

  4. Agreed, Fred won this job last year and proved himself. He will be getting the majority of the carries. Lynch was just being showcased as trade bait. Although, he does have great talent, he needs to work on finding the holes.


    That's so far from the truth.


    Johnny Two Times!!--Nice!


    Anyway, what did you guys think BB was going to say?


    Maybe....maybe he is propping up Lynch so Gailey will "feature" him Sunday, and the Pats will treat ML to another 60 yard/2.3 ypc performance.


    17 carriers for 64 yards with NO Oline and you're mocking his performance?? And it's 3.8 ypc --

  5. I know he was all too kind to us during his press conference, but I love what he has to say about Lynch. I wish more people on TSW would begin to see what he sees -- if we lose him he'll be scoring TD's in the playoffs in no time...



    Q: What's the difference in your eyes between what C.J. Spiller and Marshawn Lynch can do?


    BB: They're both very good, explosive guys that can take the ball the distance. I'd say, Lynch really can play on all downs and all situations. I don't really see anything he can't do and do well – run inside, run outside. [He] runs around and through tacklers. [He] catches the ball well. I'd say Spiller is more of a space player. He's better out in the open field. He's real good out in the open field returning, screens, draws, loose plays and things like that. He's very fast, very dangerous, very elusive. Lynch is a powerful guy. You see him breaking tackles by defensive lineman, running through them, not just DBs. He runs through a lot of tackles on everybody. Pound for pound he's got to be one of the strongest players in the league with good balance.



    (nothing too surprising on Fitz)


    Q: Do they look different with Ryan Fitzpatrick in there at quarterback?


    BB: Yeah, he's a little different player. He's a little different player. [He's] a strong-armed guy, [can] get the ball down the field. [He has] a little more experience. He's been in a couple different systems. [He's a] smart guy, handles himself well. He's a good quarterback. We had a hard time with him last year there.

  6. I know I am in the minority, but my feeling is many on this board use a Safety as the scapegoat. its borderline ridiculous how you hate on Whitner. The dude at least has passion for playing. Look at some of the other bums on this team like Lynch, Edwards, 2 high school Tackles, no true defensive end, and it always goes back to Whitner. That is a complete joke. A SS will never win championships (in rare cases if u get lucky with an Ed Reed or Ronnie Lott type). This team should have been drafting in the trenches all al along, not Whitners fault at all. This board gets sick of Whitner's talking, but then get annoyed with Trent because he has not responded about his benching. Donte is not half as bad as this board indicates. Huff was drafted just as high and has done nothing with the Raiders in the same draft. I will take Whitner.


    Lynch is a bum now? Not a bad post except for that horrible, horrible comment.

  7. What in Sullivan's article is off target I ask all of the Bills fan in denial?


    Factually, where is he wrong?


    Note: I was on the "Sully is a negative SOB" bandwagon all preseason. Up until everything he claimed came true and I looked like a horses ass for defending the franchise.


    He was wrong about there not being a true open competition in training camp and pre-season.

  8. Trent is our best option? Based on what? Brohm played one game for the Bills last season, and looked no worse than Edwards did in the first two games this season. Fitzpatrick took the job from Edwards last season, why can't he do the same this year?


    What the hell has Edwards shown the last two season to make anyone believe that Edwards should be on the field in the "interest of growth and the future?"


    There is no way in hell that Edwards has anything to do with the future of this franchise, unless the goal of the franchise is to be the 32nd rated pass offense in the NFL season after season.


    He's 14-18 as a starter, who has shown signs in the past. Fitz is 11-18 as a starter, and older with more balls but a weaker arm and less accuracy. Don't get my post wrong - I hate watching TE, but OF OUR 3 he's the best IMO.

  9. How else do you explain keeping Edwards in the game today, or last week for that matter. There is such a lack of production from the QB that it's disheartening for everyone else. How do you not just chuck the ball downfield on 3rd and 4th and longs?!? Trent is a complete Liability. I was watching with a Packers fan and he was laughing at the Bills whenever Trent would have adequate time to get rid of it and he's just eat it..or he would run out of bounds. Also, showcasing Lynch was quite obviously a way to make him marketable for the Pack. The O-line stinks and we are devoid of Talent but don't Tell me Fitz is not a better QB than Trent. It's not even close in my book. Also, Freddie J should be the starting RB, period. Just move Lynch out and play Jackson and Spiller.

    IMO, the Bills are playing to lose, not to win. Maybe that's the plan in the grand scheme of things. Can you imagine how they're gonna sell that Toronto game? ugh. They will have to truck in thousands of Bears fans.


    Edwards is better than Fitz. Agreed Fitz has his moments, but he has no business being in the game if we serious about rebuilding for the future.


    Lynch is better than Jackson, with a MUCH better future. How soon we forget he is 24 with 2 1K rushing seasons.


    The Bills aren't tanking games.


    You are delusional after a tough loss. Sleep it off.

  10. Alright everyone count to ten...Trent is our best option to be on the field in the interest of growth and the future -- Brohm couldn't show anything when he had the chance, and Fitz isn't the future and is just as bad as Trent, with bigger guts to make throws down the field I know. So we need to be patient and have faith in Chan to work with him as best he can, and then trade/draft for our next QB next year. We are in rebuilding mode and just played on the road against a Super Bowl contender.


    That said -- Our OLine maybe the worst but it jumps up 5 or 6 spots if we get rid of Green. Bell is going to be our man for the future and is showing great signs.

  11. There was some talk last week about how Trent Edwards was too quick to leave the pocket and how there were a bunch of times that he could have stepped up into that pocket to buy time. I really think some of y'all should look at things a little closer today before making such statements. Watching a game from a traditional lateral angle, it can be difficult to tell what's going on in the interior of the OLine unless you're really looking for it. What might look like a pocket behind the OT you're staring at might actually only be a briefly appearing bit of space about to be filled by a guy looping under on a stunt or a guy gradually pushing an interior OLineman into the space where the QB needs to step or even an optical illusion created by viewing a two dimensional image from that side angle.

    While there was a couple times that Trent took off too early because he knows his OLine can't protect consistently for more than a couple seconds, the vast majority of the time that imaginary pocket simply did not exist. For those of you who have already made up your minds what happened before the ball was even snapped, nothing is going to change your perspective. But those of you who actually want to know what's going on, watch that pocket with the understanding that you're looking at a lateral angle and with the anticipation of what that space is going to look like a couple seconds after the QB hits his drop, not right when he hits it. Understanding this and keeping it in mind will give you a much more realistic idea of what's actually going on out there, which will hopefully be much different from last week.


    Great post. Is it just me, or are we giving away our gameplan that we will be running the ball more this week. Doesn't that mean more stacked boxes and the need to throw the ball -- which means we're back to square one where we were last week, trying to get Trent passes to keep the D honest. I've very worried of a repeat offensive week.

  12. Sorry - probably could have added a comment vs. a new topic but oh well.. Here are my takeaways, and overall I'm a bit more optimistic.


    1. It seems the play calling didn't offer as many chances to throw downfield as I first thought. IMO he missed 3-4 opp's to throw downfield rather than the 10-11 it seemed like while watching on Sunday. I feel like blaming TE a little less, and the OL and Chan a bit more. He threw it down there more than I remember. Once was great on 2nd and 20 in the 2nd I think but Andy held. His interview today on BB.COM makes more sense now when he was asked about throwing down field more.


    2. Cornell Green not only got beat a lot, but was JUMPY!! Had a huge offsides in the 4th, and got away with 2 more that I noticed.


    3. The 1st play from scrimmage was well put together - TE had a horrible pass to Fred on a great play call. And in the 1st Q Spiller looked great on a couple carries. Why did we stop that? On the draw play where he got tackled right away, I'm wondering if he was ready or if there was a play call mishap.


    4. Our run D seems to give up minimum 4 yards per play. Why didn't Miami run more?


    5. Did we have any run plays that weren't out of a shotgun? I don't remember more than 2.


    6. I hate Chan's fake pitch play/counter -- they showed that every pre season game and Miami shut it down.


    7. Fosano's almost TD against Poz was embarrassing. He put a little juke move on him and that was it. Poz played great but tight end's over the middle will kill us this year unless we change something.


    8. Maybin celebrated on a couple routine plays again but got swallowed up by their OL. Once he broke through that I saw but nothing happened.


    9. Lynch arguably had the best run of the day but I think all 3 would have on that play. I wish he could get more traditional carries. He should be our 1st and 2nd down back IMO.


    10. I still got nervous watching the ending and was on the edge of my seat -- like it was going to be different?



    With all of this - I think we're going to bounce back with a much better offensive effort. Like last year vs. the Saints, we'll be in it until the end.

  13. Why are there no threads to trade Jackson? I love the guy but he's on the wrong side of 30 and Lynch is only 24 or 25. Also, Spiller and Lynch would compliment each other better than Freddie and Spiller.


    I have a better idea, let's keep all three of them...Which is what we are going to do.




    I think this is a completely reasonable thought. McKelvin is ready to be the starter. The Bills desperately need a playmaker at WR. Salaries might not match up that well but dumping McGee's salary will help offset Jackson's salary demands.


    after one game I wouldn't be so quick to throw out McGee for Leodis...McGee has more than proven himself, Leodis hasn't.

  14. He was a leader in last year's MNF game. Beyond that game, I can't think of many others where he wasn't crapping his pants when we played a decent team. How can the guys in the locker room follow him into battle? I love to route for the guy and I'm not a hater (I don't think), but I'd like to spend a little more time in my life not being mathamatically eliminated - so he needs to change or be changed.


    Just looked up teams that we beat over the years with TE as QB:


    2007: Jets, Ravens, Jets, Skins, Dolphins

    2008: Seakhawks, Jags, Raiders, Rams, Chargers, Chiefs, Broncos (nice year vs AFC West btw)

    2009: Bucs, Jets



    # of teams we beat with TE that were .500+ teams: 2 (2007 SKins, 2009 Jets)


    He's young and after this year we can't try to compare him to Brees and his start -- I'm rooting for him and def. think he's our best option. Throw it down the field baby!!

  15. Great observations, I would add that the coaching/playcalling was piss-poor this game. Where are the scripted plays to start off the game and give Trent some confidence, which he needs in a bad way if he should continue to start. I don't really have much faith in the other two stooges we have at QB either. Our depth really is frightening on offense.


    I really liked the play of Florence and McKelvin, great intensity and tough tackling. Didn't see much of McGee but I'm guessing that's a good thing for a DB. Overall, I loved the play of the Defense, albeit against a weak Miami offense and gameplan, bend but don't break describes them perfectly. However, I did see quite a few missed tackles and poor attempts at tackles throughout the game, back to teaching the basics for some of our players?


    I thought the 1st play from scrimmage was drawn up well. Trent just threw a 70 mph pass to Freddie 2 yards away.

  16. Just realized he had 8 tackles and 1 sack in the 1st half alone. Is it a conditioning problem, freak coincidences, or is he simply too fragile for his job? What do we do? We obviously can't trade him with his injury issues, but when healthy he "could" be an elite LB in the NFL. Thoughts?

  17. I agree. I just wish they'd go straight to Brohm, though. Fitz has already shown what he's capable of ... which is the same thing Edwards is capable of.


    Teams like to play down to the Bills for some reason. Look at the Saints game last year. Spiller may break free this time, and I'm still somewhat confident in Chan's ability to adjust and our D holding strong against the pass.


    GB 17 Bills 14

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